Second presidential debate will be virtual. Trump says he isn't wasting his time.

Should Biden & Trump refuse this format and just postpone?

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Yah, it would give Rump the chance to expand his Covid Distribution to yet another group. What's next, does he bring in the Flesh Eating Bacteria People to hug everyone? So far, the only ones that are being affected are his own people.

Okay, all kidding aside. Sounds to me like Rump is the one that doesn't want the debate. With his medical condition, no one in their right mind wants to be within a mile of his Covid Distributing group. That means the Virtual is just about all that's left. But if he doesn't do a good showing in a debate, he's lost anyway. So he's looking for just about every way to not make it happen. I suggest that they don't allow him to get out of it without him outright refusing.
They could send Pence in to debate Biden instead.

Then Rump needs to decide that he isn't running and allow Pence to run instead. You are all in or all out.

coward? its your asswipe that wont show up---virtual? puppetteers pulling XIDEN are delusional

Odd but It sounded like Trump saying he wouldn't show up.
Isn’t it already slanted to hello biden enough? What are you afraid of?
It is? How? Because it involves humans watching?
No because biden won’t answer questions Americans want to know and he knows it .. he’s cheating
No candidate is forced to answer questions. How the fuck is that slanted towards Biden?
Your catching on lol haha
A virtual debate would be a disaster to T
Biden could lie and lie and they would cut off T

If Rump wants to do nothing but disrupt then he gets cutoff. I still vote for shock colors, fire hoses with mustard gas as a backup.
I bet Joe will be in in a full COVID garb. He may even put up a piece of plexiglass between him and the camera just to be safe. That would certainly impress the sheep that vote for him.
That won't be will be a teleprompter!
Yah, it would give Rump the chance to expand his Covid Distribution to yet another group. What's next, does he bring in the Flesh Eating Bacteria People to hug everyone? So far, the only ones that are being affected are his own people.

Okay, all kidding aside. Sounds to me like Rump is the one that doesn't want the debate. With his medical condition, no one in their right mind wants to be within a mile of his Covid Distributing group. That means the Virtual is just about all that's left. But if he doesn't do a good showing in a debate, he's lost anyway. So he's looking for just about every way to not make it happen. I suggest that they don't allow him to get out of it without him outright refusing.
The 15th is safely outside the 14-day quarantine window.

The commievirus hysteria was old hat before Memorial Day...Go rent a pair, if you can't grow 'em.
Impeached Trump says he got it on the 1st. That's 14 days out, not "safely outside."
The problem is no one can trust Trump, on getting two negative covid tests prior to the event, because he and his doctor have lied to us.....and because he was suppose to be tested prior to the last debate, but wasn't, and he came to the debate, infected with the virus, in the contagious stage.

They would need an independent technician giving the test and an independent lab, giving the result of the tests, to be trusted.... the "honor system" doesn't apply to Trump, as he showed clearly, on the last debate.
No, demagoguing democrats don't trust Trump....The guy could walk on water and you creeps would howl about how he can't swim.

He would try and hire Jesus to walk on water dressed in an ill fitting suit, red tie and an orange wig. When that falls through he would use his Bone Spur as an excuse why he can't do it again. But he would have an entire troop of Cult45s that claim they saw it.
I would like to see a real debate. And this time tell Chris christie not to help Trump prepare. He told Trump to beligerant and try to get Biden off message. All that did was for Biden to tell him to SHUT UP and everyone thought he had the right to say that to an obnoxious president.

I'm getting ready to lose this election.
Yah, it would give Rump the chance to expand his Covid Distribution to yet another group. What's next, does he bring in the Flesh Eating Bacteria People to hug everyone? So far, the only ones that are being affected are his own people.

Okay, all kidding aside. Sounds to me like Rump is the one that doesn't want the debate. With his medical condition, no one in their right mind wants to be within a mile of his Covid Distributing group. That means the Virtual is just about all that's left. But if he doesn't do a good showing in a debate, he's lost anyway. So he's looking for just about every way to not make it happen. I suggest that they don't allow him to get out of it without him outright refusing.
The 15th is safely outside the 14-day quarantine window.

The commievirus hysteria was old hat before Memorial Day...Go rent a pair, if you can't grow 'em.
Impeached Trump says he got it on the 1st. That's 14 days out, not "safely outside."
The problem is no one can trust Trump, on getting two negative covid tests prior to the event, because he and his doctor have lied to us.....and because he was suppose to be tested prior to the last debate, but wasn't, and he came to the debate, infected with the virus, in the contagious stage.

They would need an independent technician giving the test and an independent lab, giving the result of the tests, to be trusted.... the "honor system" doesn't apply to Trump, as he showed clearly, on the last debate.

Yep, it would need to be an independent lab with a negative result on two successive days for both COVIDS and Roids. I trust Dr Conley as far as I can throw him. First of all, he isn't qualified in the slightest on the subject of pandemics and he has already admitted to us that he lied to paint a rosier picture.

NOW, he claims that there is evidence of antibodies in Donald's system. Well duh, if you are doing antibody cocktails, that's a damn good bet. :icon_rolleyes:

Speaking of Drug Test. Those Antibodies are probably residue from the Rich Man's Opium called Heroin.
Yah, it would give Rump the chance to expand his Covid Distribution to yet another group. What's next, does he bring in the Flesh Eating Bacteria People to hug everyone? So far, the only ones that are being affected are his own people.

Okay, all kidding aside. Sounds to me like Rump is the one that doesn't want the debate. With his medical condition, no one in their right mind wants to be within a mile of his Covid Distributing group. That means the Virtual is just about all that's left. But if he doesn't do a good showing in a debate, he's lost anyway. So he's looking for just about every way to not make it happen. I suggest that they don't allow him to get out of it without him outright refusing.
The 15th is safely outside the 14-day quarantine window.

The commievirus hysteria was old hat before Memorial Day...Go rent a pair, if you can't grow 'em.
Impeached Trump says he got it on the 1st. That's 14 days out, not "safely outside."
The problem is no one can trust Trump, on getting two negative covid tests prior to the event, because he and his doctor have lied to us.....and because he was suppose to be tested prior to the last debate, but wasn't, and he came to the debate, infected with the virus, in the contagious stage.

They would need an independent technician giving the test and an independent lab, giving the result of the tests, to be trusted.... the "honor system" doesn't apply to Trump, as he showed clearly, on the last debate.
No, demagoguing democrats don't trust Trump....The guy could walk on water and you creeps would howl about how he can't swim.
He hasn't given any reason to trust him oddball, he lies too much... and that is a real danger to our nation, to have a president that can not speak, without telling a lie of some sort...

And the danger and downfall of that is much like the boy who cried wolf story.... when the wolf actually does show up, no one will believe him.

And when you find out the wolf is the same one that yelled "Wolf, Wolf, Wolf" so you would no longer look for the wolf when he really did show up.
Yah, it would give Rump the chance to expand his Covid Distribution to yet another group. What's next, does he bring in the Flesh Eating Bacteria People to hug everyone? So far, the only ones that are being affected are his own people.

Okay, all kidding aside. Sounds to me like Rump is the one that doesn't want the debate. With his medical condition, no one in their right mind wants to be within a mile of his Covid Distributing group. That means the Virtual is just about all that's left. But if he doesn't do a good showing in a debate, he's lost anyway. So he's looking for just about every way to not make it happen. I suggest that they don't allow him to get out of it without him outright refusing.
They could send Pence in to debate Biden instead.

Call in the flies. They can land on Mikey's head and die of boredom and hairspray. :laughing0301:

Black flies matter.

What about the Brown Flies? Don't they matter? Or do we need to catch all the flies, paint them white to make the matter.
Yah, it would give Rump the chance to expand his Covid Distribution to yet another group. What's next, does he bring in the Flesh Eating Bacteria People to hug everyone? So far, the only ones that are being affected are his own people.

Okay, all kidding aside. Sounds to me like Rump is the one that doesn't want the debate. With his medical condition, no one in their right mind wants to be within a mile of his Covid Distributing group. That means the Virtual is just about all that's left. But if he doesn't do a good showing in a debate, he's lost anyway. So he's looking for just about every way to not make it happen. I suggest that they don't allow him to get out of it without him outright refusing.
The 15th is safely outside the 14-day quarantine window.

The commievirus hysteria was old hat before Memorial Day...Go rent a pair, if you can't grow 'em.
Impeached Trump says he got it on the 1st. That's 14 days out, not "safely outside."
The problem is no one can trust Trump, on getting two negative covid tests prior to the event, because he and his doctor have lied to us.....and because he was suppose to be tested prior to the last debate, but wasn't, and he came to the debate, infected with the virus, in the contagious stage.

They would need an independent technician giving the test and an independent lab, giving the result of the tests, to be trusted.... the "honor system" doesn't apply to Trump, as he showed clearly, on the last debate.
No, demagoguing democrats don't trust Trump....The guy could walk on water and you creeps would howl about how he can't swim.
When in reality, he drowns and you yahoos claim he's walking on water.

He doesn't drown. And it looks like he's walking on water. But if you look below the surface, you will see a long line of people that drown to try and keep him afloat.
Yah, it would give Rump the chance to expand his Covid Distribution to yet another group. What's next, does he bring in the Flesh Eating Bacteria People to hug everyone? So far, the only ones that are being affected are his own people.

Okay, all kidding aside. Sounds to me like Rump is the one that doesn't want the debate. With his medical condition, no one in their right mind wants to be within a mile of his Covid Distributing group. That means the Virtual is just about all that's left. But if he doesn't do a good showing in a debate, he's lost anyway. So he's looking for just about every way to not make it happen. I suggest that they don't allow him to get out of it without him outright refusing.
They could send Pence in to debate Biden instead.

Call in the flies. They can land on Mikey's head and die of boredom and hairspray. :laughing0301:

Black flies matter.

What about the Brown Flies? Don't they matter? Or do we need to catch all the flies, paint them white to make the matter.

ALL FLIES MATTER - Even the white ones!

I agree with Trump on this. It would be a bad decision to agree to this. He is going to have a rally instead and I bet it is more effective than a virtual debate. That's a recipe for a silver platter situation for Biden.

The last Town Hall had Biden supporters shown as "Independents". This one would be a teleprompter for him and the mods cutting him off.

Oh, and anyone who supports Communist China at the expense of their own country, go F yourselves and have a Blessed day!

Second Trump-Biden debate will be virtual, organizers say

President Trump, in his first interview since his positive coronavirus test, told Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo on Thursday that he will not participate in the next debate, just minutes after the Commission on Presidential Debates announced the showdown, slated for Oct. 15, will be virtual.

The CPD announced early Tuesday that "the second presidential debate will take the form of a town meeting, in which the candidates would participate from separate remote locations." Steve Scully of C-SPAN is still set to moderate the second presidential debate from Miami.

But, in a Fox Business interview Thursday, the president said he would not take part in a virtual debate.

"The commission changed the debate style and that's not acceptable to us," Trump said on "Mornings with Maria." "I beat him in the first debate, I beat him easily."

The president added that he expected to "beat him in the second debate also."

"I'm not going to do a virtual debate," Trump went on. "I’m not going to waste my time at a virtual debate."

The president said he wasn't going to "sit at a computer" to debate, calling it "ridiculous."

"They're trying to protect Biden," Trump said. "Everybody is."
They already have virtual debates back and forth every day online with their attack ads and tweets and interviews, so as he said why bother, there will be nothing new. Biden is so far out of touch with what's going on due to his media source and information staff that he actually never heard of operation warp speed and thinks Trump isn't rushing vaccines (according to his comments) .
Biden doesn't even know about risk taking manufacturing the vaccines before approval, so they will be ready day one upon approval instead of waiting months like stupid people like himself would do.

And Biden is winning that. Rump needs to do something. So far, everything he's done in the last couple of months has just sunk him even further. It's too close to the end to rely on circumstances to pull his bacon out. He is trying to create circumstances but his attempts just dig the hole deeper. I don't have the answer at this point for Rump.
They can't deal with anything negative on their side of the aisle.
Do you mean never trumper RINO washington swamp rats who can‘t live with the fact that a rank beginner beat them at their own game?
You'd be thinking wrongly
Sorry, but whiteflies are not actual flies



Whiteflies are soft-bodied, winged insects closely related to aphids and mealybugs. Despite their name, whiteflies are not a type of fly, though they do have wings and are capable of flying.
You'd be thinking wrongly
Sorry, but whiteflies are not actual flies

View attachment 398789


Whiteflies are soft-bodied, winged insects closely related to aphids and mealybugs. Despite their name, whiteflies are not a type of fly, though they do have wings and are capable of flying.

Oh for the love of God man. Picky Picky - And yet they are named WHITEFLIES.
But thanks for the clarification.

coward? its your asswipe that wont show up---virtual? puppetteers pulling XIDEN are delusional

Odd but It sounded like Trump saying he wouldn't show up.
Isn’t it already slanted to hello biden enough? What are you afraid of?

No, it's not slanted, and your silly accusation is just pathetic.
Reallyyyyy .. when has Biden or Harris been asked if they’re going to pack the court? End the fillaBuster, end fracking ? Fact checked, green new deal,, who pays for the new free deal? I’ll wait
Or why she called biden a racist and a rapist and no Longer believes it?
Amusing how Trumptards keep whining how Biden will 'pack the courts' considering that's exactly what Trump is doing now.
Trump added more than 9 judges?? Link?

Turtle boy refused to even consider voting on Obama's choices for federal judges, and left a large number of positions open for Trump to fill. Merrick Garland wasn't the only judge who had his seat stolen by the right.
View attachment 398710
Why would they Obama’s time was up trump has 4 more years

No dumb ass. Look up the last judge Obama nominated that received a hearing, and you will see how long the repubs blocked his choices.
BOO-HOO---blah, blah, blah--get over yourself. the sitting pres is obligated to appoint according to the constitution---you remember that, right?

The obligation is no different now than it was for the last president. Can you think of a single reason it should be handled differently than it was with the last president?

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