Second presidential debate will be virtual. Trump says he isn't wasting his time.

Should Biden & Trump refuse this format and just postpone?

  • Yes!

  • No!

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Trump can't over talk and interrupt Biden in a virtual debate so hell no he doesn't want one.
How would he get infected?
everybody knows that one..

So stand 14 feet away

coward? its your asswipe that wont show up---virtual? puppetteers pulling XIDEN are delusional

Odd but It sounded like Trump saying he wouldn't show up.
Isn’t it already slanted to hello biden enough? What are you afraid of?

No, it's not slanted, and your silly accusation is just pathetic.
Reallyyyyy .. when has Biden or Harris been asked if they’re going to pack the court? End the fillaBuster, end fracking ? Fact checked, green new deal,, who pays for the new free deal? I’ll wait
Or why she called biden a racist and a rapist and no Longer believes it?
Amusing how Trumptards keep whining how Biden will 'pack the courts' considering that's exactly what Trump is doing now.
Trump added more than 9 judges?? Link?

Turtle boy refused to even consider voting on Obama's choices for federal judges, and left a large number of positions open for Trump to fill. Merrick Garland wasn't the only judge who had his seat stolen by the right.
View attachment 398710
Why would they Obama’s time was up trump has 4 more years

coward? its your asswipe that wont show up---virtual? puppetteers pulling XIDEN are delusional

Odd but It sounded like Trump saying he wouldn't show up.
Isn’t it already slanted to hello biden enough? What are you afraid of?

No, it's not slanted, and your silly accusation is just pathetic.
Reallyyyyy .. when has Biden or Harris been asked if they’re going to pack the court? End the fillaBuster, end fracking ? Fact checked, green new deal,, who pays for the new free deal? I’ll wait
Or why she called biden a racist and a rapist and no Longer believes it?

Calm down meat-curtain. Trump was the one who set that bar. When he was asked about all the information he claimed to have gotten from Hawaii, he said he just wasn't going to discuss that any more, and he got away with it. Don't you think that is a valid answer now? Why not?
Why won’t these moderators ask these questions and demand an answer?
most Americans have never heard of the green new deal why don’t they explain it why don’t they explain that you’re going to have to renovate your house is in the money it’s gonna cost? The fuck we’re not gonna have airplanes or cows.. America needs to know what the Hells going on.. california’s going to ban cars that use fuel? Lol hellooo poor ppl with kids..

Wow. You're off the deep end, aren't you?
No that’s the democrat platform lol

Republicans don't even have a platform unless they decided on one this morning.

coward? its your asswipe that wont show up---virtual? puppetteers pulling XIDEN are delusional

Odd but It sounded like Trump saying he wouldn't show up.
Isn’t it already slanted to hello biden enough? What are you afraid of?

No, it's not slanted, and your silly accusation is just pathetic.
Reallyyyyy .. when has Biden or Harris been asked if they’re going to pack the court? End the fillaBuster, end fracking ? Fact checked, green new deal,, who pays for the new free deal? I’ll wait
Or why she called biden a racist and a rapist and no Longer believes it?

Calm down meat-curtain. Trump was the one who set that bar. When he was asked about all the information he claimed to have gotten from Hawaii, he said he just wasn't going to discuss that any more, and he got away with it. Don't you think that is a valid answer now? Why not?
Why won’t these moderators ask these questions and demand an answer?
most Americans have never heard of the green new deal why don’t they explain it why don’t they explain that you’re going to have to renovate your house is in the money it’s gonna cost? The fuck we’re not gonna have airplanes or cows.. America needs to know what the Hells going on.. california’s going to ban cars that use fuel? Lol hellooo poor ppl with kids..

Wow. You're off the deep end, aren't you?
No that’s the democrat platform lol

Republicans don't even have a platform unless they decided on one this morning.
Ohh the greatest economic times in American history is not a platform
Biden is the one who won’t show up. He needs to be in his basement so he can read a teleprompter.

Fascinating. Even though the Trump tream has announced Trump won't show, and the Biden team says Biden will show, the most hardcore of the Trump cultists are still clinging to their alternate version of reality.

But then, what else can they do? They've spent months declaring that anyone not showing for the debates is a coward, and that Biden wouldn't show, but now it's Trump who won't show for the debates. If they face reality, they have to admit Trump is a wrist-flapping beta-wimp coward, by their own standards.
Biden won’t show in person. He doesn’t believe social distancing and wearing a mask works apparently.

coward? its your asswipe that wont show up---virtual? puppetteers pulling XIDEN are delusional

Odd but It sounded like Trump saying he wouldn't show up.
Isn’t it already slanted to hello biden enough? What are you afraid of?

No, it's not slanted, and your silly accusation is just pathetic.
Reallyyyyy .. when has Biden or Harris been asked if they’re going to pack the court? End the fillaBuster, end fracking ? Fact checked, green new deal,, who pays for the new free deal? I’ll wait
Or why she called biden a racist and a rapist and no Longer believes it?
Amusing how Trumptards keep whining how Biden will 'pack the courts' considering that's exactly what Trump is doing now.
Trump added more than 9 judges?? Link?

Turtle boy refused to even consider voting on Obama's choices for federal judges, and left a large number of positions open for Trump to fill. Merrick Garland wasn't the only judge who had his seat stolen by the right.
View attachment 398710
Why would they Obama’s time was up trump has 4 more years

No dumb ass. Look up the last judge Obama nominated that received a hearing, and you will see how long the repubs blocked his choices.
Virtue signaling “for everyone’s good” on the Hoax does not work on Trump
First rigged election polls with fraudulent mail-in votes, now a rigged debate where Biden will be spoon fed answers just like Donna Brazile leaked CNN’s debate questions to Hillary Clinton. These people will stop at nothing to corrupt our system. Trump should nix these fraud attempts for what they are. The people of the US re not stupid; they see what is going on.

We get it. You hate Trump. Do you want people this running your country?

That is 100% Trump's fault. He didn't take the virus seriously and got it. You better hope it doesn't come out that he was infectious when he walked into the debate hall last week.
The debate organizers made this decision. Not the candidates.

I get it. Trump is your savior. The entire world is against him.
Unfortunately, as always, he's his own worst enemy...because he's a corrupt, incompetent moron.
we get it, BEIJING XIDEN is your savior and you will bow down when told to do so---we see that---XIDEN is not going to run AMERICA anywhere , but in the ground you idiot---wake up---BAARRAG o , BEIJING XIDEN, fat pig hillarry are the treasonists, dick, and GOD willing they will pay dearly. if your belief is the demonrats, you are just as guilty

Forgot your meds to today, huh?
No worries. Give it 24 hours. I'm sure Trump will change his mind.
Biden is the one who won’t show up. He needs to be in his basement so he can read a teleprompter.

Fascinating. Even though the Trump tream has announced Trump won't show, and the Biden team says Biden will show, the most hardcore of the Trump cultists are still clinging to their alternate version of reality.

But then, what else can they do? They've spent months declaring that anyone not showing for the debates is a coward, and that Biden wouldn't show, but now it's Trump who won't show for the debates. If they face reality, they have to admit Trump is a wrist-flapping beta-wimp coward, by their own standards.
Biden won’t show in person. He doesn’t believe social distancing and wearing a mask works apparently.
To the surprise of no one, you idiots are coming to Trump’s knee jerk defense over this. A virtual debate, oh no! What a joke! Why is it a joke? You don’t know. Trump simply doesn’t want to do it. That’s enough apparently.

coward? its your asswipe that wont show up---virtual? puppetteers pulling XIDEN are delusional

Odd but It sounded like Trump saying he wouldn't show up.
Isn’t it already slanted to hello biden enough? What are you afraid of?

No, it's not slanted, and your silly accusation is just pathetic.
Reallyyyyy .. when has Biden or Harris been asked if they’re going to pack the court? End the fillaBuster, end fracking ? Fact checked, green new deal,, who pays for the new free deal? I’ll wait
Or why she called biden a racist and a rapist and no Longer believes it?
Amusing how Trumptards keep whining how Biden will 'pack the courts' considering that's exactly what Trump is doing now.
with more than 9 seated, retard
Biden is the one who won’t show up. He needs to be in his basement so he can read a teleprompter.

Fascinating. Even though the Trump tream has announced Trump won't show, and the Biden team says Biden will show, the most hardcore of the Trump cultists are still clinging to their alternate version of reality.

But then, what else can they do? They've spent months declaring that anyone not showing for the debates is a coward, and that Biden wouldn't show, but now it's Trump who won't show for the debates. If they face reality, they have to admit Trump is a wrist-flapping beta-wimp coward, by their own standards.
Biden won’t show in person. He doesn’t believe social distancing and wearing a mask works apparently.
To the surprise of no one, you idiots are coming to Trump’s knee jerk defense over this. A virtual debate, oh no! What a joke! Why is it a joke? You don’t know. Trump simply doesn’t want to do it. That’s enough apparently.
lying cheating puppetteers----thats the problem.
First rigged election polls with fraudulent mail-in votes, now a rigged debate where Biden will be spoon fed answers just like Donna Brazile leaked CNN’s debate questions to Hillary Clinton. These people will stop at nothing to corrupt our system. Trump should nix these fraud attempts for what they are. The people of the US re not stupid; they see what is going on.

We get it. You hate Trump. Do you want people this running your country?

That is 100% Trump's fault. He didn't take the virus seriously and got it. You better hope it doesn't come out that he was infectious when he walked into the debate hall last week.
The debate organizers made this decision. Not the candidates.

I get it. Trump is your savior. The entire world is against him.
Unfortunately, as always, he's his own worst enemy...because he's a corrupt, incompetent moron.
we get it, BEIJING XIDEN is your savior and you will bow down when told to do so---we see that---XIDEN is not going to run AMERICA anywhere , but in the ground you idiot---wake up---BAARRAG o , BEIJING XIDEN, fat pig hillarry are the treasonists, dick, and GOD willing they will pay dearly. if your belief is the demonrats, you are just as guilty

Forgot your meds to today, huh?
No worries. Give it 24 hours. I'm sure Trump will change his mind.
dont need meds, but with whats coming out of your mind--xanex might work for you

No point in having it then imo. Too easy to cheat and just parrot an answer that someone else is feeding you.

Edit: apparently Trump agrees because he told Fox he wasn't going to waste his time in a phone interview.

If it's to protect the people why are they still letting the moderator and audience gather together?

He agreed to it. He should go.

That being's good news for Biden if Trump doesn't show up to these joint appearances. Less chance for Biden the gaffe machine to screw up.

It plays into Biden's hands.

coward? its your asswipe that wont show up---virtual? puppetteers pulling XIDEN are delusional

Odd but It sounded like Trump saying he wouldn't show up.
Isn’t it already slanted to hello biden enough? What are you afraid of?

No, it's not slanted, and your silly accusation is just pathetic.
Reallyyyyy .. when has Biden or Harris been asked if they’re going to pack the court? End the fillaBuster, end fracking ? Fact checked, green new deal,, who pays for the new free deal? I’ll wait
Or why she called biden a racist and a rapist and no Longer believes it?
Amusing how Trumptards keep whining how Biden will 'pack the courts' considering that's exactly what Trump is doing now.
Trump added more than 9 judges?? Link?

Turtle boy refused to even consider voting on Obama's choices for federal judges, and left a large number of positions open for Trump to fill. Merrick Garland wasn't the only judge who had his seat stolen by the right.
View attachment 398710
Why would they Obama’s time was up trump has 4 more years

No dumb ass. Look up the last judge Obama nominated that received a hearing, and you will see how long the repubs blocked his choices.
BOO-HOO---blah, blah, blah--get over yourself. the sitting pres is obligated to appoint according to the constitution---you remember that, right?

coward? its your asswipe that wont show up---virtual? puppetteers pulling XIDEN are delusional

Odd but It sounded like Trump saying he wouldn't show up.
Isn’t it already slanted to hello biden enough? What are you afraid of?

No, it's not slanted, and your silly accusation is just pathetic.
Reallyyyyy .. when has Biden or Harris been asked if they’re going to pack the court? End the fillaBuster, end fracking ? Fact checked, green new deal,, who pays for the new free deal? I’ll wait
Or why she called biden a racist and a rapist and no Longer believes it?
Amusing how Trumptards keep whining how Biden will 'pack the courts' considering that's exactly what Trump is doing now.
Trump added more than 9 judges?? Link?

Turtle boy refused to even consider voting on Obama's choices for federal judges, and left a large number of positions open for Trump to fill. Merrick Garland wasn't the only judge who had his seat stolen by the right.
View attachment 398710
Why would they Obama’s time was up trump has 4 more years

No dumb ass. Look up the last judge Obama nominated that received a hearing, and you will see how long the repubs blocked his choices.
BOO-HOO---blah, blah, blah--get over yourself. the sitting pres is obligated to appoint according to the constitution---you remember that, right?
Read his post's about what the republicans did after Obama fulfilled his obligation according to the constitution. One set of rules when a democrat is in the White House another when it's a Republican.
After reading this thread I will give my opinion and I feel that Trump and Biden shouldn’t do any further debating between each other...


Most Americans have already made their minds up on who they will vote for and those that claim to be undecided are lying and know who they will vote for in November, so why do another debate and waste time and resources?

If Pence and Harris want to step in on that date and do another debate then maybe that would be the better alternative seeing one of them will be President in the next four year especially Harris...

Just the way I look at it...
Hey Trumptards, if you’re going to make the knee jerk accusation that this is evidence the commission is going to cheat in Biden’s favor, what was stopping them from doing that in the prior debate?

coward? its your asswipe that wont show up---virtual? puppetteers pulling XIDEN are delusional

Odd but It sounded like Trump saying he wouldn't show up.
Isn’t it already slanted to hello biden enough? What are you afraid of?

No, it's not slanted, and your silly accusation is just pathetic.
Reallyyyyy .. when has Biden or Harris been asked if they’re going to pack the court? End the fillaBuster, end fracking ? Fact checked, green new deal,, who pays for the new free deal? I’ll wait
Or why she called biden a racist and a rapist and no Longer believes it?
Amusing how Trumptards keep whining how Biden will 'pack the courts' considering that's exactly what Trump is doing now.
Trump added more than 9 judges?? Link?

Turtle boy refused to even consider voting on Obama's choices for federal judges, and left a large number of positions open for Trump to fill. Merrick Garland wasn't the only judge who had his seat stolen by the right.
View attachment 398710
Why would they Obama’s time was up trump has 4 more years

No dumb ass. Look up the last judge Obama nominated that received a hearing, and you will see how long the repubs blocked his choices.
BOO-HOO---blah, blah, blah--get over yourself. the sitting pres is obligated to appoint according to the constitution---you remember that, right?
Read his post's about what the republicans did after Obama fulfilled his obligation according to the constitution. One set of rules when a democrat is in the White House another when it's a Republican.
and the demonrats initiated this practice. now that it has backfired, you idiots are whining....go figure---karma is great
After reading this thread I will give my opinion and I feel that Trump and Biden shouldn’t do any further debating between each other...


Most Americans have already made their minds up on who they will vote for and those that claim to be undecided are lying and know who they will vote for in November, so why do another debate and waste time and resources?

If Pence and Harris want to step in on that date and do another debate then maybe that would be the better alternative seeing one of them will be President in the next four year especially Harris...

Just the way I look at it...
Unless Biden takes a cue from how Harris handled Pence's attempt to emulate Trump. She shut him down. That might be an interesting debate.
Hey Trumptards, if you’re going to make the knee jerk accusation that this is evidence the commission is going to cheat in Biden’s favor, what was stopping them from doing that in the prior debate?
After reading this thread I will give my opinion and I feel that Trump and Biden shouldn’t do any further debating between each other...


Most Americans have already made their minds up on who they will vote for and those that claim to be undecided are lying and know who they will vote for in November, so why do another debate and waste time and resources?

If Pence and Harris want to step in on that date and do another debate then maybe that would be the better alternative seeing one of them will be President in the next four year especially Harris...

Just the way I look at it...
Unless Biden takes a cue from how Harris handled Pence's attempt to emulate Trump. She shut him down. That might be an interesting debate.
dont recall anything like that happening. go figure

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