Second presidential debate will be virtual. Trump says he isn't wasting his time.

Should Biden & Trump refuse this format and just postpone?

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After reading this thread I will give my opinion and I feel that Trump and Biden shouldn’t do any further debating between each other...


Most Americans have already made their minds up on who they will vote for and those that claim to be undecided are lying and know who they will vote for in November, so why do another debate and waste time and resources?

If Pence and Harris want to step in on that date and do another debate then maybe that would be the better alternative seeing one of them will be President in the next four year especially Harris...

Just the way I look at it...
Unless Biden takes a cue from how Harris handled Pence's attempt to emulate Trump. She shut him down. That might be an interesting debate.

You don’t back Baby in a corner and you will never be able to silence Trump and Harris could not do it...

In the end I would rather see another Pence and Harris debate seeing one of them will finish the next term as President...

No point in having it then imo. Too easy to cheat and just parrot an answer that someone else is feeding you.

Edit: apparently Trump agrees because he told Fox he wasn't going to waste his time in a phone interview.

If it's to protect the people why are they still letting the moderator and audience gather together?

It's much more about their ability to mute him....

He isn't gonna let them mute him

The rest doesn't matter next to that.
you know whats amazing, when a reply puts it back in the face of the demonrats, they stop commenting. enough said
All debates are a waste of time.
It is just a platform for the Dems to spew more hate, fear and lies.
Let Biden debate an empty chair.
He can't talk for 5 minutes without going of the rails.

The debates are too late anyway most have made up their minds and a debate won't change a thing.

I think undecided voters are down around 3-5% at present. Even if he won 80% of those undecideds, the way it looks now he'd still lose.

Yep, just no sense in continuing these debates.
All debates are a waste of time.
It is just a platform for the Dems to spew more hate, fear and lies.
Let Biden debate an empty chair.
He can't talk for 5 minutes without going of the rails.

The debates are too late anyway most have made up their minds and a debate won't change a thing.

I think undecided voters are down around 3-5% at present. Even if he won 80% of those undecideds, the way it looks now he'd still lose.

Yep, just no sense in continuing these debates.

America is still scarred for life by the LAST one! :)
I agree with Trump on this. It would be a bad decision to agree to this. He is going to have a rally instead and I bet it is more effective than a virtual debate. That's a recipe for a silver platter situation for Biden.

The last Town Hall had Biden supporters shown as "Independents". This one would be a teleprompter for him and the mods cutting him off.

Oh, and anyone who supports Communist China at the expense of their own country, go F yourselves and have a Blessed day!

Second Trump-Biden debate will be virtual, organizers say

President Trump, in his first interview since his positive coronavirus test, told Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo on Thursday that he will not participate in the next debate, just minutes after the Commission on Presidential Debates announced the showdown, slated for Oct. 15, will be virtual.

The CPD announced early Tuesday that "the second presidential debate will take the form of a town meeting, in which the candidates would participate from separate remote locations." Steve Scully of C-SPAN is still set to moderate the second presidential debate from Miami.

But, in a Fox Business interview Thursday, the president said he would not take part in a virtual debate.

"The commission changed the debate style and that's not acceptable to us," Trump said on "Mornings with Maria." "I beat him in the first debate, I beat him easily."

The president added that he expected to "beat him in the second debate also."

"I'm not going to do a virtual debate," Trump went on. "I’m not going to waste my time at a virtual debate."

The president said he wasn't going to "sit at a computer" to debate, calling it "ridiculous."

"They're trying to protect Biden," Trump said. "Everybody is."
You are Canadian. You are a nice guy, but nobody cares if you feel your time wasted on a US Presidential debate. I figure donnie just does not want to look like a maniac with his hair on fire again, right before the election.

No, the narcissist needs someone in the audience. This wasn't Biden's idea it was the debate commission after consulting Cleveland Clinic. If it was good enough for JFK and Nixon in 1960 it's good enough Trump and Biden.

So you don't want to watch the Town Hall venue?? You'd rather listen to someone on a computer??

Oh and you can bet Biden loves the idea. Someone will be right there to tell him what to say and no one will ever know. He would do great in that venue. The Town Hall venue, not so much.

I watched exactly 10 minutes of Trump and Biden last time and about 15 minutes of last night Pence and Harris and if one has not made up their minds by now they will probably not vote. Just a waste of air time and money.
Anyone ever see a school bully come up with a lame excuse to avoid a fight? This kind of looks like that.

Let him skip out then. Go ahead and whine about the debate rules. Either join the debate or chicken out. Fine with me either way.
If biden agrees to have trump observes present in his bunker to make sure he doent cheat trump might agree to a debate

but its obvious that the debate commission is in the democrats back pocket

It’s an independent organization that handles the debates.

You guys just like to complain. Always the victim complex. Everyone is out to get you.
Anything they don't like is automatically deemed Liberal, Democrat, or left. They can't deal with anything negative on their side of the aisle.

coward? its your asswipe that wont show up---virtual? puppetteers pulling XIDEN are delusional

Odd but It sounded like Trump saying he wouldn't show up.
Isn’t it already slanted to hello biden enough? What are you afraid of?
It is? How? Because it involves humans watching?

coward? its your asswipe that wont show up---virtual? puppetteers pulling XIDEN are delusional

Odd but It sounded like Trump saying he wouldn't show up.
Isn’t it already slanted to hello biden enough? What are you afraid of?

No, it's not slanted, and your silly accusation is just pathetic.
Reallyyyyy .. when has Biden or Harris been asked if they’re going to pack the court? End the fillaBuster, end fracking ? Fact checked, green new deal,, who pays for the new free deal? I’ll wait
<rhetorical>Are you nuts?</rhetorical>

Wait no more...

Chris Wallace: Mr. Vice President, if Senate Republicans, we were talking originally about the Supreme Court here, if Senate Republicans go ahead and confirm Justice Barrett there has been talk about ending the filibuster or even packing the court, adding to the nine justices there. You call this a distraction by the President. But, in fact, it wasn’t brought up by the President. It was brought up by some of your Democratic colleagues in the Congress. So my question to you is, you have refused in the past to talk about it, are you willing to tell the American tonight whether or not you will support either ending the filibuster or packing the court?
Chris Wallace: So, do you support the Green New Deal?

coward? its your asswipe that wont show up---virtual? puppetteers pulling XIDEN are delusional

Odd but It sounded like Trump saying he wouldn't show up.
Isn’t it already slanted to hello biden enough? What are you afraid of?
It is? How? Because it involves humans watching?
No because biden won’t answer questions Americans want to know and he knows it .. he’s cheating

coward? its your asswipe that wont show up---virtual? puppetteers pulling XIDEN are delusional

Odd but It sounded like Trump saying he wouldn't show up.
Isn’t it already slanted to hello biden enough? What are you afraid of?
It is? How? Because it involves humans watching?
No because biden won’t answer questions Americans want to know and he knows it .. he’s cheating
No candidate is forced to answer questions. How the fuck is that slanted towards Biden?

coward? its your asswipe that wont show up---virtual? puppetteers pulling XIDEN are delusional

Biden will be there. Impeached Trump...?

Anyone ever see a school bully come up with a lame excuse to avoid a fight? This kind of looks like that.

Let him skip out then. Go ahead and whine about the debate rules. Either join the debate or chicken out. Fine with me either way.
If biden agrees to have trump observes present in his bunker to make sure he doent cheat trump might agree to a debate

but its obvious that the debate commission is in the democrats back pocket

It’s an independent organization that handles the debates.

You guys just like to complain. Always the victim complex. Everyone is out to get you.
Anything they don't like is automatically deemed Liberal, Democrat, or left. They can't deal with anything negative on their side of the aisle.
you just described the evil, vile demonrats...

coward? its your asswipe that wont show up---virtual? puppetteers pulling XIDEN are delusional

Biden will be there. Impeached Trump...?

Anyone ever see a school bully come up with a lame excuse to avoid a fight? This kind of looks like that.

Let him skip out then. Go ahead and whine about the debate rules. Either join the debate or chicken out. Fine with me either way.
If biden agrees to have trump observes present in his bunker to make sure he doent cheat trump might agree to a debate

but its obvious that the debate commission is in the democrats back pocket

It’s an independent organization that handles the debates.

You guys just like to complain. Always the victim complex. Everyone is out to get you.
Anything they don't like is automatically deemed Liberal, Democrat, or left. They can't deal with anything negative on their side of the aisle.
you just described the evil, vile demonrats...
I agree with Trump on this. It would be a bad decision to agree to this. He is going to have a rally instead and I bet it is more effective than a virtual debate. That's a recipe for a silver platter situation for Biden.

The last Town Hall had Biden supporters shown as "Independents". This one would be a teleprompter for him and the mods cutting him off.

Oh, and anyone who supports Communist China at the expense of their own country, go F yourselves and have a Blessed day!

Second Trump-Biden debate will be virtual, organizers say

President Trump, in his first interview since his positive coronavirus test, told Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo on Thursday that he will not participate in the next debate, just minutes after the Commission on Presidential Debates announced the showdown, slated for Oct. 15, will be virtual.

The CPD announced early Tuesday that "the second presidential debate will take the form of a town meeting, in which the candidates would participate from separate remote locations." Steve Scully of C-SPAN is still set to moderate the second presidential debate from Miami.

But, in a Fox Business interview Thursday, the president said he would not take part in a virtual debate.

"The commission changed the debate style and that's not acceptable to us," Trump said on "Mornings with Maria." "I beat him in the first debate, I beat him easily."

The president added that he expected to "beat him in the second debate also."

"I'm not going to do a virtual debate," Trump went on. "I’m not going to waste my time at a virtual debate."

The president said he wasn't going to "sit at a computer" to debate, calling it "ridiculous."

"They're trying to protect Biden," Trump said. "Everybody is."
You are Canadian. You are a nice guy, but nobody cares if you feel your time wasted on a US Presidential debate. I figure donnie just does not want to look like a maniac with his hair on fire again, right before the election.

Nah. Trump is right. They should both be at the Town Hall in person. Trump excels at the Town Hall format. Biden? Not so much.

Virtual works well for Biden cause no one will be able to see the people feeding him answers and no one can search him for a wire like he had n the first debate.
I would not mind see the town hall format, if trump would submit to testing by the people putting on the debate, daily for 4 or 5 days before the event, but doubt trump would go for it and he was doing inside events and fund raiser without mask after he tested positive. He cannot be trusted not to do another super spreader situation. Heck, he is going to the office and taking chances with his own personnel. Definitely need to stay back from typhoid donnie.
I agree with Trump on this. It would be a bad decision to agree to this. He is going to have a rally instead and I bet it is more effective than a virtual debate. That's a recipe for a silver platter situation for Biden.

The last Town Hall had Biden supporters shown as "Independents". This one would be a teleprompter for him and the mods cutting him off.

Oh, and anyone who supports Communist China at the expense of their own country, go F yourselves and have a Blessed day!

Second Trump-Biden debate will be virtual, organizers say

President Trump, in his first interview since his positive coronavirus test, told Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo on Thursday that he will not participate in the next debate, just minutes after the Commission on Presidential Debates announced the showdown, slated for Oct. 15, will be virtual.

The CPD announced early Tuesday that "the second presidential debate will take the form of a town meeting, in which the candidates would participate from separate remote locations." Steve Scully of C-SPAN is still set to moderate the second presidential debate from Miami.

But, in a Fox Business interview Thursday, the president said he would not take part in a virtual debate.

"The commission changed the debate style and that's not acceptable to us," Trump said on "Mornings with Maria." "I beat him in the first debate, I beat him easily."

The president added that he expected to "beat him in the second debate also."

"I'm not going to do a virtual debate," Trump went on. "I’m not going to waste my time at a virtual debate."

The president said he wasn't going to "sit at a computer" to debate, calling it "ridiculous."

"They're trying to protect Biden," Trump said. "Everybody is."
You are Canadian. You are a nice guy, but nobody cares if you feel your time wasted on a US Presidential debate. I figure donnie just does not want to look like a maniac with his hair on fire again, right before the election.

I'm a Canadian by circumstance only. As was said after 9/11 by the French, "today we are all American!" We should all know what's at stake. Especially if we have knowledge of history.
That was after an attack, not of our making. Donnie is an attack or our making. We will have to vote him out, without and outside help.
I agree with Trump on this. It would be a bad decision to agree to this. He is going to have a rally instead and I bet it is more effective than a virtual debate. That's a recipe for a silver platter situation for Biden.

The last Town Hall had Biden supporters shown as "Independents". This one would be a teleprompter for him and the mods cutting him off.

Oh, and anyone who supports Communist China at the expense of their own country, go F yourselves and have a Blessed day!

Second Trump-Biden debate will be virtual, organizers say

President Trump, in his first interview since his positive coronavirus test, told Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo on Thursday that he will not participate in the next debate, just minutes after the Commission on Presidential Debates announced the showdown, slated for Oct. 15, will be virtual.

The CPD announced early Tuesday that "the second presidential debate will take the form of a town meeting, in which the candidates would participate from separate remote locations." Steve Scully of C-SPAN is still set to moderate the second presidential debate from Miami.

But, in a Fox Business interview Thursday, the president said he would not take part in a virtual debate.

"The commission changed the debate style and that's not acceptable to us," Trump said on "Mornings with Maria." "I beat him in the first debate, I beat him easily."

The president added that he expected to "beat him in the second debate also."

"I'm not going to do a virtual debate," Trump went on. "I’m not going to waste my time at a virtual debate."

The president said he wasn't going to "sit at a computer" to debate, calling it "ridiculous."

"They're trying to protect Biden," Trump said. "Everybody is."
You are Canadian. You are a nice guy, but nobody cares if you feel your time wasted on a US Presidential debate. I figure donnie just does not want to look like a maniac with his hair on fire again, right before the election.
Trump should be allowed observers on site with biden to ensure he is not cheating

obviously the debate committee is pro biden
I don't care. Biggest proven liar and cheat in the debates is donnie.

coward? its your asswipe that wont show up---virtual? puppetteers pulling XIDEN are delusional

Biden will be there. Impeached Trump...?

Anyone ever see a school bully come up with a lame excuse to avoid a fight? This kind of looks like that.

Let him skip out then. Go ahead and whine about the debate rules. Either join the debate or chicken out. Fine with me either way.
If biden agrees to have trump observes present in his bunker to make sure he doent cheat trump might agree to a debate

but its obvious that the debate commission is in the democrats back pocket

It’s an independent organization that handles the debates.

You guys just like to complain. Always the victim complex. Everyone is out to get you.
Anything they don't like is automatically deemed Liberal, Democrat, or left. They can't deal with anything negative on their side of the aisle.
you just described the evil, vile demonrats...
you trying to figure out if your head is made of wood? i see,,,awesome

No point in having it then imo. Too easy to cheat and just parrot an answer that someone else is feeding you.

Edit: apparently Trump agrees because he told Fox he wasn't going to waste his time in a phone interview.

If it's to protect the people why are they still letting the moderator and audience gather together?
Trump is a WEAK fucking COWARD.

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