Second presidential debate will be virtual. Trump says he isn't wasting his time.

Should Biden & Trump refuse this format and just postpone?

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Yah, it would give Rump the chance to expand his Covid Distribution to yet another group. What's next, does he bring in the Flesh Eating Bacteria People to hug everyone? So far, the only ones that are being affected are his own people.

Okay, all kidding aside. Sounds to me like Rump is the one that doesn't want the debate. With his medical condition, no one in their right mind wants to be within a mile of his Covid Distributing group. That means the Virtual is just about all that's left. But if he doesn't do a good showing in a debate, he's lost anyway. So he's looking for just about every way to not make it happen. I suggest that they don't allow him to get out of it without him outright refusing.
They could send Pence in to debate Biden instead.
Easily could. Pence is >>>>> Biden mentally and on the issues anyway. :113:

No point in having it then imo. Too easy to cheat and just parrot an answer that someone else is feeding you.

Edit: apparently Trump agrees because he told Fox he wasn't going to waste his time in a phone interview.

If it's to protect the people why are they still letting the moderator and audience gather together?
do you blame them, Liberals know Kamala got her ass handed to them so they had to change the narrative . How convenient it came out at 8 am right after the debate
You actually are an active avid poster on a political message board and do not realize Trump was impeached.

Impeached for exposing corruption by Joe Biden.

Corruption is sacrosanct to democrats.
Exactly, just like they charged that couple instead of the tresspassers when they stood on their porch to defend their property and lives from the known protestors destructive behaviors.
Not just charged.... indicted

A virtual debate would be a disaster to T
Biden could lie and lie and they would cut off T

You mean T couldn't interrupt? Yep, that would be a disaster for T all right! :cool:
Trump's a fighter. He doesn't put up with the BS and wants to jump in to refute garbage. I respect that.

Biden is an empty suited chump that sells out to China, BLM, Antifa, even his V.P. option that shredded him.. any filth, really.. empty. Biden needs impartial moderators and fake news media to carry his sorry old ass.

Yeah, give me the fighter that loves America, and is able to fight his own battles. :20:

No point in having it then imo. Too easy to cheat and just parrot an answer that someone else is feeding you.

Edit: apparently Trump agrees because he told Fox he wasn't going to waste his time in a phone interview.

If it's to protect the people why are they still letting the moderator and audience gather together?

Biden chickens out, and has his surrogates in the election committee change the rules.

No, America isn’t interested in watching Joe read off a teleprompter.
I predicted this, that Trump would bail on the debates, and that all of his cultists would then praise DearLeader for chickening out.

It's wasn't hard to see it coming, given Trump's cowardly nature, and given the authoritarian lickspittle nature of his followers.

And no, I don't get tired of being proven right over and over. I still enjoy it, no matter how often it happens.
Biden is the one who won’t show up. He needs to be in his basement so he can read a teleprompter.

No point in having it then imo. Too easy to cheat and just parrot an answer that someone else is feeding you.

Edit: apparently Trump agrees because he told Fox he wasn't going to waste his time in a phone interview.

If it's to protect the people why are they still letting the moderator and audience gather together?

Biden chickens out, and has his surrogates in the election committee change the rules.

No, America isn’t interested in watching Joe read off a teleprompter.
"Biden chickens out"


Trump says he won't participate in virtual debate after CPD announces changes: 'Not going to waste my time'
I agree with Trump on this. It would be a bad decision to agree to this. He is going to have a rally instead and I bet it is more effective than a virtual debate. That's a recipe for a silver platter situation for Biden.

The last Town Hall had Biden supporters shown as "Independents". This one would be a teleprompter for him and the mods cutting him off.

Oh, and anyone who supports Communist China at the expense of their own country, go F yourselves and have a Blessed day!

Second Trump-Biden debate will be virtual, organizers say

President Trump, in his first interview since his positive coronavirus test, told Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo on Thursday that he will not participate in the next debate, just minutes after the Commission on Presidential Debates announced the showdown, slated for Oct. 15, will be virtual.

The CPD announced early Tuesday that "the second presidential debate will take the form of a town meeting, in which the candidates would participate from separate remote locations." Steve Scully of C-SPAN is still set to moderate the second presidential debate from Miami.

But, in a Fox Business interview Thursday, the president said he would not take part in a virtual debate.

"The commission changed the debate style and that's not acceptable to us," Trump said on "Mornings with Maria." "I beat him in the first debate, I beat him easily."

The president added that he expected to "beat him in the second debate also."

"I'm not going to do a virtual debate," Trump went on. "I’m not going to waste my time at a virtual debate."

The president said he wasn't going to "sit at a computer" to debate, calling it "ridiculous."

"They're trying to protect Biden," Trump said. "Everybody is."
They already have virtual debates back and forth every day online with their attack ads and tweets and interviews, so as he said why bother, there will be nothing new. Biden is so far out of touch with what's going on due to his media source and information staff that he actually never heard of operation warp speed and thinks Trump isn't rushing vaccines (according to his comments) .
Biden doesn't even know about risk taking manufacturing the vaccines before approval, so they will be ready day one upon approval instead of waiting months like stupid people like himself would do.
A virtual debate would be a disaster to T
Biden could lie and lie and they would cut off T

You mean T couldn't interrupt? Yep, that would be a disaster for T all right! :cool:
Trump's a fighter. He doesn't put up with the BS and wants to jump in to refute garbage. I respect that.

Biden is an empty suited chump that sells out to China, BLM, Antifa, even his V.P. option that shredded him.. any filth, really.. empty. Biden needs impartial moderators and fake news media to carry his sorry old ass.

Yeah, give me the fighter that loves America, and is able to fight his own battles. :20:

Give you a fighter who is rude, crude, corrupt, amoral and entirely inept?
Done - And please keep him to yourself. He's done ENOUGH damage to this country.
A virtual debate would be a disaster to T
Biden could lie and lie and they would cut off T

You mean T couldn't interrupt? Yep, that would be a disaster for T all right! :cool:
Trump's a fighter. He doesn't put up with the BS and wants to jump in to refute garbage. I respect that.

Biden is an empty suited chump that sells out to China, BLM, Antifa, even his V.P. option that shredded him.. any filth, really.. empty. Biden needs impartial moderators and fake news media to carry his sorry old ass.

Yeah, give me the fighter that loves America, and is able to fight his own battles. :20:

Give you a fighter who is rude, crude, corrupt, amoral and entirely inept?
Done - And please keep him to yourself. He's done ENOUGH damage to this country.
WHO? Your candidate DeBlasio that your party paraded over the other muppets you guys put on stage?
Anyone ever see a school bully come up with a lame excuse to avoid a fight? This kind of looks like that.

Let him skip out then. Go ahead and whine about the debate rules. Either join the debate or chicken out. Fine with me either way.
If biden agrees to have trump observes present in his bunker to make sure he doent cheat trump might agree to a debate

but its obvious that the debate commission is in the democrats back pocket
A virtual debate would be a disaster to T
Biden could lie and lie and they would cut off T

You mean T couldn't interrupt? Yep, that would be a disaster for T all right! :cool:
Trump's a fighter. He doesn't put up with the BS and wants to jump in to refute garbage. I respect that.

Biden is an empty suited chump that sells out to China, BLM, Antifa, even his V.P. option that shredded him.. any filth, really.. empty. Biden needs impartial moderators and fake news media to carry his sorry old ass.

Yeah, give me the fighter that loves America, and is able to fight his own battles. :20:

Give you a fighter who is rude, crude, corrupt, amoral and entirely inept?
Done - And please keep him to yourself. He's done ENOUGH damage to this country.
All those years with those Progs and Trump with a few years in politics turned them all into their true selves or even made them more well known. Flinging shit from their asses like monkeys. Progs treat people like shit.
Anyone ever see a school bully come up with a lame excuse to avoid a fight? This kind of looks like that.

Let him skip out then. Go ahead and whine about the debate rules. Either join the debate or chicken out. Fine with me either way.
If biden agrees to have trump observes present in his bunker to make sure he doent cheat trump might agree to a debate

but its obvious that the debate commission is in the democrats back pocket

It’s an independent organization that handles the debates.

You guys just like to complain. Always the victim complex. Everyone is out to get you.
First rigged election polls with fraudulent mail-in votes, now a rigged debate where Biden will be spoon fed answers just like Donna Brazile leaked CNN’s debate questions to Hillary Clinton. These people will stop at nothing to corrupt our system. Trump should nix these fraud attempts for what they are. The people of the US re not stupid; they see what is going on.

We get it. You hate Trump. Do you want people this running your country?

That is 100% Trump's fault. He didn't take the virus seriously and got it. You better hope it doesn't come out that he was infectious when he walked into the debate hall last week.
The debate organizers made this decision. Not the candidates.

I get it. Trump is your savior. The entire world is against him.
Unfortunately, as always, he's his own worst enemy...because he's a corrupt, incompetent moron.
we get it, BEIJING XIDEN is your savior and you will bow down when told to do so---we see that---XIDEN is not going to run AMERICA anywhere , but in the ground you idiot---wake up---BAARRAG o , BEIJING XIDEN, fat pig hillarry are the treasonists, dick, and GOD willing they will pay dearly. if your belief is the demonrats, you are just as guilty

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