Second presidential debate will be virtual. Trump says he isn't wasting his time.

Should Biden & Trump refuse this format and just postpone?

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Yes, sitting at a computer and debating politics is ridiculous.

What debate? I do search for and share info. Not into debates but discussions are fine; and it is damn obvious a lot of fake crap gets posted in a virtual setting like here and throughout the web too.

Per the presidential debates I agree that too much chicanery goes on. After the all the crap that they have put on this president I simply would not trust them either in a virtual setting.
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Yah, it would give Rump the chance to expand his Covid Distribution to yet another group. What's next, does he bring in the Flesh Eating Bacteria People to hug everyone? So far, the only ones that are being affected are his own people.

Okay, all kidding aside. Sounds to me like Rump is the one that doesn't want the debate. With his medical condition, no one in their right mind wants to be within a mile of his Covid Distributing group. That means the Virtual is just about all that's left. But if he doesn't do a good showing in a debate, he's lost anyway. So he's looking for just about every way to not make it happen. I suggest that they don't allow him to get out of it without him outright refusing.
The 15th is safely outside the 14-day quarantine window.

The commievirus hysteria was old hat before Memorial Day...Go rent a pair, if you can't grow 'em.
Impeached Trump says he got it on the 1st. That's 14 days out, not "safely outside."
The problem is no one can trust Trump, on getting two negative covid tests prior to the event, because he and his doctor have lied to us.....and because he was suppose to be tested prior to the last debate, but wasn't, and he came to the debate, infected with the virus, in the contagious stage.

They would need an independent technician giving the test and an independent lab, giving the result of the tests, to be trusted.... the "honor system" doesn't apply to Trump, as he showed clearly, on the last debate.

Yep, it would need to be an independent lab with a negative result on two successive days for both COVIDS and Roids. I trust Dr Conley as far as I can throw him. First of all, he isn't qualified in the slightest on the subject of pandemics and he has already admitted to us that he lied to paint a rosier picture.

NOW, he claims that there is evidence of antibodies in Donald's system. Well duh, if you are doing antibody cocktails, that's a damn good bet. :icon_rolleyes:
Biden responded as such:

"I'm going to follow the commission recommendations."

So, you mean a political group rather than the scientists?

I think this will end better for Trump to have a rally outside with 20,000 people. I see the youtube views alone on some of them and he hits big numbers. People want to know what his policies are. The undecided voters are consumers of this information.
Following these young folks a little bit on youtube, and they are an interesting little podcast. I've been hearing some good topic conversations out of this show ever since I stumbled upon it. On this one they're covering mail-in voting, and Trump staying true to his promises to the working class while Demoncrat's are hell bent on destroying what's left of America.
Never Trump'ers on the Presidential Debate Commission and their comments were just exposed on FOX.... A concerted attempt to derail Trumps candidacy after a debate that destroyed democrats...
Biden responded as such:

"I'm going to follow the commission recommendations."

So, you mean a political group rather than the scientists?

I think this will end better for Trump to have a rally outside with 20,000 people. I see the youtube views alone on some of them and he hits big numbers. People want to know what his policies are. The undecided voters are consumers of this information.

Do you SERIOUSLY believe that undecided voters are watching Donald's rallies? :laugh: Yeah, GREAT idea - More Super-Spreader rallies.
Trump could have a rally or set up his own Town Hall after finding a network to air it. There were allegations the last Town Hall Biden ran had Biden voters posing as "Independents".

There is no reason for Trump to want a virtual fake debate, to trust the commission, or, to trust the process. They are changing all of this on the fly. Trump has every right to be suspicious, and, to demand a traditional debate for voters.
Anyone ever see a school bully come up with a lame excuse to avoid a fight? This kind of looks like that.

Let him skip out then. Go ahead and whine about the debate rules. Either join the debate or chicken out. Fine with me either way.
Yah, it would give Rump the chance to expand his Covid Distribution to yet another group. What's next, does he bring in the Flesh Eating Bacteria People to hug everyone? So far, the only ones that are being affected are his own people.

Okay, all kidding aside. Sounds to me like Rump is the one that doesn't want the debate. With his medical condition, no one in their right mind wants to be within a mile of his Covid Distributing group. That means the Virtual is just about all that's left. But if he doesn't do a good showing in a debate, he's lost anyway. So he's looking for just about every way to not make it happen. I suggest that they don't allow him to get out of it without him outright refusing.
The 15th is safely outside the 14-day quarantine window.

The commievirus hysteria was old hat before Memorial Day...Go rent a pair, if you can't grow 'em.
Impeached Trump says he got it on the 1st. That's 14 days out, not "safely outside."
The problem is no one can trust Trump, on getting two negative covid tests prior to the event, because he and his doctor have lied to us.....and because he was suppose to be tested prior to the last debate, but wasn't, and he came to the debate, infected with the virus, in the contagious stage.

They would need an independent technician giving the test and an independent lab, giving the result of the tests, to be trusted.... the "honor system" doesn't apply to Trump, as he showed clearly, on the last debate.
No, demagoguing democrats don't trust Trump....The guy could walk on water and you creeps would howl about how he can't swim.
He hasn't given any reason to trust him oddball, he lies too much... and that is a real danger to our nation, to have a president that can not speak, without telling a lie of some sort...

And the danger and downfall of that is much like the boy who cried wolf story.... when the wolf actually does show up, no one will believe him.
So far, the only ones that are being affected are his own people.
This should be a learning experience for nervous freaked out liberals

yes, people in washington are catching the chinese disease

but for the most part mild flu symptoms are all they experience

instead of conniving to dump more borrowed money from helicopters over failed blue cites lets end the shutdown and go back to work
Never Trump'ers on the Presidential Debate Commission and their comments were just exposed on FOX.... A concerted attempt to derail Trumps candidacy after a debate that destroyed democrats...

OK. What lie did Fox come up with this time?
All debates are a waste of time.
It is just a platform for the Dems to spew more hate, fear and lies.
Let Biden debate an empty chair.
He can't talk for 5 minutes without going of the rails.

The debates are too late anyway most have made up their minds and a debate won't change a thing.

I think undecided voters are down around 3-5% at present. Even if he won 80% of those undecideds, the way it looks now he'd still lose.
You actually are an active avid poster on a political message board and do not realize Trump was impeached.

Impeached for exposing corruption by Joe Biden.

Corruption is sacrosanct to democrats.
Exactly, just like they charged that couple instead of the tresspassers when they stood on their porch to defend their property and lives from the known protestors destructive behaviors.

No point in having it then imo. Too easy to cheat and just parrot an answer that someone else is feeding you.

Edit: apparently Trump agrees because he told Fox he wasn't going to waste his time in a phone interview.

If it's to protect the people why are they still letting the moderator and audience gather together?
We are having Supreme Court arguments by phone.
I hear a few rats say "Trump is wrong to skip debates because he's behind in polls (riiiight)"

Then, Ted Cruz, who is much wiser than most says "Trump is right to not want virtual debate".

I think I will side with Cruz on this one, easily. Trump would be walking into a trap to do a virtual debate. You know how you can tell he is? Look at all the Dem activists, some who probably didn't want Biden to debate at all in the beginning; now suggesting Trump suck it up and debate".

From a political standpoint. A virtual debate would be awful. He would do MUCH better by just having a rally and raising the issue of the MSM being in the tank to such a degree they try and force a virtual debate.

Hell. I wouldn't do a virtual debate. I like to look at the people asking questions and I also like to SEE my opponent. Virtual debate my ass.
You do realize Impeached Trump can see the people asking questions, and Biden, in a virtual debate?

Sure but its better to be on site. I'm sure Trump would love to actually see the people in person. Biden?? Who knows.

Oh and Trump wasn't impeached though the Dems sure tried hard. LOL
You actually are an active avid poster on a political message board and do not realize Trump was impeached.

They tried but the Senate kicked that shit to the curb.

Dumbfuck, acquittal doesn't erase an impeachment. :cuckoo:

And it's mind-boggling how you think Impeached Clinton was impeached but Impeached Trump wasn't. :cuckoo:

Nope. He [Clinton] was impeached for lying.
Yah, it would give Rump the chance to expand his Covid Distribution to yet another group. What's next, does he bring in the Flesh Eating Bacteria People to hug everyone? So far, the only ones that are being affected are his own people.

Okay, all kidding aside. Sounds to me like Rump is the one that doesn't want the debate. With his medical condition, no one in their right mind wants to be within a mile of his Covid Distributing group. That means the Virtual is just about all that's left. But if he doesn't do a good showing in a debate, he's lost anyway. So he's looking for just about every way to not make it happen. I suggest that they don't allow him to get out of it without him outright refusing.
They could send Pence in to debate Biden instead.

Call in the flies. They can land on Mikey's head and die of boredom and hairspray. :laughing0301:

You actually are an active avid poster on a political message board and do not realize Trump was impeached.

Impeached for exposing corruption by Joe Biden.

Corruption is sacrosanct to democrats.

Funny how Impeached Trump didn’t bring that up in the debate. Also funny how Giuliani never released the evidence of that purported corruption after saying he would.

Looks like you've been duped, Fruitcake.


Yah, it would give Rump the chance to expand his Covid Distribution to yet another group. What's next, does he bring in the Flesh Eating Bacteria People to hug everyone? So far, the only ones that are being affected are his own people.

Okay, all kidding aside. Sounds to me like Rump is the one that doesn't want the debate. With his medical condition, no one in their right mind wants to be within a mile of his Covid Distributing group. That means the Virtual is just about all that's left. But if he doesn't do a good showing in a debate, he's lost anyway. So he's looking for just about every way to not make it happen. I suggest that they don't allow him to get out of it without him outright refusing.
They could send Pence in to debate Biden instead.

Call in the flies. They can land on Mikey's head and die of boredom and hairspray. :laughing0301:

Black flies matter.
Yah, it would give Rump the chance to expand his Covid Distribution to yet another group. What's next, does he bring in the Flesh Eating Bacteria People to hug everyone? So far, the only ones that are being affected are his own people.

Okay, all kidding aside. Sounds to me like Rump is the one that doesn't want the debate. With his medical condition, no one in their right mind wants to be within a mile of his Covid Distributing group. That means the Virtual is just about all that's left. But if he doesn't do a good showing in a debate, he's lost anyway. So he's looking for just about every way to not make it happen. I suggest that they don't allow him to get out of it without him outright refusing.
The 15th is safely outside the 14-day quarantine window.

The commievirus hysteria was old hat before Memorial Day...Go rent a pair, if you can't grow 'em.
Impeached Trump says he got it on the 1st. That's 14 days out, not "safely outside."
The problem is no one can trust Trump, on getting two negative covid tests prior to the event, because he and his doctor have lied to us.....and because he was suppose to be tested prior to the last debate, but wasn't, and he came to the debate, infected with the virus, in the contagious stage.

They would need an independent technician giving the test and an independent lab, giving the result of the tests, to be trusted.... the "honor system" doesn't apply to Trump, as he showed clearly, on the last debate.
No, demagoguing democrats don't trust Trump....The guy could walk on water and you creeps would howl about how he can't swim.
When in reality, he drowns and you yahoos claim he's walking on water.

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