Second wave of illegal alien children now crossing the border in record numbers


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
The issue of illegal aliens being enticed into entering or staying in the U.S. seems to have faded into the background... mostly because things are going just the way the Obama administration wants.

More and more of them - especially children - are walking across the border. Even those who are caught, are mostly not returned to their home country. They are simply given a "Notice to Appear", telling them to come to their immigration hearing in a few years, and are them allowed to enter the country and go wherever they want. Most of them laughingly call this notice a "Notice to Disappear".



Second Wave of Illegal Alien Minors Now Crossing Border

Only 1 in 6 Being Returned to Home Country

Despite past claims by the administration that it has resolved the crisis of unaccompanied alien minors (UACs) streaming across the border, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) records show that a second surge of minors crossing the border is now underway. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) records indicate that the Border Patrol has seized over 12,000 UACs so far in fiscal year 2015 (Oct. 1, 2014- Feb. 28, 2015) and over 10,000 aliens traveling in family units. The Border Patrol is transferring these aliens to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) at an average of 2,000 UACs a month, meaning that the Border Patrol is returning only one in six of these apprehended minors to their home countries.

These numbers reveal that at the rate the UACs are currently crossing the southern border, this year will be second only to last year. Other than the small number sent home, these minors are released into the U.S. with a hearing date scheduled three to five years out. Cities and towns that received a large number of UACs last year will likely see more UACs arriving this year, particularly as the numbers of aliens actually apprehended at the border may be only about half of those trying to cross.

Last Thursday, at a hearing before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, a panel of experts explored why attempts at stopping the flow of minors across the border are failing. Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) asked if the "counter advertising" campaign by the administration, meant to refute the advertisements of "coyotes" who claim that minors who reach the U.S. will be allowed to stay indefinitely, have been effective. Mr. Noriega answered that no counter advertising could be effective if the promises of the human traffickers were accurate, which they are. He explained that when illegal aliens arrive and are released into the country with a notice for a hearing at a future date, they assume they are "home free" and by the time they need to appear "there is going to be an amnesty or a legalization." He also predicted that, with human trafficking - a "$6 billion" business - and executive amnesty continuing to offer an additional incentive to cross the border illegally, the crisis will worsen.

Adolfo Franco, a former Assistant Administrator for Latin America and the Caribbean for the U.S. Agency for International Development, added that Central Americans now have "a sense that the law in the U.S. has changed" and that it is now easier to get a "work permit and a Social Security number."
Transformation is right on track with OBama and his traitorous party of Progressives.

just think some of you voted for this. man oh man
Who Are the Children and Why Are They Coming?
Unprecedented numbers of unaccompanied children from Central America are arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border. Many have escaped gang violence, sexual abuse or abandonment in their home country. They are extremely vulnerable to rape, assault and exploitation as they travel to the United States. They come to the U.S. seeking protection, safety or to join their families. These children are traveling without a parent or guardian, often alone or with groups of strangers when making the long journey. An increasing number have become victims of traffickers and smugglers.

In 2012, the Women's Refugee Commission warned in a high-profile report, Forced From Home: The Lost Boys and Girls of Central America, that violence and unrest in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador were causing an upsurge in unaccompanied children travelling to the U.S.

Children told us: "I knew that the trip would be dangerous and that I might die on the road, but if I stayed home, I was certain to die. I had to take the chance."

From 2004 to 2011, the numbers of unaccompanied minors arriving in the U.S. remained steady at an average of 6,800 per year. In 2012, the number jumped to 13,000. The following year, more than 24,000 arrived. This fiscal year, 2014, we're on track to see as many as 90,000 unaccompanied minors arriving at our southern border.

For years, most of the unaccompanied children were older teens, almost always male. Today, almost half the children coming are girls, and they are getting younger. Many of these girls are pregnant, having been raped either in their home country or on their journey to the U.S. It used to be rare for a child younger than 12 to come to the U.S. alone. Now elementary school-aged kids are being picked up and arrested by the U.S. Border Patrol. There have even been reports of pre-school age children being smuggled in. Just recently, a brother and sister aged three and six were taken into custody.


Forced From Home: The Lost Boys and Girls of Central America

Click here to download the report or executive summary versions in English and Spanish.

What Happens When Unaccompanied Children Are Caught?
When children are caught by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) crossing the border or on U.S. soil, they are held in Border Patrol facilities. These facilities are generally just a concrete room, with concrete or metal benches and an open toilet and sink in the back. There are no showers, no sleeping accommodations; in many cases they don't even have blankets.All of these children are placed in immigration removal proceedings, and are given a court date on which they have to appear before an immigration court and argue their case for whether they qualify for authorization to stay. If they do not, they are ordered removed.

By law, they must be transferred to the custody of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), an agency of Health and Human Services (HHS), within 72 hours. Because of the large numbers, there are now several bottlenecks leading to children staying in CBP custody for more than the legal 72 hours.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was recently tapped to lead the effort and coordinate the U.S. government's response.

HHS has contracts with foster care, shelters, group homes and secure facilities to maintain custody of the children while they locate family or sponsors to take responsibility for them. They are looking for additional space, but it takes time to set up spaces that are appropriate to safely care for children while longer-term options are arranged.

HHS has opened several large emergency facilities – mostly on military bases, including Lackland Air Force Base in Texas, and bases in Ventura, California, and Fort Still, Oklahoma.

  • Read more about what happens to children at the border.
Women s Refugee Commission - Women s Refugee Commission - Programs - Detention and Asylum DAP - Unaccompanied Children



70 000 Kids Will Show Up Alone at Our Border This Year. What Happens to Them Mother Jones


This is a humanitarian issue.

Desperate children should not be used as political footballs.

How many fucking times are you going to post this shit??????
How many fucking times are you going to post this shit??????
paid Obama tools/OBOTS-what a sad frikken life


Are you completely unable to feel human emotion, sympathy, empathy or CHILDREN?

Desperate, terrified, hopeless children who have no life in their own country unless they join gangs. Girls sold into sexual slavery.

Now THAT is what I call a sad life.

WTH is wrong with RWs who pretend to care about fetuses but kick children out of their way?
paid Obama tools/OBOTS-what a sad frikken life


Are you completely unable to feel human emotion, sympathy, empathy or CHILDREN?

Desperate, terrified, hopeless children who have no life in their own country unless they join gangs. Girls sold into sexual slavery.

Now THAT is what I call a sad life.

WTH is wrong with RWs who pretend to care about fetuses but kick children out of their way?

It's doubtful that most of these "bearded" children are escaping what you are claiming. It is more than likely that they got word of Obama's not existent deportation policies and came running.
paid Obama tools/OBOTS-what a sad frikken life


Are you completely unable to feel human emotion, sympathy, empathy or CHILDREN?

Desperate, terrified, hopeless children who have no life in their own country unless they join gangs. Girls sold into sexual slavery.

Now THAT is what I call a sad life.

WTH is wrong with RWs who pretend to care about fetuses but kick children out of their way?
I am not right wing but I would prefer to help them within their own countries then to bring them and their problems to our shores. Because the sex trade and gangs will continue with those entering because that is what they know. sometimes people have to go through hard times to work to better the situations. Our border is porous and I realize their is no will to fix it. So this will always continue to be a problem. The gangs and sex trade has flourished in those communities on our shores now. What is the fix? That is the question some of the immigrants will rise up and better themselves that is true but they would not go back to fix the endemic problems in those countries nor in the communities in this country that was brought to this country.
paid Obama tools/OBOTS-what a sad frikken life


Are you completely unable to feel human emotion, sympathy, empathy or CHILDREN?

Desperate, terrified, hopeless children who have no life in their own country unless they join gangs. Girls sold into sexual slavery.

Now THAT is what I call a sad life.

WTH is wrong with RWs who pretend to care about fetuses but kick children out of their way?

It's doubtful that most of these "bearded" children are escaping what you ar claiming. It is more than likely that they got word of Obama's not existent deportation policies and came running.

Not that it should be the basis of our immigration policy (or an excuse for obama's nonsense) but a lot of those kids have been through more harrowing shit than you would believe.

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