Secret documents show Russian plot to stoke racial violence in America

which side will Trump support this time ?

  • KGB& putlers

    Votes: 2 66.7%

    Votes: 1 33.3%

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Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
is there any chance for putler & Prigozhin to reach Zionists resultants in USA´s south ? which side will Trump support this time ?


Zionist political violence - Wikipedia

"The Russians who interfered in the 2016 US presidential
election are still at it — and this time, they’re trying to ignite racial violence in America and a partial collapse of the United States.

According to secret documents obtained by a Russian opposition group, hackers have discussed plans to stir up racial resentment in the United States in hopes of tearing American society apart. The operatives are apparently associates of Yevgeny Prigozhin, the man who set up a troll farm and was indicted by special counsel Robert Mueller for his role in 2016 meddling.

Those documents, shared with but not verified by NBC News on Monday night, are extremely troubling.

Prigozhin and his team of Russian trolls tried to inflame racial tensions during the 2016 cycle by operating several social media accounts that tried to discourage African Americans from voting, mainly by repeating messages of police violence and voter fraud.

But the apparent new plot, discussed as recently as 2018 ahead of the 2020 presidential election, goes much further. The documents reportedly contain shocking proposals such as sending black Americans to Africa “for combat prep and training in sabotage,” as well as targeting people who have previously been incarcerated and people “who have experience in organized crime groups ... for participation in civil disobedience actions.”

The goal, it seems, was to encourage the newly trained African Americans to create their own pan-African state in America’s South. That would “undermine the country’s territorial integrity and military and economic potential,” according to one document, by “destabiliz[ing] the internal situation in the US.”

It’s possible Prigozhin’s associates felt they had an opening to do this because President Donald Trump’s 2016 election victory “deepened conflicts in American society,” per one of the documents. "

Secret documents show Russian plot to stoke racial violence in America
The dems probably support Prigozhin’s efforts. They always play the race card while the GOP is colorblind. Maybe they can leverage violence to get the reparations discussion expedited. Mo money or else...
is there any chance for putler & Prigozhin to reach Zionists resultants in USA´s south ? which side will Trump support this time ?


Zionist political violence - Wikipedia

"The Russians who interfered in the 2016 US presidential
election are still at it — and this time, they’re trying to ignite racial violence in America and a partial collapse of the United States.

According to secret documents obtained by a Russian opposition group, hackers have discussed plans to stir up racial resentment in the United States in hopes of tearing American society apart. The operatives are apparently associates of Yevgeny Prigozhin, the man who set up a troll farm and was indicted by special counsel Robert Mueller for his role in 2016 meddling.

Those documents, shared with but not verified by NBC News on Monday night, are extremely troubling.

Prigozhin and his team of Russian trolls tried to inflame racial tensions during the 2016 cycle by operating several social media accounts that tried to discourage African Americans from voting, mainly by repeating messages of police violence and voter fraud.

But the apparent new plot, discussed as recently as 2018 ahead of the 2020 presidential election, goes much further. The documents reportedly contain shocking proposals such as sending black Americans to Africa “for combat prep and training in sabotage,” as well as targeting people who have previously been incarcerated and people “who have experience in organized crime groups ... for participation in civil disobedience actions.”

The goal, it seems, was to encourage the newly trained African Americans to create their own pan-African state in America’s South. That would “undermine the country’s territorial integrity and military and economic potential,” according to one document, by “destabiliz[ing] the internal situation in the US.”

It’s possible Prigozhin’s associates felt they had an opening to do this because President Donald Trump’s 2016 election victory “deepened conflicts in American society,” per one of the documents. "

Secret documents show Russian plot to stoke racial violence in America

Holy shit I hope they succeed...we need a civil war here...something MAJOR has to happen. Let’s do this already.
if theres anything capable of stoking RWs ignition point its MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN
It's not just in the US. They are trying to stir up racism, specifically anti-semitism, and prop up far-right racist parties in Europe as well. It seems to be part of a larger campaign of dividing up and weakening the west and turning it on itself.

"How Russian Trolls Used Meme Warfare to Divide America"

How Russian Trolls Used Meme Warfare to Divide America
A staff member arranges a display showing a social media post during a House Intelligence Committee

if theres anything capable of stoking RWs ignition point its MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN

Yeah a white America would totally suck...we’d have to close down jails and prisons, cut law enforcement to near nothing, cut welfare expense to nothing, fire lots of unneeded government employees, we’d be safe in our streets, abortions cut to almost nothing, Mexifornia wouldn’t be North Mexico, our homeless count would near nothing, construction and blue collar trades could amount to legitimate careers again.
Yeah you’re right..,that all sounds horrible.

Your chart is misleading. If we look at the actual majority and minority by race whites (including Hispanic Caucasians) is 78% of the population, with Blacks about 12% and non-Caucasian Hispanics about 14%. Race won't matter as much in 2020 as the job market and the economy.

Demography of the United States - Wikipedia
White people constitute the majority of the U.S. population, with a total of about 245,532,000 or 77.7% of the population as of 2013.
That's right. Gene Wilder was a Russian troll in the movie Silver Streak where he is in the train station canvassing votes while in black face with a radio on the side of his head walking with a swagger. No one noticed!
I was wondering why posters like
IM2 was making all these race bait threads he is Russian.


Your chart is misleading. If we look at the actual majority and minority by race whites (including Hispanic Caucasians) is 78% of the population, with Blacks about 12% and non-Caucasian Hispanics about 14%. Race won't matter as much in 2020 as the job market and the economy.

Demography of the United States - Wikipedia
White people constitute the majority of the U.S. population, with a total of about 245,532,000 or 77.7% of the population as of 2013.

Blacks are in majority :


Your chart is misleading. If we look at the actual majority and minority by race whites (including Hispanic Caucasians) is 78% of the population, with Blacks about 12% and non-Caucasian Hispanics about 14%. Race won't matter as much in 2020 as the job market and the economy.

Demography of the United States - Wikipedia
White people constitute the majority of the U.S. population, with a total of about 245,532,000 or 77.7% of the population as of 2013.

Blacks are in majority :

There is a big difference between being a majority in a city than in a state where Senators, and Presidents are elected. Living in the urban plantations is meaningless, please see the Hillary map below of her winning only in the "blue archipelago" . Does that clarify things for you?
Blame the Jews? It's ironic that (foreign?) posters blame the President for social unrest while they have become tools for foreign based propaganda and enemies bent on undermining the Administration.

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