Secret Service Deleted All Text Messages From Jan. 5-6th, After Inspector Generals Office Requested Them

This thread isnt about Hillary Clinton, and is in no way comparable. The fact that you cant stay on topic shows your weak sauce argument.

This thread is about the seditious conspiracy that Donald Trump, and the minions in Congress, and now the Secret Service are guilty of.

You do know that there is no statute of limitations on these crimes, and no amount of elections or cover up stops investigations now and in the future, no matter how long it takes to bring the guilty to justice right?
Cry me a River phones was deleted by the secret service and Hillary Clinton
Is that what the Court decided?
Liberal privilege.

Why do you idiots constantly bring up Hunter and Hillary?
Like I care.
Throw them both in jail, I don't Care. Delldude
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That's not what the republican investigating her said.
She baked cookies for the committee.
The bottom line is this: No one will likely ever know what was deleted from Clinton's server. Barring one of the 30,000 emails Clinton turned over to the State Department being deemed "classified," it's also unlikely she will ever be found to have violated the letter of the law.
Why do you idiots constantly bring up Trump?
Ok genius, trump inserts himself into the media on a daily basis.
He does stupid and illegal shit, and it's worth discussing.

Tell trump to concede, quit lying, and STFU and he will not be brought up again.
But trump will NEVER do that ^^^^ so he is part of the discussion that he and you create.

Watch the hearing so you can have an even larger meltdown.
Ok genius, trump inserts himself into the media on a daily basis.
He does stupid and illegal shit, and it's worth discussing.

Tell trump to concede, quit lying, and STFU and he will not be brought up again.
But trump will NEVER do that ^^^^ so he is part of the discussion that he and you create.

Watch the hearing so you can have an even larger meltdown.
What hearing?
Hunter and Joe's big Chinese adventure?
Ha Ha Ha Ha... the dems ran into a government agency that they can't control....
The J6 Committee Hearing.
I'm happy to direct you to the information.

I'm sorry you are so confused.
Get well soon.
Another one?... when?.... how many are they going to produce?...

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