Secret Service refuses to bring in Trump the criminal?

Piss ass NY State don’t mean shit
Here we have liberals driving 100 mph all over the country looting burning murdering in city after city and shit for brains agenda driven NY scouts their records for a year to find incidents of Trump going 46 in a 35 zone and they want him jailed.
Thinkers see right through that while lib loons gobble the shit up like the shit eaters they are.
It's designed to not mean shit, for the purpose of allowing it to blow over and fade out of heads peacefully. Each step against Trump will be likewise handled with Kid gloves.

The liberal left media has already called out Maddow to get the word out that it will be slow and boring to watch. They didn't even offer a reason for her surprise appearance last night.
The slow and timid escalation against Trump might serve the purpose of keeping Trump's faithful at oiling their AR's and taking them to a range to shoot human silouette targets to bide their time.
But even that jump in activity at ranges won't escape notice.

The arresting authorities will keep everything out of the public eye, in the interest of not rocking the boat. We may not even get to see Trump's mugshot.
It's been anything but slow and timid .. more like wash, rinse, repeat with baseless accusations since 2016 -- none of which yielded the desired outcome to get Trump behind bars. Liberals aren't seeking justice, they lust to destroy Trump's opportunity to run against Biden in 2024, and the reason why Barr's shenanigans are being questioned by many on both sides of the isle.

Does this make them complicit?

A criminal is lose on the streets!

What are they doing?

Secret service didn't say they refused to bring him in. Trumps team said the secret service needed time to prepare.

But it doesn't need time. That's what the secret service good at, working on the fly and getting the president from one place to another at any time.

This is probably 1 of 2 things.

1 it's trump flexing a bit and saying he doesn't jump when they tell him to. He will show up but when he decides he will.


2 it's a Friday and if they arrest him he doesn't want to sit there all weekend if they tried some kind of put him in jail crap because court won't be in session over the weekend. And they would probably pull that shit just to try and piss him off.
Trump too is now sitting in a tenuous position in which he needs to be exceedingly careful of not inciting violence.

His legal advisors will have him tuned into understanding just what he can say without having it brought down on his head by the court.

He could get himself a gag order or even have his bail rescinded.
It's been anything but slow and timid .. more like wash, rinse, repeat with baseless accusations since 2016 -- none of which yielded the desired outcome to get Trump behind bars. Liberals aren't seeking justice, they lust to destroy Trump's opportunity to run against Biden in 2024, and the reason why Barr's shenanigans are being questioned by many on both sides of the isle.
You misunderstand. Bringing charges against Trump is slow and timid. Compare this charge that shouldn't amount to anything but a misdemeanour wristslap, to the coming possibility of charges of treason!

I'm suggesting that Trump's remaining influence and power will be the factor that keeps him out of jail for his persona duration!
You misunderstand. Bringing charges against Trump is slow and timid. Compare this charge that shouldn't amount to anything but a misdemeanour wristslap, to the coming possibility of charges of treason!



You're funny, Cunadian.

And you need to concentrate on your own treasonous leader and leave America's business to Americans.

Piss ass NY State don’t mean shit
Here we have liberals driving 100 mph all over the country looting burning murdering in city after city and shit for brains agenda driven NY scouts their records for a year to find incidents of Trump going 46 in a 35 zone and they want him jailed.
Thinkers see right through that while lib loons gobble the shit up like the shit eaters they are.
Both Desantis and Secret Service answer to a higher calling than a biased attorney from NY state.
The slow and timid escalation against Trump might serve the purpose of keeping Trump's faithful at oiling their AR's and taking them to a range to shoot human silouette targets to bide their time.
But even that jump in activity at ranges won't escape notice.

The arresting authorities will keep everything out of the public eye, in the interest of not rocking the boat. We may not even get to see Trump's mugshot.
You've really got to stop believing that all Trump supporters are gun nuts and Christian zealot cowboys, just like I don't believe that all Biden supporters are Trannies, illegals and ex-cons. That is just really stupid uni-dimensional talk regardless of what side it comes from. There are many moderates who have chosen whichever side for their own reasons. It's not always about these narrow, stupid, extremist characterizations. Those extremist people only encompass the appointed "special forces" of both tips of the Bell Curve. Youre missing the mark and condemning a massive percentage of people who don't condone the extremists. We aren't going to resolve issues with your type of thinking.
You misunderstand. Bringing charges against Trump is slow and timid. Compare this charge that shouldn't amount to anything but a misdemeanour wristslap, to the coming possibility of charges of treason!

I'm suggesting that Trump's remaining influence and power will be the factor that keeps him out of jail for his persona duration!
Or maybe that he's not guilty? Just like the plethora of other attempts?
You've really got to stop believing that all Trump supporters are gun nuts and Christian zealot cowboys, just like I don't believe that all Biden supporters are Trannies, illegals and ex-cons. That is just really stupid uni-dimensional talk regardless of what side it comes from.
Not all, I agree.
There are many moderates who have chosen whichever side for their own reasons. It's not always about these narrow, stupid, extremist characterizations. Those extremist people only encompass the self-appointed "special forces" of either side. Youre missing the mark and condemning a massive percentage of people who don't condone the extremists. We aren't going to resolve issues with your type of thinking.
I'm relating to the current situation for Trump and I'm exploring the possibilities. Nothing I say is any great secret.

Trump is most likely going to have to make the call to his faithful on account of the situation being defused by slow and methodical government actions.

But Trump knows very well now that anything that suggests incitement to violence is going to come down hard on his neck.

If you disagree with any of that, make your point. So far you haven't made any point.
Democrats had enough evidence on Trump 200 years ago to put him away for life

At least, according to the DNC and their media.

You sir are an insurrectionist!

200 years ago? Wow, he's even older than we thought!

Not all, I agree.

I'm relating to the current situation for Trump and I'm exploring the possibilities. Nothing I say is any great secret.

Trump is most likely going to have to make the call to his faithful on account of the situation being defused by slow and methodical government actions.

But Trump knows very well now that anything that suggests incitement to violence is going to come down hard on his neck.

If you disagree with any of that, make your point. So far you haven't made any point.
I made my point about how you grouped Trump supporters into one silly little caracature "oiling their AR15's". That's stupid talk and fails to make a point. Many non militant people disagree with this crap. If you're brain is too small to hit with that point then the point will go past it blowing it around in the wind...and it did.
Go sit in the corner Hoser and let the grown-ups talk.
Last night even Maddow herself suggested that we'll see isolated incidences on the level of the Trump supporter who attacked an FBI office. (somewhere?)

I wouldn't even predict either more or less.

But I 'will' predict that strong precautions have been taken to ensure anything bad happening with a group will bring a swift reaction by the law, with guns.
It has little to do with the SS. Do you guys forget Bush's girls were in trouble for underage drinking (??)? SS just let the local cop "arrest" them. The real issue is DeSantis.

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