Secret Service Says Agents Who Were in Limo During Trump Steering Wheel Story Still Wait to be Called by J6 Committee. Say Cassidy Committed Perjury

I have an anonymous Dem source that says Trump attempted to commandeer an Apache gunship but it was low on fuel.

The way I heard it was that he was in the Oval Office at the time, and suddenly lunged for the controls of an A-10 that had just taken off from Vandenberg.
I have an anonymous Dem source that says Trump attempted to commandeer an Apache gunship but it was low on fuel.

Pence said that Trump even was dressed in the devil costume like John Candy in Planes Trains and Automobiles!

I couldn't even reach the steering wheel from the back seat of my small car, never mind a huge limo like the Beast. Trump is no Wilt Chamberlain.
She said he tried.
Obviously trump was unsuccessful.
Did trump WANT them to take him to the Capitol?
I believe that's what trump said.
Not hearsay. "And I'll be there with you."

Trump really thought he could join his kkkult members at the Capitol.

You really think trump just said, Well ok, let's NOT go to the Capitol.
Winco apparently believes those who are refusing to give these agents the chance to tell their story under oath.
I want them to testify.
Who is stopping them from testifying?
You think Pelosi and Crew are stopping them from testifying?
Cassidy offered hearsay, she wasn't in the limo.
True that. She was not in the limo. And, importantly, poster Leo she never ever claimed she was. Rather, she clearly and succinctly described who TOLD the story, when she was told, where she was told, and the context of the telling.
Someone asked in a post above....who do I believe.

Well, I believe that Cassidy Hutchinson was told what she was told and that she faithfully testified to what she was told.

I cannot compare her version to whatever description the SS agents may say, because.......well, because they haven't gone in front of the media to describe the conversation that Hutchinson witnessed.


The new Congress can ......means business by throwing Hutchinson in jail for perjury. She represents the worst of the worst swamp creatures, probably a member of a Luciferian cult.

Hyperventilating over "Luciferain cults"....seems a tad fringie to those of us out here in rural America. But then, it is sort of humorous in a Mad Magazine/Onion vibe. Bizarro Desk playtime. IMHO.

But beyond that fringie aspect of poster Munkle's suggestion that Cassisdy Hutchinson should be jailed for perjury seems unsupported. I watched all of her testimony. In my view, in my experience, in my sense of veracity and sincerity.....well, Hutchinson checked all the boxes. She came across as sincere, humble, informed, and very careful in what she said. Meaning, she declined to extrapolate or speculate despite questions from the panel that were inviting her to expand.

So, did I believe Cassidy Hutchinson?
Yupper, I did.

Despite my fear of Luciferian cults......or those like Luciferian cults. You QAnon jackassery cults.

Just sayin'.

But it is the perfect representation of the imagination of just about any American leftist.
Hutchinson's testimony was imagined?
By her?
Is that what the poster Yarddog is suggesting?


These swamp creatures should really test out their lies on a few people before entering them forever into the public record.
Well, that's a quick morphing from "Luciferian" cultism to "Swamp Creatures"-cultism.
There seems to be a fantasy-world that some of our local posters live in.
For whatever reason. Who knows?
Unhappy? Unsuccessful? in their real-world life?
Is QAnon cultism on the menu too?
I dunno.

why the Capitol Police were not at full strength, etc.
Well, I don't have answer for that.
I don't even know if it is true.
Is the poster saying the Capitol Police were 'understrength' for expected daily interactions with the public?
How would he know that?

But a relevant fact bearing on any discussion of Police staffing on January 6th......and this applies to both the Capitol Police force, AND....the DC Metro Police and the National Park Police....was that none of those department were expecting a "march". An event that requires permitting by authorities. Permits that are applied for by the organization hosting the march, starting the march, initiating and encouraging the march. Permits that give notice to law enforcement that traffic concerns, barriers, and crowd control tactics need be implemented.

But, despite the understanding and agreement within the Don Trump and White House inner circle that a march was always intended ---but intentionally not revealed, not shared --- with the City, with the Capitol Police, or the National Park police. Those law enforcement agencies were intentionally kept in the dark by the Trump camp. Why?
Did they desire a un-reinforced police presence? Why?
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She's lying and should be held in solitary for 2 or more years while we decide what we do with her
You don't know that she is lying.
She could be, but you don't know. You can't possibly know.
I admit that I don't know.

Let's hear from Tony, and see what he says under oath.
And don't say they won't let him testify.

Do you want Tony to testify Under Oath?
You don't know that she is lying.
She could be, but you don't know. You can't possibly know.

She made a claim that turns out to be physically impossible.

The steering wheel of the limousine in question cannot be reached from the back seat. Not even close.


She was lying, and she knew damn well that she was lying.

Under oath. That's perjury.

It would be best for the Secret Service agents to be allowed to testify, but we do not need their testimony to know that Ms. Hutchinson lied.
She made a claim that turns out to be physically impossible.

The steering wheel of the limousine in question cannot be reached from the back seat. Not even close.

View attachment 730953

She was lying, and she knew damn well that she was lying.

Under oath. That's perjury.

It would be best for the Secret Service agents to be allowed to testify, but we do not need their testimony to know that Ms. Hutchinson lied.
Put her with the J6 political prisoners
Agents Onato and Engels still waiting for the chance after Cassidy Hutchinson testimony to call her a liar. They were interviewed before her testimony but still have not had the chance to refute her. Trump never reached for the steering wheel.

November 2022:

But it's like totally a serious, impartial and utterly objective committee!

Their unbiased search for the truth will lead them wherever the facts point to.

A sterling degree of integrity I tell ya.

Makes ya proud.
Let's get them to say it under oath.

Right now we can't PROVE, either way, who is telling the truth.

And if they actually have the balls to testify under oath, doesn't mean they are lying or telling the truth.
Just like Hutchinson.

This is nonsense. She wasn't there. She testified to what she was told.
Funny how you leftoids believe every accusation against Trump when not made under oath, which is 99% of the accusations.
And yet they don't believe the testimony of those who admitted under oath that they had zero evidence Trump was a Russian asset.

Instead, they chose to believe the exact opposite assertions made by the same people on MSNBC/CNN.

Stone cold proof that Lefties are damaged, gullible doofuses.
She said he tried.
Obviously trump was unsuccessful.
Did trump WANT them to take him to the Capitol?
I believe that's what trump said.
Not hearsay. "And I'll be there with you."

Trump really thought he could join his kkkult members at the Capitol.

You really think trump just said, Well ok, let's NOT go to the Capitol.

I want them to testify.
Who is stopping them from testifying?
You think Pelosi and Crew are stopping them from testifying?

Trump loves to put on a show. He knew the secret service wouldn't let him go to the Capitol.
She made a claim that turns out to be physically impossible.
She was lying, and she knew damn well that she was lying. Under oath. That's perjury.

Umm, poster Blaylock, what Cassidy Hutchinson 'claimed'.....was that she was told a narrative about an interaction in the Secret Service SUV. (A Chevy Suburban....NOT the stretch limo).
Get that?
She didn't claim that it in fact happened, that she witnessed it.
She claimed that she was, in fact, TOLD what happened.

So your "perjury" claim seems, to my avatar, a tad histrionic.
Worse, it is a corrosive charge that damages any measured rational discourse.
And, in my opinion, as such it is symptomatic of the MAGA-Q mindmeld that is damaging America.

Again, IMHO
She made a claim that turns out to be physically impossible.

The steering wheel of the limousine in question cannot be reached from the back seat. Not even close.

View attachment 730953

She was lying, and she knew damn well that she was lying.

Under oath. That's perjury.

It would be best for the Secret Service agents to be allowed to testify, but we do not need their testimony to know that Ms. Hutchinson lied.
Hey doesn't matter if it was impossible.

She testified that she was TOLD that.

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