Secret Service says it can’t find Hunter Biden travel records for 2010, 2011, or 2013.

But you do care if Eric Trump silently passed gas while having dinner at the Mar a Largo Restaurant.
He did?? Now that's funny. But, then again, when someone's funny! Just universally.
You got a lot of down fingers, Doc. Anything to back your right wing beliefs up?

Do you believe Trump's children are chaste and pure when it comes to nepotism?
C'mon. Impress me.
Hard to prove or even investigate when evidence is blatantly destroyed or in this case "lost".
So how do you know it is evidence? Just like the votes, you guys just know, but the mean old demicrats just keep all the proof just out of reach. The same story over and over and over.
Joaquín Guzmán Loera
Ted Bundy
Charles Manson
Jeffrey Dahmer
Al Capone

Just a few among the list of people Tradeless Jack never would have prosecuted much less even followed, caught nor suspected of anything as they too were not president at the time.
Well Freaky, I feel bad that you are related to these people. I don't judge.
I don't think anyone, left or right has ever equated the Trump children to any of these people.
So, not sure what you're smoking. But whatever it is, double it. :auiqs.jpg:
Can’t find.
I'm pretty sure the Secret Service has better records of my travels in 2010, 2011, and 2013 than I do, and I'm a nobody.

Are there any federal government agencies that aren’t massively corrupt?

The records were lost in a tragic canoeing accident...
Well Freaky, I feel bad that you are related to these people. I don't judge.
I don't think anyone, left or right has ever equated the Trump children to any of these people.
So, not sure what you're smoking. But whatever it is, double it. :auiqs.jpg:

Jack, what the F are you babbling about?
A run up by the members of Alt-Right Nation on a conspiracy theory laden book IS NOT indicative of a crime, or evidence of a crime.
You know this because you've studied this book?
The Peter Schweizer book? Profiles in Corruption?

:rolleyes: Sure you have. Sure you have.
It is however, proof of alt-right conspiracy theory mongering. I understand. You see things slipping away from you. It's only
natural to lash out. Your time is short..and you know it.
Actually I really look forward to the midterm ass whippings the democrats are in for.
And Joe Biden? One of the most unpopular and incompetent presidents ever?

Whatever you say...delusional ass sniffer.
Don't look forward to another reply from me.
I promise not to give a shit about your obnoxious turd droppings, as I never have before.
You are a parasite so find someone else to attach to. Go drink some more Fool Aid.
Don't need no stinkin papers.................
Just need the piece of dog shit to step off the plane...........


US Secret Service Claims it CAN’T FIND Three Years Worth of Hunter Biden’s Travel Records After Agency Made “Extensive, Inappropriate Redactions” to Docs Produced Last Month​

Republican investigators are seeking answers after the US Secret Service (USSS) made “extensive” and improper redactions to Hunter Biden’s travel records before providing them as part of a FOIA request earlier this month
Unbelievably, three full years of records were completely missing from the documents because, apparently, the records are inexplicably missing and the agency can’t find them.
After over a month of silence, the USSS provided a shockingly poor justification in a letter earlier this month. Agency Director James Murray claimed that they simply couldn’t find any documents related to Hunter’s travels from those years.

Deep State Progressive Maoist/ DSA Democrat criminals hide and even destroy records all of the time. And they get away with it because the people in charge of "compliance" are just as criminal as they are. That's one of the few things in life that they're actually good at doing.
Our federal agencies have been corrupted beyond repair. No law is small or large enough for Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies to violate.
Despotism has taken on a new meaning in American politics. This is certainly confirmed by the Biden, Pelosi, and Kerry families that have amassed billions of dollars and power.
And they don't understand how ridiculous it makes them look.

Well, as we all know, the Secret Service talks to nobody other than the Washington Examiner. So this thread isn't pure nonsense like all of the others. LOL
Can’t find.
I'm pretty sure the Secret Service has better records of my travels in 2010, 2011, and 2013 than I do, and I'm a nobody.

Are there any federal government agencies that aren’t massively corrupt?

I heard they were on Hillary's laptop.
It doesn't matter at this point.

It's obvious nothing will ever happen to him. He is protected from up on high. This will drag on and on with little bits of info sneaking out here and there and a couple years from now no one will even remember any of this because it will just be old news.

He has too much money and power protecting him. And media influence guarantees this won't ever be a national story. Hunter and his scandal will be buried by his dad and democrats.
Can’t find.
I'm pretty sure the Secret Service has better records of my travels in 2010, 2011, and 2013 than I do, and I'm a nobody.

Are there any federal government agencies that aren’t massively corrupt?

It's a rip-off! (Another one...)
Remember this?

"Lost" FBI Texts: The Swamp Begins to Panic - American ...

View attachment 606534
In the latest stage of the cover-up, the FBI has “lost” 50,000 text messages between FBI agent Peter Strzok and his paramour, agent Lisa Page, as well as messages from other FBI officials discussing Trump.
It seems the FBI excels at losing evidence that could be used to indict and prosecute high level Democrats.

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