Secretary Hillary Clinton says she would have done a better job than Trump on Covid

Hillary says and claims a lot of things but tends to lie about all of them or speak when it is past time for action.

She should just say that she is going to testify on herself and be suicided.

After more than 3 years. Trump lied a lot of things a well known corrupted, pathological liar.

Compared to Hillary and her death squads Trump is a saint.
You may want to give any link. Prove it otherwise you are nothing but a pure LIAR.

Anyone can do far better than this unfit unethical arrogant corrupted prick Trump.

Except for you and the corrupt democrats. Always claiming something with no proof, like the impeachment fiasco.

Really a hight water mark for the democrats and their lying cohorts.

What do you mean no proof? Proof was overwhelming. Trump was only saved by his impotent goons republicans in the senate. Otherwise he could have been kick out of the WH.

Corrupt? Trump was ordered to shut down his Trump fraud foundation and pay $2 millions. Trump university? Hide his tax returns. You may want to think all of that when you talk about corruption.

Nancy Pelosi and her tax returns ring a bell?

This "overwhelming evidence" seems to have failed to produce the desired result which leads to doubt about the veracity of this "evidence". As for any goons, they would seem to be very potent as they succeeded.

Perhaps a reality check would be good for you. It may clear your mind about what facts truly are.

I’m very aware of Pelosi tax returns.... Well when she run for president I will demand for Pelosi to release her tax returns.

Right now Trump is the president we want to see his tax returns. Just like other previous POTUS.... What is he hiding?

No law says he has to reveal his tax returns. Actually, the law says his tax returns are private, as are the returns of every other tax payer.

Go pound salt.
Hillary says and claims a lot of things but tends to lie about all of them or speak when it is past time for action.

She should just say that she is going to testify on herself and be suicided.

After more than 3 years. Trump lied a lot of things a well known corrupted, pathological liar.

Compared to Hillary and her death squads Trump is a saint.
You may want to give any link. Prove it otherwise you are nothing but a pure LIAR.

Anyone can do far better than this unfit unethical arrogant corrupted prick Trump.

Except for you and the corrupt democrats. Always claiming something with no proof, like the impeachment fiasco.

Really a hight water mark for the democrats and their lying cohorts.

What do you mean no proof? Proof was overwhelming. Trump was only saved by his impotent goons republicans in the senate. Otherwise he could have been kick out of the WH.

Corrupt? Trump was ordered to shut down his Trump fraud foundation and pay $2 millions. Trump university? Hide his tax returns. You may want to think all of that when you talk about corruption.

Nancy Pelosi and her tax returns ring a bell?

This "overwhelming evidence" seems to have failed to produce the desired result which leads to doubt about the veracity of this "evidence". As for any goons, they would seem to be very potent as they succeeded.

Perhaps a reality check would be good for you. It may clear your mind about what facts truly are.

I’m very aware of Pelosi tax returns.... Well when she run for president I will demand for Pelosi to release her tax returns.

Right now Trump is the president we want to see his tax returns. Just like other previous POTUS.... What is he hiding?

Rather bigoted on your part. Good for thee and not for others? Just like a typical liberal.

this is rich
bbr sez: "Secretary Hillary Clinton says she would have done a better job than Trump on Covid"

I doubt that she would have been stupid enough to violate her own coronavirus guidelines which are our only defense against a virus that has killed 132,000 people and is destroying the economy. In fact, I don't think any potential candidate would act in such a stupid, irresponsible manner.

Hillary may have been preoccupied with the Trump impeachment trial while Trump was developing a plan to combat CV-19. Unfortunately, the Chinese made it impossible by hoarding all the information they had on the coronavirus away from everybody in the world except North Korea. :rolleyes: The entire media mob and Democrat Party were planning Trump's elimination while Trump was working on a plan to help Americans beat the terrible Corona virus that was threatening the entire world with high incidents of death worldwide. It's a crying shame, and I doubt very seriously that Hillary could beat Donald Trump at anything positive, because she rather pursues fake stories to hurl at the President. IMHO, this repetitive pursuit of negativity on Hillary's part is very damaging to the American people at large, and I am glad she is not the President right now. I guess she still has some fans, however., most of whom are college DNC brainwashees.

My suspicion is that if Biden wins the presidency, he will step aside before his inauguration to pass the presidency on to his pick for Vice President, who well could be Hillary Clinton who cannot win on her own because people don't trust her after her "I forget" diatribe to the Grand Jury considering Whitewater or the Filegate horror which crosses my mind every time I hear about the computer her associates bleached and hatcheted to death.

Why would Trump have developed a plan for Covid 19 when it was just the common flu and a democrat hoax? Well, it Trump developed a plan for handling Covid 19, it was a miserable failure.

There is just about zero chance Biden would choose Hillary Clinton as a running make for many reasons.

Mr. Flopper sez: "Why would Trump have developed a plan for Covid 19 when it was just the common flu and a democrat hoax? Well, it Trump developed a plan for handling Covid 19, it was a miserable failure."

Why Mr. Flopper, Since the Demmies lie about Trump being nekkid in Russia and peeing on Hillary's bed was exposed for the lie it was not intended to ever, ever being found out, they are having so much fun beating up on my dear President Trump who worked on the issue while they were putting the final touches on their abuse-of-power faux impeachment, I'm surprised you would call the only adult in Washington who did his job a miserable failure. By sticking with the niddy griddy, he likely saved thousands of American lives, even if there were downturns. Your real name wouldn't be Mr. Cuomo, who sent all those NY elderly people to their graves who were save until he sent them into nursing homes to house them, would it? He has been the disingenuous special-earth-scorcher-of-Pres. The Donald, saying "miserable failure" for political reasons, for sure. Guess he's like the rest of the Democrats who think the American people are stupid. I believe the upcoming election will show the American people are not near that luny as Cuomo and Maxine's Antifa dogs. :abgg2q.jpg:

That's your opinion and you are welcome to it.
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Trump is going ballistic about covid on twitter:

"Cases, Cases, Cases! If we didn’t test so much and so successfully, we would have very few cases. If you test 40,000,000 people, you are going to have many cases that, without the testing (like other countries), would not show up every night on the Fake Evening News

In a certain way, our tremendous Testing success gives the Fake News Media all they want, CASES. In the meantime, Deaths and the all important Mortality Rate goes down. You don’t hear about that from the Fake News, and you never will. Anybody need any Ventilators???"
It is certainly True that more testing will uncover more positive cases. What Mr Trump is not saying is that in most of the states where the number of positive cases are surging, the percent positive of those tested is also increasing. That means the percent of the population that is infected is increasing which is independent of the number of tests con.
Trump is going ballistic about covid on twitter:

"Cases, Cases, Cases! If we didn’t test so much and so successfully, we would have very few cases. If you test 40,000,000 people, you are going to have many cases that, without the testing (like other countries), would not show up every night on the Fake Evening News

In a certain way, our tremendous Testing success gives the Fake News Media all they want, CASES. In the meantime, Deaths and the all important Mortality Rate goes down. You don’t hear about that from the Fake News, and you never will. Anybody need any Ventilators???"

Democrats hate the country.

Because of cases they want to shut the country down now, even though as Trump said - this isn't indication that anything has changed. They want to prevent economic success to nominate their basement bitch - Biden.
Yes, something has changed that is significant and it's independent of the number of tests performed. The percent positive of all test in the US has risen steadily from 4.4% of the population on June 7th to 7.5% on July 1st. This means the percent of our population being tested that is infected with the virus has risen by 3.1% in less than a month. Covid 19 is definitely getting worse. This is being confirmed by the the fact that hospitalization for covid 19 has increased in the last month in 27 states. In some areas, ICU beds are full and patients are being shipped out of the area. Since hospitals are filling with new covid 19 cases we can expect a rise in daily death rates in a few weeks.
No question Hillary or any other person would have provided better leadership than Trump

Really? Isn't it strange that under Trump's poor leadership, the 1.7 million projected deaths haven't happened? Could it be that you are just lying like the partisan ass we all know you to be?
About that projection, the Trump administration (CDC) projected "as many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die." The wide range was based on various scenarios.

As of today the 7 day average of deaths in the US due Covid 19 is 562. If that rate holds till the end of the year, we will have 232,000 deaths. However, since the daily new cases have more than doubled in the last 30 days, 232,000 is likely a low figure.

So encouraging people to ignore his administration's guidelines is leadership :cuckoo:
How many drunk driving deaths, deaths from using mobile devices? All laws.

you are truly uninformed.

you cry wolf shame on you

What is drunk driving has anything to do with with your ignorance? So where is your rebuttal for my post #137 and #154?

You also claimed that Covid-19 showed up here in US September 2019. I asked you to prove that. Where is it?
Covid19 was here years ago, the reason that some people are immune is because they were previously infected

Seriously not everything the government says is real, you do know that right?
That seems highly unlikely due to relatively high rate of infection. 15 cases in the US increased to nearly 10,000 in 30 days, 100,000 in 45 days, and over a million in 3 moths. The same would have been true years ago and that would not go unnoticed.

this is rich

my 13 year old grand daughter would have done a better job than Trump.
No question Hillary or any other person would have provided better leadership than Trump

Really? Isn't it strange that under Trump's poor leadership, the 1.7 million projected deaths haven't happened? Could it be that you are just lying like the partisan ass we all know you to be?
About that projection, the Trump administration (CDC) projected "as many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die." The wide range was based on various scenarios.

As of today the 7 day average of deaths in the US due Covid 19 is 562. If that rate holds till the end of the year, we will have 232,000 deaths. However, since the daily new cases have more than doubled in the last 30 days, 232,000 is likely a low figure.

So encouraging people to ignore his administration's guidelines is leadership :cuckoo:
How many drunk driving deaths, deaths from using mobile devices? All laws.

you are truly uninformed.

you cry wolf shame on you

What is drunk driving has anything to do with with your ignorance? So where is your rebuttal for my post #137 and #154?

You also claimed that Covid-19 showed up here in US September 2019. I asked you to prove that. Where is it?
Covid19 was here years ago, the reason that some people are immune is because they were previously infected

Seriously not everything the government says is real, you do know that right?
That seems highly unlikely due to relatively high rate of infection. 15 cases in the US increased to nearly 10,000 in 30 days, 100,000 in 45 days, and over a million in 3 moths. The same would have been true years ago and that would not go unnoticed.
There are 100 million or more infected now, 99 percent do not even get tested. You are listening to the media and are only counting those people who were tested as infected. The fact is that C19 is no more dangerous to a healthy person than a cold, which is what it is.
No question Hillary or any other person would have provided better leadership than Trump

Really? Isn't it strange that under Trump's poor leadership, the 1.7 million projected deaths haven't happened? Could it be that you are just lying like the partisan ass we all know you to be?
About that projection, the Trump administration (CDC) projected "as many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die." The wide range was based on various scenarios.

As of today the 7 day average of deaths in the US due Covid 19 is 562. If that rate holds till the end of the year, we will have 232,000 deaths. However, since the daily new cases have more than doubled in the last 30 days, 232,000 is likely a low figure.

So encouraging people to ignore his administration's guidelines is leadership :cuckoo:
How many drunk driving deaths, deaths from using mobile devices? All laws.

you are truly uninformed.

you cry wolf shame on you

What is drunk driving has anything to do with with your ignorance? So where is your rebuttal for my post #137 and #154?

You also claimed that Covid-19 showed up here in US September 2019. I asked you to prove that. Where is it?
Covid19 was here years ago, the reason that some people are immune is because they were previously infected

Seriously not everything the government says is real, you do know that right?
That seems highly unlikely due to relatively high rate of infection. 15 cases in the US increased to nearly 10,000 in 30 days, 100,000 in 45 days, and over a million in 3 moths. The same would have been true years ago and that would not go unnoticed.
There are 100 million or more infected now, 99 percent do not even get tested. You are listening to the media and are only counting those people who were tested as infected. The fact is that C19 is no more dangerous to a healthy person than a cold, which is what it is.
I don't recall anyone dying of a cold. Deaths from Covid are about 130,000. Even if only 1% of population get's serious ill, that's 33 million people.
I don't recall anyone dying of a cold. Deaths from Covid are about 130,000. Even if only 1% of population get's serious ill, that's 33 million people.
usually colds turn into flu or pneumonia first and then they die. you're just stupid on top of stupid. I bet you think people don't die in a car either right? layers upon layers of stupid have filled your room.

this is rich

my 13 year old grand daughter would have done a better job than Trump.
she could have beat hitlery, you are correct about that.

this is rich
She is right.
Yeah how she handled bengazi is proof.
Actually, she should get an award. Bush had 13 Bengazis, and she cut it to one. If there were any with fewer consulate attacks, let us know.
No question Hillary or any other person would have provided better leadership than Trump

Really? Isn't it strange that under Trump's poor leadership, the 1.7 million projected deaths haven't happened? Could it be that you are just lying like the partisan ass we all know you to be?
About that projection, the Trump administration (CDC) projected "as many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die." The wide range was based on various scenarios.

As of today the 7 day average of deaths in the US due Covid 19 is 562. If that rate holds till the end of the year, we will have 232,000 deaths. However, since the daily new cases have more than doubled in the last 30 days, 232,000 is likely a low figure.

So encouraging people to ignore his administration's guidelines is leadership :cuckoo:
How many drunk driving deaths, deaths from using mobile devices? All laws.

you are truly uninformed.

you cry wolf shame on you

What is drunk driving has anything to do with with your ignorance? So where is your rebuttal for my post #137 and #154?

You also claimed that Covid-19 showed up here in US September 2019. I asked you to prove that. Where is it?
Covid19 was here years ago, the reason that some people are immune is because they were previously infected

Seriously not everything the government says is real, you do know that right?
That seems highly unlikely due to relatively high rate of infection. 15 cases in the US increased to nearly 10,000 in 30 days, 100,000 in 45 days, and over a million in 3 moths. The same would have been true years ago and that would not go unnoticed.
There are 100 million or more infected now, 99 percent do not even get tested. You are listening to the media and are only counting those people who were tested as infected. The fact is that C19 is no more dangerous to a healthy person than a cold, which is what it is.

The common cold can be very dangerous to some people.


this is rich
She is right.
Yeah how she handled bengazi is proof.
Actually, she should get an award. Bush had 13 Bengazis, and she cut it to one. If there were any with fewer consulate attacks, let us know.
did bush have deaths ignoring a consulate?

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