Security at Tuzla made Hillary wear bullet proof stuff and scared everyone...gotcha gone crazy?

Misspoke is code for lie, give it it up numbnuts! only you partisan whackos believe the shit that comes out of Trump or Clinton's mouth.
Cranky Frankie is trying very hard to spin this for Hildebeast. Either that, or posting enough to go for the "dupe" record. That's Frankie's favorite word.

He claims to be a teacher, yet he over uses words. Like "dupe", I am glad my kids didn't have this tenured moron teaching them in school.
Misspoke is code for lie, give it it up numbnuts! only you partisan whackos believe the shit that comes out of Trump or Clinton's mouth.
Cranky Frankie is trying very hard to spin this for Hildebeast. Either that, or posting enough to go for the "dupe" record. That's Frankie's favorite word.

He claims to be a teacher, yet he over uses words. Like "dupe", I am glad my kids didn't have this tenured moron teaching them in school.
I look at it this way: We are anonymous posters on a message board. We can claim to be anything we want to be. Who knows if the dude is/was a teacher, but he sure doesn't show it.
Misspoke is code for lie, give it it up numbnuts! only you partisan whackos believe the shit that comes out of Trump or Clinton's mouth.
Cranky Frankie is trying very hard to spin this for Hildebeast. Either that, or posting enough to go for the "dupe" record. That's Frankie's favorite word.
It's the story of the last 3 decades, GOP dupes voting for the greedy idiot rich.
Misspoke is code for lie, give it it up numbnuts! only you partisan whackos believe the shit that comes out of Trump or Clinton's mouth.
Cranky Frankie is trying very hard to spin this for Hildebeast. Either that, or posting enough to go for the "dupe" record. That's Frankie's favorite word.

He claims to be a teacher, yet he over uses words. Like "dupe", I am glad my kids didn't have this tenured moron teaching them in school.
I look at it this way: We are anonymous posters on a message board. We can claim to be anything we want to be. Who knows if the dude is/was a teacher, but he sure doesn't show it.
I admire and respect your opinion lol. They don't have tenure in private schools.
Sound like "under sniper fire" technically? Impossible to find transcript, just that snippet a million times? Our media suqs, just controversy, gotcha, and ratings mad, especially with the Clintons...

Finally, in an effort to put the controversy behind her, Clinton told the Philadelphia Daily News:

“Now let me tell you what I can remember, OK — because what I was told was that we had to land a certain way and move quickly because of the threat of sniper fire. So I misspoke — I didn’t say that in my book or other times but if I said something that made it seem as though there was actual fire — that’s not what I was told. I was told we had to land a certain way, we had to have our bulletproof stuff on because of the threat of sniper fire. I was also told that the greeting ceremony had been moved away from the tarmac but that there was this 8-year-old girl and, I can’t, I can’t rush by her, I’ve got to at least greet her — so I greeted her, I took her stuff and then I left, now that’s my memory of it.”

Over time, the incident became etched in the minds of Clinton’s detractors, which is why it resonates today.

There is one interesting update to the episode. Former ambassador Christopher R. Hill, who accompanied Clinton on the trip, published a memoir in 2014, “Outpost,” in which he recounted that just before landing in Bosnia, the staff and reporters received an unusually intense briefing about the security situation. Hill’s account does not necessarily excuse Clinton’s false statement, but it is an example of how memories can be forged in unexpected ways. Here’s what he wrote on pages 114-115:

[During the landing at Tuzla], I ventured over to listen to a member of the security detail briefing the first lady and her team on the situation we would likely encounter on the ground. As she did for every briefing she received, she listened attentively, glancing at her reading material as he talked and talked.

I found myself almost rolling my eyes as the briefer went on and on about the possibility of snipers and what the plan of action would be (essentially, making a beeline to the armored vehicles parked nearby). As the briefing continued for what seemed like half an hour, one of the journalists, a little worried, asked me if it was going to be that dangerous.

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I explained I was not going to contradict the briefer, but, whispering, I told him I seriously doubted we would encounter any such threat. For heaven’s sake, I explained, it was a U.S. military base with thousands of troops, where there had not been a single such incident in the three months they had set up camp. He was relieved, but those more attentively listening to the briefer were not, as they contemplated that soon they could be running for their lives across an open tarmac a la “sniper alley” in Sarajevo.

There were of course no snipers, and as the nervous passengers exited from the rear of the aircraft off an enormous steel ramp that could handle tanks and other tactical vehicles, we were greeted by a group of Bosnian children in colorful native dress. Hope none of them is a sniper, I thought. They presented Mrs. Clinton with bright bouquets of spring flowers that were quickly gathered up by aides while the first lady patted the children on the head … The visit seemed over before it began by the time we made our way back to the airstrip and boarded the C-17 for the flight to Germany. But the threat of snipers seemed to be all most people could remember.

The bitch lied through her teeth as ALL of the pics show. Poor franco just can't stop defending her.
Sound like "under sniper fire" technically? Impossible to find transcript, just that snippet a million times? Our media suqs, just controversy, gotcha, and ratings mad, especially with the Clintons...

Finally, in an effort to put the controversy behind her, Clinton told the Philadelphia Daily News:

“Now let me tell you what I can remember, OK — because what I was told was that we had to land a certain way and move quickly because of the threat of sniper fire. So I misspoke — I didn’t say that in my book or other times but if I said something that made it seem as though there was actual fire — that’s not what I was told. I was told we had to land a certain way, we had to have our bulletproof stuff on because of the threat of sniper fire. I was also told that the greeting ceremony had been moved away from the tarmac but that there was this 8-year-old girl and, I can’t, I can’t rush by her, I’ve got to at least greet her — so I greeted her, I took her stuff and then I left, now that’s my memory of it.”

Over time, the incident became etched in the minds of Clinton’s detractors, which is why it resonates today.

There is one interesting update to the episode. Former ambassador Christopher R. Hill, who accompanied Clinton on the trip, published a memoir in 2014, “Outpost,” in which he recounted that just before landing in Bosnia, the staff and reporters received an unusually intense briefing about the security situation. Hill’s account does not necessarily excuse Clinton’s false statement, but it is an example of how memories can be forged in unexpected ways. Here’s what he wrote on pages 114-115:

[During the landing at Tuzla], I ventured over to listen to a member of the security detail briefing the first lady and her team on the situation we would likely encounter on the ground. As she did for every briefing she received, she listened attentively, glancing at her reading material as he talked and talked.

I found myself almost rolling my eyes as the briefer went on and on about the possibility of snipers and what the plan of action would be (essentially, making a beeline to the armored vehicles parked nearby). As the briefing continued for what seemed like half an hour, one of the journalists, a little worried, asked me if it was going to be that dangerous.

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What's true, what's false or in-between.

I explained I was not going to contradict the briefer, but, whispering, I told him I seriously doubted we would encounter any such threat. For heaven’s sake, I explained, it was a U.S. military base with thousands of troops, where there had not been a single such incident in the three months they had set up camp. He was relieved, but those more attentively listening to the briefer were not, as they contemplated that soon they could be running for their lives across an open tarmac a la “sniper alley” in Sarajevo.

There were of course no snipers, and as the nervous passengers exited from the rear of the aircraft off an enormous steel ramp that could handle tanks and other tactical vehicles, we were greeted by a group of Bosnian children in colorful native dress. Hope none of them is a sniper, I thought. They presented Mrs. Clinton with bright bouquets of spring flowers that were quickly gathered up by aides while the first lady patted the children on the head … The visit seemed over before it began by the time we made our way back to the airstrip and boarded the C-17 for the flight to Germany. But the threat of snipers seemed to be all most people could remember.

The bitch lied through her teeth as ALL of the pics show. Poor franco just can't stop defending her.
She explains that. Where's the rest of it? LOL

Sound like "under sniper fire" technically? Impossible to find transcript, just that snippet a million times? Our media suqs, just controversy, gotcha, and ratings mad, especially with the Clintons...

Finally, in an effort to put the controversy behind her, Clinton told the Philadelphia Daily News:

“Now let me tell you what I can remember, OK — because what I was told was that we had to land a certain way and move quickly because of the threat of sniper fire. So I misspoke — I didn’t say that in my book or other times but if I said something that made it seem as though there was actual fire — that’s not what I was told. I was told we had to land a certain way, we had to have our bulletproof stuff on because of the threat of sniper fire. I was also told that the greeting ceremony had been moved away from the tarmac but that there was this 8-year-old girl and, I can’t, I can’t rush by her, I’ve got to at least greet her — so I greeted her, I took her stuff and then I left, now that’s my memory of it.”

Over time, the incident became etched in the minds of Clinton’s detractors, which is why it resonates today.

There is one interesting update to the episode. Former ambassador Christopher R. Hill, who accompanied Clinton on the trip, published a memoir in 2014, “Outpost,” in which he recounted that just before landing in Bosnia, the staff and reporters received an unusually intense briefing about the security situation. Hill’s account does not necessarily excuse Clinton’s false statement, but it is an example of how memories can be forged in unexpected ways. Here’s what he wrote on pages 114-115:

[During the landing at Tuzla], I ventured over to listen to a member of the security detail briefing the first lady and her team on the situation we would likely encounter on the ground. As she did for every briefing she received, she listened attentively, glancing at her reading material as he talked and talked.

I found myself almost rolling my eyes as the briefer went on and on about the possibility of snipers and what the plan of action would be (essentially, making a beeline to the armored vehicles parked nearby). As the briefing continued for what seemed like half an hour, one of the journalists, a little worried, asked me if it was going to be that dangerous.

Fact Checker newsletter

What's true, what's false or in-between.

I explained I was not going to contradict the briefer, but, whispering, I told him I seriously doubted we would encounter any such threat. For heaven’s sake, I explained, it was a U.S. military base with thousands of troops, where there had not been a single such incident in the three months they had set up camp. He was relieved, but those more attentively listening to the briefer were not, as they contemplated that soon they could be running for their lives across an open tarmac a la “sniper alley” in Sarajevo.

There were of course no snipers, and as the nervous passengers exited from the rear of the aircraft off an enormous steel ramp that could handle tanks and other tactical vehicles, we were greeted by a group of Bosnian children in colorful native dress. Hope none of them is a sniper, I thought. They presented Mrs. Clinton with bright bouquets of spring flowers that were quickly gathered up by aides while the first lady patted the children on the head … The visit seemed over before it began by the time we made our way back to the airstrip and boarded the C-17 for the flight to Germany. But the threat of snipers seemed to be all most people could remember.
You poor old man. The bitch flat out lied and you are reduced to defending her with your last breath.
Misspoke is code for lie, give it it up numbnuts! only you partisan whackos believe the shit that comes out of Trump or Clinton's mouth.
Cranky Frankie is trying very hard to spin this for Hildebeast. Either that, or posting enough to go for the "dupe" record. That's Frankie's favorite word.
It's the story of the last 3 decades, GOP dupes voting for the greedy idiot rich.

Lol! Hillary the epitome of greedy rich. She will do anything to please her Wall St. buddies. You are such a dupe.
Misspoke is code for lie, give it it up numbnuts! only you partisan whackos believe the shit that comes out of Trump or Clinton's mouth.
Cranky Frankie is trying very hard to spin this for Hildebeast. Either that, or posting enough to go for the "dupe" record. That's Frankie's favorite word.

He claims to be a teacher, yet he over uses words. Like "dupe", I am glad my kids didn't have this tenured moron teaching them in school.
I look at it this way: We are anonymous posters on a message board. We can claim to be anything we want to be. Who knows if the dude is/was a teacher, but he sure doesn't show it.
I admire and respect your opinion lol. They don't have tenure in private schools.

Private school that the rich only have access to? Lol! What a fraud.
Misspoke is code for lie, give it it up numbnuts! only you partisan whackos believe the shit that comes out of Trump or Clinton's mouth.
Cranky Frankie is trying very hard to spin this for Hildebeast. Either that, or posting enough to go for the "dupe" record. That's Frankie's favorite word.
It's the story of the last 3 decades, GOP dupes voting for the greedy idiot rich.

Lol! Hillary the epitome of greedy rich. She will do anything to please her Wall St. buddies. You are such a dupe.
No evidence of that, dupe. Taking their money for speeches means nothing. BS propaganda as everything GOPers and other chumps think...
Misspoke is code for lie, give it it up numbnuts! only you partisan whackos believe the shit that comes out of Trump or Clinton's mouth.
Cranky Frankie is trying very hard to spin this for Hildebeast. Either that, or posting enough to go for the "dupe" record. That's Frankie's favorite word.

He claims to be a teacher, yet he over uses words. Like "dupe", I am glad my kids didn't have this tenured moron teaching them in school.
I look at it this way: We are anonymous posters on a message board. We can claim to be anything we want to be. Who knows if the dude is/was a teacher, but he sure doesn't show it.
I admire and respect your opinion lol. They don't have tenure in private schools.

Private school that the rich only have access to? Lol! What a fraud.
Simple for the simpletons...I'm only against greedy idiot GOP rich- your brainwashers. In RI and NJ, not so much.
Cranky Frankie is trying very hard to spin this for Hildebeast. Either that, or posting enough to go for the "dupe" record. That's Frankie's favorite word.

He claims to be a teacher, yet he over uses words. Like "dupe", I am glad my kids didn't have this tenured moron teaching them in school.
I look at it this way: We are anonymous posters on a message board. We can claim to be anything we want to be. Who knows if the dude is/was a teacher, but he sure doesn't show it.
I admire and respect your opinion lol. They don't have tenure in private schools.

Private school that the rich only have access to? Lol! What a fraud.
Simple for the simpletons...I'm only against greedy idiot GOP rich- your brainwashers. In RI and NJ, not so much.

So you worked in a private school where rich and poor had equal access. Lol! You are a big fraud. You are full of it!
He claims to be a teacher, yet he over uses words. Like "dupe", I am glad my kids didn't have this tenured moron teaching them in school.
I look at it this way: We are anonymous posters on a message board. We can claim to be anything we want to be. Who knows if the dude is/was a teacher, but he sure doesn't show it.
I admire and respect your opinion lol. They don't have tenure in private schools.

Private school that the rich only have access to? Lol! What a fraud.
Simple for the simpletons...I'm only against greedy idiot GOP rich- your brainwashers. In RI and NJ, not so much.

So you worked in a private school where rich and poor had equal access. Lol! You are a big fraud. You are full of it!
Man you're thick.
Misspoke is code for lie, give it it up numbnuts! only you partisan whackos believe the shit that comes out of Trump or Clinton's mouth.
Cranky Frankie is trying very hard to spin this for Hildebeast. Either that, or posting enough to go for the "dupe" record. That's Frankie's favorite word.
It's the story of the last 3 decades, GOP dupes voting for the greedy idiot rich.

Lol! Hillary the epitome of greedy rich. She will do anything to please her Wall St. buddies. You are such a dupe.
No evidence of that, dupe. Taking their money for speeches means nothing. BS propaganda as everything GOPers and other chumps think...

Lots of evidence, partisan hacks don't want to hear it, excuse and justify. If I gave hard cold evidence, you would deny because you are a partisan hack and idiot.
I look at it this way: We are anonymous posters on a message board. We can claim to be anything we want to be. Who knows if the dude is/was a teacher, but he sure doesn't show it.
I admire and respect your opinion lol. They don't have tenure in private schools.

Private school that the rich only have access to? Lol! What a fraud.
Simple for the simpletons...I'm only against greedy idiot GOP rich- your brainwashers. In RI and NJ, not so much.

So you worked in a private school where rich and poor had equal access. Lol! You are a big fraud. You are full of it!
Man you're thick.

Nope, just know a phony. You don't fool me.

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