Sec'y of State Kerry claims the US can defeat ISIS "in months"

If the GOP led Congress took this seriously and declared War...we could get on a total war footing and yes, take care of this in just a few months. But they don't want a short effective war.....that requires Joe Public being inconveeeeeeenianced and a short war isn't as profitable for the military industries.
I think this is a genuinely out of touch administration
If Kerry believes this, I question his qualifications for the job he currently holds.
Kerry: We can defeat IS within 'months' of Syrian transition - News-Talk 1110 WBT

Oh my... so that means that the US can NOT defeat ISIS in months.

Well that sucks.

Better to do it in days any way.

Break out the Tactical Nukes boys... it's time to make some shadows and glass.
Sure...why not. Tell Israel to get ready.....
The current administration couldn't defeat toenail fungus, let alone ISIS.
We have an administration too closely aligned with Muslim "advisors," rather than "ex-Muslim" advisors.
The administration considers the radical Islamic nation of Saudi Arabia to be an ally, when it should consider Saudi Arabia and its radical teachings, the enemy.
I think this is a genuinely out of touch administration
If Kerry believes this, I question his qualifications for the job he currently holds.
Kerry: We can defeat IS within 'months' of Syrian transition - News-Talk 1110 WBT

I wonder which of his advisors told him that.

And this information is opposite of what the current US Military leadership is saying. But it is lateral to Obamas line of thinking.

If Kerry is pushing this - then he needs to resign as Secretary of State.

Even Albright done a better job than Kerry is , or has done.

ISIS is spread too far out, and terrorist do not necessarily wear black rags, ninja shoes and carry an AK- 47. Islamic terrorists are flexible, mobile, and in almost every country, as with other European and African terrorists groups. Kerry is politically ignorant, and a political moron ...... he has proven that.

I would not take this article seriously .

It would take the US to attack foreign capital cities and severe air and sea attacks to stop the terrorist tragedys.

It would take mounds and mounds of intelligence , and identify all senior leaderships, command and control, as well as logistical and financial support networks . One such support, drugs.....such as opium. Opium is a cash crop in that region, as well as financial criminal activity such as money laundering and related crimes.

The State Department is narrow minded on this. Not surprising it is being said by Kerry .

The terrorist problem abroad would take the efforts of the US Military and Federal Law Enforcement; as well as a coalition of forces to put a severe strangle hold on terrorist activity . A plan I estimate would take about 5 to 7 years to complete.

Foreign governments would have to cooperate, and right now one country in the news does not want our troops in their country , so that would not happen.

Terrorists are guilty, foreign politicians and foreign military leaders are guilty, and cannot be trusted with certain information....... So there goes any operational security the US would need.

It is huge problem.

So, to win ....... To succeed, we need to go after certain foreign governments on a wide scale. We need our " shock and awe " of nuclear submarines, along with B1 and B2 bombers dropping the good stuff on targets . If not, all that will occur is billions upon billions of dollars going to a continued war that regenerates and repopulates faster than we can keep up with it.

Shadow 355
If we can defeat them in months,what the fuck have we been doing for the last year?

Could Kerry have said that, to be inline as a running mate ?

Shadow 355

Kerry isnt hawkish enough to pull that off by a long shot.

I beg the differ, he pulled off the Secretary of State .

Both being nominated, and confirmed.

So he done the magical truck twice.

The next election is going to be interesting .

Shadow 355
If we can defeat them in months,what the fuck have we been doing for the last year?

Could Kerry have said that, to be inline as a running mate ?

Shadow 355

Kerry isnt hawkish enough to pull that off by a long shot.

I beg the differ, he pulled off the Secretary of State .

Both being nominated, and confirmed.

So he done the magical truck twice.

The next election is going to be interesting .

Shadow 355

But he wasnt using hawkish behavior to gain those positions.
The idea that Kerry could be considered tough on terror just wont fly.
Sec'y of State Kerry claims the US can defeat ISIS "in months"

...if a ceasefire can be realized in Syria.

Quote the entire statement, not part of the statement taken out of context, as is typical of most liars on the right.

And Kerry is correct: as long as Syria is engulfed in civil war, a lawless entity such as ISIS can continue to thrive.
Sec'y of State Kerry claims the US can defeat ISIS "in months"

...if a ceasefire can be realized in Syria.

Quote the entire statement, not part of the statement taken out of context, as is typical of most liars on the right.

And Kerry is correct: as long as Syria is engulfed in civil war, a lawless entity such as ISIS can continue to thrive.

If candies and nuts......

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