See Something, Say Something campaign

I agree. All citizens should be on the look for threatening behavior from anyone in any belief group. Then report.
My only problem with the article is this statement


I'll call it out and make clear that religious discrimination has never been the American way."

End Quote

Religious and racial discrimination have always been the American way. What fool ever suggested otherwise.
Right, they being cold-blooded murdered in every American city by the dozens each night. More leftist grouping crap. "Anything for a buck, Larry Darryl and Darryl" Set up fake lawsuits.

"Anti-Islam bigotry doesn't just fly in the face of fundamental American values, it leads to real violence against Muslim-Americans and immigrants,"
The continued attempt at grooming anti-Islamic bigotry in America continues to fail.
While I'm sure some of our true racists would love to believe otherwise. I fully support this particular campaign in its efforts to extend the hand of equality to all peaceful peoples

Video Campaign Urges U.S. to "See Something, Say Something" About Anti-Islam Bigotry

Can not do that as that would be racial profiling and the far left will not allow such things to happen..

Just like the fear of not being PC could have stopped San Bernardino, but far left religious fear mongering prevented people from coming forward.

And this proving why the far left is most dangerous religion on the planet.
I agree. All citizens should be on the look for threatening behavior from anyone in any belief group. Then report.

When appropriate, yes. But usually, by second grade, children have learned that constant running to tell the teacher is futile. Apparently, though, not all second-graders have learned that........
I agree. All citizens should be on the look for threatening behavior from anyone in any belief group. Then report.

When appropriate, yes. But usually, by second grade, children have learned that constant running to tell the teacher is futile. Apparently, though, not all second-graders have learned that........
You are crazy, Henry. The kids tattle right through the 12th grade.
I really don't care enough. Screw my fellow man. My fellow man can eat a dick.
You are crazy, Henry. The kids tattle right through the 12th grade.

Tut tut......

Claiming grade progress greater than that achieved is a sin and they'll turn up the flames in Hell a little higher for that whopper!

As I recall liars don't end up in flames, they walk backwards through eternity in a river of shit with excrement coming out of their mouths and farting whatever they might have to say.

Or at least according to Dante'
Right, they being cold-blooded murdered in every American city by the dozens each night. More leftist grouping crap. "Anything for a buck, Larry Darryl and Darryl" Set up fake lawsuits.

"Anti-Islam bigotry doesn't just fly in the face of fundamental American values, it leads to real violence against Muslim-Americans and immigrants,"

Dear num_nut who is THEY. Nobody disagrees that the Terrorist/Jihadist believe in killing to establish their dominance and to attack who they call the enemy.

What is contested here is whether it is fair to blame peaceful Muslims who denounce and don't believe in violence having anything to do with the REAL Islamic teachings.

If President Obama passes an unconstitutional bill, then people can blame the voters who supported him getting into office. Some people I know blame ALL voters even the ones who didn't vote for Obama but voted against him.

Is it fair to blame all Democrats for what Obama does as a Democrat, or only the ones who support what he does wrong and not the ones who agree what he does goes against the Constitution and political beliefs in free choice.
Is it fair to blame All Americans for what Obama (or Bush) have done as an American?
Or just the Americans who agree with the harmful policies and not the ones who opposed them?

So with Muslims, is it fair to attack them if Jihadists commit terrorist acts
and to treat Muslims who didn't participate "differently" from other citizens who didn't participate
just because they are of Muslim faith.

If so, is it okay to blame all Americans for Bush and Obama's policies because these people are Americans who did this and so are we!
Are we guilty just because we are of that affiliation, and thus we "should have done more as taxpaying voters" to hold our leaders responsible and stop anything wrongful they did as our representatives?

Are we equally responsible for the wrongs done by anyone of our social group?
And if not, why are all Muslims treated as responsible for terrorism if only the extreme Jihadists are doing this?
Emily writes correctly, "What is contested here is whether it is fair to blame peaceful Muslims who denounce and don't believe in violence having anything to do with the REAL Islamic teachings."

The only difference between the jihadists and our wannabee anti-Islamic terrorists is they know they would be wiped out immediately by the LEO if not their neighbors if they started killing.
Emily writes correctly, "What is contested here is whether it is fair to blame peaceful Muslims who denounce and don't believe in violence having anything to do with the REAL Islamic teachings."

The only difference between the jihadists and our wannabee anti-Islamic terrorists is they know they would be wiped out immediately by the LEO if not their neighbors if they started killing.

JakeStarkey Good point that there are 'wanna be' potential types in between the two extremes of
terrorist Jihadists and peaceful law abiding Muslims.

Even Farrakhan calling for violent disruption to protest and take back power is calling for people to take law and justice "into their own hands" instead of invoking equal authority of law and leading reform fully legally and civilly according to civil authority.

the difference I find is whether people respect DUE PROCESS: at what point do we drop the "innocent until proven guilty" and start assuming, judging and punishing people based on our own accusations, with or without a fair process to determine who was responsible or guilty for what?

As humans, we tend to jump the gun and start accusing people, even by association with groups. So that isn't respecting the principle of due process of law where the person is confronted first with the accusations, has the right to defend petition and appeal, and go through a process BEFORE determining guilt or innocence as charged.

Govt goes through a FORMAL due process.
People go through a similar process, where WE want OUR innocence and reputation defended from accusations we demand the right to answer to or correct first. But do we give the same opportunity to others we accuse of something they deny where they demand the right to defend and correct the record.

Christianity may call for people to love one another, to care for each other as ourselves.

The Constitution does not require individual people to uphold the same standards as govt.

But that is what I find separates the sheep from the goats.

Those who have figured out the empowerment process of taking on responsibility for enforcing laws (using the Constitutional principles similarly to invoking and enforcing Biblical laws on one's own instead of relying on church authority to be responsible for that) exercise a different level of autonomy, representation and defense, and ability to rebuke and compel others to have authority or influence in society.

While those who stand back and let others lead and enforce laws don't have this same sense of authority, ownership and control, so this leads to victimhood.

When I look at the reactions and statements by various leaders, including Black leaders with BLM, I notice if they justify the lawbreaking or if they put law enforcement first as the way to EMPOWER citizens to exercise equal authority and standing.

Counseling people to break the law in order to protest is what leads down the road to terrorism as a form of protest. So that is not respecting the civil right to petition, but bypassing it and going straight to war.

You are right JakeStarkey there are some people
sitting on the fence, and would lean toward the lawless lawbreaking approach given the opportunity. And that's what the mob/looting/riots take advantage of is that impulse to act collectively as a crowd and get away with things they couldn't do individually.

Very dangerous not to teach people the difference and the empowerment involved in enforcing laws as equals instead of breaking them and becoming subject to the authority of others.
The intolerance of just about every religion has been the major source of tensions throughout the world, not just the middle east. I can't imagine a more intransigent belief system. Its sad to think of how many people have perished throughout the ages because of someone else's beliefs.

The short story is we should all transcend the various dogmas and simply act in a civilized manor towards each other. Which if course includes both sticking up for someone being harassed for whatever faith they may practice but also against someone preparing to commit horrible acts in the name of their god.

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