See we told you.. Mcdonalds is ordering 7K touch screen to replace cashiers

That's right, minimum wage jobs are for kids and with enough of your kids working maybe you can pay the rent AND eat!
After all only the most capable in our society should expect to earn enough to pay their own way. All the less fortunate, less capable and certainly the less intelligent should simply live in a garage or a box with no hope for a life of dignity.

Well. Yes. Someone that lacking in capability and intelligence that fast food is the best they can do for a lifetime career should be under a conservatorship.
That's right, minimum wage jobs are for kids and with enough of your kids working maybe you can pay the rent AND eat!
After all only the most capable in our society should expect to earn enough to pay their own way. All the less fortunate, less capable and certainly the less intelligent should simply live in a garage or a box with no hope for a life of dignity.

Well. Yes. Someone that lacking in capability and intelligence that fast food is the best they can do for a lifetime career should be under a conservatorship.

Ah I see, maybe indentured servitude to one of the more deserving plutocracy?
Seeing that these touch screens are growing fastest in Australia where the minimum wage is $15.00 an hour gave me a laugh.

Look at it this way, if the minimum wage workers want to make a high minimum wage, they will have to get up off their do nothing asses and learn to repair touch screens.

What is truly laughable is that Australia's unemployment rate is 5.7% compared to our 7.3% even though they have such a high minimum wage. Of course, with having a much higher minimum wage, people have a lot more money to spend, which grows the economy creating more jobs and more profits for employers which in turn allows companies to expand and make more money.

What is even more interesting is that because of the higher minimum wage in Australia, they have a lot less people relying on government assistance. What a concept, pay people a living wage and they won't have to rely on the government for extra support.
Seeing that these touch screens are growing fastest in Australia where the minimum wage is $15.00 an hour gave me a laugh.

Look at it this way, if the minimum wage workers want to make a high minimum wage, they will have to get up off their do nothing asses and learn to repair touch screens.

What is truly laughable is that Australia's unemployment rate is 5.7% compared to our 7.3

What is even more interesting is that because of the higher minimum wage in Australia, they have a lot less people relying on government assistance. What a concept, pay people a living wage and they won't have to rely on the government for extra support.

Australia does not have mexicans. Employers have to hire Australians or foreigners legally there. Send over 30 million illegal village people and see what happens to the UE rate.
Right now, some emergency room paramedics in my town don't even make $15 an hour and they have a lot of special training, have to continue taking classes every year to remain certified and their jobs is just plain hard. And yet you think some high school drop out should walk into a fast food place and earn more than the skilled workers?

Maybe those emergency room paramedics should find a more marketable skill, and stop freeloading off of American taxpayers. Obviously they are being paid what they are worth, or their employers would pay them more. It couldn't possibly have anything to do with higher-ups lining their own pockets at the expense of their employees.
If we secured the border and started mass deportations, the minimum wages paid might rise naturally on its own.
If we secured the border and started mass deportations, the minimum wages paid might rise naturally on its own.

Libs will hate that suggestion. They don't like allowing the market to work on it's own because a strong economy has no need for government intervention. And they hate immigration laws, which is why this administration blatantly disobeys them and sues people who do respect them. The Obama administration just appointed a bunch of judges to handle cases of illegal aliens who get arrested by INS. The judges were members of pro-amnesty groups, some groups from Mexico calling for open borders and other anti-American groups. Gee, I wonder if the judges will deport illegals. Obama may as well admit he wants open borders and has no intention of ever following immigration laws. He only demands that we follow laws that he and his fellow liberals created.

If companies faced penalties for hiring illegals, it would lessen illegal immigration. If the IRS would stop looking the other way when illegals use other people's identities and/or social security numbers, we would see more self-deportation. If Obama would stop inviting them over here, directing them to the nearest welfare office and promising them amnesty, we wouldn't have a problem with millions here and more coming daily.

Illegals don't care about minimum wage or not. They have children here, so receive welfare benefits that help with housing, food and utilities. The minimum wages they bring home are often disposable income because their lives are subsidized. Many work for money under the table, so they don't even have to steal someone's social security number to file taxes, unless of course, they want that giant refund check. ($10,000 on average to each filer who claimed a lot of dependents and the IRS sends the check first and asks questions later) Look at Obama's aunt, who was given an apartment and monthly check even though she's here illegally. Mexico counts on the billions that illegal aliens in the states send back to their home country. The government relies on those remittances when they figure their budget. That money may as well be stolen from the pockets of citizens. Our taxes pay for illegals to get welfare and we pay for their medical and everything else. The money they make by taking jobs from citizens go back to Mexico, not America's economy. And they are exempt from Obamacare, so they are quite desirable to employers. Thank McCain and his merry band of thugs for those "unintended consequences."

Raising the minimum wages will reduce the number of jobs or the price of goods will go up and either one is very bad for the economy. Welfare rolls will increase as more lose their jobs.

None of what is happening in this country are truly unintended consequences. It's all quite intentional and there is a blueprint for all of this. It's probably going a little slower than the lefties would like, but they are making headway.
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If we secured the border and started mass deportations, the minimum wages paid might rise naturally on its own.

Libs will hate that suggestion. They don't like allowing the market to work on it's own because a strong economy has no need for government intervention. And they hate immigration laws, which is why this administration blatantly disobeys them and sues people who do respect them. The Obama administration just appointed a bunch of judges to handle cases of illegal aliens who get arrested by INS. The judges were members of pro-amnesty groups, some groups from Mexico calling for open borders and other anti-American groups. Gee, I wonder if the judges will deport illegals. Obama may as well admit he wants open borders and has no intention of ever following immigration laws. He only demands that we follow laws that he and his fellow liberals created.

If companies faced penalties for hiring illegals, it would lessen illegal immigration. If the IRS would stop looking the other way when illegals use other people's identities and/or social security numbers, we would see more self-deportation. If Obama would stop inviting them over here, directing them to the nearest welfare office and promising them amnesty, we wouldn't have a problem with millions here and more coming daily.

Illegals don't care about minimum wage or not. They have children here, so receive welfare benefits that help with housing, food and utilities. The minimum wages they bring home are often disposable income because their lives are subsidized. Many work for money under the table, so they don't even have to steal someone's social security number to file taxes, unless of course, they want that giant refund check. ($10,000 on average to each filer who claimed a lot of dependents and the IRS sends the check first and asks questions later) Look at Obama's aunt, who was given an apartment and monthly check even though she's here illegally. Mexico counts on the billions that illegal aliens in the states send back to their home country. The government relies on those remittances when they figure their budget. That money may as well be stolen from the pockets of citizens. Our taxes pay for illegals to get welfare and we pay for their medical and everything else. The money they make by taking jobs from citizens go back to Mexico, not America's economy. And they are exempt from Obamacare, so they are quite desirable to employers. Thank McCain and his merry band of thugs for those "unintended consequences."

Raising the minimum wages will reduce the number of jobs or the price of goods will go up and either one is very bad for the economy. Welfare rolls will increase as more lose their jobs.

None of what is happening in this country are truly unintended consequences. It's all quite intentional and there is a blueprint for all of this. It's probably going a little slower than the lefties would like, but they are making headway.
Yea, it's those Liberals, hiring illegals.

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You Millenniums are a bunch of lazy whiny bitches. You wanted the technology. You got it.
McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers - Neowin

YOu wanna walk out on your job for more money. Guess what you now might lose your jobs all because of UNIONS who are greedy..
And what do you suppose might be the outcome of such robotization?

Jobs will be lost.

Corporate profit will rise.

Government will increase benefits to the unemployed.

Corporate taxes must be increased to compensate.

Do you know of a likely alternative?

Jobs will not be lost.

There will be new jobs for people installing repairing and programming the new machines.

And for an alternative; how about people who aspire to nothing but making fries learn a more valuable skill.?
McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers - Neowin

YOu wanna walk out on your job for more money. Guess what you now might lose your jobs all because of UNIONS who are greedy..

I used those things when I was working in Ohio for 10 weeks they are cool but the public will reject them. We like the human touch. A pretty girl smiling at us as she takes our order keepsus coming back.

Yeah that's why the drive thru is so popular.

I use the self check out at supermarkets and other stores all the time. It's faster and that's what people want. Get in get your stuff and get out as fast as possible.
McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers - Neowin

YOu wanna walk out on your job for more money. Guess what you now might lose your jobs all because of UNIONS who are greedy..

I used those things when I was working in Ohio for 10 weeks they are cool but the public will reject them. We like the human touch. A pretty girl smiling at us as she takes our order keepsus coming back.

Yeah that's why the drive thru is so popular.

I use the self check out at supermarkets and other stores all the time. It's faster and that's what people want. Get in get your stuff and get out as fast as possible.
I forgot about those... I avoid them. I go to a friendly face. Hey flirting with a cute girl cashier is fun...
McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers - Neowin

YOu wanna walk out on your job for more money. Guess what you now might lose your jobs all because of UNIONS who are greedy..

in so who gives you th food ??? who collects the money?? ? the touch screen??? just curious ...

in colorado there is a fast food restaurant call Arbies ... I believe its a mid west company ... anyway they put in touch screen ordering hoping it would be easier and faster to get orders out... it turned out to be a giant clusterfuck ... the problem was people couldn't figure out how to use it ...they had to have a person standing by each touch screen teaching the customer how to use it... I don't know about you but I don't go to a restaurant to learn how to operate their touch screens .. I go to relax and eat a meal ... sooooooo sales when up 40% to taco bell next to them ... theirs dropped by 50 % ... so good luck Mcdonalds with that one
A lot of fast food chains could have easily done this already. Maybe they felt keeping people employed was more important, not that any lib would give them credit for that. It's the same with the Walmart greeters. They didn't need them, but offered senior citizens an easy job to earn extra cash. Now they are gone because of Obamacare.

How many more jobs will this administration kill?

Fast food chains are already in the process of this. It started with that automatic drink machine.

Yeah, they had the soda dispensers before computers came along. We've also had vending machines for ages.

I think the companies are telling employees that they aren't really needed at all. They could have done this ages ago, in fact, many companies could do away with some workers and replace them with machines. I'm sure the liberals secretly cheer more job losses because that's more people on welfare and it brings us one little step closer to destroying the capitalist America.

If you stop punching yourself in the face you might stop saying stupid shit. Sometimes its better to not speak your mind and let it go
McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers - Neowin

YOu wanna walk out on your job for more money. Guess what you now might lose your jobs all because of UNIONS who are greedy..

I used those things when I was working in Ohio for 10 weeks they are cool but the public will reject them. We like the human touch. A pretty girl smiling at us as she takes our order keepsus coming back.

Yeah that's why the drive thru is so popular.

I use the self check out at supermarkets and other stores all the time. It's faster and that's what people want. Get in get your stuff and get out as fast as possible.

not everybody is in a hurry like you ... I personally won't use a self check out at supermarkets ... I'm like the poster above you ... I like talking to the person at the counter and not listening to a self check out stand telling me, thank you valued customer please scan your card... please put it in the bag ... please select type of payment ... just doesn't excite my boat
The reality is robotics will continue to take away more and more American jobs. But here is my issue: Why have both political parties sold us down the river with the jobs?

The American middle class was built with manufacturing jobs. Those are almost completely gone. Why is a company like Apple, for example, allowed to outsource 100% of their manufacturing jobs overseas? They should be required to have at least half of their manufacturing jobs in the U.S. or face a huge tax penalty. Why don't the politicians do this?
McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers - Neowin

YOu wanna walk out on your job for more money. Guess what you now might lose your jobs all because of UNIONS who are greedy..

in so who gives you th food ??? who collects the money?? ? the touch screen??? just curious ...

in colorado there is a fast food restaurant call Arbies ... I believe its a mid west company ... anyway they put in touch screen ordering hoping it would be easier and faster to get orders out... it turned out to be a giant clusterfuck ... the problem was people couldn't figure out how to use it ...they had to have a person standing by each touch screen teaching the customer how to use it... I don't know about you but I don't go to a restaurant to learn how to operate their touch screens .. I go to relax and eat a meal ... sooooooo sales when up 40% to taco bell next to them ... theirs dropped by 50 % ... so good luck Mcdonalds with that one

So Arby's and Taco Bell let you look at their books? Doubt that.
It seems McDonald's intends to morph into an updated version of the Automat. For those who are too young to remember, the Automat offered a limited variety of foods and beverages, all of which were contained in warmed compartments behind little windowed doors that lined the walls of its exceptionally clean cafeteria-like branches.

There were no servers at the Automats, just tables and chairs, stacked trays, and bins of utensils. Any food item or beverage one wished to purchase was available by inserting a specified number of nickels into a slot and turning a knob to release a windowed door. Automat baked macaroni was delicious and was as popular as are today's Big Mac or Whopper.

While there were food preparers working behind the windowed walls to refill the warmed compartments as they were emptied, the only employee the customers saw was a bus-boy who cleared vacated tables and a woman who sat in a booth in the center of the dining floor exchanging currency and larger coins for nickels.

I personally liked the Automat. So did my mother, who got a great kick out of its novelty. It was 1950s automation.

The Automat is no more. I don't know why. What I do know is back then jobs were plentiful.

Several things: the rise of fast-food, which was easier to pay for, inflation (which made paying only with coins a pain, in a time before bill acceptors)...most of the Automats in NY became Burger Kings.

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