Seems Libya didn't consider us as liberators huh?

A completely unnecessary tragedy. A needless loss in an unjustified and illegitimate War.


This is unreal paulitician. I'm not sure if you know it, but Canada has expelled all Iranian diplomats and my Prime Minister had closed our embassy in Tehran.

Somethings up for true.
your party is commiting suicide

Not true. The Two-Party System isn't going anywhere. Both Parties will be around and running things for a long long time. Neither Party will just die and disappear. That just ain't gonna happen. You will never realize your fantasy. It is what it is.
your party is commiting suicide

Not true. The Two-Party System isn't going anywhere. Both Parties will be around and running things for a long long time. Neither Party will just die and disappear. That just ain't gonna happen. You will never realize your fantasy. It is what it is.

Its looking like Johnson may get 5% of the vote. I think we will see the rise of a serious, solid 3rd party soon. I think the fiscal conservatives will break from the social ones and I will be excited to see it, and to back it with my vote:)
A completely unnecessary tragedy. A needless loss in an unjustified and illegitimate War.


This is unreal paulitician. I'm not sure if you know it, but Canada has expelled all Iranian diplomats and my Prime Minister had closed our embassy in Tehran.

Somethings up for true.

Yeah, most wouldn't listen when i warned them these people were not our friends. And they shouldn't be our friends either. Most cheered and gloated over the videos showing what the savages did to Gaddafi. Well, now here they are doing the same to our Ambassador. Are they still cheering and gloating?

I'm going to neg every fucking poster that uses 9/11 to take shots at the president. It's disgusting and every one of you should be ashamed.

Rather cowardly for you to be 'negging' posters with your reputation turned off, isn't it?


I don't care. It's beneath contempt that anyone would use 9/11 for their own petty partisanship.

No one gives a good stinking damn what you do or don't do.. Yesterday you liberals used 9-11 to attack Booooooosh, even the NY Slimes.. Fucking HYPOCRITE.. Neg me too.
A completely unnecessary tragedy. A needless loss in an unjustified and illegitimate War.


This is unreal paulitician. I'm not sure if you know it, but Canada has expelled all Iranian diplomats and my Prime Minister had closed our embassy in Tehran.

Somethings up for true.

Yeah, most wouldn't listen when i warned them these people were not our friends. And they shouldn't be our friends either. Most cheered and gloated over the videos showing what the savages did to Gaddafi. Well, now here they are doing the same to our Ambassador. Are they still cheering and gloating?

Well, to us it was a no brainer. You hand power to the Muslim Brotherhood there is not going to be a pretty outcome. And it doesn't matter how much you kiss their ass, they are still going to regard you as the "infidel".

ETA: and I freely admit I hated Ghaddafi but all we've done is completely destabilize the region.

The European papers are running headlines like Mubarak says "I told you so"

And I saw that one at the Guardian a far left wing paper in Britain.
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This is unreal paulitician. I'm not sure if you know it, but Canada has expelled all Iranian diplomats and my Prime Minister had closed our embassy in Tehran.

Somethings up for true.

Yeah, most wouldn't listen when i warned them these people were not our friends. And they shouldn't be our friends either. Most cheered and gloated over the videos showing what the savages did to Gaddafi. Well, now here they are doing the same to our Ambassador. Are they still cheering and gloating?

Well, to us it was a no brainer. You hand power to the Muslim Brotherhood there is not going to be a pretty outcome. And it doesn't matter how much you kiss their ass, they are still going to regard you as the "infidel".

ETA: and I freely admit I hated Ghaddafi but all we've done is completely destabilize the region.

The European papers are running headlines like Mubarak says "I told you so"

And I saw that one at the Guardian a far left wing paper in Britain.

A useless and illegitimate War for sure. And sadly, we the American Taxpayers will continue paying for it for many years to come.
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We all need to go back and police our posts with any graphic photos with the Ambassador in them.. it's a violation to post them.. Put a warning and then the link.
Sound familiar?

And what of Obama's great speech in Cairo?

One thing is quite clear. Our enemies don't respect or fear the Obama administration

Libyan forces fought along side American forces to repel extremists in Bengazi. They also rushed wounded Americans to the Hospital.

Libya just had a revolution that overthrew a violent dictator that authored a terrorist attack against America.

It's government is still new..and shaky. It's a violent place. Shit happens.

Yes, it's important to distinguish violence on the part of some from the state-sponsored government actions.

It's a simple matter to take paint all of any party with the same brush--as the rebels have done with condemning all Americans for the actions of the kookie film maker apparently. But its no more correct for us to do it in response and retaliation.

As you say, shit happens.

That having been said...I do think there is a kernel of truth to Grump's comment in this case. I don't think that a YouTube video can set off this sort of violence in two countries; it smacks of organization to me. I'd love to know what the chatter was before the events.
Sound familiar?

And what of Obama's great speech in Cairo?

One thing is quite clear. Our enemies don't respect or fear the Obama administration

Libyan forces fought along side American forces to repel extremists in Bengazi. They also rushed wounded Americans to the Hospital.

Libya just had a revolution that overthrew a violent dictator that authored a terrorist attack against America.

It's government is still new..and shaky. It's a violent place. Shit happens.

Yes, it's important to distinguish violence on the part of some from the state-sponsored government actions.

It's a simple matter to take paint all of any party with the same brush--as the rebels have done with condemning all Americans for the actions of the kookie film maker apparently. But its no more correct for us to do it in response and retaliation.

As you say, shit happens.

That having been said...I do think there is a kernel of truth to Grump's comment in this case. I don't think that a YouTube video can set off this sort of violence in two countries; it smacks of organization to me. I'd love to know what the chatter was before the events.

I just read in the NYT that it looks like it was planned, at least that's what the goverment believes.
Sound familiar?

And what of Obama's great speech in Cairo?

One thing is quite clear. Our enemies don't respect or fear the Obama administration

Libyan forces fought along side American forces to repel extremists in Bengazi. They also rushed wounded Americans to the Hospital.

Libya just had a revolution that overthrew a violent dictator that authored a terrorist attack against America.

It's government is still new..and shaky. It's a violent place. Shit happens.

Yes, it's important to distinguish violence on the part of some from the state-sponsored government actions.

It's a simple matter to take paint all of any party with the same brush--as the rebels have done with condemning all Americans for the actions of the kookie film maker apparently. But its no more correct for us to do it in response and retaliation.

As you say, shit happens.
That having been said...I do think there is a kernel of truth to Grump's comment in this case. I don't think that a YouTube video can set off this sort of violence in two countries; it smacks of organization to me. I'd love to know what the chatter was before the events.

Have you forgotten the violence that resulted from a Danish newspaper publishing cartoons of Mohammed? It doesn't take much to stir up these animals.
Libyan forces fought along side American forces to repel extremists in Bengazi. They also rushed wounded Americans to the Hospital.

Libya just had a revolution that overthrew a violent dictator that authored a terrorist attack against America.

It's government is still new..and shaky. It's a violent place. Shit happens.

Yes, it's important to distinguish violence on the part of some from the state-sponsored government actions.

It's a simple matter to take paint all of any party with the same brush--as the rebels have done with condemning all Americans for the actions of the kookie film maker apparently. But its no more correct for us to do it in response and retaliation.

As you say, shit happens.
That having been said...I do think there is a kernel of truth to Grump's comment in this case. I don't think that a YouTube video can set off this sort of violence in two countries; it smacks of organization to me. I'd love to know what the chatter was before the events.

Have you forgotten the violence that resulted from a Danish newspaper publishing cartoons of Mohammed? It doesn't take much to stir up these animals.

Those animals are our "Friends." The bogus Libyan War was bought & paid for by American Taxpayers. So now we're being told they're all our "Friends." Par for the course with our disastrous Foreign Interventionist Foreign Policy. Nothing ever changes. Same ole same ole.
If the Lybian goverment can't supress the violent Muslim religionists attacking our embassy time to break off all ties and support until they can.

Others will step in, and you'll loose.
Especially in the case of Egypt.
Sound familiar?

And what of Obama's great speech in Cairo?

One thing is quite clear. Our enemies don't respect or fear the Obama administration

Libyan forces fought along side American forces to repel extremists in Bengazi. They also rushed wounded Americans to the Hospital.

Libya just had a revolution that overthrew a violent dictator that authored a terrorist attack against America.

It's government is still new..and shaky. It's a violent place. Shit happens.

And then informed the mob exactly where the ambassador was...
Sound familiar?

And what of Obama's great speech in Cairo?

One thing is quite clear. Our enemies don't respect or fear the Obama administration

Libyan forces fought along side American forces to repel extremists in Bengazi. They also rushed wounded Americans to the Hospital.

Libya just had a revolution that overthrew a violent dictator that authored a terrorist attack against America.

It's government is still new..and shaky. It's a violent place. Shit happens.

And then informed the mob exactly where the ambassador was...

I don't believe that has been confirmed yet.
Libyan forces fought along side American forces to repel extremists in Bengazi. They also rushed wounded Americans to the Hospital.

Libya just had a revolution that overthrew a violent dictator that authored a terrorist attack against America.

It's government is still new..and shaky. It's a violent place. Shit happens.

Yes, it's important to distinguish violence on the part of some from the state-sponsored government actions.

It's a simple matter to take paint all of any party with the same brush--as the rebels have done with condemning all Americans for the actions of the kookie film maker apparently. But its no more correct for us to do it in response and retaliation.

As you say, shit happens.
That having been said...I do think there is a kernel of truth to Grump's comment in this case. I don't think that a YouTube video can set off this sort of violence in two countries; it smacks of organization to me. I'd love to know what the chatter was before the events.

Have you forgotten the violence that resulted from a Danish newspaper publishing cartoons of Mohammed? It doesn't take much to stir up these animals.

Good point. However, coordination on the same day in two cities hundreds of miles apart? Sounds coordinated but not very sophisticated. The former worries me, the latter relieves me because the Tanzania/Nairobi attacks would be the "playbook" for Al Queda.

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