Seems Russia was behind both Texas and California efforts to secede

Russian-bought Black Lives Matter ad on Facebook targeted Baltimore and Ferguson

You Democrats, you played into Soviet hands in the cold war and now you play into Russian hands. The "Russian s elected Donald Trump" trope came straight from the Kremlin...devised and crafted by the Putin regime and knowing full well Hillary Clinton would leap on it. After watching her whine "misogyny, no racism, no voter suppression, no I mean Comney, no Bernie Sanders...." all they had to do was dangle "Russia did it".
It serves their purposes.
You trump defenders and Putin lovers like to ignore and deny a key fact. It was the US intelligence community and agencies that clued the US government in about Russian interference in the election and it has been two Republican-controlled congressional committees and the Department of Justice that have kept interest in the issue. But go ahead and blame it on the Democrats, liberals or whatever. Those are your talking points given to the cult and you must follow what the cult commands.

No it wasnt. The US Intelligence didnt jump in until Dec 12th...long after Hillarys search for an excuse had been going on.

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View attachment 151794

And exactly how did the Russians change any votes? I have asked that over and over. Get no answer.

As for what the "intelligence agencies said"...well I got a belly laugh out of it.

"We also assess Putin and the Russian Government aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him"

LOL...they and every other thinking person on the planet.

As far as who did what...let the techies explain it. There is zero evidence the Russians did any hacking.

White House fails to make case that Russian hackers tampered with election

No smoking gun for Russian DNC hacks | ZDNet
Oh my, have you passed this contrived bit of garbage on to the people who matter? Imagine how embarrassed they will be when they learn a blog-educated hack has outsmarted them all!
PERSONALLY -- I'd like to find out if Russia helped to finance those dramatic RECOUNTS in 3 states that Jill Stein organized. Because they served NO PURPOSE

Oh yes they did.

loser twice.jpg
Oh my, have you passed this contrived bit of garbage on to the people who matter? Imagine how embarrassed they will be when they learn a blog-educated hack has outsmarted them all!

You would first have to have the capacity for shame or embarrassment.

pussy hat.jpg
MOFact. show of hands. Any morons believe that the USA did NOT pepper the Soviet Union when they saw the weaknesses with SIMILAR "break-up" agi-prop and support Gorby in the various coupes that broke up the Kremlin/Sjoviet Union?? RDean?????

Sobering new is --- Putin sees that SAME WEAKNESS NOW in the USA. Good chance a proper psych-op/agi-prop campaign could push US to a similar break-up.... He's correct... Won't be his fault -- but he sure wants to be in on the "fun"......

Trump said this soon after the election about "Russian involvement in our politics". He REPEATEDLY asked -- "Do you think OUR HANDS are clean? They are not"........ Should have been a clue to what I'm telling you here.

where are you going with this?

They do it, we do it, let's just roll around in equivalency and never mind.

Yea? :rolleyes:

Why is the Dem side STILL butthurt and melting over the election? It's the same deal with the Russians. THEY lost more then your party warriors did in the last election when the Soviet Union collapsed. Their country was in DEEP distress and we took advantage of that. You expect Putin to NOT hold that grudge and poke us back and try to push this division and dysfunction that WE CREATED into a similar revolutionary confrontation in the States?

NO WAY. He's having a BALL doing it. And our morons are PAYING his Intel people to lie their asses about our Prez candidates. The laughter at the DRU over that phony "Intel Dossier" on Trump is epic and historical. I guarandamntee that.

We're pretty stupid at this point. And probably don't DESERVE to survive. You brand name party fanatics have WRECKED the country and made us vulnerable to this kind of interference and psych op...

Deal is --- all that Russian "interference" ONLY WORKS on the rabid partisans. The Big Middle people are pretty immune from all that because it's just incremental fake news. And since the MEDIA no longer FUNCTIONS for investigative journalism and truth -- THAT AMPLIFIES the contributions of this toxic "interference".

Was NOT aimed at Hillary. It's AIMED to destroy the entire confidence in our system.
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PERSONALLY -- I'd like to find out if Russia helped to finance those dramatic RECOUNTS in 3 states that Jill Stein organized. Because they served NO PURPOSE

Oh yes they did.

View attachment 151797

Well that was ONE effect. Again only works on the rapid partisans. But the target of that exercise was our CONFIDENCE in the election system. Not primarily Hillary.

Glad to see you're thinking clearly about the "Jill Stein" involvement. I'm not a fan, but I thoroughly support having the Green Party in the mix of choices. Don't want to see the Green Party suffer because they potentially allied with RT and the Kremlin. But that's the CLASSIC AgiProp insurgency move that has been going on between the countries since the Cold War.

Go look up Soviet agitation propaganda accusations during the 60s and 70s.
That's why this propaganda works. Because we've polarized ourselves into inaction and incompetence. American politics is just a another spectator sport to select between piss poor choices of leadership.

They always said a great nation never gets defeated from the outside, but can easily crumble from the inside.

The russians have been encouraging the crumbling of dozens of countries.

We crumbled the Soviet Union with similar agi-prop during the Cold War. That's why Putin understands how vulnerable we've made ourselves now..

It works. But it can't it be blamed for creating a political death match between 2 dying political brand name parties.

You don't know what you are talking about,

Americans didn't break up USSR, it came apart because it was not sustainable. It got tiring to keep all these nations and nationalities in them together at a barrel of a gun and a side of failing economies.
We helped create the unsustainability.

They tried to keep up with us militarily and failed gloriously, or horrifically, if you're Russian

Nuh, Russian economy was the sort of shit that required a total do-over, implosion was inevitable with or without cold-war.

It wasn't the economy that did them in. It was the LYING to the public and constant barrage of Fake News. Especially when Chernobyl happened and folks understood the MAGNITUDE of the daily deceptions that their "leadership" were in control of.

Also the fact that the Party leaders -- never had to stand in line for toilet paper, vodka or bread.
Was NOT aimed at Hillary. It's AIMED to destroy the entire confidence in our system.


And it has served it's purpose. The ill educated and already-disposed-towards-blame-America were easy prey for this propaganda. Especially after years of imbibing it from the media and Hollywood. Putin is not a communist (else the Democrats would embrace him). He has, if anything, fascist leanings. And the one thing a fascist despises is popular government. His brain is wired to believe that the west in general, representative government in particular, is corrupt and weak...and he leaped at the chance to display it's weakness and gullibility.
Putin was probably of mixed mind on the election. On the one hand the Obama administration and Clinton secretaryship left him with Crimea, most of Ukraine and overall much stronger than before they took office. So he probably expected more weakness and gains for Russia. But he also recognizes that under Obama/Hillary the middle east disintegrated and the world became more unstable. They left seven countries in flames and encouraged the rise of ISIS. Their Arab Spring and Euromaiden have left over 300,000 dead and cost the US valuable allies. It cost Russia as well and it cost Europe as the liberal turned lemons into lemonade by importing muslims by the hundreds of thousands into the west.

Putin is laughing himself silly over US dupes attacking the US election. And it took very little effort on his part. Imagine his snickering when he sees women in pussy hats shouting that the American government is illegitimate.
Go look up Soviet agitation propaganda accusations during the 60s and 70s.

When the Soviet Union fell and some of the KGB archives opened up it was found that the Democrats had been working with the Russians to undermine Ronald Reagan for years. Just as today the Democrats embraceda ny enemy of America when they lose control of the government.
No matter how far back you go one thing is always constant...when you expose Democrats it is pretty ugly.

During the 60's and 70s the Russians supplied propaganda for the Democrat anti-Vietnam and nuclear freeze forces as well...yet another nice tidbit from the KGB archives.
Oh my, have you passed this contrived bit of garbage on to the people who matter? Imagine how embarrassed they will be when they learn a blog-educated hack has outsmarted them all!

You would first have to have the capacity for shame or embarrassment.

View attachment 151800
So you and your GED google pals are just going to sit on this very important information! How unAmerican!
They always said a great nation never gets defeated from the outside, but can easily crumble from the inside.

The russians have been encouraging the crumbling of dozens of countries.

We crumbled the Soviet Union with similar agi-prop during the Cold War. That's why Putin understands how vulnerable we've made ourselves now..

It works. But it can't it be blamed for creating a political death match between 2 dying political brand name parties.

You don't know what you are talking about,

Americans didn't break up USSR, it came apart because it was not sustainable. It got tiring to keep all these nations and nationalities in them together at a barrel of a gun and a side of failing economies.
We helped create the unsustainability.

They tried to keep up with us militarily and failed gloriously, or horrifically, if you're Russian

Nuh, Russian economy was the sort of shit that required a total do-over, implosion was inevitable with or without cold-war.

It wasn't the economy that did them in. It was the LYING to the public and constant barrage of Fake News. Especially when Chernobyl happened and folks understood the MAGNITUDE of the daily deceptions that their "leadership" were in control of.

Also the fact that the Party leaders -- never had to stand in line for toilet paper, vodka or bread.
False. The effort clearly was aimed at Hillary, as she was seen as the probable winner. Literally every intelligence agency we have agrees it was aimed at Hillary.
We crumbled the Soviet Union with similar agi-prop during the Cold War. That's why Putin understands how vulnerable we've made ourselves now..

It works. But it can't it be blamed for creating a political death match between 2 dying political brand name parties.

You don't know what you are talking about,

Americans didn't break up USSR, it came apart because it was not sustainable. It got tiring to keep all these nations and nationalities in them together at a barrel of a gun and a side of failing economies.
We helped create the unsustainability.

They tried to keep up with us militarily and failed gloriously, or horrifically, if you're Russian

Nuh, Russian economy was the sort of shit that required a total do-over, implosion was inevitable with or without cold-war.

It wasn't the economy that did them in. It was the LYING to the public and constant barrage of Fake News. Especially when Chernobyl happened and folks understood the MAGNITUDE of the daily deceptions that their "leadership" were in control of.

Also the fact that the Party leaders -- never had to stand in line for toilet paper, vodka or bread.
False. The effort clearly was aimed at Hillary, as she was seen as the probable winner. Literally every intelligence agency we have agrees it was aimed at Hillary.

No intelligence agency believes the agi-prop was directed towards Hilliary. That's all from the phony Dossier/Clapper stuff and media interpretation.

For a YEAR I was asking for examples of this Russian Agi-Prop. And NOBODY could cite specific examples or WHERE they appeared. NOW that the examples are leaking out -- They are all targeted at distilling general discontent and lack of confidence in the leadership and system.

We could RESOLVE THIS real simply. Absolutely NO classified info involved. Go FETCH all the anti-Hillary Russian ads and WHERE they they appeared. And NO --- the "Macedonian Content Farmers" ads don't count. Those were teens in Macedonia trying to raise money for rock band equipment.

Easy dude. Show me the ADS..
You don't know what you are talking about,

Americans didn't break up USSR, it came apart because it was not sustainable. It got tiring to keep all these nations and nationalities in them together at a barrel of a gun and a side of failing economies.
We helped create the unsustainability.

They tried to keep up with us militarily and failed gloriously, or horrifically, if you're Russian

Nuh, Russian economy was the sort of shit that required a total do-over, implosion was inevitable with or without cold-war.

It wasn't the economy that did them in. It was the LYING to the public and constant barrage of Fake News. Especially when Chernobyl happened and folks understood the MAGNITUDE of the daily deceptions that their "leadership" were in control of.

Also the fact that the Party leaders -- never had to stand in line for toilet paper, vodka or bread.
False. The effort clearly was aimed at Hillary, as she was seen as the probable winner. Literally every intelligence agency we have agrees it was aimed at Hillary.

No intelligence agency believes the agi-prop was directed towards Hilliary. That's all from the phony Dossier/Clapper stuff.

For a YEAR I was asking for examples of this Russian Agi-Prop. And NOBODY could cite specific examples or WHERE they appeared. NOW that the examples are leaking out -- They are all targeted at distilling general discontent and lack of confidence in the leadership and system.

We could RESOLVE THIS real simply. Absolutely NO classified info involved. Go FETCH all the anti-Hillary Russian ads and WHERE they they appeared. And NO --- the "Macedonian Content Farmers" ads don't count. Those were teens in Macedonia trying to raise money for rock band equipment.

Easy dude. Show me the ADS..
You don't know what you are talking about,

Americans didn't break up USSR, it came apart because it was not sustainable. It got tiring to keep all these nations and nationalities in them together at a barrel of a gun and a side of failing economies.
We helped create the unsustainability.

They tried to keep up with us militarily and failed gloriously, or horrifically, if you're Russian

Nuh, Russian economy was the sort of shit that required a total do-over, implosion was inevitable with or without cold-war.

It wasn't the economy that did them in. It was the LYING to the public and constant barrage of Fake News. Especially when Chernobyl happened and folks understood the MAGNITUDE of the daily deceptions that their "leadership" were in control of.

Also the fact that the Party leaders -- never had to stand in line for toilet paper, vodka or bread.
False. The effort clearly was aimed at Hillary, as she was seen as the probable winner. Literally every intelligence agency we have agrees it was aimed at Hillary.

No intelligence agency believes the agi-prop was directed towards Hilliary. That's all from the phony Dossier/Clapper stuff and media interpretation.

For a YEAR I was asking for examples of this Russian Agi-Prop. And NOBODY could cite specific examples or WHERE they appeared. NOW that the examples are leaking out -- They are all targeted at distilling general discontent and lack of confidence in the leadership and system.

We could RESOLVE THIS real simply. Absolutely NO classified info involved. Go FETCH all the anti-Hillary Russian ads and WHERE they they appeared. And NO --- the "Macedonian Content Farmers" ads don't count. Those were teens in Macedonia trying to raise money for rock band equipment.

Easy dude. Show me the ADS..
The intelligence agencies don't agree with you, as can be seen here:

Do you have information that they lack?

You can have whatever opinion you like. You are not on the investigative team, so you will not be seeing the evidence (yet). Feel free to call them liars or incompetent. Doing so undermines your credibility more than it does theirs.
We helped create the unsustainability.

They tried to keep up with us militarily and failed gloriously, or horrifically, if you're Russian

Nuh, Russian economy was the sort of shit that required a total do-over, implosion was inevitable with or without cold-war.

It wasn't the economy that did them in. It was the LYING to the public and constant barrage of Fake News. Especially when Chernobyl happened and folks understood the MAGNITUDE of the daily deceptions that their "leadership" were in control of.

Also the fact that the Party leaders -- never had to stand in line for toilet paper, vodka or bread.
False. The effort clearly was aimed at Hillary, as she was seen as the probable winner. Literally every intelligence agency we have agrees it was aimed at Hillary.

No intelligence agency believes the agi-prop was directed towards Hilliary. That's all from the phony Dossier/Clapper stuff.

For a YEAR I was asking for examples of this Russian Agi-Prop. And NOBODY could cite specific examples or WHERE they appeared. NOW that the examples are leaking out -- They are all targeted at distilling general discontent and lack of confidence in the leadership and system.

We could RESOLVE THIS real simply. Absolutely NO classified info involved. Go FETCH all the anti-Hillary Russian ads and WHERE they they appeared. And NO --- the "Macedonian Content Farmers" ads don't count. Those were teens in Macedonia trying to raise money for rock band equipment.

Easy dude. Show me the ADS..
We helped create the unsustainability.

They tried to keep up with us militarily and failed gloriously, or horrifically, if you're Russian

Nuh, Russian economy was the sort of shit that required a total do-over, implosion was inevitable with or without cold-war.

It wasn't the economy that did them in. It was the LYING to the public and constant barrage of Fake News. Especially when Chernobyl happened and folks understood the MAGNITUDE of the daily deceptions that their "leadership" were in control of.

Also the fact that the Party leaders -- never had to stand in line for toilet paper, vodka or bread.
False. The effort clearly was aimed at Hillary, as she was seen as the probable winner. Literally every intelligence agency we have agrees it was aimed at Hillary.

No intelligence agency believes the agi-prop was directed towards Hilliary. That's all from the phony Dossier/Clapper stuff and media interpretation.

For a YEAR I was asking for examples of this Russian Agi-Prop. And NOBODY could cite specific examples or WHERE they appeared. NOW that the examples are leaking out -- They are all targeted at distilling general discontent and lack of confidence in the leadership and system.

We could RESOLVE THIS real simply. Absolutely NO classified info involved. Go FETCH all the anti-Hillary Russian ads and WHERE they they appeared. And NO --- the "Macedonian Content Farmers" ads don't count. Those were teens in Macedonia trying to raise money for rock band equipment.

Easy dude. Show me the ADS..
The intelligence agencies don't agree with you, as can be seen here:
Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections

Do you have information that they lack?

You can have whatever opinion you like. You are not on the investigative team, so you will not be seeing the evidence (yet). Feel free to call them liars or incompetent. Doing so undermines your credibility more than it does theirs.

Calm down there dog and SHOW ME the ADS. Are they "top secret"? Not recorded in the internet archives? Where are the "ANTI-HILLARY" ads?

The ones that ARE coming out (slowly, because it ruins the "What Happened" meme) don't support your theory.

I've read your link before. It says virtually nothing that wasn't said about Russian Agi-Prop efforts in the 60s and 70s and 80s and 90s.. I KNOW -- I spent 7 years IN the Intel biz. .
Nuh, Russian economy was the sort of shit that required a total do-over, implosion was inevitable with or without cold-war.

It wasn't the economy that did them in. It was the LYING to the public and constant barrage of Fake News. Especially when Chernobyl happened and folks understood the MAGNITUDE of the daily deceptions that their "leadership" were in control of.

Also the fact that the Party leaders -- never had to stand in line for toilet paper, vodka or bread.
False. The effort clearly was aimed at Hillary, as she was seen as the probable winner. Literally every intelligence agency we have agrees it was aimed at Hillary.

No intelligence agency believes the agi-prop was directed towards Hilliary. That's all from the phony Dossier/Clapper stuff.

For a YEAR I was asking for examples of this Russian Agi-Prop. And NOBODY could cite specific examples or WHERE they appeared. NOW that the examples are leaking out -- They are all targeted at distilling general discontent and lack of confidence in the leadership and system.

We could RESOLVE THIS real simply. Absolutely NO classified info involved. Go FETCH all the anti-Hillary Russian ads and WHERE they they appeared. And NO --- the "Macedonian Content Farmers" ads don't count. Those were teens in Macedonia trying to raise money for rock band equipment.

Easy dude. Show me the ADS..
Nuh, Russian economy was the sort of shit that required a total do-over, implosion was inevitable with or without cold-war.

It wasn't the economy that did them in. It was the LYING to the public and constant barrage of Fake News. Especially when Chernobyl happened and folks understood the MAGNITUDE of the daily deceptions that their "leadership" were in control of.

Also the fact that the Party leaders -- never had to stand in line for toilet paper, vodka or bread.
False. The effort clearly was aimed at Hillary, as she was seen as the probable winner. Literally every intelligence agency we have agrees it was aimed at Hillary.

No intelligence agency believes the agi-prop was directed towards Hilliary. That's all from the phony Dossier/Clapper stuff and media interpretation.

For a YEAR I was asking for examples of this Russian Agi-Prop. And NOBODY could cite specific examples or WHERE they appeared. NOW that the examples are leaking out -- They are all targeted at distilling general discontent and lack of confidence in the leadership and system.

We could RESOLVE THIS real simply. Absolutely NO classified info involved. Go FETCH all the anti-Hillary Russian ads and WHERE they they appeared. And NO --- the "Macedonian Content Farmers" ads don't count. Those were teens in Macedonia trying to raise money for rock band equipment.

Easy dude. Show me the ADS..
The intelligence agencies don't agree with you, as can be seen here:
Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections

Do you have information that they lack?

You can have whatever opinion you like. You are not on the investigative team, so you will not be seeing the evidence (yet). Feel free to call them liars or incompetent. Doing so undermines your credibility more than it does theirs.

Calm down there dog and SHOW ME the ADS. Are they "top secret"? Not recorded in the internet archives? Where are the "ANTI-HILLARY" ads?

The ones that ARE coming out (slowly, because it ruins the "What Happened" meme) don't support your theory.

I've read your link before. It says virtually nothing that wasn't said about Russian Agi-Prop efforts in the 60s and 70s and 80s and 90s.. I KNOW -- I spent 7 years IN the Intel biz. .
An absurd standard by any measure. For one, you limiting it only to "false ads" is contrived nonsense. Second, and again, you are free to call our intelligence agencies liars and incompetent. So, go ahead, grow a pair and state it instead of merely implyimg it. No, demanding that their findings all be revealed to you is not a counter to the truth of their claims. In fact, it's an absurd standard that nobody will attempt to meet at this time, which is why you have retreated to it. Better leave yourself some room, you'll be retreating more in the months to come. ;)
It wasn't the economy that did them in. It was the LYING to the public and constant barrage of Fake News. Especially when Chernobyl happened and folks understood the MAGNITUDE of the daily deceptions that their "leadership" were in control of.

Also the fact that the Party leaders -- never had to stand in line for toilet paper, vodka or bread.
False. The effort clearly was aimed at Hillary, as she was seen as the probable winner. Literally every intelligence agency we have agrees it was aimed at Hillary.

No intelligence agency believes the agi-prop was directed towards Hilliary. That's all from the phony Dossier/Clapper stuff.

For a YEAR I was asking for examples of this Russian Agi-Prop. And NOBODY could cite specific examples or WHERE they appeared. NOW that the examples are leaking out -- They are all targeted at distilling general discontent and lack of confidence in the leadership and system.

We could RESOLVE THIS real simply. Absolutely NO classified info involved. Go FETCH all the anti-Hillary Russian ads and WHERE they they appeared. And NO --- the "Macedonian Content Farmers" ads don't count. Those were teens in Macedonia trying to raise money for rock band equipment.

Easy dude. Show me the ADS..
It wasn't the economy that did them in. It was the LYING to the public and constant barrage of Fake News. Especially when Chernobyl happened and folks understood the MAGNITUDE of the daily deceptions that their "leadership" were in control of.

Also the fact that the Party leaders -- never had to stand in line for toilet paper, vodka or bread.
False. The effort clearly was aimed at Hillary, as she was seen as the probable winner. Literally every intelligence agency we have agrees it was aimed at Hillary.

No intelligence agency believes the agi-prop was directed towards Hilliary. That's all from the phony Dossier/Clapper stuff and media interpretation.

For a YEAR I was asking for examples of this Russian Agi-Prop. And NOBODY could cite specific examples or WHERE they appeared. NOW that the examples are leaking out -- They are all targeted at distilling general discontent and lack of confidence in the leadership and system.

We could RESOLVE THIS real simply. Absolutely NO classified info involved. Go FETCH all the anti-Hillary Russian ads and WHERE they they appeared. And NO --- the "Macedonian Content Farmers" ads don't count. Those were teens in Macedonia trying to raise money for rock band equipment.

Easy dude. Show me the ADS..
The intelligence agencies don't agree with you, as can be seen here:
Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections

Do you have information that they lack?

You can have whatever opinion you like. You are not on the investigative team, so you will not be seeing the evidence (yet). Feel free to call them liars or incompetent. Doing so undermines your credibility more than it does theirs.

Calm down there dog and SHOW ME the ADS. Are they "top secret"? Not recorded in the internet archives? Where are the "ANTI-HILLARY" ads?

The ones that ARE coming out (slowly, because it ruins the "What Happened" meme) don't support your theory.

I've read your link before. It says virtually nothing that wasn't said about Russian Agi-Prop efforts in the 60s and 70s and 80s and 90s.. I KNOW -- I spent 7 years IN the Intel biz. .
An absurd standard by any measure. For one, you limiting it only to "false ads" is contrived nonsense. Second, and again, you are gree to call our intelligence agencies liars and incompetent. No, demanding that their findings all be revealed to you is not a counter to the truth of their claims. In fact, it's an absurd standard that nobody will attempt to meet at this time, which is why you have retreated to it. Better leave yourself some room, you'll be retreating more in the months to come. ;)

I did NONE of that. I merely demanded that these ads get RELEASED so the public can see the content for themselves. WHY haven't they? Show me the "anti-Hillary" ones... It was NOT an anti-Hillary campaign. It has ALWAYS BEEN and ALWAYS WILL BE -- a "Screw America" campaign. And a lot of useful Left leaning idiots amplified this crap with a false narrative to explain their election loss.
False. The effort clearly was aimed at Hillary, as she was seen as the probable winner. Literally every intelligence agency we have agrees it was aimed at Hillary.

No intelligence agency believes the agi-prop was directed towards Hilliary. That's all from the phony Dossier/Clapper stuff.

For a YEAR I was asking for examples of this Russian Agi-Prop. And NOBODY could cite specific examples or WHERE they appeared. NOW that the examples are leaking out -- They are all targeted at distilling general discontent and lack of confidence in the leadership and system.

We could RESOLVE THIS real simply. Absolutely NO classified info involved. Go FETCH all the anti-Hillary Russian ads and WHERE they they appeared. And NO --- the "Macedonian Content Farmers" ads don't count. Those were teens in Macedonia trying to raise money for rock band equipment.

Easy dude. Show me the ADS..
False. The effort clearly was aimed at Hillary, as she was seen as the probable winner. Literally every intelligence agency we have agrees it was aimed at Hillary.

No intelligence agency believes the agi-prop was directed towards Hilliary. That's all from the phony Dossier/Clapper stuff and media interpretation.

For a YEAR I was asking for examples of this Russian Agi-Prop. And NOBODY could cite specific examples or WHERE they appeared. NOW that the examples are leaking out -- They are all targeted at distilling general discontent and lack of confidence in the leadership and system.

We could RESOLVE THIS real simply. Absolutely NO classified info involved. Go FETCH all the anti-Hillary Russian ads and WHERE they they appeared. And NO --- the "Macedonian Content Farmers" ads don't count. Those were teens in Macedonia trying to raise money for rock band equipment.

Easy dude. Show me the ADS..
The intelligence agencies don't agree with you, as can be seen here:
Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections

Do you have information that they lack?

You can have whatever opinion you like. You are not on the investigative team, so you will not be seeing the evidence (yet). Feel free to call them liars or incompetent. Doing so undermines your credibility more than it does theirs.

Calm down there dog and SHOW ME the ADS. Are they "top secret"? Not recorded in the internet archives? Where are the "ANTI-HILLARY" ads?

The ones that ARE coming out (slowly, because it ruins the "What Happened" meme) don't support your theory.

I've read your link before. It says virtually nothing that wasn't said about Russian Agi-Prop efforts in the 60s and 70s and 80s and 90s.. I KNOW -- I spent 7 years IN the Intel biz. .
An absurd standard by any measure. For one, you limiting it only to "false ads" is contrived nonsense. Second, and again, you are gree to call our intelligence agencies liars and incompetent. No, demanding that their findings all be revealed to you is not a counter to the truth of their claims. In fact, it's an absurd standard that nobody will attempt to meet at this time, which is why you have retreated to it. Better leave yourself some room, you'll be retreating more in the months to come. ;)

I did NONE of that. I merely demanded that these ads get RELEASED so the public can see the content for themselves. WHY haven't they? Show me the "anti-Hillary" ones... It was NOT an anti-Hillary campaign. It has ALWAYS BEEN and ALWAYS WILL BE -- a "Screw America" campaign. And a lot of useful Left leaning idiots amplified this crap with a false narrative to explain their election loss.
But this is about more than fake ads. It's also about fake news and about amplifying talking points. Our intelligence agencies agree that the targeted efforts not designed simply to sow chaos (events on which we agree) were targeted at Hillary. In fact, this is not even controversial, and I find your position on this to be very odd.

And nobody cares about your resume or what you heard in the 1970s, when it comes to this point. That report specifically says Russian efforts in the 2016 election were directed at Hillary. You seem to think you can turn "down" into "up" by equivocating everyone into a deep sleep. Not so.
Last edited:
No intelligence agency believes the agi-prop was directed towards Hilliary. That's all from the phony Dossier/Clapper stuff.

For a YEAR I was asking for examples of this Russian Agi-Prop. And NOBODY could cite specific examples or WHERE they appeared. NOW that the examples are leaking out -- They are all targeted at distilling general discontent and lack of confidence in the leadership and system.

We could RESOLVE THIS real simply. Absolutely NO classified info involved. Go FETCH all the anti-Hillary Russian ads and WHERE they they appeared. And NO --- the "Macedonian Content Farmers" ads don't count. Those were teens in Macedonia trying to raise money for rock band equipment.

Easy dude. Show me the ADS..
No intelligence agency believes the agi-prop was directed towards Hilliary. That's all from the phony Dossier/Clapper stuff and media interpretation.

For a YEAR I was asking for examples of this Russian Agi-Prop. And NOBODY could cite specific examples or WHERE they appeared. NOW that the examples are leaking out -- They are all targeted at distilling general discontent and lack of confidence in the leadership and system.

We could RESOLVE THIS real simply. Absolutely NO classified info involved. Go FETCH all the anti-Hillary Russian ads and WHERE they they appeared. And NO --- the "Macedonian Content Farmers" ads don't count. Those were teens in Macedonia trying to raise money for rock band equipment.

Easy dude. Show me the ADS..
The intelligence agencies don't agree with you, as can be seen here:
Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections

Do you have information that they lack?

You can have whatever opinion you like. You are not on the investigative team, so you will not be seeing the evidence (yet). Feel free to call them liars or incompetent. Doing so undermines your credibility more than it does theirs.

Calm down there dog and SHOW ME the ADS. Are they "top secret"? Not recorded in the internet archives? Where are the "ANTI-HILLARY" ads?

The ones that ARE coming out (slowly, because it ruins the "What Happened" meme) don't support your theory.

I've read your link before. It says virtually nothing that wasn't said about Russian Agi-Prop efforts in the 60s and 70s and 80s and 90s.. I KNOW -- I spent 7 years IN the Intel biz. .
An absurd standard by any measure. For one, you limiting it only to "false ads" is contrived nonsense. Second, and again, you are gree to call our intelligence agencies liars and incompetent. No, demanding that their findings all be revealed to you is not a counter to the truth of their claims. In fact, it's an absurd standard that nobody will attempt to meet at this time, which is why you have retreated to it. Better leave yourself some room, you'll be retreating more in the months to come. ;)

I did NONE of that. I merely demanded that these ads get RELEASED so the public can see the content for themselves. WHY haven't they? Show me the "anti-Hillary" ones... It was NOT an anti-Hillary campaign. It has ALWAYS BEEN and ALWAYS WILL BE -- a "Screw America" campaign. And a lot of useful Left leaning idiots amplified this crap with a false narrative to explain their election loss.
But this is about more than fake ads. It's also about fake news and about amplifying talking points. Our intelligence agencies agree that the targeted efforts not designed simply to sow chaos (events on which we agree) were targeted at Hillary. In fact, this is not even controversial, and I find your position on this to be very odd.

The ONLY Publicly released descriptions of this supposedly MASSIVE "russian fake news" campaign don't support the media mantra that this was an effort to CHOOSE a candidate. If the evidence SUPPORTED THAT -- we would have seen it by now.

Answer a question once in awhile. WHY -- is there not an investigative journalism effort to REVEAL the EXACT NATURE of this agi-prop media campaign? WHERE are the examples? And why are they leaking out this slowly?
They are leaking slowly because social media does not want to be regulated.

Investigators at Facebook discovered the Russian ads in recent weeks, the company has said, after months of trying in vain to trace disinformation efforts to Russia. The company said it has identified at least $100,000 in ads purchased through 470 phony Facebook pages and accounts. Facebook said this spending represented a tiny fraction of the political advertising on the platform during the 2016 campaign.

The divisive themes seized on by Russian operatives were similar to those that Trump and his supporters pushed on social media and on right-wing websites during the campaign. "

- Washington Post

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