Seems Russia was behind both Texas and California efforts to secede

That fags on CNN had jewish douchebag CT senator Blew men thal to discuss his concern "trolls" (financed by Russia) meddled with the election. Disgusting. Worse that Hitler's paranoia which they base their country on!

Seems trolls did a lot more than people think. In fact, there might be russian trolls right here telling people it's all "fake news"
"Seeding" is a cyber warfare tactic used to "farm" topics and issues by planting seeds of misinformation, propaganda, fake news, topic spins, talking points, etc. into the social network and media streams. The tactic relies on the poorly informed, gullible, emotional haters, and obsessive partisan dupes to unknowingly spread the seeded misinformation and fake, proaganda, fake news, spins, talking points, etc.

Yes, it seems likely and very obvious that both direct intervention and seeded intervention occurs at this site.
"Seeding" is a cyber warfare tactic used to "farm" topics and issues by planting seeds of misinformation, propaganda, fake news, topic spins, talking points, etc. into the social network and media streams. The tactic relies on the poorly informed, gullible, emotional haters, and obsessive partisan dupes to unknowingly spread the seeded misinformation and fake, proaganda, fake news, spins, talking points, etc.

Yes, it seems likely and very obvious that both direct intervention and seeded intervention occurs at this site.
Off topic. The thread is not about CNN!
The best and most efficient method of combating the cyber warfare tactic of "seeding and farming" is to educate the targets of the targets, that is, educate the public and media about how they are being used.
Expect the planters will go on the defense and those caught by the planters to behave like all people who get scammed and conned. They will go into denial, not willing to admit they have been conned and used.
What;s not clear about statements like

I think our biggest divisions are just based on winning and obtaining power for 2 inept corrupt parties that need to die.

????? That's really the ONLY REASON people vote lately -- right? TO WIN. Because to lose to the other side would be end of the fucking world. Damn the issues. Damn problem solving and new ideas. The division is based on WINNING and obtaining and holding power --- not fixing the fucking country.

That's why this propaganda works. Because we've polarized ourselves into inaction and incompetence. American politics is just a another spectator sport to select between piss poor choices of leadership.

Damn -- a mental midget could exploit that situation. Doesn't require Putin to do it..

No offense but it seems to me that you try too hard to straddle the fence. I've seen a lot of petty partisanship over the years but today's political climate is extreme...unlike anything I've ever seen before. It's not the fault of do-nothing republican politicians who let themselves be browbeaten and frightened into submission at the prospect of being called racist...but solely that of the wildly irresponsible democrats who don't seem to mind creating and exploiting racial division that didn't exist just a few years ago. You'd have to be blind at this point to not realize that the dems have completely given up on white voters, that their new winning strategy is to demonize us, to pander to minorities and immigrate new ones, to replace whites with a more loyal base...

It's a dangerous game they're playing but for me it's not about winning, it's a simple matter of survival...and many other white Americans are finally starting to realize the gravity of the situation.

When will you?
That fags on CNN had jewish douchebag CT senator Blew men thal to discuss his concern "trolls" (financed by Russia) meddled with the election. Disgusting. Worse that Hitler's paranoia which they base their country on!

Seems trolls did a lot more than people think. In fact, there might be russian trolls right here telling people it's all "fake news"
"Seeding" is a cyber warfare tactic used to "farm" topics and issues by planting seeds of misinformation, propaganda, fake news, topic spins, talking points, etc. into the social network and media streams. The tactic relies on the poorly informed, gullible, emotional haters, and obsessive partisan dupes to unknowingly spread the seeded misinformation and fake, proaganda, fake news, spins, talking points, etc.

Yes, it seems likely and very obvious that both direct intervention and seeded intervention occurs at this site.
Yes it does. I suspect you must be some Russian bot.

I have to say either "what a dumbass" or "what a liar" about this deanrd. Probably "what a patsy" or "ignorant tool" would be better. Because he doesn't read he thinks none of the rest of us do.
Let me quote from the article the simpleton posted...

"None of this, of course, prevented some on Twitter from rejoicing at the prospect, however unfounded, that Stein was herself the subject of investigation. The glee is premature but understandable. Stein’s self-righteousness exasperated many supporters of Hillary Clinton, as did her portrayal of Clinton as effectively no better a choice for true liberals than Donald Trump."

"Some on Twitter"? "However unfounded"? "Understandable glee"? And the reason is plainly given...marching orders for the deanrds of the world...Jill Stein exasperated supporters of Hillary Clinton while having the temerity to portray Clinton as no better a choice than Trump.

Keep it up deanrd. A shining example of desparate losers.

"Some on twitter" lol
What;s not clear about statements like

I think our biggest divisions are just based on winning and obtaining power for 2 inept corrupt parties that need to die.

????? That's really the ONLY REASON people vote lately -- right? TO WIN. Because to lose to the other side would be end of the fucking world. Damn the issues. Damn problem solving and new ideas. The division is based on WINNING and obtaining and holding power --- not fixing the fucking country.

That's why this propaganda works. Because we've polarized ourselves into inaction and incompetence. American politics is just a another spectator sport to select between piss poor choices of leadership.

Damn -- a mental midget could exploit that situation. Doesn't require Putin to do it..

No offense but it seems to me that you try too hard to straddle the fence. I've seen a lot of petty partisanship over the years but today's political climate is extreme...unlike anything I've ever seen before. It's not the fault of do-nothing republican politicians who let themselves be browbeaten and frightened into submission at the prospect of being called racist...but solely that of the wildly irresponsible democrats who don't seem to mind creating and exploiting racial division that didn't exist just a few years ago. You'd have to be blind at this point to not realize that the dems have completely given up on white voters, that their new winning strategy is to demonize us, to pander to minorities and immigrate new ones, to replace whites with a more loyal base...

It's a dangerous game they're playing but for me it's not about winning, it's a simple matter of survival...and many other white Americans are finally starting to realize the gravity of the situation.

When will you?

Some quotes from a Stan Greenberg opinion piece this week.

Hillary got caught with "A focus on the rainbow base and identity politics at the expense of the working class" and her policies "drove up Trump’s margin in white working-class communities".

"The fatal conclusion the Clinton team made after the Michigan primary debacle was that she could not win white working-class voters, and that the “rising electorate” would make up the difference. She finished her campaign with rallies in inner cities and university towns."

"The campaign settled on “breaking barriers”... and prioritized women and people of color over all other groups. They were explicitly privileging race and gender..."

How She Lost

Years of race baiting and gender politics have finally run their course. Ironically perhaps it is white working class Americans who have finally gotten their message?
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We got it dean.
Anything that's wrong in the world (from your limited view), you blame it on the Russians and Trump. Got it!
In fact, the guy who started it in California eventually quit and moved to Russia.
The guy who took over after him previously lived in Moscow.

Calexit leader quits secession effort for Russia - CNNPolitics

Russian-linked Facebook group asked Texas secession movement to be in anti-Clinton rallies: report

Putin’s Plot to Get Texas to Secede

Wowie Kazowie, every time you turn around, you find that Russia is there.

In fact, Russia supported Jill Stein.

Russian plot to elect Trump included Jill Stein, according to latest gleeful Twitter theory


Russia was really, really scared of Hillary. Too bad Republicans aren't, scared of Russia that is. Wow, the GOP LOVES Russia.

Hey Russia, how's that attack on the Ukraine going? Got anymore nations lined up to take over?

California and Texas have talked secession for years. Like way back in the 70's. You saying that's how long the red bear has been trying to peel hem off?
The Russians really don't understand the United States if they think an American state could really secede from the union.

Last time it was tried, 600,000 Americans died in the resulting carnage.

Atlanta was burned down, and then General Sherman burned a 10-mile wide path of destruction to the sea.

The South was brought to its knees, never to rise again.

Pretty sure that's exactly what the Russians want.
If so, it's a good plan.

What better way to win a war than to have your enemies kill each other?

Precisely why I've never understood our Involvement in Syria
Some quotes from a Stan Greenberg opinion piece this week.

Hillary got caught with "A focus on the rainbow base and identity politics at the expense of the working class" and her policies "drove up Trump’s margin in white working-class communities".

"The fatal conclusion the Clinton team made after the Michigan primary debacle was that she could not win white working-class voters, and that the “rising electorate” would make up the difference. She finished her campaign with rallies in inner cities and university towns."

"The campaign settled on “breaking barriers”... and prioritized women and people of color over all other groups. They were explicitly privileging race and gender..."

How She Lost

Years of race baiting and gender politics have finally run their course. Ironically perhaps it is white working class Americans who have finally gotten their message?

Yeah the democrat strategy has backfired on them big time and judging from her recent comments Hillary just doesn't get it. Is she a true believer that whites are inherently evil, or does she think her cynical divide and conquer strategy still has legs? Either way it's clear that neither she nor the democratic party cares if their divisive hateful racism against whitey ends in bloodshed and that's pretty messed up.
Btw dean if you are so outraged at what the Russians are doing, stop being their tool and stirring up hate and lies about your fellow Americans. Stop dividing our nation and the Russians will have no power over us.
The best and most efficient method of combating the cyber warfare tactic of "seeding and farming" is to educate the targets of the targets, that is, educate the public and media about how they are being used.
Expect the planters will go on the defense and those caught by the planters to behave like all people who get scammed and conned. They will go into denial, not willing to admit they have been conned and used.

That's not easy when everybody involved is in denial. Facebook originally said it was nonsense. Trump said it was "fake news", and all the Russian trolls of course said it was made upl because democrats couldn't believe Clinton lost.
Russian-bought Black Lives Matter ad on Facebook targeted Baltimore and Ferguson

You Democrats, you played into Soviet hands in the cold war and now you play into Russian hands. The "Russian s elected Donald Trump" trope came straight from the Kremlin...devised and crafted by the Putin regime and knowing full well Hillary Clinton would leap on it. After watching her whine "misogyny, no racism, no voter suppression, no I mean Comney, no Bernie Sanders...." all they had to do was dangle "Russia did it".
It serves their purposes.
Russian-bought Black Lives Matter ad on Facebook targeted Baltimore and Ferguson

You Democrats, you played into Soviet hands in the cold war and now you play into Russian hands. The "Russian s elected Donald Trump" trope came straight from the Kremlin...devised and crafted by the Putin regime and knowing full well Hillary Clinton would leap on it. After watching her whine "misogyny, no racism, no voter suppression, no I mean Comney, no Bernie Sanders...." all they had to do was dangle "Russia did it".
It serves their purposes.
You trump defenders and Putin lovers like to ignore and deny a key fact. It was the US intelligence community and agencies that clued the US government in about Russian interference in the election and it has been two Republican-controlled congressional committees and the Department of Justice that have kept interest in the issue. But go ahead and blame it on the Democrats, liberals or whatever. Those are your talking points given to the cult and you must follow what the cult commands.
Russian-bought Black Lives Matter ad on Facebook targeted Baltimore and Ferguson

You Democrats, you played into Soviet hands in the cold war and now you play into Russian hands. The "Russian s elected Donald Trump" trope came straight from the Kremlin...devised and crafted by the Putin regime and knowing full well Hillary Clinton would leap on it. After watching her whine "misogyny, no racism, no voter suppression, no I mean Comney, no Bernie Sanders...." all they had to do was dangle "Russia did it".
It serves their purposes.
You trump defenders and Putin lovers like to ignore and deny a key fact. It was the US intelligence community and agencies that clued the US government in about Russian interference in the election and it has been two Republican-controlled congressional committees and the Department of Justice that have kept interest in the issue. But go ahead and blame it on the Democrats, liberals or whatever. Those are your talking points given to the cult and you must follow what the cult commands.

No it wasnt. The US Intelligence didnt jump in until Dec 12th...long after Hillarys search for an excuse had been going on.

hack trend1.png

election hack 2.png

And exactly how did the Russians change any votes? I have asked that over and over. Get no answer.

As for what the "intelligence agencies said"...well I got a belly laugh out of it.

"We also assess Putin and the Russian Government aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him"

LOL...they and every other thinking person on the planet.

As far as who did what...let the techies explain it. There is zero evidence the Russians did any hacking.

White House fails to make case that Russian hackers tampered with election

No smoking gun for Russian DNC hacks | ZDNet

What the mean old Russians did do was jump on a trend of blame and use it for their own purposes. With your help of course.
It works. But it can't it be blamed for creating a political death match between 2 dying political brand name parties.

Jill Stein attended the same Putin meeting that Michael Flynn spoke at. Hillary lost in Wisconsin by less than the number of votes Jill Stein diverted. And they found russians ran ads for Jill Stein.

Absolutely... This is of concern to me. I'm a huge fan of 3rd party politics. I have worked with the Greens thru the Libertarian Party on mutual ballot access issues. But the fact that Jill Stein got ACCESS thru that RT Conference to high ranking Russian officials DIRECTLY thru Putin -- is worse than any other Russia connection I know of. Furthermore-- the poor deluded Greens are ALREADY closer to the Kremlin in ideology than they are to our Constitution and capitalist democracy.

PERSONALLY -- I'd like to find out if Russia helped to finance those dramatic RECOUNTS in 3 states that Jill Stein organized. Because they served NO PURPOSE other than to cast doubt on the system. And it's clear that the Jill Stein vote cost Hillary TWO states, maybe THREE -- so THAT would be "influencing the OUTCOME of an election"..

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