seems you shot your wad to early.

Franken was closer to rape than Moore ever was, and at least we have evidence of it.

Did you pull that out of your fat ass after a quick stint in the toilet bowl?'

is Franken accused of molesting a 14 year old? yes or No, scum bucket?

You mean the 14 year old who was molested in the "back" parking lot that never existed? As a true liberal, you believe that unproven accusations are more evidence than a photo of a man attacking a woman while she slept. Uninformed Voters..........
please inform yourself Ray.... the 14yr was brought to his house in the country, about 5 miles from where she lived. He first met her in the parking lot of the courthouse when he was an asst DA, at 32 yrs old.

It was the 15/16 yr old who worked at the restaurant that he molested in his car at the Old Hickory house Restaurant parking lot....

And the restaurant most certainly existed at the time...Moore is lying, The Old Hickory House did exist and there are phone book listings and ads in the newspaper the year it happened that PROVE such.....

Your guy, is lying through his teeth....

He must be. After all, you can believe everything she says such as Moore also presided over her divorce case. Problem is, records say otherwise. Moore didn't have anything to do with her divorce. After she filed for a divorce (and it was signed by a different judge) she then filed a continuance for the hearing as she and her husband tried to work things out. A month after that, she filed for a dismissal. Moore's office did handle that by rubber stamping the dismissal papers, but that's about as close as she ever got to Moore. She still ended up divorced five years later and again, Moore had nothing to do with that either.
moore's acolytes CLAIMED he presided over her divorce case, and then got the story twisted and claimed she copied his signature in her year book and wrote the comments herself....but copied his sig and put DA there after his name, and DA was initialed on the sig from her divorce case with his secretary's initials of DA, for Dorothy Anderson...and his acolytes claimed that proved she copied the sig and the whole year book was a fake....but it wasn't the same DA script and Dorothy always put a ''slash'' ''/'' after roy's siggy stamp, there was no slash copied, the DA stood for District Attorney....if it was a forgery they would have copied the divorce paper siggy precisely....they didn't....

BUT the divorce was the 14 yr old victim's divorce, NOT THE 16 yr old in the old hickory house whose year book he signed....?

The lies by the Moore camp are endless on this, and it's a damn shame....

I'm speaking of Beverly Nelson. She claimed that Moore presided over her divorce case that never even made it to court.
Yes indeed TD, there is no doubt about it, see the "good old boys" that Coyote referenced were likely the Kids of moonshiners with no love for the DA's office. Second, being in the business I'm in, letting someone who harasses teenage kids in your Mall, and not banning them, would have caused great concern, no matter who that might be, to the insurance company that insured the property. Someone would have been fired, most likely the Mall Manager for not doing his job.

After all, it supposedly was COMMON KNOWLEDGE

This was the 1970's. Not 2017. We were no where near as litigous as we are now. But even then - Moore may well have been banned. There just aren't any records retained going back that far - there is nothing proving he WASN'T banned. He did however have enough of a reputation to catch people's attention and memory.

Proof that he wasn't banned? What kind of proof could one provide? Do malls keep lists of people that are not banned? Must be a pretty big list. :deal:

They keep lists of people who are banned. But they don't have records from that long ago. Therefore he could have been on a list, we just wouldn't know.

What I think is convincing about Moore is that he had a reputation that was known to people beyond the women who accused him. Their stories were consistent, and they had no reason to be making it up.

The Mall Manager was interviewed on Birmingham television and said he wasn't banned. We do know. And to believe rumors and use those rumors to ruin a man's life is disgusting.

Beyond appalling.

The Mall Manager is also voting for Moore.

So what? First you say that the accusers are Trump supporters so that counts for something. But now the former manager is a Moore supporter, and that counts for something too?
NO ONE in their right mind would forge that comment in the year book from MOORE to her....

Anyone would know it could be traced in a nano second by the newness of the ink or by hand writing analysis....and the lady who showed the yearbook, was no dummy.... and would never ever have done such a thing, to herself or her husband and family.....AND SHE VOTED TRUMP, and is a republican.....

There is no reason to lie...there is no reason to put herself and family in the spotlight and vicious scrutiny that victims always go through by ''the acolytes of the accused''....

not one of the women who were the youngest that he molested that have come forth have anything to gain by coming forward.

Moore's lying does give him a personal ''gain''....
...Yet no one ever reported this to anyone in the press in nearly 40 years.

Funny, cuz the guy was one of the most hated men by the left. And not a single mention of it anywhere.

Wow, explanations please.
1. Moore had never run for the US Senate before.
2. The victims felt that such a vile excuse for a human being was unfit to hold that high office, and felt compelled to finally come forward.
3. The Weinstein scandal only broke a brief time before the Moore one did, and the Moore accusers felt emboldened by that recent example
4. The other victims, given courage by the first, realized that the floodgates were open, screwed up their courage, and joined the conversation

Was there anything else needed?

Good lord.

1. He ran twice for the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. That court wields incredible power.

He would have decided cases about under age sex, rape and lots more.

But the accusers waited till now?


3. Maybe, but there have plenty of sex harassment cases prior. The movie 9 to 5 came out in 1980 and likely started the whole thing. Plenty of empowerment since.

4. There are actually only 3. One maintains that the assault happened in a parking lot that never existed, another has troubling financial and past drug use histories.

AND THIS COMMON KNOWLEDGE SOMEHOW WAS OVER LOOKED BY THE PRESS AND THE OPPOSITION FOR NEARLY 40 YEARS. Even if the accusers didn’t want to come forward, why the hell wouldn’t the press report the rumors? And why wouldn’t his opposition.

Makes no sense.
Can you imagine in Gadsden in the 70's a ban on the Deputy DA from the mall for sexually harassing teenagers? It would have been headline news. Not only that he would have been fired.
No he would not have been. It would have covered up, he would have been protectrd and the girls reps trashed. Just likr now. Like with Weistein, OReilly, Rose. Powerful men and good old boys.

Yes indeed TD, there is no doubt about it, see the "good old boys" that Coyote referenced were likely the Kids of moonshiners with no love for the DA's office. Second, being in the business I'm in, letting someone who harasses teenage kids in your Mall, and not banning them, would have caused great concern, no matter who that might be, to the insurance company that insured the property. Someone would have been fired, most likely the Mall Manager for not doing his job.

After all, it supposedly was COMMON KNOWLEDGE

This was the 1970's. Not 2017. We were no where near as litigous as we are now. But even then - Moore may well have been banned. There just aren't any records retained going back that far - there is nothing proving he WASN'T banned. He did however have enough of a reputation to catch people's attention and memory.

Proof that he wasn't banned? What kind of proof could one provide? Do malls keep lists of people that are not banned? Must be a pretty big list. :deal:

They keep lists of people who are banned. But they don't have records from that long ago. Therefore he could have been on a list, we just wouldn't know.

What I think is convincing about Moore is that he had a reputation that was known to people beyond the women who accused him. Their stories were consistent, and they had no reason to be making it up.

AND, the Mall Manager at the time stated Moore’s name wasn’t on any such list.
Yes indeed TD, there is no doubt about it, see the "good old boys" that Coyote referenced were likely the Kids of moonshiners with no love for the DA's office. Second, being in the business I'm in, letting someone who harasses teenage kids in your Mall, and not banning them, would have caused great concern, no matter who that might be, to the insurance company that insured the property. Someone would have been fired, most likely the Mall Manager for not doing his job.

After all, it supposedly was COMMON KNOWLEDGE

This was the 1970's. Not 2017. We were no where near as litigous as we are now. But even then - Moore may well have been banned. There just aren't any records retained going back that far - there is nothing proving he WASN'T banned. He did however have enough of a reputation to catch people's attention and memory.

Proof that he wasn't banned? What kind of proof could one provide? Do malls keep lists of people that are not banned? Must be a pretty big list. :deal:

They keep lists of people who are banned. But they don't have records from that long ago. Therefore he could have been on a list, we just wouldn't know.

What I think is convincing about Moore is that he had a reputation that was known to people beyond the women who accused him. Their stories were consistent, and they had no reason to be making it up.

The Mall Manager was interviewed on Birmingham television and said he wasn't banned. We do know. And to believe rumors and use those rumors to ruin a man's life is disgusting.

Beyond appalling.

The Mall Manager is also voting for Moore.

You've got to be kidding me that this is the basis on whether or not we believe someone. Are you kidding me? Hey look if you want to believe rumors knock yourself out. But the very fact that he kept going to the fucking mall should prove he wasn't banned.

The fact he dated a cheerleader should prove that the police did not try to keep him away from cheerleaders. And btw do you know how whacked out a statement that is?

If he was so big a creep why was he invited to the High School to give inspirational speeches.

Why was he allowed to coach his sisters baseball team.

And most importantly why is it more important to believe no namers that trash him rather than the two women including a very prominent Democrat who claim he was always a gentleman and there was no sexual misconduct and they dated him for some time.

I guess the answer is simple. You'd just rather him be guilty. Plain and simple. I hope you never get called up for jury duty. I'd pity the poor bastard you'd fry.
Yes indeed TD, there is no doubt about it, see the "good old boys" that Coyote referenced were likely the Kids of moonshiners with no love for the DA's office. Second, being in the business I'm in, letting someone who harasses teenage kids in your Mall, and not banning them, would have caused great concern, no matter who that might be, to the insurance company that insured the property. Someone would have been fired, most likely the Mall Manager for not doing his job.

After all, it supposedly was COMMON KNOWLEDGE

This was the 1970's. Not 2017. We were no where near as litigous as we are now. But even then - Moore may well have been banned. There just aren't any records retained going back that far - there is nothing proving he WASN'T banned. He did however have enough of a reputation to catch people's attention and memory.

Proof that he wasn't banned? What kind of proof could one provide? Do malls keep lists of people that are not banned? Must be a pretty big list. :deal:

They keep lists of people who are banned. But they don't have records from that long ago. Therefore he could have been on a list, we just wouldn't know.

What I think is convincing about Moore is that he had a reputation that was known to people beyond the women who accused him. Their stories were consistent, and they had no reason to be making it up.

The Mall Manager was interviewed on Birmingham television and said he wasn't banned. We do know. And to believe rumors and use those rumors to ruin a man's life is disgusting.

Beyond appalling.

The Mall Manager is also voting for Moore.

Ohhhhhhhh, so that’s why he would lie?

Who’d you vote for president?
This was the 1970's. Not 2017. We were no where near as litigous as we are now. But even then - Moore may well have been banned. There just aren't any records retained going back that far - there is nothing proving he WASN'T banned. He did however have enough of a reputation to catch people's attention and memory.

Proof that he wasn't banned? What kind of proof could one provide? Do malls keep lists of people that are not banned? Must be a pretty big list. :deal:

They keep lists of people who are banned. But they don't have records from that long ago. Therefore he could have been on a list, we just wouldn't know.

What I think is convincing about Moore is that he had a reputation that was known to people beyond the women who accused him. Their stories were consistent, and they had no reason to be making it up.

The Mall Manager was interviewed on Birmingham television and said he wasn't banned. We do know. And to believe rumors and use those rumors to ruin a man's life is disgusting.

Beyond appalling.

The Mall Manager is also voting for Moore.

You've got to be kidding me that this is the basis on whether or not we believe someone. Are you kidding me? Hey look if you want to believe rumors knock yourself out. But the very fact that he kept going to the fucking mall should prove he wasn't banned.

The fact he dated a cheerleader should prove that the police did not try to keep him away from cheerleaders. And btw do you know how whacked out a statement that is?

If he was so big a creep why was he invited to the High School to give inspirational speeches.

Why was he allowed to coach his sisters baseball team.

And most importantly why is it more important to believe no namers that trash him rather than the two women including a very prominent Democrat who claim he was always a gentleman and there was no sexual misconduct and they dated him for some time.

I guess the answer is simple. You'd just rather him be guilty. Plain and simple. I hope you never get called up for jury duty. I'd pity the poor bastard you'd fry.

And never used by his political opponents?

Who exactly believed that?

Only those born yesterday.
This was the 1970's. Not 2017. We were no where near as litigous as we are now. But even then - Moore may well have been banned. There just aren't any records retained going back that far - there is nothing proving he WASN'T banned. He did however have enough of a reputation to catch people's attention and memory.

Proof that he wasn't banned? What kind of proof could one provide? Do malls keep lists of people that are not banned? Must be a pretty big list. :deal:

They keep lists of people who are banned. But they don't have records from that long ago. Therefore he could have been on a list, we just wouldn't know.

What I think is convincing about Moore is that he had a reputation that was known to people beyond the women who accused him. Their stories were consistent, and they had no reason to be making it up.

The Mall Manager was interviewed on Birmingham television and said he wasn't banned. We do know. And to believe rumors and use those rumors to ruin a man's life is disgusting.

Beyond appalling.

The Mall Manager is also voting for Moore.

You've got to be kidding me that this is the basis on whether or not we believe someone. Are you kidding me? Hey look if you want to believe rumors knock yourself out. But the very fact that he kept going to the fucking mall should prove he wasn't banned.

The fact he dated a cheerleader should prove that the police did not try to keep him away from cheerleaders. And btw do you know how whacked out a statement that is?

If he was so big a creep why was he invited to the High School to give inspirational speeches.

Why was he allowed to coach his sisters baseball team.

And most importantly why is it more important to believe no namers that trash him rather than the two women including a very prominent Democrat who claim he was always a gentleman and there was no sexual misconduct and they dated him for some time.

I guess the answer is simple. You'd just rather him be guilty. Plain and simple. I hope you never get called up for jury duty. I'd pity the poor bastard you'd fry.

Why is it more important to believe "prominant" people over "no namers"? Does being "prominant" make one more "truthful"?

I do not support the death penalty.
Did you pull that out of your fat ass after a quick stint in the toilet bowl?'

is Franken accused of molesting a 14 year old? yes or No, scum bucket?

You mean the 14 year old who was molested in the "back" parking lot that never existed? As a true liberal, you believe that unproven accusations are more evidence than a photo of a man attacking a woman while she slept. Uninformed Voters..........
please inform yourself Ray.... the 14yr was brought to his house in the country, about 5 miles from where she lived. He first met her in the parking lot of the courthouse when he was an asst DA, at 32 yrs old.

It was the 15/16 yr old who worked at the restaurant that he molested in his car at the Old Hickory house Restaurant parking lot....

And the restaurant most certainly existed at the time...Moore is lying, The Old Hickory House did exist and there are phone book listings and ads in the newspaper the year it happened that PROVE such.....

Your guy, is lying through his teeth....

He must be. After all, you can believe everything she says such as Moore also presided over her divorce case. Problem is, records say otherwise. Moore didn't have anything to do with her divorce. After she filed for a divorce (and it was signed by a different judge) she then filed a continuance for the hearing as she and her husband tried to work things out. A month after that, she filed for a dismissal. Moore's office did handle that by rubber stamping the dismissal papers, but that's about as close as she ever got to Moore. She still ended up divorced five years later and again, Moore had nothing to do with that either.
moore's acolytes CLAIMED he presided over her divorce case, and then got the story twisted and claimed she copied his signature in her year book and wrote the comments herself....but copied his sig and put DA there after his name, and DA was initialed on the sig from her divorce case with his secretary's initials of DA, for Dorothy Anderson...and his acolytes claimed that proved she copied the sig and the whole year book was a fake....but it wasn't the same DA script and Dorothy always put a ''slash'' ''/'' after roy's siggy stamp, there was no slash copied, the DA stood for District Attorney....if it was a forgery they would have copied the divorce paper siggy precisely....they didn't....

BUT the divorce was the 14 yr old victim's divorce, NOT THE 16 yr old in the old hickory house whose year book he signed....?

The lies by the Moore camp are endless on this, and it's a damn shame....

WTF? I can't make heads or tails out of this. OK let me see if I get this right. You are claiming that Moore presided over one of Leigh's three divorces?
from what was said here on this site, his acolytes claim such, but Moore never presided over her divorce, the divorce was temporarily postponed because they reconciled after it was initially filed by their lawyers....
i notice the attacks on moore have subsided. all the facts coming out just dont support the attempted smear job. you all started the attack to early looks like it will all be cleaned up before the actual election, to bad for you miserable excuses of human flesh.

They are so frothing at mouth that they can't control themselves. Same thing with Trump, they released the false accusations far too early.

Liberals are not omnipotent. They fumble the play often. It’s important to remember that when facing the onslaught.
However their recruiting of a spoiler should have been anticipated as they saw the sexual smears weren’t working.
Moore should remember, as we all should, that the Democrats are funded and supported by the richest, the most powerful and most pervasive corporations the world has ever seen.
Last edited:
i notice the attacks on moore have subsided. all the facts coming out just dont support the attempted smear job. you all started the attack to early looks like it will all be cleaned up before the actual election, to bad for you miserable excuses of human flesh.

They are so frothing at mouth that they can't control themselves. Same thing with Trump, they released the false accusations far too early.

Liberals are not omnipotent. They fumble the play often.
However their recruiting of a spoiler should have been anticipated as they saw the sexual smears weren’t working.
Moore should remember, as we all should, that the Democrats are funded and supported by the richest, the most powerful and most pervasive corporations the world has ever seen.
The Koch brothers?
Why is it more important to believe "prominant" people over "no namers"? Does being "prominant" make one more "truthful"?

It sure makes them more of a target.

And it sure makes it easier for them to buy a opposed to "no namers" who's reputations are getting trashed for speaking out.
You mean the 14 year old who was molested in the "back" parking lot that never existed? As a true liberal, you believe that unproven accusations are more evidence than a photo of a man attacking a woman while she slept. Uninformed Voters..........
please inform yourself Ray.... the 14yr was brought to his house in the country, about 5 miles from where she lived. He first met her in the parking lot of the courthouse when he was an asst DA, at 32 yrs old.

It was the 15/16 yr old who worked at the restaurant that he molested in his car at the Old Hickory house Restaurant parking lot....

And the restaurant most certainly existed at the time...Moore is lying, The Old Hickory House did exist and there are phone book listings and ads in the newspaper the year it happened that PROVE such.....

Your guy, is lying through his teeth....

He must be. After all, you can believe everything she says such as Moore also presided over her divorce case. Problem is, records say otherwise. Moore didn't have anything to do with her divorce. After she filed for a divorce (and it was signed by a different judge) she then filed a continuance for the hearing as she and her husband tried to work things out. A month after that, she filed for a dismissal. Moore's office did handle that by rubber stamping the dismissal papers, but that's about as close as she ever got to Moore. She still ended up divorced five years later and again, Moore had nothing to do with that either.
moore's acolytes CLAIMED he presided over her divorce case, and then got the story twisted and claimed she copied his signature in her year book and wrote the comments herself....but copied his sig and put DA there after his name, and DA was initialed on the sig from her divorce case with his secretary's initials of DA, for Dorothy Anderson...and his acolytes claimed that proved she copied the sig and the whole year book was a fake....but it wasn't the same DA script and Dorothy always put a ''slash'' ''/'' after roy's siggy stamp, there was no slash copied, the DA stood for District Attorney....if it was a forgery they would have copied the divorce paper siggy precisely....they didn't....

BUT the divorce was the 14 yr old victim's divorce, NOT THE 16 yr old in the old hickory house whose year book he signed....?

The lies by the Moore camp are endless on this, and it's a damn shame....

WTF? I can't make heads or tails out of this. OK let me see if I get this right. You are claiming that Moore presided over one of Leigh's three divorces?
from what was said here on this site, his acolytes claim such, but Moore never presided over her divorce, the divorce was temporarily postponed because they reconciled after it was initially filed by their lawyers....

And there you go. Why would she say Moore presided over it? To give her story more credibility. But now that the story was proven false, does that not remove some of her credibility?
Why is it more important to believe "prominant" people over "no namers"? Does being "prominant" make one more "truthful"?

It sure makes them more of a target.

And it sure makes it easier for them to buy a opposed to "no namers" who's reputations are getting trashed for speaking out.

Speaking out about the truth or speaking out myth? That's the problem.

It's a problem on all sides.
Proof that he wasn't banned? What kind of proof could one provide? Do malls keep lists of people that are not banned? Must be a pretty big list. :deal:

They keep lists of people who are banned. But they don't have records from that long ago. Therefore he could have been on a list, we just wouldn't know.

What I think is convincing about Moore is that he had a reputation that was known to people beyond the women who accused him. Their stories were consistent, and they had no reason to be making it up.

The Mall Manager was interviewed on Birmingham television and said he wasn't banned. We do know. And to believe rumors and use those rumors to ruin a man's life is disgusting.

Beyond appalling.

The Mall Manager is also voting for Moore.

You've got to be kidding me that this is the basis on whether or not we believe someone. Are you kidding me? Hey look if you want to believe rumors knock yourself out. But the very fact that he kept going to the fucking mall should prove he wasn't banned.

The fact he dated a cheerleader should prove that the police did not try to keep him away from cheerleaders. And btw do you know how whacked out a statement that is?

If he was so big a creep why was he invited to the High School to give inspirational speeches.

Why was he allowed to coach his sisters baseball team.

And most importantly why is it more important to believe no namers that trash him rather than the two women including a very prominent Democrat who claim he was always a gentleman and there was no sexual misconduct and they dated him for some time.

I guess the answer is simple. You'd just rather him be guilty. Plain and simple. I hope you never get called up for jury duty. I'd pity the poor bastard you'd fry.

Why is it more important to believe "prominant" people over "no namers"? Does being "prominant" make one more "truthful"?

I do not support the death penalty.

I'm only talking about one prominent Democrat.

Considering the woman I'm talking about dated the man. One on one observations over many dates she said he was a gentleman and a romantic. Kissed her only. No sexual misconduct. Mother more than approved. Said she'd be the luckiest girl in the world to date him.

No one else who is accusing him of chasing young girls knew him. Rumors. And I'm not going to believe a batch of gadflys or mall rats.

I'm running with those two women who dated him and believing them instead of gossip.

And considering if any one wanted to put a stake thru his heart and could, it would be this prominent Democrat who does sign language aka signing for Democrats like Hillary Clinton
You mean the 14 year old who was molested in the "back" parking lot that never existed? As a true liberal, you believe that unproven accusations are more evidence than a photo of a man attacking a woman while she slept. Uninformed Voters..........
please inform yourself Ray.... the 14yr was brought to his house in the country, about 5 miles from where she lived. He first met her in the parking lot of the courthouse when he was an asst DA, at 32 yrs old.

It was the 15/16 yr old who worked at the restaurant that he molested in his car at the Old Hickory house Restaurant parking lot....

And the restaurant most certainly existed at the time...Moore is lying, The Old Hickory House did exist and there are phone book listings and ads in the newspaper the year it happened that PROVE such.....

Your guy, is lying through his teeth....

He must be. After all, you can believe everything she says such as Moore also presided over her divorce case. Problem is, records say otherwise. Moore didn't have anything to do with her divorce. After she filed for a divorce (and it was signed by a different judge) she then filed a continuance for the hearing as she and her husband tried to work things out. A month after that, she filed for a dismissal. Moore's office did handle that by rubber stamping the dismissal papers, but that's about as close as she ever got to Moore. She still ended up divorced five years later and again, Moore had nothing to do with that either.
moore's acolytes CLAIMED he presided over her divorce case, and then got the story twisted and claimed she copied his signature in her year book and wrote the comments herself....but copied his sig and put DA there after his name, and DA was initialed on the sig from her divorce case with his secretary's initials of DA, for Dorothy Anderson...and his acolytes claimed that proved she copied the sig and the whole year book was a fake....but it wasn't the same DA script and Dorothy always put a ''slash'' ''/'' after roy's siggy stamp, there was no slash copied, the DA stood for District Attorney....if it was a forgery they would have copied the divorce paper siggy precisely....they didn't....

BUT the divorce was the 14 yr old victim's divorce, NOT THE 16 yr old in the old hickory house whose year book he signed....?

The lies by the Moore camp are endless on this, and it's a damn shame....

WTF? I can't make heads or tails out of this. OK let me see if I get this right. You are claiming that Moore presided over one of Leigh's three divorces?
from what was said here on this site, his acolytes claim such, but Moore never presided over her divorce, the divorce was temporarily postponed because they reconciled after it was initially filed by their lawyers....

Moore dismissed the case and issued the dismissal papers.

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