seems you shot your wad to early.

Franken was closer to rape than Moore ever was, and at least we have evidence of it.

Did you pull that out of your fat ass after a quick stint in the toilet bowl?'

is Franken accused of molesting a 14 year old? yes or No, scum bucket?

You mean the 14 year old who was molested in the "back" parking lot that never existed? As a true liberal, you believe that unproven accusations are more evidence than a photo of a man attacking a woman while she slept. Uninformed Voters..........
please inform yourself Ray.... the 14yr was brought to his house in the country, about 5 miles from where she lived. He first met her in the parking lot of the courthouse when he was an asst DA, at 32 yrs old.

It was the 15/16 yr old who worked at the restaurant that he molested in his car at the Old Hickory house Restaurant parking lot....

And the restaurant most certainly existed at the time...Moore is lying, The Old Hickory House did exist and there are phone book listings and ads in the newspaper the year it happened that PROVE such.....

Your guy, is lying through his teeth....

He must be. After all, you can believe everything she says such as Moore also presided over her divorce case. Problem is, records say otherwise. Moore didn't have anything to do with her divorce. After she filed for a divorce (and it was signed by a different judge) she then filed a continuance for the hearing as she and her husband tried to work things out. A month after that, she filed for a dismissal. Moore's office did handle that by rubber stamping the dismissal papers, but that's about as close as she ever got to Moore. She still ended up divorced five years later and again, Moore had nothing to do with that either.
Last edited:
Franken was closer to rape than Moore ever was, and at least we have evidence of it.

Did you pull that out of your fat ass after a quick stint in the toilet bowl?'

is Franken accused of molesting a 14 year old? yes or No, scum bucket?

You mean the 14 year old who was molested in the "back" parking lot that never existed? As a true liberal, you believe that unproven accusations are more evidence than a photo of a man attacking a woman while she slept. Uninformed Voters..........
Numbnuts, Franken did not touch that woman in that photo. You can see the shadow cast by his right hand that it’s not making contact as he’s smirking for the camera.


Oh please. You libs are so pathetic you'd even defend this.
There’s nothing to defend. He didn’t touch her in that photo. He was goofing off with someone on tour with him, pretending to grope her tits while he posed for a photo. He just recently learned she was offended by it. Was it in poor taste? Sure. Was it sexual assault? Absolutely not. Again, he’s not touching her. Since learning she was offended, he apologized and she accepted. Get over it.

You can't tell shit by the picture alone. But let's just say that what you said is true. What kind of weirdo would even think of doing something like that? Something really has to be wrong with you, either that or you are 11 years old. Or if somebody did something like that to your sister, you would think it was funny and not assaulting then????
And by honest you mean by your judgement as a liberal?

Do you know why Franken had to apologize? He got busted.

Now when you have as much concrete evidence on Moore as we have with Franken, I would expect an apology out of him. In fact any evidence, even a smidgen, I would expect him to drop out of the race. And no, hearsay is not what any reasonable person could consider evidence.

I believe those women.

I believe the police detective.

I believe the people who knew Moore's reputation.

There are enough different people corroborating a pattern that I think he should step down. You aren't talking about just one woman. You aren't talking about a seat in an area that is even up for grabs - it's hard core red.

What I see in Moore is hypocrisy. A willingness to elect someone who's character is most definately stained...who has even broken the law he is sworn to uphold in his days as a judge....over ANYONE else.

That is sad.

And a clear double standard because I am sure you would not apply those distinctions to a Dem.

Okay, so what you're saying is that from now on, anytime unproven accusations are made, a candidate should step down because we should just accept such accusations as fact. Forget about the country we left behind where a person is considered innocent until proven guilty. We are too liberal for those silly rules now.

And if we do that, then who would we get to run our country? After all, people can make unproven accusations against anybody.
Was that your attitude about Bill Clinton?

Good for you, you’re a rarity then. Not many folks on the right think twice about finding Clinton guilty based on nothing more than accusations.

I even said the same thing about Franken with the other women that came out after the first one. No evidence and it seems like they were (as in all sexual accusation cases) jumping on the bandwagon.
Ohhhhhhh, your the one with the police report that nobody else can seem to find!

Oh, you don’t? Know why? It never happened.

Ever wonder how something that everybody knew about never made a single news report or was ever used against him in almost FOURTY YEARS? Until just weeks before this election

Hell, Hustler magazine was paying millions of dollars to nab conservatives, and no one in Gadsden needed a big pay day WHEN EVERYONE IN THAT TOWN SUPPOSSEDLY KNEW ABOUT THIS?

You can’t make this shit up know matter how hard you try.

We went from 9 accusers to 2

Mall ban - nope, never happened

Cops told to watch him around teen girls, but no report exists?

This thing is dieing a quick merciful death.

As I said Pops....Ailes, O'Reilly, Weinstein provided the tipping point for women to come out with less fear of retaliation. What did they have to gain? Seriously? These are dyed in the wool Republican women in a red red state.

Let me ask you this. Billy Boy Clinton's accusers came out at a politically convenient time. Were they all liars? At least they got a court hearing. How about Frankens? How about the others? Is Franken to be dammed because he was honest enough to fess up?

The allegations against Moore seem to be well corroborated. The only DEFENSE seems to be shredding the women's reputations. No wonder so few women step forward.

Roy Moore changes his story about accusers, compares claims to Trump-Russia investigation

Moore accuser fires back in letter: 'I demand that you stop calling me a liar'

Why don't women step forward? The 1970's....
Why Roy Moore's accusers stayed silent for so long
"I didn't even tell my mom about it. She had told me one time that it was common for men to 'mess around' with the teenage girls...her mother had told her that was just the way it was, and that they should never talk about it. Then it happened to me and I didn't tell my mom because I knew it would upset her."

At the outset of the #MeToo movement an extended family member privately shared her experience of sexual assault with me. She was a young woman when she was raped - just like the eight women who have accused Roy Moore of sexual misconduct. But there is another reason why my relative, and Moore's accusers have been silent until now - Southern culture.

Silencing is a common tactic use by perpetrators of childhood sexual violence; many survivors of sexual trauma remain silent out of shame and fear. They are justified in doing so. For children, the threat of further harm is very real and perpetrators depend on secrecy. Even for adults, victim-blaming, stigma and re-traumatization may accompany disclosure. In Southern culture, the norm of the 'good girl' combined with the adage of 'speak when you are spoken to' closes the door on information sharing. It also affirms the lie that perpetrators often tell their victims: they will not be believed.

Other elements of the traditional Southern Belle archetype also play a role. Southern women, and especially girls, are expected to be as "sweet as pie" and genteel to boot. There is, after all, an entire magazine dedicated to Southern Living and hospitality. It simply wouldn't be polite by Southern standards to out sexual assailants. Instead Moore's behavior has been an open secret and the fodder for small town rumor mills. While some have attempted to discredit Moore's victims, they would not have come forth without prompting from members of the media.

As of this point...there are multiple women, who have accused Moore of impropriaties:
Roy Moore sexual abuse allegations - Wikipedia


A former colleague who worked with Moore at the Etowah County District Attorney's office from 1982 to 1985 stated, "It was common knowledge that Roy dated high school girls, everyone we knew thought it was weird [...] We wondered why someone his age would hang out at high school football games and the mall".[32][33] At least four current and former residents of Etowah County have corroborated the colleague's story. One said, "These stories have been going around this town for 30 years ... Nobody could believe they hadn't come out yet". Another said, "Him liking and dating young girls was never a secret in Gadsden when we were all in high school ... In our neighborhoods up by Noccalula Falls we heard it all the time. Even people at the courthouse know it was a well-known secret ... It's just sad how these girls [who accused Moore] are getting hammered and called liars, especially Leigh [Corfman]."[34]

On November 13, The New Yorker quoted multiple local former police officers and mall employees who had heard that Roy Moore had been banned from the Gadsden Mall in the early 1980s for attempting to pick up teenage girls.[35][36] An Alabama woman said that Moore was banned from the mall in the late 1970s after she reported to her manager that he was sexually harassing her.[37] Local news channel WBRC interviewed Barnes Boyle, a manager of the mall from 1981 to 1998, who said that, to his knowledge, Moore was not banned.[38] The Moore campaign has now produced two other witnesses, a longtime mall employee and the Operations Manager overseeing mall security, both of whom state that he was never banned from the mall.[39]

Faye Gray[40], a retired detective, who is a 37 year veteran of the Gadsden police force, stated that in the 1980s she was told to look out for Roy Moore due to his known harassment of cheerleaders at local school athletic events. The detective said that she also had heard that Moore had been banned from the Gadsden Mall and also said that both in the police department and at the Gadsden courthouse there were frequent mentions of Moore liking young girls. She said "I didn’t realize until sometime later that when they said he liked young girls, I just thought he liked young ladies, you know, maybe in their 20s. I had no idea, or we had no idea, that we were talking about 14-year-olds." [41]

This is more then just unfounded allegations. If Moore were a Dem you'd be over him like white on rice.

Mall Manager possessed the ban list. Moore’s name was never on it. Cops told?, but only one knew?

And again, in forty years, no opposition candidate used it? Supposedly COMMON KNOWLEDGE? No press ever reported it? Supposedly COMMON KNOWLEDGE.

Only the dumbest of the dumb can believe that all the groups that opposed Moore went silent on something of such


This stinks of reverse engineering. You know it, and I know it.

Wake up.

Can you imagine in Gadsden in the 70's a ban on the Deputy DA from the mall for sexually harassing teenagers? It would have been headline news. Not only that he would have been fired.
No he would not have been. It would have covered up, he would have been protectrd and the girls reps trashed. Just likr now. Like with Weistein, OReilly, Rose. Powerful men and good old boys.

Yes indeed TD, there is no doubt about it, see the "good old boys" that Coyote referenced were likely the Kids of moonshiners with no love for the DA's office. Second, being in the business I'm in, letting someone who harasses teenage kids in your Mall, and not banning them, would have caused great concern, no matter who that might be, to the insurance company that insured the property. Someone would have been fired, most likely the Mall Manager for not doing his job.

After all, it supposedly was COMMON KNOWLEDGE

This was the 1970's. Not 2017. We were no where near as litigous as we are now. But even then - Moore may well have been banned. There just aren't any records retained going back that far - there is nothing proving he WASN'T banned. He did however have enough of a reputation to catch people's attention and memory.
Did you pull that out of your fat ass after a quick stint in the toilet bowl?'

is Franken accused of molesting a 14 year old? yes or No, scum bucket?

You mean the 14 year old who was molested in the "back" parking lot that never existed? As a true liberal, you believe that unproven accusations are more evidence than a photo of a man attacking a woman while she slept. Uninformed Voters..........
Numbnuts, Franken did not touch that woman in that photo. You can see the shadow cast by his right hand that it’s not making contact as he’s smirking for the camera.


Oh please. You libs are so pathetic you'd even defend this.
There’s nothing to defend. He didn’t touch her in that photo. He was goofing off with someone on tour with him, pretending to grope her tits while he posed for a photo. He just recently learned she was offended by it. Was it in poor taste? Sure. Was it sexual assault? Absolutely not. Again, he’s not touching her. Since learning she was offended, he apologized and she accepted. Get over it.

You can't tell shit by the picture alone. But let's just say that what you said is true. What kind of weirdo would even think of doing something like that? Something really has to be wrong with you, either that or you are 11 years old. Or if somebody did something like that to your sister, you would think it was funny and not assaulting then????

If she were assaulted don't you think the other people there would have noticed or she would have WOKEN UP? Come on. He's being an asshole, but that is not assault.
As I said Pops....Ailes, O'Reilly, Weinstein provided the tipping point for women to come out with less fear of retaliation. What did they have to gain? Seriously? These are dyed in the wool Republican women in a red red state.

Let me ask you this. Billy Boy Clinton's accusers came out at a politically convenient time. Were they all liars? At least they got a court hearing. How about Frankens? How about the others? Is Franken to be dammed because he was honest enough to fess up?

The allegations against Moore seem to be well corroborated. The only DEFENSE seems to be shredding the women's reputations. No wonder so few women step forward.

Roy Moore changes his story about accusers, compares claims to Trump-Russia investigation

Moore accuser fires back in letter: 'I demand that you stop calling me a liar'

Why don't women step forward? The 1970's....
Why Roy Moore's accusers stayed silent for so long
"I didn't even tell my mom about it. She had told me one time that it was common for men to 'mess around' with the teenage girls...her mother had told her that was just the way it was, and that they should never talk about it. Then it happened to me and I didn't tell my mom because I knew it would upset her."

At the outset of the #MeToo movement an extended family member privately shared her experience of sexual assault with me. She was a young woman when she was raped - just like the eight women who have accused Roy Moore of sexual misconduct. But there is another reason why my relative, and Moore's accusers have been silent until now - Southern culture.

Silencing is a common tactic use by perpetrators of childhood sexual violence; many survivors of sexual trauma remain silent out of shame and fear. They are justified in doing so. For children, the threat of further harm is very real and perpetrators depend on secrecy. Even for adults, victim-blaming, stigma and re-traumatization may accompany disclosure. In Southern culture, the norm of the 'good girl' combined with the adage of 'speak when you are spoken to' closes the door on information sharing. It also affirms the lie that perpetrators often tell their victims: they will not be believed.

Other elements of the traditional Southern Belle archetype also play a role. Southern women, and especially girls, are expected to be as "sweet as pie" and genteel to boot. There is, after all, an entire magazine dedicated to Southern Living and hospitality. It simply wouldn't be polite by Southern standards to out sexual assailants. Instead Moore's behavior has been an open secret and the fodder for small town rumor mills. While some have attempted to discredit Moore's victims, they would not have come forth without prompting from members of the media.

As of this point...there are multiple women, who have accused Moore of impropriaties:
Roy Moore sexual abuse allegations - Wikipedia


A former colleague who worked with Moore at the Etowah County District Attorney's office from 1982 to 1985 stated, "It was common knowledge that Roy dated high school girls, everyone we knew thought it was weird [...] We wondered why someone his age would hang out at high school football games and the mall".[32][33] At least four current and former residents of Etowah County have corroborated the colleague's story. One said, "These stories have been going around this town for 30 years ... Nobody could believe they hadn't come out yet". Another said, "Him liking and dating young girls was never a secret in Gadsden when we were all in high school ... In our neighborhoods up by Noccalula Falls we heard it all the time. Even people at the courthouse know it was a well-known secret ... It's just sad how these girls [who accused Moore] are getting hammered and called liars, especially Leigh [Corfman]."[34]

On November 13, The New Yorker quoted multiple local former police officers and mall employees who had heard that Roy Moore had been banned from the Gadsden Mall in the early 1980s for attempting to pick up teenage girls.[35][36] An Alabama woman said that Moore was banned from the mall in the late 1970s after she reported to her manager that he was sexually harassing her.[37] Local news channel WBRC interviewed Barnes Boyle, a manager of the mall from 1981 to 1998, who said that, to his knowledge, Moore was not banned.[38] The Moore campaign has now produced two other witnesses, a longtime mall employee and the Operations Manager overseeing mall security, both of whom state that he was never banned from the mall.[39]

Faye Gray[40], a retired detective, who is a 37 year veteran of the Gadsden police force, stated that in the 1980s she was told to look out for Roy Moore due to his known harassment of cheerleaders at local school athletic events. The detective said that she also had heard that Moore had been banned from the Gadsden Mall and also said that both in the police department and at the Gadsden courthouse there were frequent mentions of Moore liking young girls. She said "I didn’t realize until sometime later that when they said he liked young girls, I just thought he liked young ladies, you know, maybe in their 20s. I had no idea, or we had no idea, that we were talking about 14-year-olds." [41]

This is more then just unfounded allegations. If Moore were a Dem you'd be over him like white on rice.

Mall Manager possessed the ban list. Moore’s name was never on it. Cops told?, but only one knew?

And again, in forty years, no opposition candidate used it? Supposedly COMMON KNOWLEDGE? No press ever reported it? Supposedly COMMON KNOWLEDGE.

Only the dumbest of the dumb can believe that all the groups that opposed Moore went silent on something of such


This stinks of reverse engineering. You know it, and I know it.

Wake up.

Can you imagine in Gadsden in the 70's a ban on the Deputy DA from the mall for sexually harassing teenagers? It would have been headline news. Not only that he would have been fired.
No he would not have been. It would have covered up, he would have been protectrd and the girls reps trashed. Just likr now. Like with Weistein, OReilly, Rose. Powerful men and good old boys.

Yes indeed TD, there is no doubt about it, see the "good old boys" that Coyote referenced were likely the Kids of moonshiners with no love for the DA's office. Second, being in the business I'm in, letting someone who harasses teenage kids in your Mall, and not banning them, would have caused great concern, no matter who that might be, to the insurance company that insured the property. Someone would have been fired, most likely the Mall Manager for not doing his job.

After all, it supposedly was COMMON KNOWLEDGE

This was the 1970's. Not 2017. We were no where near as litigous as we are now. But even then - Moore may well have been banned. There just aren't any records retained going back that far - there is nothing proving he WASN'T banned. He did however have enough of a reputation to catch people's attention and memory.

Yet no one ever reported this to anyone in the press in nearly 40 years.

Funny, cuz the guy was one of the most hated men by the left. And not a single mention of it anywhere.

Wow, explanations please.
If she were assaulted don't you think the other people there would have noticed or she would have WOKEN UP? Come on. He's being an asshole, but that is not assault.

The insanity of some right wingers is simply amazing.....Like cornered rats, they fight with the fervor of madness.
...Yet no one ever reported this to anyone in the press in nearly 40 years.

Funny, cuz the guy was one of the most hated men by the left. And not a single mention of it anywhere.

Wow, explanations please.
1. Moore had never run for the US Senate before.
2. The victims felt that such a vile excuse for a human being was unfit to hold that high office, and felt compelled to finally come forward.
3. The Weinstein scandal only broke a brief time before the Moore one did, and the Moore accusers felt emboldened by that recent example
4. The other victims, given courage by the first, realized that the floodgates were open, screwed up their courage, and joined the conversation

Was there anything else needed?
...Yet no one ever reported this to anyone in the press in nearly 40 years.

Funny, cuz the guy was one of the most hated men by the left. And not a single mention of it anywhere.

Wow, explanations please.
1. Moore had never run for the US Senate before.
2. The victims felt that such a vile excuse for a human being was unfit to hold that high office, and felt compelled to finally come forward.
3. The Weinstein scandal only broke a brief time before the Moore one did, and the Moore accusers felt emboldened by that recent example
4. The other victims, given courage by the first, realized that the floodgates were open, screwed up their courage, and joined the conversation

Was there anything else needed?

No that is pretty complete...
1. Moore had never run for the US Senate before.
2. The victims felt that such a vile excuse for a human being was unfit to hold that high office, and felt compelled to finally come forward.
3. The Weinstein scandal only broke a brief time before the Moore one did, and the Moore accusers felt emboldened by that recent example
4. The other victims, given courage by the first, realized that the floodgates were open, screwed up their courage, and joined the conversation

Right n target.....and if I may add, the possibility of Moore gaining a very prominent NATIONAL status, DID prompt the media to dig deeper into this guy's dubious and shady background.... and we got what we have.
Franken was closer to rape than Moore ever was, and at least we have evidence of it.

Did you pull that out of your fat ass after a quick stint in the toilet bowl?'

is Franken accused of molesting a 14 year old? yes or No, scum bucket?

You mean the 14 year old who was molested in the "back" parking lot that never existed? As a true liberal, you believe that unproven accusations are more evidence than a photo of a man attacking a woman while she slept. Uninformed Voters..........
Numbnuts, Franken did not touch that woman in that photo. You can see the shadow cast by his right hand that it’s not making contact as he’s smirking for the camera.


Oh please. You libs are so pathetic you'd even defend this.
oh please...
No one is defending it. But it is not rape or even close and your attempting to draw comparisons is classic case of false equivalence from a person who can not bring himself to condemn his own side.

Franken behaved badly and will pay for it. But at least he admitted it. Who is defending it? Anyone? Is Franken claiming the photo is fake (like Trump is claiming the tapes now are?)

The only defense I am seeing is for Moore
and that from the same people condemning Franken. The same people who condemned Clinton and exhonerated Trump. What ethical standards remain that arent determined by partisanship?

Here is the easy solution. If the accused is already in office a revamped ethics committee should deal with it. If the accused committed a crime the law should deal with it. If the accused isnt yet in office then we sure as hell should think twice about voting him in. But everything is upside down isnt it?

You voted Trump in. And you want to vote Moore in.

Yes, I do think many people are lying in this case. If there is something.......anything that supports these claims other than hearsay, I'm all for looking at it.

The only reason Franken apologized (and admitted to what he did) was because there was evidence of it. Will he pay? I don't think so. He'll be a US Senator well into next year and probably until the end of his term.

I am not defending Moore because there is nothing to defend. No evidence he did anything including signing the year book. What I am defending though are all these men (mostly wealthy men) who are constantly accused of similar and worse things. It's happening all the time. And they all have the same pattern too! One comes out, and then multiple women come out of the woodwork; every single case: O'Reilly, Cosby, Trump, Cain, Moore, Clinton...........

And as I stated, if we are to accept hearsay claims as facts, then we need to do it with everybody. And if we do, unproven accusations can be used as a weapon against political foes, coworkers, entertainers whoever somebody wishes to destroy.
As I said Pops....Ailes, O'Reilly, Weinstein provided the tipping point for women to come out with less fear of retaliation. What did they have to gain? Seriously? These are dyed in the wool Republican women in a red red state.

Let me ask you this. Billy Boy Clinton's accusers came out at a politically convenient time. Were they all liars? At least they got a court hearing. How about Frankens? How about the others? Is Franken to be dammed because he was honest enough to fess up?

The allegations against Moore seem to be well corroborated. The only DEFENSE seems to be shredding the women's reputations. No wonder so few women step forward.

Roy Moore changes his story about accusers, compares claims to Trump-Russia investigation

Moore accuser fires back in letter: 'I demand that you stop calling me a liar'

Why don't women step forward? The 1970's....
Why Roy Moore's accusers stayed silent for so long
"I didn't even tell my mom about it. She had told me one time that it was common for men to 'mess around' with the teenage girls...her mother had told her that was just the way it was, and that they should never talk about it. Then it happened to me and I didn't tell my mom because I knew it would upset her."

At the outset of the #MeToo movement an extended family member privately shared her experience of sexual assault with me. She was a young woman when she was raped - just like the eight women who have accused Roy Moore of sexual misconduct. But there is another reason why my relative, and Moore's accusers have been silent until now - Southern culture.

Silencing is a common tactic use by perpetrators of childhood sexual violence; many survivors of sexual trauma remain silent out of shame and fear. They are justified in doing so. For children, the threat of further harm is very real and perpetrators depend on secrecy. Even for adults, victim-blaming, stigma and re-traumatization may accompany disclosure. In Southern culture, the norm of the 'good girl' combined with the adage of 'speak when you are spoken to' closes the door on information sharing. It also affirms the lie that perpetrators often tell their victims: they will not be believed.

Other elements of the traditional Southern Belle archetype also play a role. Southern women, and especially girls, are expected to be as "sweet as pie" and genteel to boot. There is, after all, an entire magazine dedicated to Southern Living and hospitality. It simply wouldn't be polite by Southern standards to out sexual assailants. Instead Moore's behavior has been an open secret and the fodder for small town rumor mills. While some have attempted to discredit Moore's victims, they would not have come forth without prompting from members of the media.

As of this point...there are multiple women, who have accused Moore of impropriaties:
Roy Moore sexual abuse allegations - Wikipedia


A former colleague who worked with Moore at the Etowah County District Attorney's office from 1982 to 1985 stated, "It was common knowledge that Roy dated high school girls, everyone we knew thought it was weird [...] We wondered why someone his age would hang out at high school football games and the mall".[32][33] At least four current and former residents of Etowah County have corroborated the colleague's story. One said, "These stories have been going around this town for 30 years ... Nobody could believe they hadn't come out yet". Another said, "Him liking and dating young girls was never a secret in Gadsden when we were all in high school ... In our neighborhoods up by Noccalula Falls we heard it all the time. Even people at the courthouse know it was a well-known secret ... It's just sad how these girls [who accused Moore] are getting hammered and called liars, especially Leigh [Corfman]."[34]

On November 13, The New Yorker quoted multiple local former police officers and mall employees who had heard that Roy Moore had been banned from the Gadsden Mall in the early 1980s for attempting to pick up teenage girls.[35][36] An Alabama woman said that Moore was banned from the mall in the late 1970s after she reported to her manager that he was sexually harassing her.[37] Local news channel WBRC interviewed Barnes Boyle, a manager of the mall from 1981 to 1998, who said that, to his knowledge, Moore was not banned.[38] The Moore campaign has now produced two other witnesses, a longtime mall employee and the Operations Manager overseeing mall security, both of whom state that he was never banned from the mall.[39]

Faye Gray[40], a retired detective, who is a 37 year veteran of the Gadsden police force, stated that in the 1980s she was told to look out for Roy Moore due to his known harassment of cheerleaders at local school athletic events. The detective said that she also had heard that Moore had been banned from the Gadsden Mall and also said that both in the police department and at the Gadsden courthouse there were frequent mentions of Moore liking young girls. She said "I didn’t realize until sometime later that when they said he liked young girls, I just thought he liked young ladies, you know, maybe in their 20s. I had no idea, or we had no idea, that we were talking about 14-year-olds." [41]

This is more then just unfounded allegations. If Moore were a Dem you'd be over him like white on rice.

Mall Manager possessed the ban list. Moore’s name was never on it. Cops told?, but only one knew?

And again, in forty years, no opposition candidate used it? Supposedly COMMON KNOWLEDGE? No press ever reported it? Supposedly COMMON KNOWLEDGE.

Only the dumbest of the dumb can believe that all the groups that opposed Moore went silent on something of such


This stinks of reverse engineering. You know it, and I know it.

Wake up.

Can you imagine in Gadsden in the 70's a ban on the Deputy DA from the mall for sexually harassing teenagers? It would have been headline news. Not only that he would have been fired.
No he would not have been. It would have covered up, he would have been protectrd and the girls reps trashed. Just likr now. Like with Weistein, OReilly, Rose. Powerful men and good old boys.

Yes indeed TD, there is no doubt about it, see the "good old boys" that Coyote referenced were likely the Kids of moonshiners with no love for the DA's office. Second, being in the business I'm in, letting someone who harasses teenage kids in your Mall, and not banning them, would have caused great concern, no matter who that might be, to the insurance company that insured the property. Someone would have been fired, most likely the Mall Manager for not doing his job.

After all, it supposedly was COMMON KNOWLEDGE

This was the 1970's. Not 2017. We were no where near as litigous as we are now. But even then - Moore may well have been banned. There just aren't any records retained going back that far - there is nothing proving he WASN'T banned. He did however have enough of a reputation to catch people's attention and memory.

Proof that he wasn't banned? What kind of proof could one provide? Do malls keep lists of people that are not banned? Must be a pretty big list. :deal:
Mall Manager possessed the ban list. Moore’s name was never on it. Cops told?, but only one knew?

And again, in forty years, no opposition candidate used it? Supposedly COMMON KNOWLEDGE? No press ever reported it? Supposedly COMMON KNOWLEDGE.

Only the dumbest of the dumb can believe that all the groups that opposed Moore went silent on something of such


This stinks of reverse engineering. You know it, and I know it.

Wake up.

Can you imagine in Gadsden in the 70's a ban on the Deputy DA from the mall for sexually harassing teenagers? It would have been headline news. Not only that he would have been fired.
No he would not have been. It would have covered up, he would have been protectrd and the girls reps trashed. Just likr now. Like with Weistein, OReilly, Rose. Powerful men and good old boys.

Yes indeed TD, there is no doubt about it, see the "good old boys" that Coyote referenced were likely the Kids of moonshiners with no love for the DA's office. Second, being in the business I'm in, letting someone who harasses teenage kids in your Mall, and not banning them, would have caused great concern, no matter who that might be, to the insurance company that insured the property. Someone would have been fired, most likely the Mall Manager for not doing his job.

After all, it supposedly was COMMON KNOWLEDGE

This was the 1970's. Not 2017. We were no where near as litigous as we are now. But even then - Moore may well have been banned. There just aren't any records retained going back that far - there is nothing proving he WASN'T banned. He did however have enough of a reputation to catch people's attention and memory.

Proof that he wasn't banned? What kind of proof could one provide? Do malls keep lists of people that are not banned? Must be a pretty big list. :deal:

They keep lists of people who are banned. But they don't have records from that long ago. Therefore he could have been on a list, we just wouldn't know.

What I think is convincing about Moore is that he had a reputation that was known to people beyond the women who accused him. Their stories were consistent, and they had no reason to be making it up.
Did you pull that out of your fat ass after a quick stint in the toilet bowl?'

is Franken accused of molesting a 14 year old? yes or No, scum bucket?

You mean the 14 year old who was molested in the "back" parking lot that never existed? As a true liberal, you believe that unproven accusations are more evidence than a photo of a man attacking a woman while she slept. Uninformed Voters..........
Numbnuts, Franken did not touch that woman in that photo. You can see the shadow cast by his right hand that it’s not making contact as he’s smirking for the camera.


Oh please. You libs are so pathetic you'd even defend this.
There’s nothing to defend. He didn’t touch her in that photo. He was goofing off with someone on tour with him, pretending to grope her tits while he posed for a photo. He just recently learned she was offended by it. Was it in poor taste? Sure. Was it sexual assault? Absolutely not. Again, he’s not touching her. Since learning she was offended, he apologized and she accepted. Get over it.

You can't tell shit by the picture alone.
Of course you can tell shit. You can see the shadow from his fingers...


But let's just say that what you said is true. What kind of weirdo would even think of doing something like that? Something really has to be wrong with you, either that or you are 11 years old. Or if somebody did something like that to your sister, you would think it was funny and not assaulting then????
It’s as if you didn’t know he was once a professional comedian. :rolleyes:

Comedians do crazy shit just to be funny. Does it make it right? No, and this time, it blew up in his face. But once he learned Tweeden was was offended, he apologized and she accepted it.

She can get past it, why can’t you?
Franken was closer to rape than Moore ever was, and at least we have evidence of it.

Did you pull that out of your fat ass after a quick stint in the toilet bowl?'

is Franken accused of molesting a 14 year old? yes or No, scum bucket?

You mean the 14 year old who was molested in the "back" parking lot that never existed? As a true liberal, you believe that unproven accusations are more evidence than a photo of a man attacking a woman while she slept. Uninformed Voters..........
please inform yourself Ray.... the 14yr was brought to his house in the country, about 5 miles from where she lived. He first met her in the parking lot of the courthouse when he was an asst DA, at 32 yrs old.

It was the 15/16 yr old who worked at the restaurant that he molested in his car at the Old Hickory house Restaurant parking lot....

And the restaurant most certainly existed at the time...Moore is lying, The Old Hickory House did exist and there are phone book listings and ads in the newspaper the year it happened that PROVE such.....

Your guy, is lying through his teeth....

He must be. After all, you can believe everything she says such as Moore also presided over her divorce case. Problem is, records say otherwise. Moore didn't have anything to do with her divorce. After she filed for a divorce (and it was signed by a different judge) she then filed a continuance for the hearing as she and her husband tried to work things out. A month after that, she filed for a dismissal. Moore's office did handle that by rubber stamping the dismissal papers, but that's about as close as she ever got to Moore. She still ended up divorced five years later and again, Moore had nothing to do with that either.
moore's acolytes CLAIMED he presided over her divorce case, and then got the story twisted and claimed she copied his signature in her year book and wrote the comments herself....but copied his sig and put DA there after his name, and DA was initialed on the sig from her divorce case with his secretary's initials of DA, for Dorothy Anderson...and his acolytes claimed that proved she copied the sig and the whole year book was a fake....but it wasn't the same DA script and Dorothy always put a ''slash'' ''/'' after roy's siggy stamp, there was no slash copied, the DA stood for District Attorney....if it was a forgery they would have copied the divorce paper siggy precisely....they didn't....

BUT the divorce was the 14 yr old victim's divorce, NOT THE 16 yr old in the old hickory house whose year book he signed....?

The lies by the Moore camp are endless on this, and it's a damn shame....
Can you imagine in Gadsden in the 70's a ban on the Deputy DA from the mall for sexually harassing teenagers? It would have been headline news. Not only that he would have been fired.
No he would not have been. It would have covered up, he would have been protectrd and the girls reps trashed. Just likr now. Like with Weistein, OReilly, Rose. Powerful men and good old boys.

Yes indeed TD, there is no doubt about it, see the "good old boys" that Coyote referenced were likely the Kids of moonshiners with no love for the DA's office. Second, being in the business I'm in, letting someone who harasses teenage kids in your Mall, and not banning them, would have caused great concern, no matter who that might be, to the insurance company that insured the property. Someone would have been fired, most likely the Mall Manager for not doing his job.

After all, it supposedly was COMMON KNOWLEDGE

This was the 1970's. Not 2017. We were no where near as litigous as we are now. But even then - Moore may well have been banned. There just aren't any records retained going back that far - there is nothing proving he WASN'T banned. He did however have enough of a reputation to catch people's attention and memory.

Proof that he wasn't banned? What kind of proof could one provide? Do malls keep lists of people that are not banned? Must be a pretty big list. :deal:

They keep lists of people who are banned. But they don't have records from that long ago. Therefore he could have been on a list, we just wouldn't know.

What I think is convincing about Moore is that he had a reputation that was known to people beyond the women who accused him. Their stories were consistent, and they had no reason to be making it up.

The Mall Manager was interviewed on Birmingham television and said he wasn't banned. We do know. And to believe rumors and use those rumors to ruin a man's life is disgusting.

Beyond appalling.
Can you imagine in Gadsden in the 70's a ban on the Deputy DA from the mall for sexually harassing teenagers? It would have been headline news. Not only that he would have been fired.
No he would not have been. It would have covered up, he would have been protectrd and the girls reps trashed. Just likr now. Like with Weistein, OReilly, Rose. Powerful men and good old boys.

Yes indeed TD, there is no doubt about it, see the "good old boys" that Coyote referenced were likely the Kids of moonshiners with no love for the DA's office. Second, being in the business I'm in, letting someone who harasses teenage kids in your Mall, and not banning them, would have caused great concern, no matter who that might be, to the insurance company that insured the property. Someone would have been fired, most likely the Mall Manager for not doing his job.

After all, it supposedly was COMMON KNOWLEDGE

This was the 1970's. Not 2017. We were no where near as litigous as we are now. But even then - Moore may well have been banned. There just aren't any records retained going back that far - there is nothing proving he WASN'T banned. He did however have enough of a reputation to catch people's attention and memory.

Proof that he wasn't banned? What kind of proof could one provide? Do malls keep lists of people that are not banned? Must be a pretty big list. :deal:

They keep lists of people who are banned. But they don't have records from that long ago. Therefore he could have been on a list, we just wouldn't know.

What I think is convincing about Moore is that he had a reputation that was known to people beyond the women who accused him. Their stories were consistent, and they had no reason to be making it up.

People are screwy. This is what's known as the Power of Suggestion. If you had an event where you were speaking to 200 people, and you told the crowd that last night, you seen something very strange in the sky; kind of like a purple light that stretched out like a rainbow, I would be willing to bet that three or four of those people would tell you they seen the same thing.

I had a close friend years ago that swore to me he encountered a UFO. HIs story was that he and his cousin were sitting on a hill one night and this thing approached them. He talked about it all the time. So one day his cousin called from out of town and they began to BS for a bit. Then he brought up this UFO thing. HIs cousin never heard of it. My friend was saying stuff over the phone like "You remember, that time we were at Nelson Ledges? What do you mean you don't? How could you forget that???"

The thing is he believed he seen a UFO so strongly that he probably would have passed a lie detector test. Not only did he imagine this UFO, but he imagined his cousin shared in the experience. He suspected that I didn't believe his story myself, so he wanted to give me the phone for his cousin to substantiate the story to me.

Then of course we can go to the people that claimed Elvis was still alive, people that seen Hitler years after his death, John F Kennedy who was seen living on an island somewhere, the list goes on and on.
Franken was closer to rape than Moore ever was, and at least we have evidence of it.

Did you pull that out of your fat ass after a quick stint in the toilet bowl?'

is Franken accused of molesting a 14 year old? yes or No, scum bucket?

You mean the 14 year old who was molested in the "back" parking lot that never existed? As a true liberal, you believe that unproven accusations are more evidence than a photo of a man attacking a woman while she slept. Uninformed Voters..........
please inform yourself Ray.... the 14yr was brought to his house in the country, about 5 miles from where she lived. He first met her in the parking lot of the courthouse when he was an asst DA, at 32 yrs old.

It was the 15/16 yr old who worked at the restaurant that he molested in his car at the Old Hickory house Restaurant parking lot....

And the restaurant most certainly existed at the time...Moore is lying, The Old Hickory House did exist and there are phone book listings and ads in the newspaper the year it happened that PROVE such.....

Your guy, is lying through his teeth....

He must be. After all, you can believe everything she says such as Moore also presided over her divorce case. Problem is, records say otherwise. Moore didn't have anything to do with her divorce. After she filed for a divorce (and it was signed by a different judge) she then filed a continuance for the hearing as she and her husband tried to work things out. A month after that, she filed for a dismissal. Moore's office did handle that by rubber stamping the dismissal papers, but that's about as close as she ever got to Moore. She still ended up divorced five years later and again, Moore had nothing to do with that either.
moore's acolytes CLAIMED he presided over her divorce case, and then got the story twisted and claimed she copied his signature in her year book and wrote the comments herself....but copied his sig and put DA there after his name, and DA was initialed on the sig from her divorce case with his secretary's initials of DA, for Dorothy Anderson...and his acolytes claimed that proved she copied the sig and the whole year book was a fake....but it wasn't the same DA script and Dorothy always put a ''slash'' ''/'' after roy's siggy stamp, there was no slash copied, the DA stood for District Attorney....if it was a forgery they would have copied the divorce paper siggy precisely....they didn't....

BUT the divorce was the 14 yr old victim's divorce, NOT THE 16 yr old in the old hickory house whose year book he signed....?

The lies by the Moore camp are endless on this, and it's a damn shame....

WTF? I can't make heads or tails out of this. OK let me see if I get this right. You are claiming that Moore presided over one of Leigh's three divorces?
No he would not have been. It would have covered up, he would have been protectrd and the girls reps trashed. Just likr now. Like with Weistein, OReilly, Rose. Powerful men and good old boys.

Yes indeed TD, there is no doubt about it, see the "good old boys" that Coyote referenced were likely the Kids of moonshiners with no love for the DA's office. Second, being in the business I'm in, letting someone who harasses teenage kids in your Mall, and not banning them, would have caused great concern, no matter who that might be, to the insurance company that insured the property. Someone would have been fired, most likely the Mall Manager for not doing his job.

After all, it supposedly was COMMON KNOWLEDGE

This was the 1970's. Not 2017. We were no where near as litigous as we are now. But even then - Moore may well have been banned. There just aren't any records retained going back that far - there is nothing proving he WASN'T banned. He did however have enough of a reputation to catch people's attention and memory.

Proof that he wasn't banned? What kind of proof could one provide? Do malls keep lists of people that are not banned? Must be a pretty big list. :deal:

They keep lists of people who are banned. But they don't have records from that long ago. Therefore he could have been on a list, we just wouldn't know.

What I think is convincing about Moore is that he had a reputation that was known to people beyond the women who accused him. Their stories were consistent, and they had no reason to be making it up.

The Mall Manager was interviewed on Birmingham television and said he wasn't banned. We do know. And to believe rumors and use those rumors to ruin a man's life is disgusting.

Beyond appalling.

The Mall Manager is also voting for Moore.

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