SEIU Drops Health Coverage for Workers’ Children


Self deported
Sep 27, 2008
1199SEIU to Drop Health Coverage for Workers' Children - Metropolis - WSJ

"One of the largest union-administered health-insurance funds in New York is dropping coverage for the children of more than 30,000 low-wage home attendants, union officials said. The union blamed financial problems it said were caused by the state’s health department and new national health-insurance requirements."

Now this is a little weird. Just why would they do this?

Maybe the plan all along?
Not much of a mystery.

Union officials said the state compelled the fund to start buying coverage from a third party, which increased premiums by 60%. State health officials denied forcing the union fund to make the switch, saying the fund had been struggling financially even before the switch to third-party coverage. [...] The union fund faced a “dramatic shortfall” between what employers contributed to the fund and the premiums charged by its insurance provider, Fidelis Care, according to Mitra Behroozi, executive director of benefit and pension funds for 1199SEIU.
There is the union...looking out for the little guy...hahaha..Of course it was planned. Why would SEIU, UAW, and AFL-CIO spend 10's of millions to get this thing passsed if it was going to force people out of coverage. Barry's plan was to prop up the unions by shifting health care and pension costs to the taxpayers. Like he said...Their fight has been his fight all along. On that note...DaGoose should be here shortly :)
Read the article:

As premiums went up and employer contributions remained constant, the benefit fund started cutting the rolls of eligible members. In the past three years the 1199 fund reduced its total enrollment in half, to less than 40,000 currently.

Before the current health care plan. And how much does adding those from 18 to 26 who are in college? If I had to guess, I would say it brings in more money than they cost. Students at that age in college are one of the most healthy groups in the country.

Imagine if we had a "public option"? Too bad Republicans destroyed that plan. If only two or three of them had decided to vote for the American people instead of "We want to destroy this president", things would have been so much better. At least we know their priorities.
There is the union...looking out for the little guy...hahaha..Of course it was planned. Why would SEIU, UAW, and AFL-CIO spend 10's of millions to get this thing passsed if it was going to force people out of coverage. Barry's plan was to prop up the unions by shifting health care and pension costs to the taxpayers. Like he said...Their fight has been his fight all along. On that note...DaGoose should be here shortly :)

That's what I was getting at. If they can't pass this law in the light of day, they will do it in the middle of the night, and all the rest of what that twat pelosi said.

If legislation can't be achieved, we will just create an "emergency" to force this on the people whether they agree or not.
Read the article:

As premiums went up and employer contributions remained constant, the benefit fund started cutting the rolls of eligible members. In the past three years the 1199 fund reduced its total enrollment in half, to less than 40,000 currently.

Before the current health care plan. And how much does adding those from 18 to 26 who are in college? If I had to guess, I would say it brings in more money than they cost. Students at that age in college are one of the most healthy groups in the country.

Imagine if we had a "public option"? Too bad Republicans destroyed that plan. If only two or three of them had decided to vote for the American people instead of "We want to destroy this president", things would have been so much better. At least we know their priorities.

yeah, just imagine.

expected nothing less of you, just more partisan lunacy!
Read the article:

As premiums went up and employer contributions remained constant, the benefit fund started cutting the rolls of eligible members. In the past three years the 1199 fund reduced its total enrollment in half, to less than 40,000 currently.

Before the current health care plan. And how much does adding those from 18 to 26 who are in college? If I had to guess, I would say it brings in more money than they cost. Students at that age in college are one of the most healthy groups in the country.

Imagine if we had a "public option"? Too bad Republicans destroyed that plan. If only two or three of them had decided to vote for the American people instead of "We want to destroy this president", things would have been so much better. At least we know their priorities.

yeah, just imagine.

expected nothing less of you, just more partisan lunacy!

Doing the will of the American people. Partisan lunacy. Umm, that doesn't really make sense.
Doing the will of the American people. Partisan lunacy. Umm, that doesn't really make sense

If healthcare was the will of the people, then how do you explain that MASSIVE beat down a few weeks back? Keep telling yourself that had nothing to do with healthcare...hahaha...Perhaps Barry will get cap and trade "deemed" passed and then you can tell yourself the next election beat down had nothing to do with that too. See you in 2012 when the next wave of dems get their walking papers :)
1199SEIU to Drop Health Coverage for Workers' Children - Metropolis - WSJ

"One of the largest union-administered health-insurance funds in New York is dropping coverage for the children of more than 30,000 low-wage home attendants, union officials said. The union blamed financial problems it said were caused by the state’s health department and new national health-insurance requirements."

Now this is a little weird. Just why would they do this?

Maybe the plan all along?

It's baby steps to forcing everyone else to support the unions.

Why screw over the low wage earner when the big wage earner can afford it?

Plus they are hoping those low wage earners will have to go on public assistance to further weigh down the system. google Cloward-Piven, it's all there, they spelled it out. And if anyone says your paranoid for bringing them up, ask them why they shared the stage with bill clinton when he expanded welfare.
I don't get it. Why would anyone participate in the union if they were getting screwed? How much do they pay in dues? Wow.
So I guess they won’t be able to keep their original coverage.
What no bailout? I really shouldn’t laugh but it’s just too funny.
I haven't seen this in the MSM, hmmmmmmmm. I must have missed it.
Some pricks here said to me that their insurance policies would be reduced by around 50 Pct. a few months ago, hahahahahaha..............:lol:
This could cause a domino effect. Other businesses and unions may soon follow suit thinking "They have insider info." Maybe that was the plan all along. Socialized medicine?
1199SEIU to Drop Health Coverage for Workers' Children - Metropolis - WSJ

"One of the largest union-administered health-insurance funds in New York is dropping coverage for the children of more than 30,000 low-wage home attendants, union officials said. The union blamed financial problems it said were caused by the state’s health department and new national health-insurance requirements."

Now this is a little weird. Just why would they do this?

Maybe the plan all along?

That was the plan stan. The unions had it figured out a long time ago. Their dumb asses cannot cover their utopian promises so they are going to make the average TAX PAYING AMERICAN buy em some health insurance. Unions are the biggest blood sucking leeches of all.
Tee up another waiver! The most satisfied recipients of Obamacare are those who don't have to live under it!

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