SEIU Takes Worker Money, Spends on Politicians Workers Don't Like, & Lay Them Off When Not Elected


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
SEIU Forced To Cut Staff At HQ Following Massive Political Spending In 2016

"The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) spent $61 million on political activities and lobbying in 2016, as well as an additional $19 million on the Fight for $15 movement. Now that spending is leading to massive layoffs.

The powerful union’s most recent Department of Labor filings revealed that the union spent $61.6 million, or about 20 percent of its $314.6 million budget, on political activities, including Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 presidential campaign"

"The SEIU, which represents over two million members in the public sector, service, and healthcare industry, made plans to cut its budget by 30 percent after President Donald Trump defeated Clinton in November."

So the SEIU went 'ALL-IN' for Hillary with their members' money, even though many of their members didn't even like / support Hillary. That money was WASTED, as Hillary lost. As a bonus to having their money spent (wasted) in a way they would not have done themselves, they get the added bonus of being laid off by the clowns who wasted / lost their money.

SEIU president Mary Kay Henry, of course, PULLED AN 'OBAMA' by trying to blame Trump and the Republicans for the layoffs, claiming because of THEM Americans 'face serious threats to the ability of working people to join together in unions'.

Dude, you took workers' money, bet on the wrong 'horse' on politicians many of them don't even support, LOST their money by spending a near record-setting amount, and now YOU are FIRING many of them. Don't blame anyone else except YOURSELF!

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