Self Defense

Are we still at the lake fishing?

Concrete block/leg/bottom of lake.

I highly recommend whatever it was they used on Hoffa cuz if they find the bod, your ass is going to prison. Why ? Because you commited the crime of improperly saving your own life.

I'm being facetious because I can't argue this point. I'm a 118 pound girl. I'm hyper aware of my surroundings, I look everyone in the eye that's in my vicinity. I'm a terrible victim target on purpose. If I ever was in a situation where I had to defend myself, I'd shoot them, hit them with a rock or run and be gone before they ever touched me. It would never happen that I would be questioned about was it self defense. Maybe it's a gender thing. You guys are always getting a bad rap for self defense.

Maybe it's a gender thing ? It's your whole defense. Look out. A jury of white women is taking some hits as we speak. Time may come where a cute little *wink wink* won't get you off the hook. Especially if your facing a black jury.
I highly recommend whatever it was they used on Hoffa cuz if they find the bod, your ass is going to prison. Why ? Because you commited the crime of improperly saving your own life.

I'm being facetious because I can't argue this point. I'm a 118 pound girl. I'm hyper aware of my surroundings, I look everyone in the eye that's in my vicinity. I'm a terrible victim target on purpose. If I ever was in a situation where I had to defend myself, I'd shoot them, hit them with a rock or run and be gone before they ever touched me. It would never happen that I would be questioned about was it self defense. Maybe it's a gender thing. You guys are always getting a bad rap for self defense.

Maybe it's a gender thing ? It's your whole defense. Look out. A jury of white women is taking some hits as we speak. Time may come where a cute little *wink wink* won't get you off the hook. Especially if your facing a black jury.

It's not going to happen. That's why I can't argue this. I can't even put myself in the situation.
I'm being facetious because I can't argue this point. I'm a 118 pound girl. I'm hyper aware of my surroundings, I look everyone in the eye that's in my vicinity. I'm a terrible victim target on purpose. If I ever was in a situation where I had to defend myself, I'd shoot them, hit them with a rock or run and be gone before they ever touched me. It would never happen that I would be questioned about was it self defense. Maybe it's a gender thing. You guys are always getting a bad rap for self defense.

Maybe it's a gender thing ? It's your whole defense. Look out. A jury of white women is taking some hits as we speak. Time may come where a cute little *wink wink* won't get you off the hook. Especially if your facing a black jury.

It's not going to happen. That's why I can't argue this. I can't even put myself in the situation.

Denial is a comfort.
Maybe it's a gender thing ? It's your whole defense. Look out. A jury of white women is taking some hits as we speak. Time may come where a cute little *wink wink* won't get you off the hook. Especially if your facing a black jury.

It's not going to happen. That's why I can't argue this. I can't even put myself in the situation.

Denial is a comfort.

You're not a girl, you don't get it.
It's not going to happen. That's why I can't argue this. I can't even put myself in the situation.

Denial is a comfort.

You're not a girl, you don't get it.

Oh no . Not the "you don't understand because you don't have a uterus" BS. I understand full well. You're too afraid to go there in your head as well you should be. God forbid that any white women should have to kill to defend herself or her kids these days. If you don't think blacks will come after a white woman today you better think again.
Denial is a comfort.

You're not a girl, you don't get it.

Oh no . Not the "you don't understand because you don't have a uterus" BS. I understand full well. You're too afraid to go there in your head as well you should be. God forbid that any white women should have to kill to defend herself or her kids these days. If you don't think blacks will come after a white woman today you better think again.

It has nothing to do with uterus and I'm not pulling the uterus card.

This is what happens when we defend ourselves, because if we're defending ourselves there's a GD good reason we're doing it.

[ame=]Georgia Mom Shoots Intruder 5 times! (911 Call) 1/10/13 - YouTube[/ame]
A person should be able to defend himself (or herself) at any time he or she feels as if his or her life is in danger. Not if someone is following you, that is not danger. If you are attacked, even if the person who is attacking you has no weapon.
A person should be able to defend himself (or herself) at any time he or she feels as if his or her life is in danger. Not if someone is following you, that is not danger. If you are attacked, even if the person who is attacking you has no weapon.

I would hope so but seems that's the bone of contention here. If everyone who even hurts someone else in self defense is going to be put on trial we are in for craziness. May as well be a willing victim.
I'm aware that laws differ from state to state but what do you think is legitimate self defense ?
Let's say you are at a lake fishing and someone comes up and attacks you ? You're not in a position to worry about legal technicalities here. The person is beating the crap out of you. Is using force against your attacker a legitimate option ? If so, How much force are you allowed to use and are you allowed to use a weapon to defend yourself? How much injury do you have to suffer before you can resort to using a knife to defend yourself. A gun ? A big stick ?

Let's say you kill your attacker while defending yourself. There are no ear nor eyewitnesses. Do you go to prison because you are unable to prove you were not the aggressor ?

Going to prison because you manage to save your own life sorta sucks doesn't it ?

Self-Defense is when someone or something instigates an situation, and fearing for your life or safety or lives of your loved ones, you use any necessary means to make sure that you and/or your loved ones or property are alive or safe. On the other hand however, IT IS NOT self-defense when you instigate an incident and then when you find yourself on the very short end of your own stick, you then turn around and kill your original victim, alleging you were defending yourself in situation that you created. Below is very good example of NOT Self-Defense:

Skinny Bully Slammed by Chubby Boy - [ame=]Fat Kid Body Slams Skinny Bully / Original - YouTube[/ame]

Do you think the skinny bully in above video should be entitled to claim of self-defense had he pulled weapon and killed his original victim who got the better of him?

Of course not. One cannot instigate a situation and then claim self-defense. And in the case of the senseless death of Trayvon Martin: A zealous man stalks a pedestrian boy, gets out of the protection of his vehicle to confront boy who had committed no offense, and then kills boy after boy gave him very short end of stick and allege it was in self-defense!
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I'm aware that laws differ from state to state but what do you think is legitimate self defense ?
Let's say you are at a lake fishing and someone comes up and attacks you ? You're not in a position to worry about legal technicalities here. The person is beating the crap out of you. Is using force against your attacker a legitimate option ? If so, How much force are you allowed to use and are you allowed to use a weapon to defend yourself? How much injury do you have to suffer before you can resort to using a knife to defend yourself. A gun ? A big stick ?

Let's say you kill your attacker while defending yourself. There are no ear nor eyewitnesses. Do you go to prison because you are unable to prove you were not the aggressor ?

Going to prison because you manage to save your own life sorta sucks doesn't it ?

Self-Defense is when someone or something instigates an situation, and fearing for your life or safety or lives of your loved ones, you use any necessary means to make sure that you and/or your loved ones or property are alive or safe. On the other hand however, IT IS NOT self-defense when you instigate an incident and then when you find yourself on the very short end of your own stick, you then turn around and kill your original victim, alleging you were defending yourself in situation that you created. Below is very good example of NOT Self-Defense:

Skinny Bully Slammed by Chubby Boy - [ame=]Fat Kid Body Slams Skinny Bully / Original - YouTube[/ame]

Do you think the skinny bully in above video should be entitled to claim of self-defense had he pulled weapon and killed his original victim who got the better of him?

Of course not. One cannot instigate a situation and then claim self-defense. And in the case of the senseless death of Trayvon Martin: A zealous man stalks a pedestrian boy, gets out of the protection of his vehicle to confront boy who had committed no offense, and then kills boy after boy gave him very short end of stick and allege it was in self-defense!

Repeated lies are still lies. Since when do you get to beat someone up who is following you? Show me where it says that it's legal to do that. The verdict is in. Not guilty.
I'm aware that laws differ from state to state but what do you think is legitimate self defense ?
Let's say you are at a lake fishing and someone comes up and attacks you ? You're not in a position to worry about legal technicalities here. The person is beating the crap out of you. Is using force against your attacker a legitimate option ? If so, How much force are you allowed to use and are you allowed to use a weapon to defend yourself? How much injury do you have to suffer before you can resort to using a knife to defend yourself. A gun ? A big stick ?

Let's say you kill your attacker while defending yourself. There are no ear nor eyewitnesses. Do you go to prison because you are unable to prove you were not the aggressor ?

Going to prison because you manage to save your own life sorta sucks doesn't it ?

Honestly, If I fear for my life, the last thing on my mind is what is the law and will I go to jail. It's me or him at the moment and I don't intend on losing the contest.
I'm aware that laws differ from state to state but what do you think is legitimate self defense ?
Let's say you are at a lake fishing and someone comes up and attacks you ? You're not in a position to worry about legal technicalities here. The person is beating the crap out of you. Is using force against your attacker a legitimate option ? If so, How much force are you allowed to use and are you allowed to use a weapon to defend yourself? How much injury do you have to suffer before you can resort to using a knife to defend yourself. A gun ? A big stick ?

Let's say you kill your attacker while defending yourself. There are no ear nor eyewitnesses. Do you go to prison because you are unable to prove you were not the aggressor ?

Going to prison because you manage to save your own life sorta sucks doesn't it ?

Honestly, If I fear for my life, the last thing on my mind is what is the law and will I go to jail. It's me or him at the moment and I don't intend on losing the contest.

If people are honest I think everyone would do the same however proving that what you did was self defense has been shown to be a nightmare. The best we can hope for is that it never happens because it would be incredibly easy to land in prison for self defense.
What if you are fishing and someone is following you? What do you do? Honestly.

Get out of the situation or, if that's not possible, call 911.

Yeah call 911 while some guy is hitting or kicking you.

Do you realize that twice as many people were killed with fists and feet than were killed by rifles (including assault rifles) in 2011?

If some guy attacks you you defend yourself with whatever force is necessary to:

A) stop the current attack


B) deter any future attack.
Just submit and hand over your wallet. If you don't you might go to trial for obstructing a robbery.
What if you are fishing and someone is following you? What do you do? Honestly.

Get out of the situation or, if that's not possible, call 911.

Yeah call 911 while some guy is hitting or kicking you.

Do you realize that twice as many people were killed with fists and feet than were killed by rifles (including assault rifles) in 2011?

If some guy attacks you you defend yourself with whatever force is necessary to:

A) stop the current attack


B) deter any future attack.

Scream for help, when someone shows up yell at them not to help you but to get the video rolling.

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