Self-Employment Has Become A Bastion Of Liberty


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
I can say what ever I want as guaranteed by the 1st Amendment, no matter how offensive it may be to the dribbling freaks and weird-ohs now populating the Democratic Party, and there's not one fucking thing they can do about it.

The rest of you better get on the stick, and put an end to this nonsense before you find yourselves zipperlipped for good
I can say what ever I want as guaranteed by the 1st Amendment, no matter how offensive it may be to the dribbling freaks and weird-ohs now populating the Democratic Party, and there's not one fucking thing they can do about it.

The rest of you better get on the stick, and put an end to this nonsense before you find yourselves zipperlipped for good

Yeah, I wouldn't be so cavalier about the whole "not one f'ing thing you can do about it" statement. You sure can say whatever you want. There's no one stopping you. But there's also no protection from any ramifications that may come from that ability to say what you want. If your employer wants to fire you because you made them look bad, they can. If people want to call you out and call attention to you on social media for the dumbassed things you post, that is their right as well. If people shun and ostracize you, well, you got no one to blame but yourself.

Now, if you're self-employed, your ability to earn a living is based off your ability to attract new accounts with new business, while keeping the lion share of the accounts you already have. That may prove extremely difficult if people have called you out and you've made yourself out to look like a giant turd. No one may want to do business with you. Worse, your accounts may look for somewhere else to do business. Free speech has its limits. All things you have to take into account when you're saying whatever pops into your head in the heat of the moment.
Nope, we have gone from, "I disagree with what you say, but will fight to the death for your right to say it.", to, "You hurt my feelings, you must be censored." "I find the book you are reading offensive, it must be banned". "You didn't vote for my candidate, you must be excoriated."

Nothing about today is the way our Founding Fathers intended. You have them confused with Marx...
I can say what ever I want as guaranteed by the 1st Amendment, no matter how offensive it may be to the dribbling freaks and weird-ohs now populating the Democratic Party, and there's not one fucking thing they can do about it.

The rest of you better get on the stick, and put an end to this nonsense before you find yourselves zipperlipped for good

Yeah, I wouldn't be so cavalier about the whole "not one f'ing thing you can do about it" statement.

Why not? I have been so my whole life and suffered no consequences save when I rather loudly called an assistant principal an "insufferable fuckhead" at age 16. I got detention for that. Big whoop. It was worth it. The whole cafeteria cracked up laughing.

But there's also no protection from any ramifications that may come from that ability to say what you want. If your employer wants to fire you because you made them look bad, they can. If people want to call you out and call attention to you on social media for the dumbassed things you post, that is their right as well. If people shun and ostracize you, well, you got no one to blame but yourself.

1) I am my employer, and I support my worldview 100%.

2) I do not use social media, save for this board. So there.

3) The people who would shun and ostracize me I already shun and ostracize.

Now, if you're self-employed, your ability to earn a living is based off your ability to attract new accounts with new business, while keeping the lion share of the accounts you already have. That may prove extremely difficult if people have called you out and you've made yourself out to look like a giant turd.

Be assured my accounts are not the least bit influenced by lower life forms.

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