
Sky Dancer

Jan 21, 2009
Generally, suicide is grievous non-virtue.

In the case of the Vietnamese monks during the Vietnam War, these were considered self-less acts.

What do you think?
Martyrdom isn't necessarily the same as outright suicide. It's all about making the decision to be killed in order to bring attention to a wrong.
My grandfather killed himself after the doctors took out his colon, testicles, and prostate.

He did it because he was sick of hurting and sick of seeing his dignity disapear.

I have always supported his choice to do that.
I don't consider martyrdom as suicide.

But then I donly usually see martyrdom as self inflicted either.

Not sure. I'd have to think about it.
Generally, suicide is grievous non-virtue.

In the case of the Vietnamese monks during the Vietnam War, these were considered self-less acts.

What do you think?

I lost a grandfather to suicide when I was four or five. From what my mother said, I think have some of his traits. It would have been really great if he would have stuck around for a little bit longer.

He is still missed, but there was a lot of anger that he did that. He just left, so much was undone. His family still needed him, and he left. He said it was because he did not want to be a burden on anyone. Maybe, he didn't know how to ask for help, or how to accept the offer of help.
I think many folks who commit suicide want to leave their loved ones with a sense of guilt, especially if they off themselves in a place where their families find them. I've seen what suicide does to the surviving family. It's them I feel sorry for. BTW, I'm hoping this is an entirely theoretical discussion.
I think suicides are often embarassed/ashamed of being a burden upon their loved ones. Often it's imagined, their loved ones don't think they're a burden or just count them as one of many burdens that come with life, where the effort is made worthy by the benefits of the contact...

Martyrs are not usually suicides...except in the case of the monks, who set themselves on fire.

And I agree that SD needs to call a hotline. Between the weird random post in the Flame Zone and this, I'd say she's at least toying w/the thought of suicide.
There are many different reasons for suicide. Being a burden on family is only one of them. Emotional pain is usually the primary cause.

The sad cases are the ones who toy with the idea.... tempt fate. The results of a botched suicide are worse then a true one.

If that is what this is all about sky.... again. I would suggest you call a suicide hot line as soon as possible.
Generally, suicide is grievous non-virtue.

In the case of the Vietnamese monks during the Vietnam War, these were considered self-less acts.

What do you think?

What was his name?

You don't know, do you?

How about the US Quaker who ALSO set burned himself to death in protest of the iet Nam war?

What was his name?

Did their self sacrifices make Viet Nam a better place? did it end the repression, the wars?

No it did not.

THAT is what I think about the efficacy of such actions.
no, i have simply known too many people who for some reason gave up on life....i am a not calf.....but i want to live....nothing is gonna get better cause you off yourself....

and i sure dont wanna set myself on fire and live.....could you imagine?
Generally, suicide is grievous non-virtue.

In the case of the Vietnamese monks during the Vietnam War, these were considered self-less acts.

What do you think?

What was his name?

You don't know, do you?

How about the US Quaker who ALSO set burned himself to death in protest of the iet Nam war?

What was his name?

Did their self sacrifices make Viet Nam a better place? did it end the repression, the wars?

No it did not.

THAT is what I think about the efficacy of such actions.

His name was Thich Quan Duc. He is considered a saint and a martyr.
There are many different reasons for suicide. Being a burden on family is only one of them. Emotional pain is usually the primary cause.

The sad cases are the ones who toy with the idea.... tempt fate. The results of a botched suicide are worse then a true one.

If that is what this is all about sky.... again. I would suggest you call a suicide hot line as soon as possible.

In the early 1990's my brother in law decided to shoot himself in the head while sitting in his car at a park. They found him...still alive. My husband, being the only relative left, flew across the country thinking he was going to have to make a life or death decision on him. He was in so much torment over this~! His brother lived, but he ended up being blind. So the thought that someone wants to end their life to stop being a burden on family, could end up you being a bigger burden. We didn't know the problems he was having being so far away from us. And he was too "proud" to get help. He lived about 7 more years until dying of a was all so sad!
My second cousin drove through a field too fast on a four wheeler. He hit a badger hole and it flipped, killing him instantly.

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