Self-Preservation Is The Only Reason Democrats Could Object To Declassifying Spygate Docs


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Self-Preservation Is The Only Reason Democrats Could Object To Declassifying Spygate Docs

Why Democrats Are Scared Of Declassifying Spygate Documents
May 28, 2019 ~ By Elad Hakim
On Thursday, President Trump gave Attorney General William Barr the authority to declassify any documents related to surveillance of the Trump campaign in 2016. Immediately some congressional Democrats blasted Trump’s decision and began to politicize the move.... It is difficult to comprehend why any member of Congress would object to the president’s decision to disclose the truth behind one of the biggest scandals in U.S. history. To the contrary, all members should welcome this information with open arms and should refrain from politicizing the president’s decision.
Shortly after Trump authorized Barr to declassify the documents, California Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff criticized the move. According to The Daily Caller, Schiff stated, “While Trump stonewalls the public from learning the truth about his obstruction of justice, Trump and Barr conspire to weaponize law enforcement and classified information against their political enemies. The coverup has entered a new and dangerous phase. This is un-American.” Contrary to Schiff’s characterization, there is nothing “un-American” about exposing a possible, and likely, coup to remove a duly elected president from office. There is nothing “un-American” about exposing one or more people who allegedly and improperly spied on the Trump campaign. To the contrary, it would be irresponsible not to disclose this information.

There is nothing “un-American” about exposing the people who illegally spied on the Trump campaign and then lied about it. Indeed, it would be un-American to cover up this illegal activity and lie to the American people about it.
Now those involved have their reputations, careers, future careers, finances, and possible prison terms jeopardized and in their futures.
They thought they were the “last word” no one could touch them or even find out who they are... they were on their way... look at who they are.. the positions they held.. they were above the law... they WERE the law.. they almost made it.. It's like the TV show, "I almost got away with it."
The Washington Post, whose tagline is "Democracy Dies In Darkness" is vehemently opposed to Trump declassifying documents about the FBI investigation.
Yes WaPoop, you illustrate perfectly your own tagline, but it is strictly due to an utter lack of self-awareness and hyper-partisanship in not wanting your allies in the government who repeatedly leak classified info to be burned. Well, those people need to be burned as well as some of your reporters and editors. Actually Democracy Dies in Darkness and it appears that's WaPo's goal, not its motto.

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