Sen. Claire McCaskill (D) looking out for taxpayers

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
She has done this since assuming office: McCaskill: Fraud and waste in Iraq and Afghan wars are stunning | McClatchy

The other day she drove home to the military and civilian reps of Afghanistan the importance of minimizing the amt of fraud, waste, & abuse as indicated by this report late last year: Panel: Widespread Waste And Fraud In War Spending | Fox News
WASHINGTON – As much as $60 billion in U.S. tax dollars -- or $12 million a day -- has been squandered through waste and fraud in Iraq and Afghanistan over the past decade from lax oversight of contractors, poor planning and corruption, according to an independent panel.

Here is the testimony from thursday: Military Operations in Afghanistan - C-SPAN Video Library (drag the tab to the bottom & her comments are 4th from the bottom.)
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I don't doubt it one bit. The military gets a blank check to spend all they want.
Well what do radical democrats really want? McCaskill served when democrats had a congressional majority in Bush's administration and ....did ...nothing. Later she served when democrats had the dream team with total majority in congress and a left wing president and about the issues she cites today?
Well what do radical democrats really want? McCaskill served when democrats had a congressional majority in Bush's administration and ....did ...nothing. Later she served when democrats had the dream team with total majority in congress and a left wing president and about the issues she cites today?

Exactly. Rather than working to fix the problems they ran on, they spent all their political capital passing the PPACA. A law that neither side approves. The right doen't like it for obvious reasons and the left because it does not go all the way. No single payer, total coverage for all. They still tout it as a huge success, BFD, and are hoping that the SCOTUS does not strike it down. Unfortunatly for the president, the ACA is his crown jewel of accomplishments.

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