Sen. Feinstein posts testimony of Fusion GPS co-founder. DANG! Sweet.

The right’s lies that the Russia investigations are a ‘witch hunt’ and based on ‘false evidence’ were already known to be lies, the transcripts serve as confirmation of the fact that conservatives are lying.
The right’s lies that the Russia investigations are a ‘witch hunt’ and based on ‘false evidence’ were already known to be lies, the transcripts serve as confirmation of the fact that conservatives are lying.
Who has been killed over the release of this dossier?
This is going to sound arrogant, but I don't even need to see the transcript, it's not as if a spy isn't going to lie. Please, this is all for optics.

Here is my take on it. The former administration and opposition wanted to get dirt on Trump, they paid for some bs dossier and had meetings in Canada who also wanted Hillary to win. They leaked this fake dossier. If this were all legit, they wouldn't pay some fool $12M for it. Not even the FBI felt it was legitimate, so all of this narrative makes no sense. it was a farce, a hit job, like the current Wolf book is.

If it is true that some clown was afraid of Russia having something over Trump, for some stupid silly video, than why in the f did Russia work so hard to get him elected? So they could hang some video over him?

I don't believe for that Trump would be so sloppy as to engage in such behavior in Russia of all countries. He's from the old school and the 1980s when the Cold War was at a high, he's not going to engage in this shyte in Russia of all countries.

They needed the dossier to get the FISA warrant so they could put surveillance on Trump.....end of story.

LOL! Youuuuu Funnnnnnny!

FBI knew of possible Trump-Russia collusion before election, according to Senate testimony FBI knew of possible Trump-Russia collusion before election, according to Senate testimony
The right’s lies that the Russia investigations are a ‘witch hunt’ and based on ‘false evidence’ were already known to be lies, the transcripts serve as confirmation of the fact that conservatives are lying.
Who has been killed over the release of this dossier?

Was it a Ritz-Carlton hotel Moscow HOOKER for the Great Douche?

btw. The Douche was married at the time.
The right’s lies that the Russia investigations are a ‘witch hunt’ and based on ‘false evidence’ were already known to be lies, the transcripts serve as confirmation of the fact that conservatives are lying.
Who has been killed over the release of this dossier?

Was it a Ritz-Carlton hotel Moscow HOOKER for the Great Douche?

btw. The Douche was married at the time.
Don and the whores peed on the bed Obama and Michelle slept in. No word on if they were awake at the time or not.

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