Sen. Feinstein vs. Sen. Cruz


Gold Member
Jul 28, 2011
Good stuff. Feinstein owns him.

[ame=]Explosive Exchange at Gun Hearing Between Ted Cruz and Dianne Feinstein - YouTube[/ame]

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) lit into freshman Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) during a contentious Senate Judiciary Committee session on a bill to ban assault-style weapons.
The bill eventually cleared the Committee on a party-line 10-8 vote. It now heads to the full Senate, where it is likely to be defeated.
The session became heated when Cruz — who opposes the assault-weapons ban — questioned Feinstein on its constitutionality, comparing it to placing limits on the First Amendment or Fourth Amendment rights.

Dianne Feinstein V. Ted Cruz On Gun Control - Business Insider
good grief, how many threads are we going to have on this "fairy tale" that Feinstein owned Cruz?

Feinstien should retire, she has been sucking off us taxpayers long enough

she thinks she is a queen of this country

Good stuff. Feinstein owns him.

Explosive Exchange at Gun Hearing Between Ted Cruz and Dianne Feinstein - YouTube

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) lit into freshman Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) during a contentious Senate Judiciary Committee session on a bill to ban assault-style weapons.
The bill eventually cleared the Committee on a party-line 10-8 vote. It now heads to the full Senate, where it is likely to be defeated.
The session became heated when Cruz — who opposes the assault-weapons ban — questioned Feinstein on its constitutionality, comparing it to placing limits on the First Amendment or Fourth Amendment rights.

Dianne Feinstein V. Ted Cruz On Gun Control - Business Insider

My Feinstein Letter to Senator Ted Cruz
Bloggers and Personal | 15 Mar 13 | Xzins

Dear Senator Cruz,

I wish to congratulate you for standing up to the anti-freedom gun opponents.

I would like to know if Sen Feinstein supported and/or objected to the back channeling of stinger-type and other heavy arms to the "citizens" of Libya during the so-called Arab Spring. They were not repelling invaders. They were overthrowing their own government, so "why did they need such weapons?"

Also, is it not ironic that the US definitely supplied stingers to Afghani citizens during the Russian occupation? Again "why did they need such weapons?"

It would be hypocritical if Feinstein supported heavy arms to Libyan citizens against their own government.

Thanks again.

Chaplain (Retired) US Army
Sen. Ted Cruz opposes run-of-the-mill multiple sclerosis resolution...
Cruz opposes multiple sclerosis resolution
3/18/13 - Says sponsors did not give senators enough time to review it before voting
In an unusual move, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) objected last week to a routine Senate resolution commemorating Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week. Congress passes hundreds of resolutions, meant to commemorate everything from a special awareness week or Little League champions. The resolutions lack any real power of law and are predominantly ceremonial. For example, earlier this month the Senate passed resolutions to mark “World Plumbing Day” and commemorating the three-year anniversary of the Haiti earthquake. In order to keep business moving and not clog the Senate floor, they are normally passed in bulk through a “unanimous consent agreement," meaning a vote isn’t tallied since both sides agree to it.

But last week, Cruz objected to including the MS Awareness resolution. He was unhappy with a clause in the resolution describing the purpose of the Multiple Sclerosis Coalition, according to a Democratic staffer. Cruz’s staff said the problem was timing. “The Senator, like many of his colleagues, will not grant consent to call up and pass a resolution or bill at the last minute without time for review,” spokesman Sean Rushton said in a statement. “The Texans who sent him to Washington expect nothing less."

After the story was posted about Cruz's opposition to the resolution, his office pushed back harder. “Senator Cruz does not oppose the substance of the MS resolution, and he never did," his spokesman said. "Unfortunately, the sponsors of this resolution circulated their request for unanimous consent less than 48 hours before they wanted it passed. A member of Sen. Cruz's staff--who herself suffers from MS--asked for time to review the language, and to perhaps suggest revisions to the language, as is typical. It appears that Senate Democratic staff, instead of working to ensure unanimous consent, instead decided to leak this story to try to malign Senator Cruz.”

You're aware that this video was hailed as a victory for Cruz all over the internet right?

Dianne Feinstein revealed her philosophy that the government CREATES and PERMITS rights. That the government may DENY and DISPARAGE the rights that it CREATES and PERMITS.

Such entities are not called rights, they are called "Privileges." Our Constitution was founded upon the philosophy of Natural Rights, endowed by the Creator at birth (all men are created equal, endowed with certain unalienable rights).

This foundation of our Constitution is CEMENTED BY THE NINTH AMENDMENT:
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

BY making this announcement, she admitted that she rejects the Libertarian Philosophy of our Founding Fathers, and has exposed herself as an Authoritarian. She really needs to go back to 6th Grade and reread John Locke.
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Granny says, "Dat's right - if ya make `em citizens den dey won't be illegals anymore...
Sen. Cruz: Pathway to Citizenship Would Kill Immigration Reform Bill
April 22, 2013 – Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said Monday that including a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants “jeopardizes the likelihood” of any immigration reform bill passing.
“I think if instead the bill includes elements that are deeply divisive – and I would note that I don’t think there is any issue in this entire debate that is more divisive than a path to citizenship for those who are here illegally - in my view, any bill that insists upon that jeopardizes the likelihood of passing any immigration reform bill,” said Cruz at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on immigration reform. “I think we should all be champions of legal immigrants making the system work, and not just welcoming, but celebrating legal immigrants. I think if we are going to see an immigration reform bill pass, that should be the focus of the bill,” he said.

Eight senators, including Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), also known as the Gang of Eight, proposed a bill last week to allow illegal immigrants to apply for citizenship while still inside the United States. In a speech on the Senate floor, Rubio said illegals “who entered here before December 2011, they have to present themselves.” They will be subjected to a background check, and unless they have committed serious crimes in the U.S., they will have to pay a fine, “an application fee.” If they have committed serious crimes, they will be deported, he said.

The immigration reform bill should secure the border, improve legal immigration and improve conditions for agricultural workers, Cruz said. “So it is my hope that passing a bipartisan bill addressing areas of common agreement – securing the border, improving legal immigration, improving agricultural workers to ensure that we have workers who are here out of the shadows, able to work legally,” he said.

The bill should focus on areas of agreement, not disagreement, Cruz said. “I hope that that reform legislation will not be held hostage to an issue that is deeply, deeply divisive, namely a pathway to citizenship. In my view, that’s how we get something done – we focus on areas of agreement, not on areas of disagreement, and I’m hopeful that over the course of consideration, we’ll see some consensus come together to do exactly that,” he said.

Sen. Cruz: Pathway to Citizenship Would Kill Immigration Reform Bill | CNS News

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