Sen. Feinstein's death leaves her daughters wrangling over breathtaking $102MILLION property fortune and $62M private jet she used to visit


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Sen. Dianne Feinstein's death leaves her daughters wrangling over breathtaking $102MILLION property fortune and $62M private jet she used to visit her mansions​

1 Oct 2023 ~~ By Will Potter

  • Feinstein's portfolio is estimated to be worth upwards of $160 million
  • Much of her wealth stems from her billionaire second husband Richard Blum
  • The late senator's children are reportedly warring over the fortune
The California congresswoman, who died in DC Friday aged 90, leaves behind an Italianite mansion with stunning views of San Francisco Bay that's worth $21 million.
Democrat Feinstein - whose vast wealth raised eyebrows - died in a Washington DC mansion she owned that's worth $7.4 million.
She also owned a $5 million Hawaii duplex, $7.5 million beach house in Marin County, California and a $62 million Gulfstream G650 jet she used to shuttle between her property empire.
Feinstein's already-vast coffers were further swelled by the sale of two other enviable homes in recent years - an Aspen ranch sold last year for $25 million, and a Lake Tahoe compound sold for $36 million. She is also believed to have had around $70 million cash in the bank.
Following Feinstein's death, her daughter Katherine, a San Francisco judge, is set to share the couple's sprawling estate with Blum's three daughters Annette Blum, Heidi Blum Riley and Eileen Blum Bourgarde.
Katherine sued the marital trust earlier this year as she claimed Blum's daughters were purposefully holding up the sale so they could continue using it.
According to an investigation by Politico, it appeared that the legal battle was being carried out almost entirely separately from Feinstein as she struggled with ailing health in her final years.

Much of her wealth has stemmed from her billionaire second husband Richard Blum, the financier and founder of investment firm Blum Capital Partners,
Wonder how much of his wealth was accumulated via his wife’s insider legislative activity and knowledge…
Yet another "public servant" sacrificing so much for the people while on the grift.
You have to stand in awe and admire how Marxian Socialist values are applied by the true believers and leaders.
With her death comes the family war about who gets what and how much the other gets in the spoils.
Oddly, America is increasingly resembling a version of 1980s Soviet Union or early 1990s post Soviet Russia.
Aging Uniparty leaders who build their fiefdoms, steal what they can, and who stay in power until they are dead to protect themselves and their cronies. They are in turn supported by the Party and bloated central bureaucracy, and when their corpses are wheeled-out feet-first, they are eulogized by the pathetic state-run media.
Feinstein and others like her corrupted true Capitalism and free enterprise to a degree that gives them the wealth and political power to crush True Capitalism.
No matter. Dianne Feinstein and Nacy Pelosi are Irrefutable proof that exploiting insider news for investment purposes pays well, very well.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein's death leaves her daughters wrangling over breathtaking $102MILLION property fortune and $62M private jet she used to visit her mansions​

1 Oct 2023 ~~ By Will Potter

  • Feinstein's portfolio is estimated to be worth upwards of $160 million
  • Much of her wealth stems from her billionaire second husband Richard Blum
  • The late senator's children are reportedly warring over the fortune
The California congresswoman, who died in DC Friday aged 90, leaves behind an Italianite mansion with stunning views of San Francisco Bay that's worth $21 million.
Democrat Feinstein - whose vast wealth raised eyebrows - died in a Washington DC mansion she owned that's worth $7.4 million.
She also owned a $5 million Hawaii duplex, $7.5 million beach house in Marin County, California and a $62 million Gulfstream G650 jet she used to shuttle between her property empire.
Feinstein's already-vast coffers were further swelled by the sale of two other enviable homes in recent years - an Aspen ranch sold last year for $25 million, and a Lake Tahoe compound sold for $36 million. She is also believed to have had around $70 million cash in the bank.
Following Feinstein's death, her daughter Katherine, a San Francisco judge, is set to share the couple's sprawling estate with Blum's three daughters Annette Blum, Heidi Blum Riley and Eileen Blum Bourgarde.
Katherine sued the marital trust earlier this year as she claimed Blum's daughters were purposefully holding up the sale so they could continue using it.
According to an investigation by Politico, it appeared that the legal battle was being carried out almost entirely separately from Feinstein as she struggled with ailing health in her final years.

Much of her wealth has stemmed from her billionaire second husband Richard Blum, the financier and founder of investment firm Blum Capital Partners,
Wonder how much of his wealth was accumulated via his wife’s insider legislative activity and knowledge…
Yet another "public servant" sacrificing so much for the people while on the grift.
You have to stand in awe and admire how Marxian Socialist values are applied by the true believers and leaders.
With her death comes the family war about who gets what and how much the other gets in the spoils.
Oddly, America is increasingly resembling a version of 1980s Soviet Union or early 1990s post Soviet Russia.
Aging Uniparty leaders who build their fiefdoms, steal what they can, and who stay in power until they are dead to protect themselves and their cronies. They are in turn supported by the Party and bloated central bureaucracy, and when their corpses are wheeled-out feet-first, they are eulogized by the pathetic state-run media.
Feinstein and others like her corrupted true Capitalism and free enterprise to a degree that gives them the wealth and political power to crush True Capitalism.
No matter. Dianne Feinstein and Nacy Pelosi are Irrefutable proof that exploiting insider news for investment purposes pays well, very well.
Why didnt she designate them as homeless shelters?

Sen. Dianne Feinstein's death leaves her daughters wrangling over breathtaking $102MILLION property fortune and $62M private jet she used to visit her mansions​

1 Oct 2023 ~~ By Will Potter

  • Feinstein's portfolio is estimated to be worth upwards of $160 million
  • Much of her wealth stems from her billionaire second husband Richard Blum
  • The late senator's children are reportedly warring over the fortune
The California congresswoman, who died in DC Friday aged 90, leaves behind an Italianite mansion with stunning views of San Francisco Bay that's worth $21 million.
Democrat Feinstein - whose vast wealth raised eyebrows - died in a Washington DC mansion she owned that's worth $7.4 million.
She also owned a $5 million Hawaii duplex, $7.5 million beach house in Marin County, California and a $62 million Gulfstream G650 jet she used to shuttle between her property empire.
Feinstein's already-vast coffers were further swelled by the sale of two other enviable homes in recent years - an Aspen ranch sold last year for $25 million, and a Lake Tahoe compound sold for $36 million. She is also believed to have had around $70 million cash in the bank.
Following Feinstein's death, her daughter Katherine, a San Francisco judge, is set to share the couple's sprawling estate with Blum's three daughters Annette Blum, Heidi Blum Riley and Eileen Blum Bourgarde.
Katherine sued the marital trust earlier this year as she claimed Blum's daughters were purposefully holding up the sale so they could continue using it.
According to an investigation by Politico, it appeared that the legal battle was being carried out almost entirely separately from Feinstein as she struggled with ailing health in her final years.

Much of her wealth has stemmed from her billionaire second husband Richard Blum, the financier and founder of investment firm Blum Capital Partners,
Wonder how much of his wealth was accumulated via his wife’s insider legislative activity and knowledge…
Yet another "public servant" sacrificing so much for the people while on the grift.
You have to stand in awe and admire how Marxian Socialist values are applied by the true believers and leaders.
With her death comes the family war about who gets what and how much the other gets in the spoils.
Oddly, America is increasingly resembling a version of 1980s Soviet Union or early 1990s post Soviet Russia.
Aging Uniparty leaders who build their fiefdoms, steal what they can, and who stay in power until they are dead to protect themselves and their cronies. They are in turn supported by the Party and bloated central bureaucracy, and when their corpses are wheeled-out feet-first, they are eulogized by the pathetic state-run media.
Feinstein and others like her corrupted true Capitalism and free enterprise to a degree that gives them the wealth and political power to crush True Capitalism.
No matter. Dianne Feinstein and Nacy Pelosi are Irrefutable proof that exploiting insider news for investment purposes pays well, very well.
and they say cime doesn't pay?
How did Feinstein get so rich?

On the day the new Congress convened this year, Sen. Dianne Feinstein introduced legislation to route $25 billion in taxpayer money to a government agency that had just awarded her husband’s real estate firm a lucrative contract to sell foreclosed properties at compensation rates higher than the industry norms.

Mrs. Feinstein’s intervention on behalf of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. was unusual: the California Democrat isn’t a member of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs with jurisdiction over FDIC; and the agency is supposed to operate from money it raises from bank-paid insurance payments - not direct federal dollars.

To quote famed short seller David Einhorn: “No matter how bad you think it is, it’s worse.” On the “corruption among what passes for our elites” front, this story about self-dealing in the privatization of the Postal Service gives an indication of how bad things really are.

By way of backstory: the Postal Service is being plundered through the device of a completely fabricated financial crisis. The mail provider has been widely declared to be broke, but that’s utter hogwash. Congress has created the appearance of financial ill health via a 2006 measure which astonishingly makes it prepay retiree benefits 75 years in advance. Yes, you read that right. It has to fund benefits now for workers who haven’t even been hired. The Postal Service is the only agency subject to this absurd requirement. If that were eliminated, and the Post Office charged stopped pricing business mail (meaning all that junk you get) at a loss, the Postal Service would be profitable. The Save the Post Office site sets forth the forces behind the campaign to turn the Post Office into a looting opportunity public-private partnership, including Pitney Bowes, DHL, Federal Express, UPS, and USPS supplier Ursa Major.

EastBayExpress, via publishing a section from a new e-book by Peter Byrne called Going Postal (um, sadly the same as used by Mark Ames for his important book on workplace shootings), tells us how the husband of powerful Senator Diane Feinstein, Richard Blum, is feeding at the Postal Service privatization trough. Blum is the chairman of C.B. Richard Ellis (CBRE) which has the exclusive contract to handle sales for the Post Office’s $85 billion of property. Bryne summarizes the finding of his investigation:
I wonder how many poor people she could have helped by donating the bulk of that to charitable organizations
Antifa, BLM and the Democrat Socialist of America (CPUSA) are not charitable organizations.....

Sen. Dianne Feinstein's death leaves her daughters wrangling over breathtaking $102MILLION property fortune and $62M private jet she used to visit her mansions​

1 Oct 2023 ~~ By Will Potter

  • Feinstein's portfolio is estimated to be worth upwards of $160 million
  • Much of her wealth stems from her billionaire second husband Richard Blum
  • The late senator's children are reportedly warring over the fortune
The California congresswoman, who died in DC Friday aged 90, leaves behind an Italianite mansion with stunning views of San Francisco Bay that's worth $21 million.
Democrat Feinstein - whose vast wealth raised eyebrows - died in a Washington DC mansion she owned that's worth $7.4 million.
She also owned a $5 million Hawaii duplex, $7.5 million beach house in Marin County, California and a $62 million Gulfstream G650 jet she used to shuttle between her property empire.
Feinstein's already-vast coffers were further swelled by the sale of two other enviable homes in recent years - an Aspen ranch sold last year for $25 million, and a Lake Tahoe compound sold for $36 million. She is also believed to have had around $70 million cash in the bank.
Following Feinstein's death, her daughter Katherine, a San Francisco judge, is set to share the couple's sprawling estate with Blum's three daughters Annette Blum, Heidi Blum Riley and Eileen Blum Bourgarde.
Katherine sued the marital trust earlier this year as she claimed Blum's daughters were purposefully holding up the sale so they could continue using it.
According to an investigation by Politico, it appeared that the legal battle was being carried out almost entirely separately from Feinstein as she struggled with ailing health in her final years.

Much of her wealth has stemmed from her billionaire second husband Richard Blum, the financier and founder of investment firm Blum Capital Partners,
Wonder how much of his wealth was accumulated via his wife’s insider legislative activity and knowledge…
Yet another "public servant" sacrificing so much for the people while on the grift.
You have to stand in awe and admire how Marxian Socialist values are applied by the true believers and leaders.
With her death comes the family war about who gets what and how much the other gets in the spoils.
Oddly, America is increasingly resembling a version of 1980s Soviet Union or early 1990s post Soviet Russia.
Aging Uniparty leaders who build their fiefdoms, steal what they can, and who stay in power until they are dead to protect themselves and their cronies. They are in turn supported by the Party and bloated central bureaucracy, and when their corpses are wheeled-out feet-first, they are eulogized by the pathetic state-run media.
Feinstein and others like her corrupted true Capitalism and free enterprise to a degree that gives them the wealth and political power to crush True Capitalism.
No matter. Dianne Feinstein and Nacy Pelosi are Irrefutable proof that exploiting insider news for investment purposes pays well, very well.
Make Every Dynasty Die Nasty

Even if Dead Di had earned it legitimately, her heiresses didn't earn a dime of it. A free country would tax the dead rather than the living.

These spoiled brats block our way. Their birth privileges must be abolished. Worth, not birth should be the only way to get rich.
The fuckin hag ain't even room temperature yet and these wretched harpies are already litigating her estate?
Family portrait of the relatives...

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