Sen. Jim Demint will filibuster Obama/Republican Tax/Unemployment Bill

Unemployment declined by about 2 million from 2003 to 2007, the years when those tax cuts supposedly weren't creating any jobs.

Oh, they were creating jobs. In China. How come you never link to anything?
Unemployment declined by about 2 million from 2003 to 2007, the years when those tax cuts supposedly weren't creating any jobs.

Oh, they were creating jobs. In China. How come you never link to anything?

Read the chart above, moron. Jobs were being created faster than they were being lost.
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Bush lowered unemployment by 1 million in one year, and another million in three more years.

Obama is an economic imbecile.
Unemployment declined by about 2 million from 2003 to 2007, the years when those tax cuts supposedly weren't creating any jobs.

Oh, they were creating jobs. In China. How come you never link to anything?

Read the chart above, moron. Jobs were being created faster than they were being lost.

No they weren't.

Not by a long shot.

The people losing jobs were upper middle class..they didn't go on unemployment and didn't get counted as unemployed.

My company went from 1900 people to 600 people during that time.

HP fired 30,000 people.

IT jobs were being lost in droves.

Most people either took out equity in their homes, moved back in with parents are tapped their 401ks..
Two million people got rich enough on real estate to quit their jobs?

Better link to that, you lying sack of shit.
You don't lower unemployment by 2,000,000 in four years unless you create jobs faster than they are being lost.
Two million people got rich enough on real estate to quit their jobs?

Better link to that, you lying sack of shit.

You sure post like a bruiser..I doubt you can hit like one.

You also don't know jack-shit about anything.

I bet it's tough to find your ass even with a map.

We just had one of the biggest fucking economic collapses in history.

Part of that was because of all your "entrepenuers" taking out equity in their homes.

Deficits declined until Democrats controlled Congress. Unemployement was half of what it is now, and remained level.

are you intentionally lying or is it a compulsive thing?

It thinks an economy this large can change overnight. I swear that dudes about 14 or 15.

Speak for yourself.... Revere is telling the truth. The economy started to tank almost immediately after the Dems took over Congress. Like it or not!
the left wing hacks like tm and rdean are hilarious....they fail to mention at least one dem that i know of....wants to filibuster

but oh no....its the republican's fault, despite the fact that they gave the american people an extension on UB benefits....

if the dems fuck this up over some extension of bush's tax cuts, say thank you america

Like the origninal Bush tax cuts. 2.4 trillion dollars with more than 52% going to a mere 1% of tax payers.

Then there were the two unpaid for wars.

Then the trillions from the "Drugs for votes" bill.

Now, tell me how good these were for the economy and how they didn't cost anything.

$700 million is 52% of $2.4 trillion? Does math work differently in your universe too?
Does everything have to be explained to you people?

Every time you attempt to explain how your universe works I get to mock you. What amazes me is how you keep coming back for more.

Say you leave your trailer in the morning to go collect aluminum cans. You borrow 10 dollars to eat breakfast first because you're hungry. You collect the cans, but you are only paid 8 dollars. Because you budgeted for 10 dollars and spent ten dollars, the guy who lent you 10 dollars is going to kick your ass.

Thank you for making my point for me. The problem here was not that I made only $8, it was that I spent $10 dollars more than I had in the hope that I would make enough to pay for my breakfast and have more money later.

Well, it works the same way for government.

If it did we wouldn't be having this discussion. The government gets to spend money it doesn't have, and doesn't have to wrry about anyone kicking its ass when it doesn't pay.

We have nuclear subs and a huge military. We know pretty much how much they will cost for the year. We budget for that amount. Bush takes trillions that should have paid for two wars and our military. Instead, he borrowed money from China to pay the military. The two wars he left off the budget. The money, he gave away. A little spread out over the middle class. 52% he gave to the top 1%.

This is where I get to mock you.

Congress does the budget, nit Bush, or even Obama. Did you notice how the Democrats left this entire year off the budget? Did that tiny little fact escape your notice? Are you going to blame that on Bush? Or Obama? He sent Congress a budget proposal, and they ignored it. Funny thing, the deficit wen up this year even without a budget.

We are still spending 190 million a day just in Afghanistan. Where is that money coming from?

My point is that the government is spending more money than it has, why are you asking me?

Republicans only think they want to be poor like Afghanistan. But as soon as something threatens their disability, they freak. No one on this board is a millionaire. Most probably don't even know one. They are called "fools" when they fight for people they don't know who sees them as "not rich", therefore, "not to be respected", therefore, "someone to squat on. We see it now with the Republican leadership.

I thought Republicans were the party of millionaires and billionaires, why would they want to be poor? Or be worried about their disability? Do all rich people live in trailer parks in your world?

Just for the record, everyone I personally know who lives in a trailer park is a Democrat.
Does everything have to be explained to you people?

Every time you attempt to explain how your universe works I get to mock you. What amazes me is how you keep coming back for more.

Say you leave your trailer in the morning to go collect aluminum cans. You borrow 10 dollars to eat breakfast first because you're hungry. You collect the cans, but you are only paid 8 dollars. Because you budgeted for 10 dollars and spent ten dollars, the guy who lent you 10 dollars is going to kick your ass.

Thank you for making my point for me. The problem here was not that I made only $8, it was that I spent $10 dollars more than I had in the hope that I would make enough to pay for my breakfast and have more money later.

If it did we wouldn't be having this discussion. The government gets to spend money it doesn't have, and doesn't have to wrry about anyone kicking its ass when it doesn't pay.

This is where I get to mock you.

Congress does the budget, nit Bush, or even Obama. Did you notice how the Democrats left this entire year off the budget? Did that tiny little fact escape your notice? Are you going to blame that on Bush? Or Obama? He sent Congress a budget proposal, and they ignored it. Funny thing, the deficit wen up this year even without a budget.

We are still spending 190 million a day just in Afghanistan. Where is that money coming from?

My point is that the government is spending more money than it has, why are you asking me?

Republicans only think they want to be poor like Afghanistan. But as soon as something threatens their disability, they freak. No one on this board is a millionaire. Most probably don't even know one. They are called "fools" when they fight for people they don't know who sees them as "not rich", therefore, "not to be respected", therefore, "someone to squat on. We see it now with the Republican leadership.

I thought Republicans were the party of millionaires and billionaires, why would they want to be poor? Or be worried about their disability? Do all rich people live in trailer parks in your world?

Just for the record, everyone I personally know who lives in a trailer park is a Democrat.

Congress doesn't "do" the budget. The President submits a budget and congress votes on it.

And for the record..most "billionaries" and "millionaries", I've met are pretty apolitical, but the favor Republicans because they pretty much put up policies that keep them making obscence amounts of cash.
Does everything have to be explained to you people?

Every time you attempt to explain how your universe works I get to mock you. What amazes me is how you keep coming back for more.

Thank you for making my point for me. The problem here was not that I made only $8, it was that I spent $10 dollars more than I had in the hope that I would make enough to pay for my breakfast and have more money later.

If it did we wouldn't be having this discussion. The government gets to spend money it doesn't have, and doesn't have to wrry about anyone kicking its ass when it doesn't pay.

This is where I get to mock you.

Congress does the budget, nit Bush, or even Obama. Did you notice how the Democrats left this entire year off the budget? Did that tiny little fact escape your notice? Are you going to blame that on Bush? Or Obama? He sent Congress a budget proposal, and they ignored it. Funny thing, the deficit wen up this year even without a budget.

My point is that the government is spending more money than it has, why are you asking me?

Republicans only think they want to be poor like Afghanistan. But as soon as something threatens their disability, they freak. No one on this board is a millionaire. Most probably don't even know one. They are called "fools" when they fight for people they don't know who sees them as "not rich", therefore, "not to be respected", therefore, "someone to squat on. We see it now with the Republican leadership.

I thought Republicans were the party of millionaires and billionaires, why would they want to be poor? Or be worried about their disability? Do all rich people live in trailer parks in your world?

Just for the record, everyone I personally know who lives in a trailer park is a Democrat.

Congress doesn't "do" the budget. The President submits a budget and congress votes on it.

And for the record..most "billionaries" and "millionaries", I've met are pretty apolitical, but the favor Republicans because they pretty much put up policies that keep them making obscence amounts of cash.

Congress does do the budget. They are not obligated in any way to follow the budget that is submitted to them. Remember how Obama submitted a budget that cut the F-22 fighter and Congress decided to increase spending on it?

John Kerry is the richest member of Congress, does he secretly vote Republican because they help him make lots of money? Do the other 6 Democrats in top ten richest congressmen also favor Republicans for the same reason? Or do they honestly vote with the Democrats because they know that both parties support the rich people over the middle class?
Congress does do the budget. They are not obligated in any way to follow the budget that is submitted to them. Remember how Obama submitted a budget that cut the F-22 fighter and Congress decided to increase spending on it?

And the President gets to veto it if he doesn't like it. How far do you want to take this. Congress usually goes along with the President.

John Kerry is the richest member of Congress, does he secretly vote Republican because they help him make lots of money? Do the other 6 Democrats in top ten richest congressmen also favor Republicans for the same reason?

They might. Wouldn't shock me. One of my favorite liberal OpEd writers turned out to be a registered republican. So did several of the editors of the New York Times.

Or do they honestly vote with the Democrats because they know that both parties support the rich people over the middle class?

Democrats aren't a uniform group. Some of them piss me off more then Republicans.
And the President gets to veto it if he doesn't like it. How far do you want to take this. Congress usually goes along with the President.

That depends on how stupid you want to pretend you are.

They might. Wouldn't shock me. One of my favorite liberal OpEd writers turned out to be a registered republican. So did several of the editors of the New York Times.

You obviously are not pretending to be stupid if you think that Kerry is actually a Republican.

Democrats aren't a uniform group. Some of them piss me off more then Republicans.

Now you are channeling rdean, which proves that you are stupid.

That doesn't change the fact that Congress does the budget.
Congress does do the budget. They are not obligated in any way to follow the budget that is submitted to them. Remember how Obama submitted a budget that cut the F-22 fighter and Congress decided to increase spending on it?

And the President gets to veto it if he doesn't like it. How far do you want to take this. Congress usually goes along with the President.

John Kerry is the richest member of Congress, does he secretly vote Republican because they help him make lots of money? Do the other 6 Democrats in top ten richest congressmen also favor Republicans for the same reason?

They might. Wouldn't shock me. One of my favorite liberal OpEd writers turned out to be a registered republican. So did several of the editors of the New York Times.

Or do they honestly vote with the Democrats because they know that both parties support the rich people over the middle class?

Democrats aren't a uniform group. Some of them piss me off more then Republicans.

Understandable. As I previously pointed out, the Republican Party is 90% white and based in the deep south. It's expected that they wouldn't like Obama for obvious reasons.

Blue dog Democrats are who get me. They don't like the Republican Party but vote with them nearly every time.

That may not be what you were talking about, but it's the way I see it.

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