The Republican case against Biden is fizzling

For a while, Republicans had some pretty good ammo for attacking the Biden economy. But it’s melting like snowballs in South Florida.

For the last two years, Republicans have been highlighting “Bidenflation,” the “inflation crisis” supposedly caused by the “Democrats’ big spending bills,” as the GOP majority on the House Ways and Means Committee frequently asserts. The Republican National Committee says two years of elevated inflation under Biden have made families poorer. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who’s running for president, highlights inflation as a main reason to eject Democrats from the White House.

Except inflation has been coming down rapidly and could be a nonissue by this time next year, when voters are deciding whether Biden deserves another four years. The annual inflation rate has dropped from a high of 9.1% last June, to just 3%. That’s barely above the Federal Reserve’s target of 2%.

The Republican case against Biden is fizzling

For all the effort to shout them down and suppress them, these facts won't go away.

Two and a half years of FOX propaga programming mooted.


Please enforce the rules, as written, here. Don't let miscreants skate by shutting down the thread.

This thread didn't age well
For a while, Republicans had some pretty good ammo for attacking the Biden economy. But it’s melting like snowballs in South Florida.

For the last two years, Republicans have been highlighting “Bidenflation,” the “inflation crisis” supposedly caused by the “Democrats’ big spending bills,” as the GOP majority on the House Ways and Means Committee frequently asserts. The Republican National Committee says two years of elevated inflation under Biden have made families poorer. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who’s running for president, highlights inflation as a main reason to eject Democrats from the White House.

Except inflation has been coming down rapidly and could be a nonissue by this time next year, when voters are deciding whether Biden deserves another four years. The annual inflation rate has dropped from a high of 9.1% last June, to just 3%. That’s barely above the Federal Reserve’s target of 2%.

The Republican case against Biden is fizzling

For all the effort to shout them down and suppress them, these facts won't go away.

Two and a half years of FOX propaga programming mooted.


Please enforce the rules, as written, here. Don't let miscreants skate by shutting down the thread.
/———/ Make sure you thank Dementia Joe for this too:

Fitch downgrades U.S. long-term rating to AA+ from AAA​

For a while, Republicans had some pretty good ammo for attacking the Biden economy. But it’s melting like snowballs in South Florida.

For the last two years, Republicans have been highlighting “Bidenflation,” the “inflation crisis” supposedly caused by the “Democrats’ big spending bills,” as the GOP majority on the House Ways and Means Committee frequently asserts. The Republican National Committee says two years of elevated inflation under Biden have made families poorer. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who’s running for president, highlights inflation as a main reason to eject Democrats from the White House.

Except inflation has been coming down rapidly and could be a nonissue by this time next year, when voters are deciding whether Biden deserves another four years. The annual inflation rate has dropped from a high of 9.1% last June, to just 3%. That’s barely above the Federal Reserve’s target of 2%.

The Republican case against Biden is fizzling

For all the effort to shout them down and suppress them, these facts won't go away.

Two and a half years of FOX propaga programming mooted.


Please enforce the rules, as written, here. Don't let miscreants skate by shutting down the thread.
They can't seem to articulate what President Biden supposedly did wrong. Every "witness" seems to fall well short of delivering a smoking gun. The dangerous thing is that if they were somehow to get said smoking gun...I doubt anyone would raise an eyebrow at this point because they have been so vocal and so wrong so often for the last 3 years.
They can't seem to articulate what President Biden supposedly did wrong. Every "witness" seems to fall well short of delivering a smoking gun. The dangerous thing is that if they were somehow to get said smoking gun...I doubt anyone would raise an eyebrow at this point because they have been so vocal and so wrong so often for the last 3 years.
They're morons...
/---/ If you had something, anything, you would have posted it. All you have are insults.
Explain how you believe Biden is responsible for the Fitch downgrade.

I have no obligation to offer a detailed rebuttal of every idiotic item that passes between your ears without meeting any resistance.

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