Sen Joe McCarthy: American Patriot and Hero

So how are you Progressives making out on the list of lives McCarthy ruined?

Joe McCarthy gets another feather in his wings every time a Progressives lies or insults instead of answering.

Also, has anyone on the Left bothered to Google Solomon Adler even one time? Would it help if I told you this McCarthy identified Soviet asset's code name was "Sax" or "Sachs" in the Venona Cables?

That help any?

So if Frank was a Senator leading an investigative committee naming terrorists and making a list he would not try to do everything he could to "ruin" them.
That is your argument Frank. You have made that claimoverand over and over and over and over again. Why? Because chic said it and you are a parroter.
Frank would be running a kindler and gentler investigation just like McCarthy did.
Frank, chic and ceile would have you believe Tail Gunner Joe was running a polite witch hunt and went out of their way not to upset the lives in any way of those they were persecuting.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Frank, your argument makes no sense and you know it. If you do not know that the witch hunt McCarthy was on at the time had EVERY INTENT to hurt and ruin as badasthey could EVERY person they could then you are either too naive to know any better or just plain stupid.
Give it up. Your argument has lost and I believe you now know it.
They know they have lost the discussion a long time ago. But they will engage in the stubbornness of immorality and deny it.
They know they have lost the discussion a long time ago. But they will engage in the stubbornness of immorality and deny it.

They keep claiming that McCarthy had no intent to ruin the very people he was labeling as communist spies during the Red Scare.
And another thing while I am at it....

I'm totally sick and tired of these bat shit crazy christian fundimentalists calling everyone that doesn't subscribe to their comic book fantasy of invisible beings a "liberal".

I voted for Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Reagan, Bush, Bush, Clinton(Dole was an idiot), Bush, Kerrry(Bush and Cheney allowed 9/11, decieved us into war..commited treason)Obama(McCain/Palin..please).

I have been a loyal republican for almost all of my adult life and only when forced to have chosen the alternative.

If the republican party would kick the crazy fundimentalists off the bus and stop offering up irresponsible candidates it would make life a lot easier being a republican.

That is all.

In my on-going campaign to keep you in a constant 'sick and tired' mode, I wonder if you have considered the 'state of grace' in which the United States has bathed?

Religion-haters (if the shoe fits...) may call it luck, but remember that FDR had three Vice-Presidents.

The second was a tool of Soviet Communism...and had Harry Truman not been selected as FDR's third VP, Uncle Joe would have recieved his greatest gift upon the death of FDR.

Henry Wallace, 1940-1944. “America’s main enemy was Churchill and the British Empire.” He insisted that peace would be assured “if the United States guaranteed Stalin control of Eastern Europe.” (Ronad Radosh, “Progressively Worse,” The New Republic, June 12, 2000)

When Stalin seized Czechoslovakia, Wallace sided with Stalin. When Stalin blockaded Berlin, Wallace opposed the Berlin Airlift. After visiting a Soviet slave camp, Wallace enthusiastically described it a s a “combination TVA and Hudson Bay Company.” Ibid,

In 1948, at the apex of Moscow-directed subversion of US politics, FDR’s VP Henry Wallace, former Sec’y of Agriculture, to form the Communist-dominated and Soviet-backed “Progressive Party.” Of course, Wallace’s “Progressives” allowed not even the most peripheral criticism of Soviet aggression.(John Patrick Diggins, “Good Intentions,” The National Interest, Fall, 2000)

The progressives received one million votes. The Communist Party USA did not field a presidential candidate, and instead endorsed Wallace for President. (,_1948)

Wallace met personally with KGB agents. (Allen Weinstein and Alexander Vassiliev, Haunted Woods, p. 119)

I suggest a deeper understanding of the times will cure you of both your sickness and your misunderstanding of American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy.
Unless it is knowledge itself that sickens you...

Your tiredness? Take a nap.
I have an idea for ya Frankie.. Why don't you work on buffing up the public perception of that smarmy little weasle bitch Mitch McConnel. John the Boner could use a touch up also.


At least those two willfully ignorant christian fundimentalist fuckwits have some relevency in todays political landscape.
Cohn and J. Edgar Hoover persecuted Gays, and they themselves were Gay. Cohn died of AIDS.
Not all homophobes are Straight.

I thought Hoover was a tranny, but not a full-blown homo.

In what way did they persecute homosexuals?

"As fun as it is to imagine the former chief of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in drag, most historians believe this is just an urban legend."
Was J. Edgar Hoover really a transvestite?

Quite the opposite.
Wallace was a naive man politically but was the best Secretary of Agriculture this country ever had.
When you folks eat lunch today thank him.
He was no communist. Politically gullible yes but he was the first white politician to call publicly for equal rights in voting, jobs and education for blacks.
If he was communist then 1.2 million farmers of his era also were as he received that farm bloc vote for President.
Enjoy your sandwich.
Cohn and J. Edgar Hoover persecuted Gays, and they themselves were Gay. Cohn died of AIDS.
Not all homophobes are Straight.

I thought Hoover was a tranny, but not a full-blown homo.

In what way did they persecute homosexuals?

"As fun as it is to imagine the former chief of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in drag, most historians believe this is just an urban legend."
Was J. Edgar Hoover really a transvestite?

He was gay but not a tranvestite.
That is just an urban legend.
Just like Obama is Muslim and Tail Gunner Joe McCarthy was a hero.
PC's pathetic charade continues. The gift of Columbia College Missouri keeps on giving. PC will not tell you the fact that Wallace was a fiscal conservative who turned more liberal over the years. Wallace never supported communism but did oppose unchecked rapacious capitalism.

Ronald Radosh is simply a goon for the far reactionary right. His work is not validated by objective scholarship or scholars, thus he can be easily dismissed. Wallace did not oppose the Berlin Airlift, Wallace condemned the slave labor system of the USSR. The 1948 Progressive party platform called for civil rights for minorities, breakup of monopolistic cartels, and elimination of Taft-Hartley. Wallce supported the UN and the US response to the Korean invasion by North Korea.

I am so glad that PC posts here so that all of you can realize just how much destruction a homer of the far reactionary right wants to do to America, and just how easy it is to refute her nonsense.

Radosh? My ass.
Hypocrisy Watch: How does someone support Jedeo-Christian values and bears false witness against others?
Simply, they are HYPOCRITES and hold this truth as their guiding value, "the end justifies the means".
Political Chic is not a follower of the Judeo-Christian ethic, Wry Catcher. She is the perfect example of situational and relativistic morality. She would have made a wonderful communist or nazi.
I thought Hoover was a tranny, but not a full-blown homo.

In what way did they persecute homosexuals?

"As fun as it is to imagine the former chief of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in drag, most historians believe this is just an urban legend."
Was J. Edgar Hoover really a transvestite?

He was gay but not a tranvestite.
That is just an urban legend.
Just like Obama is Muslim and Tail Gunner Joe McCarthy was a hero.

And, of course, there is no evidence of that, homosexuality, as well.

Liberals simply use the charge to bash those who they don't agree with.
From columnist Ann Coulter:

"Liberals claim to love gays, but their default comeback to a conservative they disagree with is to call him gay…

We need to get a rule book from the Democrats [on gays]:
a. Boy Scouts: As gay as you want to be
b. Priests: No gays!
c. Democratic politicians: Proud gay Americans.
d. Republican politicians: Presumed guilty.
e. White House press corps: No gays, unless they hate Bush.
f. Active-duty U.S. military: As gay as possible.
g. Men who date Liza Minnelli: Do I have to draw you a picture, Miss Thing?"

I think letter d covers your charge.
"As fun as it is to imagine the former chief of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in drag, most historians believe this is just an urban legend."
Was J. Edgar Hoover really a transvestite?

He was gay but not a tranvestite.
That is just an urban legend.
Just like Obama is Muslim and Tail Gunner Joe McCarthy was a hero.

And, of course, there is no evidence of that, homosexuality, as well.

Liberals simply use the charge to bash those who they don't agree with.
From columnist Ann Coulter:

"Liberals claim to love gays, but their default comeback to a conservative they disagree with is to call him gay…

We need to get a rule book from the Democrats [on gays]:
a. Boy Scouts: As gay as you want to be
b. Priests: No gays!
c. Democratic politicians: Proud gay Americans.
d. Republican politicians: Presumed guilty.
e. White House press corps: No gays, unless they hate Bush.
f. Active-duty U.S. military: As gay as possible.
g. Men who date Liza Minnelli: Do I have to draw you a picture, Miss Thing?"

I think letter d covers your charge.

*I'm sure the letter "R" covers you, "R" as in Reactionary.
Wallace was a naive man politically but was the best Secretary of Agriculture this country ever had.
When you folks eat lunch today thank him.
He was no communist. Politically gullible yes but he was the first white politician to call publicly for equal rights in voting, jobs and education for blacks.
If he was communist then 1.2 million farmers of his era also were as he received that farm bloc vote for President.
Enjoy your sandwich.


What makes you think your posts have any moment, as you continue to ignore counter evidence, and refutations?

You remain in the lowest category of posters...with you-know-who.

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