Sen Joe McCarthy: American Patriot and Hero

Watch for CrusaderFrank's upcoming thread "Benedict Arnold Was Really A Misunderstood Patriot!"

And . . . ? I'm looking for the actual content of your post, where you say something useful and meaningful

The content of my post is to point out that CrusaderFrank is trying to rehabilitate the image of a man who was a traitor to the American ideals this country is founded upon. He obviously is more interested in celebrating those who wish to destroy America rather than admit that everything that has made America better has come from progressive leadership.

I'm hoping that my post is useful for people who were not familiar with McCarthy, or familiar with CrusaderFrank's hatred of 'innocent until proven guilty', due process, and everything else that makes America great.

The truth is always meaningful.

and all I see is a lame attempt to draw a parallel between Benedict Arnold and Joe McCarthy, which failed miserably.

The parallel is in them both being unAmerican. I'm not surprised that you can't see it.
Watch for CrusaderFrank's upcoming thread "Benedict Arnold Was Really A Misunderstood Patriot!"

And . . . ? I'm looking for the actual content of your post, where you say something useful and meaningful

The content of my post is to point out that CrusaderFrank is trying to rehabilitate the image of a man who was a traitor to the American ideals this country is founded upon. He obviously is more interested in celebrating those who wish to destroy America rather than admit that everything that has made America better has come from progressive leadership.

I'm hoping that my post is useful for people who were not familiar with McCarthy, or familiar with CrusaderFrank's hatred of 'innocent until proven guilty', due process, and everything else that makes America great.

The truth is always meaningful.

and all I see is a lame attempt to draw a parallel between Benedict Arnold and Joe McCarthy, which failed miserably.

The parallel is in them both being unAmerican. I'm not surprised that you can't see it.

Twisted logic, Synthaholic. Twisted as a pretzel from hell.

Your post is as useful as 20-grit sandpaper in a public toilet.

You are using the words conservative and progressive as adjectives, while misapplying their political meanings in 20th Century American politics, where they are meant to be read as nouns, denoting particular political meanings.

I hope you don't truly know the difference, and that you are simply college educated. For that I can forgive you. Pity you, but forgive you.

Cuz that's about the dumbest thing I've read on these boards.

Cohn and J. Edgar Hoover persecuted Gays, and they themselves were Gay. Cohn died of AIDS.
Not all homophobes are Straight.
I'm only about 35 pages into M. Stanton Evans "Blacklisted by History" and I am livid at the utter gall and tremendous scope of the Leftist outright lies.

Did you know that many of the original documents that McCarthy based his campaign on are missing?

As recently as March 1993 someone, we don't know who went into the US National Archives and took the Klaus Memo, a 1946 memo by a State Department official Samuel Klaus implicating Alger Hiss and many others as Communist spies?
That's all very amusing :lol: but.....that lil' old Liberal/Progressive (Rod Serling) exposed the McCarthy/lynch-mob/Teabagger-herd, for what they WERE, clear back in 1960.....

[ame=]YouTube - Twilight Zone - The Monsters are Due on Maple Street - Part 1[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Twilight Zone - The Monsters are Due on Maple Street - Part 2[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Twilight Zone - The Monsters are Due on Maple Street - Part 3[/ame]

", to the other." - Dick Armey (?)

Check & MATE!!!!!


(Ya' might want to save "Blacklisted by History" as kindling for the Teabaggers' funeral-pyre.)​
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So how are you Progressives making out on the list of lives McCarthy ruined?

Joe McCarthy gets another feather in his wings every time a Progressives lies or insults instead of answering.

Also, has anyone on the Left bothered to Google Solomon Adler even one time? Would it help if I told you this McCarthy identified Soviet asset's code name was "Sax" or "Sachs" in the Venona Cables?

That help any?
Ya..ya..and Hitler was just a miss understood socialist! Give it up Frankie. The only group that thought McCarthy was a hero was the John Birch Society. Why don't YOU do a little research on what THEY stood for? You may stimulate curiosity with those that were not alive at the time but for myself and any decent republican that stripped that vile demagogue of his podium ... there is no need to apologize. Digging up the bones of that rabid dog to examine them for what purpose exactly? Hero? Your agenda in this matter is highly suspect.
And another thing while I am at it....

I'm totally sick and tired of these bat shit crazy christian fundimentalists calling everyone that doesn't subscribe to their comic book fantasy of invisible beings a "liberal".

I voted for Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Reagan, Bush, Bush, Clinton(Dole was an idiot), Bush, Kerrry(Bush and Cheney allowed 9/11, decieved us into war..commited treason)Obama(McCain/Palin..please).

I have been a loyal republican for almost all of my adult life and only when forced to have chosen the alternative.

If the republican party would kick the crazy fundimentalists off the bus and stop offering up irresponsible candidates it would make life a lot easier being a republican.

That is all.
Ya..ya..and Hitler was just a miss understood socialist! Give it up Frankie. The only group that thought McCarthy was a hero was the John Birch Society. Why don't YOU do a little research on what THEY stood for? You may stimulate curiosity with those that were not alive at the time but for myself and any decent republican that stripped that vile demagogue of his podium ... there is no need to apologize. Digging up the bones of that rabid dog to examine them for what purpose exactly? Hero? Your agenda in this matter is highly suspect.

My only "Agenda" is the outright rejection and repudiation of all the Progressive lies I've digested these past decades: the "Greatness" of FDR, the "Evil" Of McCarthy, the Civil Rights Pioneering of LBJ, and so on and so on.

Have you looked up Solomon Adler who the Venona Cables confirm was a wholly owned subsidiary of the USSR?
Ya..ya..and Hitler was just a miss understood socialist! Give it up Frankie. The only group that thought McCarthy was a hero was the John Birch Society. Why don't YOU do a little research on what THEY stood for? You may stimulate curiosity with those that were not alive at the time but for myself and any decent republican that stripped that vile demagogue of his podium ... there is no need to apologize. Digging up the bones of that rabid dog to examine them for what purpose exactly? Hero? Your agenda in this matter is highly suspect.

My only "Agenda" is the outright rejection and repudiation of all the Progressive lies I've digested these past decades: the "Greatness" of FDR, the "Evil" Of McCarthy, the Civil Rights Pioneering of LBJ, and so on and so on.

Have you looked up Solomon Adler who the Venona Cables confirm was a wholly owned subsidiary of the USSR?

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then. And Adler was British.
Ya..ya..and Hitler was just a miss understood socialist! Give it up Frankie. The only group that thought McCarthy was a hero was the John Birch Society. Why don't YOU do a little research on what THEY stood for? You may stimulate curiosity with those that were not alive at the time but for myself and any decent republican that stripped that vile demagogue of his podium ... there is no need to apologize. Digging up the bones of that rabid dog to examine them for what purpose exactly? Hero? Your agenda in this matter is highly suspect.

My only "Agenda" is the outright rejection and repudiation of all the Progressive lies I've digested these past decades: the "Greatness" of FDR, the "Evil" Of McCarthy, the Civil Rights Pioneering of LBJ, and so on and so on.

Have you looked up Solomon Adler who the Venona Cables confirm was a wholly owned subsidiary of the USSR?

No I haven't and I am not going to. I am already familiar with what McCarthy did. I do not need to run goose chases over finished business. There are much more worthy of things to do with my time. I do not care to support any agenda that includes resurrecting McCarthy as a hero. There were worse people in our countries history but he did a very vile thing and deserved histories verdict.

It is a sad commentary on the state of the republican party today that people like yourself feel a need to polish up the reputations of some of our most despicable members.

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