Sen Joe McCarthy: American Patriot and Hero

PC's pathetic charade continues. The gift of Columbia College Missouri keeps on giving. PC will not tell you the fact that Wallace was a fiscal conservative who turned more liberal over the years. Wallace never supported communism but did oppose unchecked rapacious capitalism.

Ronald Radosh is simply a goon for the far reactionary right. His work is not validated by objective scholarship or scholars, thus he can be easily dismissed. Wallace did not oppose the Berlin Airlift, Wallace condemned the slave labor system of the USSR. The 1948 Progressive party platform called for civil rights for minorities, breakup of monopolistic cartels, and elimination of Taft-Hartley. Wallce supported the UN and the US response to the Korean invasion by North Korea.

I am so glad that PC posts here so that all of you can realize just how much destruction a homer of the far reactionary right wants to do to America, and just how easy it is to refute her nonsense.

Radosh? My ass.

It’s only fun when someone bites it big time: that’s where you come in!

Remember the first thing you heard the paramedics say after your accident…”there must be another cerebral hemisphere around here somewhere…” Sorry they couldn’t come up with it.

“…several prominent journalists, including H.L. Mencken and Dorothy Thompson, publicly charged that Wallace and the Progressives were under the covert control of Communists. Wallace was endorsed by the Communist Party (USA), and his subsequent refusal to publicly disavow any Communist support cost him the backing of many anti-Communist liberals and socialists…” (Henry A. Wallace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

In his diary, Wallace, whose view of the future of America required Soviet-style Communism, wrote that FDR had assured him that he was a few years ahead of his time, but that his vision for American would “inevitably come.” (John Patrick Diggins, “Good Intentions,” The National Interest, Fall, 2000)

This is the political landscape when Senator Joseph McCarthy decided to show America the danger that the Democratic Party found perfectly acceptable. One can only begin to understand how close we were to the precipice.

How blessed we were to have someone like Senator McCarthy on the scene, rather than dolts like yourself.
Name the 'ruined people,' simpleton.
Zero Mostel, for one.

Owen Lattimore, for another.

I don't know what I would do without a clown such as yourself to open the door!

Liberals name Owen Lattimore as a McCarthy ‘victim.’ In actuality, McCarthy did not name Lattimore, but only referred to a ‘Mr. X.’ “In his speeches, McCarthy referred to Lattimore as "Mr X... the top Russian spy... the key man in a Russian espionage ring." …On 26th March, 1950, Pearson named Lattimore as McCarthy's Mr. X.” Drew Pearson : Biography

Lattimore was found to be a “conscious, articulate instrument of the Soviet conspiracy” by a unanimous Senate committee (William F. Buckley and Brent Bozell, McCarty and His Enemies, p. 274, quoting the Congressional Record)

As far as his life being ruined, “When Lattimore was indicted, Johns Hopkins put him on leave with pay. He continued to have use of his office and secretary but taught no classes.” Owen Lattimore and the "Loss" of China "d0e11129" He also lectured at Harvard.

Senator Tydings — as with so many cases in his alleged "investigation" of McCarthy's charges — did a real whitewash on Lattimore, proclaiming, "There is nothing in that file to show that you were a Communist or ever had been a Communist, or that you were in any way connected with any espionage information or charges, so that the FBI file puts you completely, up to this moment, in the clear."

The ever-intrepid Evans (M. Stanton Evans, author of Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and his fight Against America's Enemies,) has produced a memo from Lou Nichols of the FBI saying he couldn't understand what had come over Tydings — that the Maryland Democrat knew very well that Director Hoover had said that if he had been on the Loyalty Board, he would have questioned any attempt to clear Lattimore, and that he regarded the IPR icon as a security risk and would never have hired him at the Bureau.

• Lattimore had conferred (during the Hitler-Stalin pact) with the Soviet ambassador about Lattimore's upcoming assignment as President Roosevelt's adviser to Chiang-Kai-Shek — then trying to fend off the Communist revolution in his country.

• Credible testimony revealed "five episodes" wherein Lattimore — within the Politburo of the Communist Party — "participated as a full participant in the conspiracy."

• A former brigadier-general in the Soviet military intelligence testified to having been told that "Lattimore was one of our men."

• On page 218 of the McCarran committee's voluminous report of its year-long investigation, this bottom line: "[T]he subcommittee can come to no other conclusion but that Lattimore was for some time beginning in the 1930s a conscious, articulate instrument of the Soviet conspiracy."The documented truth about the McCarthy investigations

I'd tell you to man up and admit that you were wrong, but
1. You're not capable of same.

2. How would I be able to expound the way I love to if some fool didn't give me the opportunity?

Keep up the bad work!
He was gay but not a tranvestite.
That is just an urban legend.
Just like Obama is Muslim and Tail Gunner Joe McCarthy was a hero.

And, of course, there is no evidence of that, homosexuality, as well.

Liberals simply use the charge to bash those who they don't agree with.
From columnist Ann Coulter:

"Liberals claim to love gays, but their default comeback to a conservative they disagree with is to call him gay…

We need to get a rule book from the Democrats [on gays]:
a. Boy Scouts: As gay as you want to be
b. Priests: No gays!
c. Democratic politicians: Proud gay Americans.
d. Republican politicians: Presumed guilty.
e. White House press corps: No gays, unless they hate Bush.
f. Active-duty U.S. military: As gay as possible.
g. Men who date Liza Minnelli: Do I have to draw you a picture, Miss Thing?"

I think letter d covers your charge.

*I'm sure the letter "R" covers you, "R" as in Reactionary.

Rye, all of your posts are empty attacks...

empty of insight, intelligent rebuttal, or interest.

Unlike mine, it is a waste to time reading them....

Step up to the plate: put a little effort in!
They keep claiming that McCarthy had no intent to ruin the very people he was labeling as communist spies during the Red Scare.

Name the 'ruined people,' simpleton.
Zero Mostel, for one.


You've earned a seat in the dumb row.

1. Mostel was called before HUAC....don't you think you should read the thread before posting? Too much work? Dumb row.
"The committee's anti-communist investigations are often confused with those of Senator Joseph McCarthy.." (especially by folks in the dumb row).
House Un-American Activities Committee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. Filmography for someone who was 'ruined' shouldn't list much work...

Watership Down (1978) (voice) .... Kehaar
"The Electric Company" .... Spell Binder (650 episodes, 1972-1977)
- 130B (1977) TV episode (voice) .... Spell Binder
- 129B (1977) TV episode (voice) .... Spell Binder
- 128B (1977) TV episode (voice) .... Spell Binder
- 127B (1977) TV episode (voice) .... Spell Binder
- 126B (1977) TV episode (voice) .... Spell Binder
(645 more)
The Little Drummer Boy Book II (1976) (TV) (voice) .... Brutus
The Front (1976) .... Hecky Brown
Mastermind (1976) .... Inspector Hoku Ichihara
"The CBS Festival of Lively Arts for Young People" .... Gianni Schicchi (1 episode, 1975)
- Gianni Schicchi (1975) TV episode .... Gianni Schicchi
Journey Into Fear (1975) .... Kopelkin
Fore Play (1975) .... President/Don Pasquale
Once Upon a Scoundrel (1974) .... Carlos del Refugio
Rhinoceros (1974) .... John
... aka "Eugene Ionesco's Rhinoceros" - Australia (DVD box title), USA (poster title)
Marco (1973) .... Kublai Khan
Saga of Sonora (1973) (TV) .... Heavy Harry
Old Faithful (1973) (TV) .... Ranger Zeppel
The Hot Rock (1972) .... Abe Greenberg
The Angel Levine (1970) .... Morris Mishkin

The Great Bank Robbery (1969) .... Rev. Pious Blue
Great Catherine (1968) .... Potemkin
The Producers (1968) (as Zero) .... Max Bialystock
Ride of the Valkyrie (1967)
Children of the Exodus (1967) .... Narrator
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (1966) .... Pseudolus
"Play of the Week" .... Estragon (2 episodes, 1959-1961)
- Waiting for Godot (1961) TV episode .... Estragon
- World of Sholom Aleichem (1959) TV episode

The World of Sholom Aleichem (1959) (TV)
Zero Mostel (1959) (TV) .... Various Characters
The Model and the Marriage Broker (1951) .... George Wixted
The Guy Who Came Back (1951) .... Boots Mullins
Mr. Belvedere Rings the Bell (1951) .... Emmett
... aka "Mr. Belvedere Blows His Whistle" - USA (alternative title)
Sirocco (1951) .... Balukjiaan
The Enforcer (1951) .... Big Babe Lazick
Panic in the Streets (1950) .... Raymond Fitch

"The Ford Theatre Hour" .... Banjo (1 episode, 1949)
- The Man Who Came to Dinner (1949) TV episode .... Banjo
Du Barry Was a Lady (1943) .... Rami - the Swami/Taliostra

Zero Mostel

Welcome to the dumb row.

3. If this is ruined, and the best you can do, I declare my side the clear winner.

BTW, bettter draw a map so you can find your seat in the dumb row...
Wallace was a naive man politically but was the best Secretary of Agriculture this country ever had.
When you folks eat lunch today thank him.
He was no communist. Politically gullible yes but he was the first white politician to call publicly for equal rights in voting, jobs and education for blacks.
If he was communist then 1.2 million farmers of his era also were as he received that farm bloc vote for President.
Enjoy your sandwich.

What a dumb fuck.

Without Government, there'd be no food!


So how are you Progressives making out on the list of lives McCarthy ruined?

Joe McCarthy gets another feather in his wings every time a Progressives lies or insults instead of answering.

Also, has anyone on the Left bothered to Google Solomon Adler even one time? Would it help if I told you this McCarthy identified Soviet asset's code name was "Sax" or "Sachs" in the Venona Cables?

That help any?

So if Frank was a Senator leading an investigative committee naming terrorists and making a list he would not try to do everything he could to "ruin" them.
That is your argument Frank. You have made that claimoverand over and over and over and over again. Why? Because chic said it and you are a parroter.
Frank would be running a kindler and gentler investigation just like McCarthy did.
Frank, chic and ceile would have you believe Tail Gunner Joe was running a polite witch hunt and went out of their way not to upset the lives in any way of those they were persecuting.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Frank, your argument makes no sense and you know it. If you do not know that the witch hunt McCarthy was on at the time had EVERY INTENT to hurt and ruin as badasthey could EVERY person they could then you are either too naive to know any better or just plain stupid.
Give it up. Your argument has lost and I believe you now know it.

Kinder, gentler? I would have demanded the death penalty for Alger Hiss and Dexter White

Again, you have no facts, you're parroting stuff back that the Progressive school marms drilling into your little head years ago and no amount of new information validating McCarthy's central thesis, i.e. State was overrun with Communist spies, will change it.

You're just not an intelligent person
Ya..ya..and Hitler was just a miss understood socialist! Give it up Frankie. The only group that thought McCarthy was a hero was the John Birch Society. Why don't YOU do a little research on what THEY stood for? You may stimulate curiosity with those that were not alive at the time but for myself and any decent republican that stripped that vile demagogue of his podium ... there is no need to apologize. Digging up the bones of that rabid dog to examine them for what purpose exactly? Hero? Your agenda in this matter is highly suspect.

My only "Agenda" is the outright rejection and repudiation of all the Progressive lies I've digested these past decades: the "Greatness" of FDR, the "Evil" Of McCarthy, the Civil Rights Pioneering of LBJ, and so on and so on.

Have you looked up Solomon Adler who the Venona Cables confirm was a wholly owned subsidiary of the USSR?

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then. And Adler was British.

If that's your only contribution you should stick with finding your nuts.

Try this one: Harold Glasser (Venona name: Ruble)
Ya..ya..and Hitler was just a miss understood socialist! Give it up Frankie. The only group that thought McCarthy was a hero was the John Birch Society. Why don't YOU do a little research on what THEY stood for? You may stimulate curiosity with those that were not alive at the time but for myself and any decent republican that stripped that vile demagogue of his podium ... there is no need to apologize. Digging up the bones of that rabid dog to examine them for what purpose exactly? Hero? Your agenda in this matter is highly suspect.

My only "Agenda" is the outright rejection and repudiation of all the Progressive lies I've digested these past decades: the "Greatness" of FDR, the "Evil" Of McCarthy, the Civil Rights Pioneering of LBJ, and so on and so on.

Have you looked up Solomon Adler who the Venona Cables confirm was a wholly owned subsidiary of the USSR?

No I haven't and I am not going to. I am already familiar with what McCarthy did. I do not need to run goose chases over finished business. There are much more worthy of things to do with my time. I do not care to support any agenda that includes resurrecting McCarthy as a hero. There were worse people in our countries history but he did a very vile thing and deserved histories verdict.

It is a sad commentary on the state of the republican party today that people like yourself feel a need to polish up the reputations of some of our most despicable members.

I'm disappointed and I'm not kidding.

History and current event have totally vindicated McCarty's Central Thesis. I thought you might at least have a look at some of the facts as verified by the Soviets themselves.
They know they have lost the discussion a long time ago. But they will engage in the stubbornness of immorality and deny it.

They keep claiming that McCarthy had no intent to ruin the very people he was labeling as communist spies during the Red Scare.

McCarthy tried to raise awareness about genuine Communist spies at State, not mere Communists, but spies who reported to Moscow
I have an idea for ya Frankie.. Why don't you work on buffing up the public perception of that smarmy little weasle bitch Mitch McConnel. John the Boner could use a touch up also.


At least those two willfully ignorant christian fundimentalist fuckwits have some relevency in todays political landscape.

I have no interest in any of the aforementioned
"As fun as it is to imagine the former chief of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in drag, most historians believe this is just an urban legend."
Was J. Edgar Hoover really a transvestite?

He was gay but not a tranvestite.
That is just an urban legend.
Just like Obama is Muslim and Tail Gunner Joe McCarthy was a hero.

And, of course, there is no evidence of that, homosexuality, as well.

Liberals simply use the charge to bash those who they don't agree with.
From columnist Ann Coulter:

"Liberals claim to love gays, but their default comeback to a conservative they disagree with is to call him gay…

We need to get a rule book from the Democrats [on gays]:
a. Boy Scouts: As gay as you want to be
b. Priests: No gays!
c. Democratic politicians: Proud gay Americans.
d. Republican politicians: Presumed guilty.
e. White House press corps: No gays, unless they hate Bush.
f. Active-duty U.S. military: As gay as possible.
g. Men who date Liza Minnelli: Do I have to draw you a picture, Miss Thing?"

I think letter d covers your charge.
There needs to be a Godwin Law for Ann Coulter: "anyone who needs to quote Ann Coulter to bolster their argument has already lost the argument."
My only "Agenda" is the outright rejection and repudiation of all the Progressive lies I've digested these past decades: the "Greatness" of FDR, the "Evil" Of McCarthy, the Civil Rights Pioneering of LBJ, and so on and so on.

Have you looked up Solomon Adler who the Venona Cables confirm was a wholly owned subsidiary of the USSR?

No I haven't and I am not going to. I am already familiar with what McCarthy did. I do not need to run goose chases over finished business. There are much more worthy of things to do with my time. I do not care to support any agenda that includes resurrecting McCarthy as a hero. There were worse people in our countries history but he did a very vile thing and deserved histories verdict.

It is a sad commentary on the state of the republican party today that people like yourself feel a need to polish up the reputations of some of our most despicable members.

I'm disappointed and I'm not kidding.

History and current event have totally vindicated McCarty's Central Thesis. I thought you might at least have a look at some of the facts as verified by the Soviets themselves.

I put zero credibility in anything generated in the Soviet Union. Just because I won't let the theory you foolishly propose and is put before my eyes does not mean I have to waste my time trying to verify your side of the arguement. I am entirely satisfied of the results of the actions of my party back in the 50's. Some things are not up for grabs in the desperate attempts to bolster your feeelings of self worth and pupose as a party hack. I am willing to accept that some republicans are pieces of shit. I feel the same way about scum like Carl Rove. The republican party should retreat back to the time when integrity and good works was it's core foundations. I reject "the ends justifies the means" as your guidance.
He was gay but not a tranvestite.
That is just an urban legend.
Just like Obama is Muslim and Tail Gunner Joe McCarthy was a hero.

And, of course, there is no evidence of that, homosexuality, as well.

Liberals simply use the charge to bash those who they don't agree with.
From columnist Ann Coulter:

"Liberals claim to love gays, but their default comeback to a conservative they disagree with is to call him gay…

We need to get a rule book from the Democrats [on gays]:
a. Boy Scouts: As gay as you want to be
b. Priests: No gays!
c. Democratic politicians: Proud gay Americans.
d. Republican politicians: Presumed guilty.
e. White House press corps: No gays, unless they hate Bush.
f. Active-duty U.S. military: As gay as possible.
g. Men who date Liza Minnelli: Do I have to draw you a picture, Miss Thing?"

I think letter d covers your charge.
There needs to be a Godwin Law for Ann Coulter: "anyone who needs to quote Ann Coulter to bolster their argument has already lost the argument."

Your posts are insipid and tedious.
Speak to the point...

I guess you would if you could.

Go back to your seat in the you-know-which row...
I have an idea for ya Frankie.. Why don't you work on buffing up the public perception of that smarmy little weasle bitch Mitch McConnel. John the Boner could use a touch up also.


At least those two willfully ignorant christian fundimentalist fuckwits have some relevency in todays political landscape.

I have no interest in any of the aforementioned

Oddly you have no interest in the quality of the leadership of the republican party of today but feel a need to resurect one of it's worst leaders.:cuckoo:
Name the 'ruined people,' simpleton.
Zero Mostel, for one.


You've earned a seat in the dumb row.

1. Mostel was called before HUAC....don't you think you should read the thread before posting? Too much work? Dumb row.
"The committee's anti-communist investigations are often confused with those of Senator Joseph McCarthy.." (especially by folks in the dumb row).
House Un-American Activities Committee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. Filmography for someone who was 'ruined' shouldn't list much work...

Watership Down (1978) (voice) .... Kehaar
"The Electric Company" .... Spell Binder (650 episodes, 1972-1977)
- 130B (1977) TV episode (voice) .... Spell Binder
- 129B (1977) TV episode (voice) .... Spell Binder
- 128B (1977) TV episode (voice) .... Spell Binder
- 127B (1977) TV episode (voice) .... Spell Binder
- 126B (1977) TV episode (voice) .... Spell Binder
(645 more)
The Little Drummer Boy Book II (1976) (TV) (voice) .... Brutus
The Front (1976) .... Hecky Brown
Mastermind (1976) .... Inspector Hoku Ichihara
"The CBS Festival of Lively Arts for Young People" .... Gianni Schicchi (1 episode, 1975)
- Gianni Schicchi (1975) TV episode .... Gianni Schicchi
Journey Into Fear (1975) .... Kopelkin
Fore Play (1975) .... President/Don Pasquale
Once Upon a Scoundrel (1974) .... Carlos del Refugio
Rhinoceros (1974) .... John
... aka "Eugene Ionesco's Rhinoceros" - Australia (DVD box title), USA (poster title)
Marco (1973) .... Kublai Khan
Saga of Sonora (1973) (TV) .... Heavy Harry
Old Faithful (1973) (TV) .... Ranger Zeppel
The Hot Rock (1972) .... Abe Greenberg
The Angel Levine (1970) .... Morris Mishkin

The Great Bank Robbery (1969) .... Rev. Pious Blue
Great Catherine (1968) .... Potemkin
The Producers (1968) (as Zero) .... Max Bialystock
Ride of the Valkyrie (1967)
Children of the Exodus (1967) .... Narrator
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (1966) .... Pseudolus
"Play of the Week" .... Estragon (2 episodes, 1959-1961)
- Waiting for Godot (1961) TV episode .... Estragon
- World of Sholom Aleichem (1959) TV episode

The World of Sholom Aleichem (1959) (TV)
Zero Mostel (1959) (TV) .... Various Characters
The Model and the Marriage Broker (1951) .... George Wixted
The Guy Who Came Back (1951) .... Boots Mullins
Mr. Belvedere Rings the Bell (1951) .... Emmett
... aka "Mr. Belvedere Blows His Whistle" - USA (alternative title)
Sirocco (1951) .... Balukjiaan
The Enforcer (1951) .... Big Babe Lazick
Panic in the Streets (1950) .... Raymond Fitch

"The Ford Theatre Hour" .... Banjo (1 episode, 1949)
- The Man Who Came to Dinner (1949) TV episode .... Banjo
Du Barry Was a Lady (1943) .... Rami - the Swami/Taliostra

Zero Mostel

Welcome to the dumb row.

3. If this is ruined, and the best you can do, I declare my side the clear winner.

BTW, bettter draw a map so you can find your seat in the dumb row...

Show me all of his work between 1951 and 1959, dope. That's when he was blacklisted.

With growing popularity and many excellent reviews, Mostel’s career nonetheless came to a complete halt during the 1950s. Seeing many of his show business friends blacklisted and forced to name names of supposed Communists, it came as no surprise to him that he was named, too. On January 29, 1952, Martin Berkeley identified him to the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) as having been a member of the Communist party (Berkeley had named 160 people in all—more than any other witness). This was enough to stifle Mostel's career even before he was subpoenaed to appear before HUAC, which happened on August 14, 1955.

He lost 8 years of work at a time when he was very popular. By the 1960s and 1970s, America had realized what a fool McCarthy was, and he was able to work again.

It's way too easy to show you for the fool that you are.

They know they have lost the discussion a long time ago. But they will engage in the stubbornness of immorality and deny it.

We lost the debate only because Progressives controlled the media and the schools.

Those days are over.


Only because the public has been raised like mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed you-know-what, has the truth not been revealed.

Consider an earlier post re: the real villain as far as American democracy, Woodrow Wilson...yet the Left demonizes a man who shined the spotlight on a true threat to America.

Today we call them 'statists,' but Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals.

Let me add this, for 'holic:
"Liberals titter about conservatives imagining Communists under every bed, while they hysterically claim to see racists under every bed. If, in addition to murdering tens of millions of people, Stalin had maintained “Whites Only” water fountains, America would now celebrate a national Joe McCarty Day."
Ann Coulter.
My only "Agenda" is the outright rejection and repudiation of all the Progressive lies I've digested these past decades: the "Greatness" of FDR, the "Evil" Of McCarthy, the Civil Rights Pioneering of LBJ, and so on and so on.

Have you looked up Solomon Adler who the Venona Cables confirm was a wholly owned subsidiary of the USSR?

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then. And Adler was British.

If that's your only contribution you should stick with finding your nuts.

Try this one: Harold Glasser (Venona name: Ruble)
Try another one? Is that how it works? You say something stupid, I show how stupid it is, so you want another try?

Sorry - fringers get one chance to show they are not unAmerican, bat-shit crazy traitor-lovers.

You failed.
They know they have lost the discussion a long time ago. But they will engage in the stubbornness of immorality and deny it.

They keep claiming that McCarthy had no intent to ruin the very people he was labeling as communist spies during the Red Scare.

McCarthy tried to raise awareness about genuine Communist spies at State, not mere Communists, but spies who reported to Moscow
Then why was he going after Hollywood?

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