Sen Joe McCarthy: American Patriot and Hero

Show me all of his work between 1951 and 1959, dope. That's when he was blacklisted.

With growing popularity and many excellent reviews, Mostel’s career nonetheless came to a complete halt during the 1950s. Seeing many of his show business friends blacklisted and forced to name names of supposed Communists, it came as no surprise to him that he was named, too. On January 29, 1952, Martin Berkeley identified him to the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) as having been a member of the Communist party (Berkeley had named 160 people in all—more than any other witness). This was enough to stifle Mostel's career even before he was subpoenaed to appear before HUAC, which happened on August 14, 1955.

He lost 8 years of work at a time when he was very popular. By the 1960s and 1970s, America had realized what a fool McCarthy was, and he was able to work again.

It's way too easy to show you for the fool that you are.


Show me that he was on food stamps.

You don't know how he was doing, do you?
Doesn't seem to have missed any meals.

And you've stopped claiming that Senator McCarthy had anything to do with Mr. Mostel, haven't, who's the dope?

Back to the dumb row.

How's this:
"Claiming to have been “blacklisted” is Hollywood’s version of coming over on the Mayflower."
Ann Coulter.

Heck, all he wanted to do was hide any affiliation with an organized crime 'family' that killed one hundred million human beings...
a mere bag o' shells.

With the list of credits that I provided, it's kind of tough for you to claim that he was 'ruined,' huh?

So, let's see how you're doing: battin' zero (mostel).

Is that where you are putting down the goalposts, dope?

You say he wasn't blacklisted, I prove he was from 1951-1959, so you claim that he didn't physically starve during those years?


Aren't you tired of me kicking your ass?

Yeah, talking on and on about people with whom Senator McCarthy never had any contact at all is REALLY kicking her ass. I'm awestruck at the brilliant debating tactic of getting things utterly, completely, laughably wrong and then sticking blindly to them after having their wrongness pointed out to you.
Show me that he was on food stamps.

You don't know how he was doing, do you?
Doesn't seem to have missed any meals.

And you've stopped claiming that Senator McCarthy had anything to do with Mr. Mostel, haven't, who's the dope?

Back to the dumb row.

How's this:
"Claiming to have been “blacklisted” is Hollywood’s version of coming over on the Mayflower."
Ann Coulter.

Heck, all he wanted to do was hide any affiliation with an organized crime 'family' that killed one hundred million human beings...
a mere bag o' shells.

With the list of credits that I provided, it's kind of tough for you to claim that he was 'ruined,' huh?

So, let's see how you're doing: battin' zero (mostel).

Is that where you are putting down the goalposts, dope?

You say he wasn't blacklisted, I prove he was from 1951-1959, so you claim that he didn't physically starve during those years?


Aren't you tired of me kicking your ass?

I must have missed where Zero Mostel was at US State Dept

It's right around the same place where SENATOR Joseph McCarthy was on the HOUSE Un-American Activities Committee, ie. in Synthaholic's fevered and possibly syphilitic imagination.
There needs to be a Godwin Law for Ann Coulter: "anyone who needs to quote Ann Coulter to bolster their argument has already lost the argument."

You can make up rules to govern our arguments just as soon as you produce an argument of your own other than "You're so stupid!"

Still waiting on you or any of your comrades to produce the name of ANY innocent person investigated by Senator McCarthy. Been waiting for nearly thirty pages now, and the more you say, "There were innocent people ruined!" without naming any, the more obvious it becomes that you're a lying sack of steaming dog feces, complete with swarming flies.

How about you show us how they broke the law? Do you feel having a political opinion, and belonging to a political party is breaking the law? How about Annie Moss? The FBI released her file, the only thing she did was go to a few meeting and buy a magazine. She was never proven to be a spy, she didn't break any laws. Do you think the government should be able to fire you because of the political beliefs you hold?

If they were never proven to be a spy they were innocent, it is not a crime to be a communist.

Were you aware, Luissa, that spying on the US is illegal in the US? Every single one of the people investigated by Senator McCarthy and his committee were, in fact, Soviet operatives. This has been long since proven. Moreover, Senator McCarthy was not conducting criminal investigations. He was investigating people who should never have been given government security clearances, which was his JOB. I'd say people who were spies for the Russians qualify as security risks during the Cold War, don't you?

In addition, I don't know who told you that Annie Moss was cleared by the FBI, but they're lying to you. First of all, the question of Annie Lee Moss initially came up in relation to establishing the veracity and truthfulness of a witness, Mary Markward, who was an undercover FBI agent investigating the Community Party for seven years. The Communist Party tried to say that Markward was lying and misidentifying Moss, who had a security clearance for the Army and the GAO that her Communist Party membership should have disqualified her for at that time.

Second of all, it was the job of McCarthy's committee to investigate government security clearances that should never have been given, and that's what he was doing. And no matter how much you'd like to pretend that being a member of the Communist Party in the middle of the Cold War is no big deal, it was the equivalent of giving the same security clearance to an al Qaeda sympathizer now.
You can make up rules to govern our arguments just as soon as you produce an argument of your own other than "You're so stupid!"

Still waiting on you or any of your comrades to produce the name of ANY innocent person investigated by Senator McCarthy. Been waiting for nearly thirty pages now, and the more you say, "There were innocent people ruined!" without naming any, the more obvious it becomes that you're a lying sack of steaming dog feces, complete with swarming flies.

How about you show us how they broke the law? Do you feel having a political opinion, and belonging to a political party is breaking the law? How about Annie Moss? The FBI released her file, the only thing she did was go to a few meeting and buy a magazine. She was never proven to be a spy, she didn't break any laws. Do you think the government should be able to fire you because of the political beliefs you hold?

If they were never proven to be a spy they were innocent, it is not a crime to be a communist.

Were you aware, Luissa, that spying on the US is illegal in the US? Every single one of the people investigated by Senator McCarthy and his committee were, in fact, Soviet operatives. This has been long since proven.

Then prove it.
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["Every single one of the people investigated by Senator McCarthy and his committee were, in fact, Soviet operatives. This has been long since proven. "

This is a McCarthyite statement, and no one of any decency can have any respect for it.
["Every single one of the people investigated by Senator McCarthy and his committee were, in fact, Soviet operatives. This has been long since proven. "

This is a McCarthyite statement, and no one of any decency can have any respect for it.

GAAAAaawwwwdd!!! Poor CC is coming unglued!! It is pitiful seeing human beings put themselves in such unretreatable positions. I hope this is catch and release..otherwise the PETA folks are gonna be on our asses!!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
["Every single one of the people investigated by Senator McCarthy and his committee were, in fact, Soviet operatives. This has been long since proven. "

This is a McCarthyite statement, and no one of any decency can have any respect for it.

GAAAAaawwwwdd!!! Poor CC is coming unglued!! It is pitiful seeing human beings put themselves in such unretreatable positions. I hope this is catch and release..otherwise the PETA folks are gonna be on our asses!!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously, though. Some of the lefties here will skew conclusions, but the far reactionaries to the right will outright lie and deny. Talk about situational morality.
Show me that he was on food stamps.

You don't know how he was doing, do you?
Doesn't seem to have missed any meals.

And you've stopped claiming that Senator McCarthy had anything to do with Mr. Mostel, haven't, who's the dope?

Back to the dumb row.

How's this:
"Claiming to have been “blacklisted” is Hollywood’s version of coming over on the Mayflower."
Ann Coulter.

Heck, all he wanted to do was hide any affiliation with an organized crime 'family' that killed one hundred million human beings...
a mere bag o' shells.

With the list of credits that I provided, it's kind of tough for you to claim that he was 'ruined,' huh?

So, let's see how you're doing: battin' zero (mostel).

Is that where you are putting down the goalposts, dope?

You say he wasn't blacklisted, I prove he was from 1951-1959, so you claim that he didn't physically starve during those years?


Aren't you tired of me kicking your ass?

I must have missed where Zero Mostel was at US State Dept
The question was "whose life was ruined by being blacklisted?", chuckles.
Cecilie, one of Joe McCarthy's girls. The good heavens stare and angels weep.

By the by, CC, Herbert Spencer (from your signature) is one of the great imperialists and racist bastards of his time.
Is that where you are putting down the goalposts, dope?

You say he wasn't blacklisted, I prove he was from 1951-1959, so you claim that he didn't physically starve during those years?


Aren't you tired of me kicking your ass?

I must have missed where Zero Mostel was at US State Dept
The question was "whose life was ruined by being blacklisted?", chuckles.

That would be the kind of a question a NAZI would ask. Are you or have you ever been a NAZI??? Have you ever agreed on any position taken by the NAZI party? Is any member of your family a NAZI? Where any of you ancestors NAZIS? Did any of your ancestors know any NAZIS? If you answer in the negative to these questions what proof do have have in support of yourself under the threat of quite possibly committing perjury?
Is that where you are putting down the goalposts, dope?

You say he wasn't blacklisted, I prove he was from 1951-1959, so you claim that he didn't physically starve during those years?


Aren't you tired of me kicking your ass?

I must have missed where Zero Mostel was at US State Dept
The question was "whose life was ruined by being blacklisted?", chuckles.

No, dear, that's where YOU tried to drag the conversation with your insane insistence that Hollywood blacklisting had squat to do with Joseph McCarthy. Your desire to ramble down tangents doesn't make those tangents the subject of the thread.
She sure parrots lines adhered to by CurveLight, Jake Fate, Political Chic, so forth and so on.

They all need to be put in fun of a House UnAmerican Behaviors Committee and forced to answer the questions.
I must have missed where Zero Mostel was at US State Dept
The question was "whose life was ruined by being blacklisted?", chuckles.

That would be the kind of a question a NAZI would ask. Are you or have you ever been a NAZI??? Have you ever agreed on any position taken by the NAZI party? Is any member of your family a NAZI? Where any of you ancestors NAZIS? Did any of your ancestors know any NAZIS? If you answer in the negative to these questions what proof do have have in support of yourself under the threat of quite possibly committing perjury?

The only person I know who is a Nazi beyond any reasonable doubt is Ezekiel Emanuel
I must have missed where Zero Mostel was at US State Dept
The question was "whose life was ruined by being blacklisted?", chuckles.

That would be the kind of a question a NAZI would ask. Are you or have you ever been a NAZI??? Have you ever agreed on any position taken by the NAZI party? Is any member of your family a NAZI? Where any of you ancestors NAZIS? Did any of your ancestors know any NAZIS? If you answer in the negative to these questions what proof do have have in support of yourself under the threat of quite possibly committing perjury?
Whew! I was scared there for a moment, until I remembered that - just like being a Communist - being a Nazi is not illegal!
The question was "whose life was ruined by being blacklisted?", chuckles.

That would be the kind of a question a NAZI would ask. Are you or have you ever been a NAZI??? Have you ever agreed on any position taken by the NAZI party? Is any member of your family a NAZI? Where any of you ancestors NAZIS? Did any of your ancestors know any NAZIS? If you answer in the negative to these questions what proof do have have in support of yourself under the threat of quite possibly committing perjury?

The only person I know who is a Nazi beyond any reasonable doubt is Ezekiel Emanuel

It's funny that you claim a Jew is a Nazi.

You're a funny dude, CF.
That would be the kind of a question a NAZI would ask. Are you or have you ever been a NAZI??? Have you ever agreed on any position taken by the NAZI party? Is any member of your family a NAZI? Where any of you ancestors NAZIS? Did any of your ancestors know any NAZIS? If you answer in the negative to these questions what proof do have have in support of yourself under the threat of quite possibly committing perjury?

The only person I know who is a Nazi beyond any reasonable doubt is Ezekiel Emanuel

It's funny that you claim a Jew is a Nazi.

You're a funny dude, CF.
He thinks Reagan was a Conservative, too!
That would be the kind of a question a NAZI would ask. Are you or have you ever been a NAZI??? Have you ever agreed on any position taken by the NAZI party? Is any member of your family a NAZI? Where any of you ancestors NAZIS? Did any of your ancestors know any NAZIS? If you answer in the negative to these questions what proof do have have in support of yourself under the threat of quite possibly committing perjury?

The only person I know who is a Nazi beyond any reasonable doubt is Ezekiel Emanuel

It's funny that you claim a Jew is a Nazi.

You're a funny dude, CF.

George Soros is a Jew too but that didn't stop him from siding with the Nazis during WWII. I think he made his first money by spotting other Jews for the Nazis

Ezekiel Emanuel could be a guest lecturer at the Josef Mengele School of Medicine
The question was "whose life was ruined by being blacklisted?", chuckles.

That would be the kind of a question a NAZI would ask. Are you or have you ever been a NAZI??? Have you ever agreed on any position taken by the NAZI party? Is any member of your family a NAZI? Where any of you ancestors NAZIS? Did any of your ancestors know any NAZIS? If you answer in the negative to these questions what proof do have have in support of yourself under the threat of quite possibly committing perjury?

The only person I know who is a Nazi beyond any reasonable doubt is Ezekiel Emanuel

So what is he? Some kinda Jewish Jack Kavorkian?

You know him? Strange! But somehow fascinating...:lol:
That would be the kind of a question a NAZI would ask. Are you or have you ever been a NAZI??? Have you ever agreed on any position taken by the NAZI party? Is any member of your family a NAZI? Where any of you ancestors NAZIS? Did any of your ancestors know any NAZIS? If you answer in the negative to these questions what proof do have have in support of yourself under the threat of quite possibly committing perjury?

The only person I know who is a Nazi beyond any reasonable doubt is Ezekiel Emanuel

So what is he? Some kinda Jewish Jack Kavorkian?

You know him? Strange! But somehow fascinating...:lol:

We should not create, on the basis of age or any other characteristic over which individuals have no control, classes of Untermenschen whose lives and well being are deemed not worth spending money on." -- Ezekiel Emanuel

Hmmmm Untermenschen interesting word choice.

Also, there's a thread for this and I won't be derailed here.

And, once again, every time Progressive fail to mention either a life ruined by McCarthy or respond intelligently to any of the issues we've raised including the confirmation by the Soviets themselves that they did indeed maintain a robust spy network at US State, we win.
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The question was "whose life was ruined by being blacklisted?", chuckles.

That would be the kind of a question a NAZI would ask. Are you or have you ever been a NAZI??? Have you ever agreed on any position taken by the NAZI party? Is any member of your family a NAZI? Where any of you ancestors NAZIS? Did any of your ancestors know any NAZIS? If you answer in the negative to these questions what proof do have have in support of yourself under the threat of quite possibly committing perjury?
Whew! I was scared there for a moment, until I remembered that - just like being a Communist - being a Nazi is not illegal!

No one ever claimed either of them was. Question is, would you think it a good idea to have given security clearances and government jobs to Nazis during WWII?

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