Sen Joe McCarthy: American Patriot and Hero

Frank is a fool who sees life out of a prism of bias, gadawag. He has not paid the price, as have many of us here on the board, to understand just how incredibly complicated all this crap can be at times. Give him time, and maybe he will learn.

I agree as Frank is intelligent, does ask questions and sorts through each opinion. I see evidence that he does think for himself most of the time.
But not this time.

Have you figured out yet that I began this thread by stating that the list you asked about was stolen from the National Archives in March 1993 by some person unknown?


Frank, I see NO chain of custody on that list from if it was ever in the archives.
A handful of right wing blog claims that it is missing but where is it that it ever was put into the archives?
Who archived it, who presented it to beput into the archuves, where is it listed aspartof his archive history, etc. Nothing anywhere on that as everything else archived on McCArthy anyone can find. But no list anywhere.
Are you claiming the chain of custody was also stolen? Nope, they have that and it is complete and the list is not on it.
You know Frank, people make stuff all the time.
I do find evidence of a report of ONE person being missing but nothing of a chain of evidence anywhere that his list of 250 was everput into the archives.
How come he always waved it FRank and never let anyone see it?
Frank is a fool who sees life out of a prism of bias, gadawag. He has not paid the price, as have many of us here on the board, to understand just how incredibly complicated all this crap can be at times. Give him time, and maybe he will learn.

I agree as Frank is intelligent, does ask questions and sorts through each opinion. I see evidence that he does think for himself most of the time.
But not this time.

Have you figured out yet that I began this thread by stating that the list you asked about was stolen from the National Archives in March 1993 by some person unknown?

Why would Sandy Berger be interested in those documents?
I agree as Frank is intelligent, does ask questions and sorts through each opinion. I see evidence that he does think for himself most of the time.
But not this time.

Have you figured out yet that I began this thread by stating that the list you asked about was stolen from the National Archives in March 1993 by some person unknown?

Why would Sandy Berger be interested in those documents?

Yeah, because it MUST have been Sandy Berger. Couldn't have been anyone else. :eusa_hand:
Whew! I was scared there for a moment, until I remembered that - just like being a Communist - being a Nazi is not illegal!

No one ever claimed either of them was. Question is, would you think it a good idea to have given security clearances and government jobs to Nazis during WWII?

No, dope - Nazi's were our enemy in WWII. What was the USSR, again? Oh yeah - our allies!

Well, I suppose that you will be celebrating today, August 23rd, as an anniversary of sorts for our 'ally'....

August 23, 1939 Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin became allies when them signed a pact. As a result of Hitler's victories and Stalin's land-grabs, most of Eurasia was under totalitarian control when the attack of June 22, 1941, came. The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, officially titled the Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Soviet Union.

"Being a Communist for much of the last century was not a theoretical matter. Communists working in Democratic administrations in the thirties, forties, and fifties, had a profound influence on which countries would fall under Communist control….The USSR ruined Eastern Europe, which was not exactly like East Timor. These were sophisticated countries. The Soviet conquest of Eastern Europe consisted of backwoods savages conquering sophisticated civilizations.
And the Democrats were rooting for the savages."
Ann Coulter

And the side you're to question.
Have you figured out yet that I began this thread by stating that the list you asked about was stolen from the National Archives in March 1993 by some person unknown?

Why would Sandy Berger be interested in those documents?

Yeah, because it MUST have been Sandy Berger. Couldn't have been anyone else. :eusa_hand:
Frank keeps posting photos of Sandy Berger, dope. I would suggest that you should direct your uninformed comments toward him if I thought you were the least bit honest.
No one ever claimed either of them was. Question is, would you think it a good idea to have given security clearances and government jobs to Nazis during WWII?

No, dope - Nazi's were our enemy in WWII. What was the USSR, again? Oh yeah - our allies!

Well, I suppose that you will be celebrating today, August 23rd, as an anniversary of sorts for our 'ally'....

August 23, 1939 Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin became allies when them signed a pact. As a result of Hitler's victories and Stalin's land-grabs, most of Eurasia was under totalitarian control when the attack of June 22, 1941, came. The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, officially titled the Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Soviet Union.

"Being a Communist for much of the last century was not a theoretical matter. Communists working in Democratic administrations in the thirties, forties, and fifties, had a profound influence on which countries would fall under Communist control….The USSR ruined Eastern Europe, which was not exactly like East Timor. These were sophisticated countries. The Soviet conquest of Eastern Europe consisted of backwoods savages conquering sophisticated civilizations.
And the Democrats were rooting for the savages."
Ann Coulter

And the side you're to question.

And by the way, I don't particularly want our allies spying on us, or being given sensitive government positions so they can spy on us, either.
So if Frank was a Senator leading an investigative committee naming terrorists and making a list he would not try to do everything he could to "ruin" them.
That is your argument Frank. You have made that claimoverand over and over and over and over again. Why? Because chic said it and you are a parroter.
Frank would be running a kindler and gentler investigation just like McCarthy did.
Frank, chic and ceile would have you believe Tail Gunner Joe was running a polite witch hunt and went out of their way not to upset the lives in any way of those they were persecuting.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Frank, your argument makes no sense and you know it. If you do not know that the witch hunt McCarthy was on at the time had EVERY INTENT to hurt and ruin as badasthey could EVERY person they could then you are either too naive to know any better or just plain stupid.
Give it up. Your argument has lost and I believe you now know it.

Kinder, gentler? I would have demanded the death penalty for Alger Hiss and Dexter White

Again, you have no facts, you're parroting stuff back that the Progressive school marms drilling into your little head years ago and no amount of new information validating McCarthy's central thesis, i.e. State was overrun with Communist spies, will change it.

You're just not an intelligent person

So obviously you must agree with me that Cheney, Rove and Bush should have been convicted of treason and executed for outting Valerie Plame and the CIA brass plate front Brewster Jennings.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

"...Cheney, Rove and Bush should have been convicted of treason and executed for outting Valerie Plame..."
It seems that there is no end to the misinformation that you are willing to believe.

There really is no excuse in an age in which research opportunities are so readily available.

June 2003: According to the Washington Post’s Bob Woodward, the following interview with Richard Armitage at the State Department transpired "about a month before" Robert Novak’s column appeared on July 14, 2003.

Woodward: Well it was Joe Wilson who was sent by the agency, isn’t it?

Armitage: His wife works for the agency.

Woodward: Why doesn’t that come out? Why does that have to be a big secret?

Armitage: (over) Everybody knows it.

Woodward: Everyone knows?

Armitage: Yeah. And they know ’cause Joe Wilson’s been calling everybody. He’s pissed off ’cause he was designated as a low level guy went out to look at it. So he’s all pissed off.

When, Why Joe Wilson Outed Valerie Plame | Sweetness & Light
I agree as Frank is intelligent, does ask questions and sorts through each opinion. I see evidence that he does think for himself most of the time.
But not this time.

Have you figured out yet that I began this thread by stating that the list you asked about was stolen from the National Archives in March 1993 by some person unknown?


Frank, I see NO chain of custody on that list from if it was ever in the archives.
A handful of right wing blog claims that it is missing but where is it that it ever was put into the archives?
Who archived it, who presented it to beput into the archuves, where is it listed aspartof his archive history, etc. Nothing anywhere on that as everything else archived on McCArthy anyone can find. But no list anywhere.
Are you claiming the chain of custody was also stolen? Nope, they have that and it is complete and the list is not on it.
You know Frank, people make stuff all the time.
I do find evidence of a report of ONE person being missing but nothing of a chain of evidence anywhere that his list of 250 was everput into the archives.
How come he always waved it FRank and never let anyone see it?

You're hopeless. Just totally hopeless.

How many times must I explain to you that this came from a book.

Do you know what a book is? Well this book is by an author (Authors write books) This author has written several books and in compiling his research for this book (this is probably more than you can safely digest) he tried to locate source documents at the National Archives but they were removed in March 1993.
Why would Sandy Berger be interested in those documents?

Yeah, because it MUST have been Sandy Berger. Couldn't have been anyone else. :eusa_hand:
Frank keeps posting photos of Sandy Berger, dope. I would suggest that you should direct your uninformed comments toward him if I thought you were the least bit honest.

I posted Sandy Berger because as far as I know, he's the only person who ever stole documents from the National Archives and the Klaus Memo disappeared when Sandy had easy access and friendly guards there.
McCarthy wass a drunk and a publicity hound. The few Communists he may have found is far outweighed by the lives he harmed or destroyed. Lauding him just shows the wingnut right for the fascists they are.
McCarthy wass a drunk and a publicity hound. The few Communists he may have found is far outweighed by the lives he harmed or destroyed. Lauding him just shows the wingnut right for the fascists they are.

If ignorance is bliss Konradv is on Cloud 9
McCarthy wass a drunk and a publicity hound. The few Communists he may have found is far outweighed by the lives he harmed or destroyed. Lauding him just shows the wingnut right for the fascists they are.

Since you clearly didn't have the time- or initiative- to read this thread, would you be good enough to identify the " lives he harmed or destroyed"?

Be sure you don't include the "Communists he may have found."

There's a lot on the line here, because if you cannot do so, you would be identifying "the wingnut
for the [loudmouthed blowhards] they are."

And, of course, that would be you.

So, get right to work.​
McCarthy wass a drunk and a publicity hound. The few Communists he may have found is far outweighed by the lives he harmed or destroyed. Lauding him just shows the wingnut right for the fascists they are.

Does this mean you're going to step up where your cowardly comrades did not and NAME some of the innocent lives "harmed or destroyed"? Don't bother naming guilty ones, since I don't give a shit about them, and I doubt anyone else does, either.
McCarthy wass a drunk and a publicity hound. The few Communists he may have found is far outweighed by the lives he harmed or destroyed. Lauding him just shows the wingnut right for the fascists they are.

Since you clearly didn't have the time- or initiative- to read this thread, would you be good enough to identify the " lives he harmed or destroyed"?

Be sure you don't include the "Communists he may have found."

There's a lot on the line here, because if you cannot do so, you would be identifying "the wingnut
for the [loudmouthed blowhards] they are."

And, of course, that would be you.

So, get right to work.​

CC and PC do not get to change the goal posts in the middle of the game. Sorry, ladies, put up or shut up. All of your questions about who was harmed have been answered. The sickening of the cultural environment by McCarthy has clearly been explicated. That both of you consistently refuse to accept that you have royally screwed up in this thread remains immaterial.

You have a massive fal.

August 23, 1939 Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin became allies when them signed a pact. As a result of Hitler's victories and Stalin's land-grabs, most of Eurasia was under totalitarian control when the attack of June 22, 1941, came.

Not standing up for Stalin or anything, but what land grabs had he made in '39? That all occurred in '45. It's hilarious that you'd want me cite names about common knowledge that McCarthy went after people that were clearly not guilty, but expect us believe youy when your knowledge of history is so obviously flawed, PC. McCarthy was a THUG and you know it.

August 23, 1939 Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin became allies when them signed a pact. As a result of Hitler's victories and Stalin's land-grabs, most of Eurasia was under totalitarian control when the attack of June 22, 1941, came.

Not standing up for Stalin or anything, but what land grabs had he made in '39? That all occurred in '45. It's hilarious that you'd want me cite names about common knowledge that McCarthy went after people that were clearly not guilty, but expect us believe youy when your knowledge of history is so obviously flawed, PC. McCarthy was a THUG and you know it.

I carefully perused your response, vainly hoping to finally find the names that you so glibly announced as 'destroyed lives'...

Alas, (sigh) you've just turned out to be another pretender, aspiring to the 'Loudmouthed Blowhard' award of the day.

Although there are several other aspirants, you have assumed the coveted 'inside rail' by tossing in the very lowest and least respected of arguments, the ever-popular-with-the- troglodytes, "...and you know it."

Let's be clear: I never lie, and always indicate exactly what I believe. I assume the same is true of you...and, in that case, this is not a compliment.

Folks like you who are neither brave enough, nor inquisitive enough to confront the powers that be, the pop culture, the liberal cant, must defend mythology, always and forever.
It is your curse, and your destiny.

August 23, 1939 Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin became allies when them signed a pact. As a result of Hitler's victories and Stalin's land-grabs, most of Eurasia was under totalitarian control when the attack of June 22, 1941, came.

Not standing up for Stalin or anything, but what land grabs had he made in '39? That all occurred in '45. It's hilarious that you'd want me cite names about common knowledge that McCarthy went after people that were clearly not guilty, but expect us believe youy when your knowledge of history is so obviously flawed, PC. McCarthy was a THUG and you know it.

Oh, wow! I almost missed this!

"...but what land grabs had he made in '39?"
Did you ever hear of Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania 'land grab,' 1940?

Did you ever hear of the Finland 'land grab,' 1939?

Did you ever hear of the Poland 'land grab,' 1939?

"...but expect us believe youy when your knowledge of history is so obviously flawed, PC."

Your post is nothing if not comedy gold...

1. "...expect us believe..."
Could that be 'expect us TO believe' ?
Who would the 'us' be? You have a tapeworm?
You folks should shake off that inordinate fear of being alone.

2. "...expect us believe youy..."
Could that be 'expect us to believe YOU...'

3. Why do I have the feeling that you are sitting there wishing you hadn't said "...your knowledge of history is so obviously flawed..."

Another post and you'll have me arrested for felony laughter!

Come up with that list of names yet?

(Probably best if you quietly slink away, tail between your legs...)
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PC has still lost this OP.

It's not about the USSR's imperialist ways.

It's about how Joe McCarthy was not an American hero, but rather the only conclusion that can be made after her presentation, an American zero.

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