Sen Joe McCarthy: American Patriot and Hero

PC has still lost this OP.

It's not about the USSR's imperialist ways.

It's about how Joe McCarthy was not an American hero, but rather the only conclusion that can be made after her presentation, an American zero.

I love it, Stinky...

You're like the guy getting pummeled, and he's shouting "Well, have you had enough yet???" as he wipes the blood off his chin.

Funny,... juvenile, but funny.
Wow. I think the right has finally lost it. This is an amazing OP. Wow.

Awesome nuttos. You've rendered me speechless.
I don't think Frankie is really this stupid. I think he just ran accross this info, inserted it in the OP and ran with it just to see if it would fly. He does stuff like this just to stir up the crazy fundis knowing that they will carry the ball no matter how stupid the mission. It is mind numbing to witness the depths morons like PC will stoop to, to go along with anything no matter how vile. They defend every idiotic righty whitey idea tooth and nail as if their very existance depends on it. This is the kind of mentality the NAZIS counted on and used to damn near take over the world.

August 23, 1939 Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin became allies when them signed a pact. As a result of Hitler's victories and Stalin's land-grabs, most of Eurasia was under totalitarian control when the attack of June 22, 1941, came.

Not standing up for Stalin or anything, but what land grabs had he made in '39? That all occurred in '45. It's hilarious that you'd want me cite names about common knowledge that McCarthy went after people that were clearly not guilty, but expect us believe youy when your knowledge of history is so obviously flawed, PC. McCarthy was a THUG and you know it.

I carefully perused your response, vainly hoping to finally find the names that you so glibly announced as 'destroyed lives'...

Alas, (sigh) you've just turned out to be another pretender, aspiring to the 'Loudmouthed Blowhard' award of the day.

Although there are several other aspirants, you have assumed the coveted 'inside rail' by tossing in the very lowest and least respected of arguments, the ever-popular-with-the- troglodytes, "...and you know it."

Let's be clear: I never lie, and always indicate exactly what I believe. I assume the same is true of you...and, in that case, this is not a compliment.

Folks like you who are neither brave enough, nor inquisitive enough to confront the powers that be, the pop culture, the liberal cant, must defend mythology, always and forever.
It is your curse, and your destiny.

Do you call everyone that disagrees on anything with you a liberal?
That is your first response here every time.
I can always depend on that consistency in your answers. Every time I see "liberal" in your response it is a give away that you have once again done no research whatsoever.
Just like McCarthy and his "communist" in every speech and "hearing".
Liberal, communist. No substance or fact in any of it. Just name calling like a 5 year old.
But it sells ads on Lush and Sean so it works for you.
PC is like a dude I grew up with that went to school across town. He was a pretty good tailback but would never admit reality.
We beat them my sophomore, junior and senior year. He was a flashy TB with outside and downfield speed but had a hard time running inside the tackles, especially in the 2nd half. After about a 42-7 defeat his senior year we were shaking hands after the game and he stated "I think I am still leading the region in rushing." Not a word on the wood shed ass kicking he had taken.
Of course he wasn't right but he thought he was.
PC is like a dude I grew up with that went to school across town. He was a pretty good tailback but would never admit reality.
We beat them my sophomore, junior and senior year. He was a flashy TB with outside and downfield speed but had a hard time running inside the tackles, especially in the 2nd half. After about a 42-7 defeat his senior year we were shaking hands after the game and he stated "I think I am still leading the region in rushing." Not a word on the wood shed ass kicking he had taken.
Of course he wasn't right but he thought he was.


Talk, talk, talk...about all the women you had to fight your way through, the games you won...yet the level of posts you offer casts the lie to all of it.

The late liberal lawyer William Kunstler said, “It makes no difference anymore whether the attack on Tawana (Brawley) really happened. It doesn’t disguise the fact that a lot of young black women are treated the way she said she was treated.”

This argument can be dispensed with in two words: Name one.

And, using the same strategy, one can destroy another liberal myth: that Senator Joseph McCarthy "ruined thousands of innocent lives.”

The easily-led brigade fails to ascertain truth, and bathes in a warm bath of liberal mythology…

The litmus test is fairly simple…and you being equally so, it should appeal to you:
If Senator Joseph McCarthy had such a deleterious effect, and ‘ruined’ so many lives, it should be effortless for you to name a half dozen or so whose lives were so ‘ruined.’

1. If you cannot do so, it clearly casts the lie to your premise.
2. Ruin does not refer to being insulted. You must show actual damages, i.e. imprisoned and later found innocent of the charges or never working again…

In hundreds of posts (wow, over 500), you vapid villains use insult, cast aspersions, offer vituperation...but nothing where the rubber meets the road.
No facts, no rebuttal, names.

No names of innocent folks whose lives were ruined by the American hero who shone the spotlight on the cockroaches, paid as agents by the murderous Soviet Union:
Not a thousand
Not a hundred
not ten- five- not even one.

You've become my best witness, witless though you are, for the folks who read this thread, probablly starting off agreeing with the left, about McCarthy.

But now they wonder...why is it that there are no 'ruined lives'...?

Thanks so much, Dullard.
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August 23, 1939 Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin became allies when them signed a pact. As a result of Hitler's victories and Stalin's land-grabs, most of Eurasia was under totalitarian control when the attack of June 22, 1941, came.

Not standing up for Stalin or anything, but what land grabs had he made in '39? That all occurred in '45. It's hilarious that you'd want me cite names about common knowledge that McCarthy went after people that were clearly not guilty, but expect us believe youy when your knowledge of history is so obviously flawed, PC. McCarthy was a THUG and you know it.

I carefully perused your response, vainly hoping to finally find the names that you so glibly announced as 'destroyed lives'...

Alas, (sigh) you've just turned out to be another pretender, aspiring to the 'Loudmouthed Blowhard' award of the day.

Although there are several other aspirants, you have assumed the coveted 'inside rail' by tossing in the very lowest and least respected of arguments, the ever-popular-with-the- troglodytes, "...and you know it."

Let's be clear: I never lie, and always indicate exactly what I believe. I assume the same is true of you...and, in that case, this is not a compliment.

Folks like you who are neither brave enough, nor inquisitive enough to confront the powers that be, the pop culture, the liberal cant, must defend mythology, always and forever.
It is your curse, and your destiny.

Do you call everyone that disagrees on anything with you a liberal?
That is your first response here every time.
I can always depend on that consistency in your answers. Every time I see "liberal" in your response it is a give away that you have once again done no research whatsoever.
Just like McCarthy and his "communist" in every speech and "hearing".
Liberal, communist. No substance or fact in any of it. Just name calling like a 5 year old.
But it sells ads on Lush and Sean so it works for you.

Gratitude again, Dullard, for this opportunity, or, as our President calls it, 'a teachable moment.'

Your error is known as 'Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc.'
It means that you have misunderstood my motivation, as you have misunderstood so much in life.

Rather than calling every one who disagrees with me a liberal, I look for liberals to antagonize.

Here, let me show you how it works:

When folks on the left, complain about the pain or discomfort my argument or remarks have caused them, I simply say “put some ice on that,” as Juanita Broaddrick says Hillary’s husband did after raping her.

Thanks for playing.
PC still lives in an alter reality. She has lost the entire OP, every time she changed the goal posts the other side kicked the ball through every time, and she simply has not lived up to the standards of her alma mater, Columbia College, Columbia, Missouri. I have finally figured out who she is in the avatar. Admittedly, she is a better soccer player than political or historical pundit. :lol:

PC, let's face it. If old Joe had you defending him back then, he would have gone to jail for a very long time.
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August 23, 1939 Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin became allies when them signed a pact. As a result of Hitler's victories and Stalin's land-grabs, most of Eurasia was under totalitarian control when the attack of June 22, 1941, came.

Not standing up for Stalin or anything, but what land grabs had he made in '39? That all occurred in '45. It's hilarious that you'd want me cite names about common knowledge that McCarthy went after people that were clearly not guilty, but expect us believe youy when your knowledge of history is so obviously flawed, PC. McCarthy was a THUG and you know it.

No, what's hilarious - and pathetic - is that YOU want to talk about "lives destroyed" and "thug", but you want to do it in general terms, offer no substantiation, and expect us to take your word for it. Sonny, I wouldn't take your word for it if you told me water was wet, so don't give me that "and you know it" bullshit and think it's going to work. If my "knowledge of history is so obviously flawed", set it straight.

One of you ass clowns needs to grow a pair sometime soon, because we're at 34 pages and counting, and I have yet to see the name of ONE of these "people who were clearly not guilty". If it's so goddamned clear, you should have produced one twenty pages ago at least. Let's see some testicular fortitude, for crying out loud.
PC has still lost this OP.

It's not about the USSR's imperialist ways.

It's about how Joe McCarthy was not an American hero, but rather the only conclusion that can be made after her presentation, an American zero.

I love it, Stinky...

You're like the guy getting pummeled, and he's shouting "Well, have you had enough yet???" as he wipes the blood off his chin.

Funny,... juvenile, but funny.

I have this image in my head of the Black Knight from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail".

Honestly, I'm ready to prosecute these guys for assault, for making me laugh so hard I nearly have a hernia.
Wow. I think the right has finally lost it. This is an amazing OP. Wow.

Awesome nuttos. You've rendered me speechless.

Good. Shut the fuck up, then. We have enough pretentious losers who want to talk about what "Everyone knows" without actually proving that "everyone" is correct.
You stupid wench, CC. Shut you pie hole until you can do better than this! Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, parts of Romania, parts of Finland, parts of Poland, all before the end of 1941. You silly, simplistic imitation of a mind. Don't you do any reading at all? God blessed you with a brain, and you are filling it with noxious noise. Judas Priest, CC, you have no excuse for this.

You are a pretentious twit is a simple poseur.
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You stupid wench, CC. Shut you pie hole until you can do better than this! Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, parts of Romania, parts of Finland, parts of Poland, all before the end of 1941. You silly, simplistic imitation of a mind. Don't you do any reading at all? God blessed you with a brain, and you are filling it with noxious noise. Judas Priest, CC, you have no excuse for this.

You are a pretentious twit is a simple poseur.

Who the hell are you talking to? Who's CC?
What I have often called you, Cecilie1200, as you well know. No thinking person who knows any history at all can possibly post what you did about no USSR gains before 1945.

But since you are pretending, let me post it again, so you have no doubt: "You stupid wench, CC. Shut you pie hole until you can do better than this! Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, parts of Romania, parts of Finland, parts of Poland, all before the end of 1941. You silly, simplistic imitation of a mind. Don't you do any reading at all? God blessed you with a brain, and you are filling it with noxious noise. Judas Priest, CC, you have no excuse for this.

You are a pretentious twit who is a simple poseur."
What I have often called you, Cecilie1200, as you well know. No thinking person who knows any history at all can possibly post what you did about no USSR gains before 1945.

But since you are pretending, let me post it again, so you have no doubt: "You stupid wench, CC. Shut you pie hole until you can do better than this! Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, parts of Romania, parts of Finland, parts of Poland, all before the end of 1941. You silly, simplistic imitation of a mind. Don't you do any reading at all? God blessed you with a brain, and you are filling it with noxious noise. Judas Priest, CC, you have no excuse for this.

You are a pretentious twit who is a simple poseur."

Okay, first of all, dumbfuck, you've been on my ignore list forever, so I have no fucking clue what you normally call me. The only reason I'm occasionally looking at your posts in THIS thread is because I've been monumentally bored this week.

Second of all, shitforbrains, if you're going to talk about how dumb I am, you might want to at least reference it to something I said. As of yet, I haven't said a goddamned word about any of those countries you listed, or anything that would pertain to them. That was PoliticalChic and konradv. So SOMEONE needs to shut their pie hole until they can do better than this, but it ain't me.

Way to completely step on your johnson, asshat. Next time, why don't you just catch it in your zipper?
CC, you have nothing to offer. You made a silly, stupid ass remark that affected everyone of those countries. The depth of stupidity of your remark is amazing, and that is best you can do in return, assclown? You need to admit you got it wrong and back up.

You stupid, stupid twit.
CC, you have nothing to offer. You made a silly, stupid ass remark that affected everyone of those countries. The depth of stupidity of your remark is amazing, and that is best you can do in return, assclown? You need to admit you got it wrong and back up.

You stupid, stupid twit.

Okay, skidmark. You haven't, in 34 pages, been able to show us one innocent person "ruined" by Joe McCarthy. Perhaps it would be an easier task for you to show me this remark I made about those countries. See if you can manage it in under 20 pages, okay? I'm not getting any younger here.
No, don't deflect, twit. You got it wrong above about the countries, so you lost that one.

As for the injured, through all of the pages it has been proved over and over and over.

Why do you hate America so badly that you would deliberately twist and lie?
No, don't deflect, twit. You got it wrong above about the countries, so you lost that one.

As for the injured, through all of the pages it has been proved over and over and over.

Why do you hate America so badly that you would deliberately twist and lie?

Asking you to show me the remark is not "deflecting", cumstain. And just as with the "injured", it would be an easy thing to simply do, IF it wasn't a total lie spouted by a moron. And just as with the "injured", you can't do it, which demonstrates that it's a lie and you're a moron.

One more time. Can you or can't you show me the remark I allegedly made in regards to those countries, or can you - as with any request for evidence - merely say, "It happened! Everyone knows it happened! I'm proved right by my ability to say that I'm right!"?
Soviet occupation of Latvia in 1940 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(and) "After having withdrawn from Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina following the June 1940 Soviet Ultimatum, Romania allied with Nazi Germany and declared war on the Soviet Union. Romanian troops, placed under the German High Command, entered World War II in 1941, as part of Operation Barbarossa. After reoccupying the territory annexed by the Soviet Union in 1940, Romania also occupied Southern Ukraine all the way to the Southern Bug. However Romania's eastern campaign ended in disaster, notably at Stalingrad."

Soviet occupation of Romania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Personally and generally, the victims of McCarthy and his efforts have been pointed out in these pages over and over and over.

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