Sen Joe McCarthy: American Patriot and Hero

You don't think the OSS did just that, Cecilie, during WWII with guys we were working with in Germany? And, yeah, we gave quite a number of jobs to former Nazis after the war, particularly in the rocket science and metallurgy fields. We used former Nazis to run CIA networks in Europe and Africa.

You need to stop singing "I wanna be Joh-eee's girl" and pay attention to the real world.
You people are fuckin hopeless!

The thing on NAZIS was a joke!

It was just an example of how stupid it is to get all worked up and go off the deep end accusing people of things they had nothing to do with and have had no control over.

But to answer your question... I am sure that Lindberg was a NAZI and he had high clearance.
Lindberg certainly was a Nazi running dog with an American security clearance. However, "Nonetheless, he supported the war effort after Pearl Harbor and flew many combat missions in the Pacific Theater of World War II as a civilian consultant, even though President Franklin D. Roosevelt had refused to reinstate his Army Air Corps colonel's commission that he had resigned earlier in 1939." wikipedia
"As fun as it is to imagine the former chief of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in drag, most historians believe this is just an urban legend."
Was J. Edgar Hoover really a transvestite?

He was gay but not a tranvestite.
That is just an urban legend.
Just like Obama is Muslim and Tail Gunner Joe McCarthy was a hero.

And, of course, there is no evidence of that, homosexuality, as well.

Liberals simply use the charge to bash those who they don't agree with.
From columnist Ann Coulter:

"Liberals claim to love gays, but their default comeback to a conservative they disagree with is to call him gay…

We need to get a rule book from the Democrats [on gays]:
a. Boy Scouts: As gay as you want to be
b. Priests: No gays!
c. Democratic politicians: Proud gay Americans.
d. Republican politicians: Presumed guilty.
e. White House press corps: No gays, unless they hate Bush.
f. Active-duty U.S. military: As gay as possible.
g. Men who date Liza Minnelli: Do I have to draw you a picture, Miss Thing?"

I think letter d covers your charge.

I could care less if he was gay but he was gay.
And I support gay rights and gay marriage.
Gays do not bother me.
He was gay but not a tranvestite.
That is just an urban legend.
Just like Obama is Muslim and Tail Gunner Joe McCarthy was a hero.

And, of course, there is no evidence of that, homosexuality, as well.

Liberals simply use the charge to bash those who they don't agree with.
From columnist Ann Coulter:

"Liberals claim to love gays, but their default comeback to a conservative they disagree with is to call him gay…

We need to get a rule book from the Democrats [on gays]:
a. Boy Scouts: As gay as you want to be
b. Priests: No gays!
c. Democratic politicians: Proud gay Americans.
d. Republican politicians: Presumed guilty.
e. White House press corps: No gays, unless they hate Bush.
f. Active-duty U.S. military: As gay as possible.
g. Men who date Liza Minnelli: Do I have to draw you a picture, Miss Thing?"

I think letter d covers your charge.

I could care less if he was gay but he was gay.
And I support gay rights and gay marriage.
Gays do not bother me.

So it really is your fault gays bother other people!!!!!
So how are you Progressives making out on the list of lives McCarthy ruined?

Joe McCarthy gets another feather in his wings every time a Progressives lies or insults instead of answering.

Also, has anyone on the Left bothered to Google Solomon Adler even one time? Would it help if I told you this McCarthy identified Soviet asset's code name was "Sax" or "Sachs" in the Venona Cables?

That help any?

So if Frank was a Senator leading an investigative committee naming terrorists and making a list he would not try to do everything he could to "ruin" them.
That is your argument Frank. You have made that claimoverand over and over and over and over again. Why? Because chic said it and you are a parroter.
Frank would be running a kindler and gentler investigation just like McCarthy did.
Frank, chic and ceile would have you believe Tail Gunner Joe was running a polite witch hunt and went out of their way not to upset the lives in any way of those they were persecuting.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Frank, your argument makes no sense and you know it. If you do not know that the witch hunt McCarthy was on at the time had EVERY INTENT to hurt and ruin as badasthey could EVERY person they could then you are either too naive to know any better or just plain stupid.
Give it up. Your argument has lost and I believe you now know it.

Kinder, gentler? I would have demanded the death penalty for Alger Hiss and Dexter White

Again, you have no facts, you're parroting stuff back that the Progressive school marms drilling into your little head years ago and no amount of new information validating McCarthy's central thesis, i.e. State was overrun with Communist spies, will change it.

You're just not an intelligent person

I went to military school in the 60s Frank.
I was carrying an automatic rifle before you were even born.
I am teaching you what happened.
Frank is a fool who sees life out of a prism of bias, gadawag. He has not paid the price, as have many of us here on the board, to understand just how incredibly complicated all this crap can be at times. Give him time, and maybe he will learn.
So how are you Progressives making out on the list of lives McCarthy ruined?

Joe McCarthy gets another feather in his wings every time a Progressives lies or insults instead of answering.

Also, has anyone on the Left bothered to Google Solomon Adler even one time? Would it help if I told you this McCarthy identified Soviet asset's code name was "Sax" or "Sachs" in the Venona Cables?

That help any?

So if Frank was a Senator leading an investigative committee naming terrorists and making a list he would not try to do everything he could to "ruin" them.
That is your argument Frank. You have made that claimoverand over and over and over and over again. Why? Because chic said it and you are a parroter.
Frank would be running a kindler and gentler investigation just like McCarthy did.
Frank, chic and ceile would have you believe Tail Gunner Joe was running a polite witch hunt and went out of their way not to upset the lives in any way of those they were persecuting.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Frank, your argument makes no sense and you know it. If you do not know that the witch hunt McCarthy was on at the time had EVERY INTENT to hurt and ruin as badasthey could EVERY person they could then you are either too naive to know any better or just plain stupid.
Give it up. Your argument has lost and I believe you now know it.

Kinder, gentler? I would have demanded the death penalty for Alger Hiss and Dexter White

Again, you have no facts, you're parroting stuff back that the Progressive school marms drilling into your little head years ago and no amount of new information validating McCarthy's central thesis, i.e. State was overrun with Communist spies, will change it.

You're just not an intelligent person

So obviously you must agree with me that Cheney, Rove and Bush should have been convicted of treason and executed for outting Valerie Plame and the CIA brass plate front Brewster Jennings.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
You can make up rules to govern our arguments just as soon as you produce an argument of your own other than "You're so stupid!"

Still waiting on you or any of your comrades to produce the name of ANY innocent person investigated by Senator McCarthy. Been waiting for nearly thirty pages now, and the more you say, "There were innocent people ruined!" without naming any, the more obvious it becomes that you're a lying sack of steaming dog feces, complete with swarming flies.

How about you show us how they broke the law? Do you feel having a political opinion, and belonging to a political party is breaking the law? How about Annie Moss? The FBI released her file, the only thing she did was go to a few meeting and buy a magazine. She was never proven to be a spy, she didn't break any laws. Do you think the government should be able to fire you because of the political beliefs you hold?

If they were never proven to be a spy they were innocent, it is not a crime to be a communist.

Were you aware, Luissa, that spying on the US is illegal in the US? Every single one of the people investigated by Senator McCarthy and his committee were, in fact, Soviet operatives. This has been long since proven. Moreover, Senator McCarthy was not conducting criminal investigations. He was investigating people who should never have been given government security clearances, which was his JOB. I'd say people who were spies for the Russians qualify as security risks during the Cold War, don't you?

In addition, I don't know who told you that Annie Moss was cleared by the FBI, but they're lying to you. First of all, the question of Annie Lee Moss initially came up in relation to establishing the veracity and truthfulness of a witness, Mary Markward, who was an undercover FBI agent investigating the Community Party for seven years. The Communist Party tried to say that Markward was lying and misidentifying Moss, who had a security clearance for the Army and the GAO that her Communist Party membership should have disqualified her for at that time.

Second of all, it was the job of McCarthy's committee to investigate government security clearances that should never have been given, and that's what he was doing. And no matter how much you'd like to pretend that being a member of the Communist Party in the middle of the Cold War is no big deal, it was the equivalent of giving the same security clearance to an al Qaeda sympathizer now.

You are a damn fool. Most investigated were never prosecuted and many that were the convictions were overturned because the witnesses admitted they were forced to lie.
In 1950 McCarthy produced his "list" and stated there were 205 names on it.
How come he NEVER showed anyone the list?
McCarthy started investigations into The United States Army. He stated there was a spy ring amongst the Signal Corps. Not a damn thing you moron came from any of those allegations of Army personnel. Not one indictment or prosecution. Nothing, nada, just false allegations AND WITCH HUNTS ABOUT NOTHING.Then he tried to frame an Army dentist that REFUSED to answer questions on an Army loyalty questionaire. McCArthy claimed he was a communist and then had hearings with the Army where Army brass came in and blasted Tail Gunner Joe into next week and called him a God Damn liar and fraud. That lasted THIRTY SIX FRIGGIN DAYS.
And nothing came of it. His onw party censured him in the Senate as a result of this Army
witch hunt which was a fraudjustlike the rest of his work.
You are a disgrace to America. A fraud and ignorant because you refuse to research and investigate the facts.
That would be the kind of a question a NAZI would ask. Are you or have you ever been a NAZI??? Have you ever agreed on any position taken by the NAZI party? Is any member of your family a NAZI? Where any of you ancestors NAZIS? Did any of your ancestors know any NAZIS? If you answer in the negative to these questions what proof do have have in support of yourself under the threat of quite possibly committing perjury?
Whew! I was scared there for a moment, until I remembered that - just like being a Communist - being a Nazi is not illegal!

No one ever claimed either of them was. Question is, would you think it a good idea to have given security clearances and government jobs to Nazis during WWII?

No, dope - Nazi's were our enemy in WWII. What was the USSR, again? Oh yeah - our allies!
And, of course, there is no evidence of that, homosexuality, as well.

Liberals simply use the charge to bash those who they don't agree with.
From columnist Ann Coulter:

"Liberals claim to love gays, but their default comeback to a conservative they disagree with is to call him gay…

We need to get a rule book from the Democrats [on gays]:
a. Boy Scouts: As gay as you want to be
b. Priests: No gays!
c. Democratic politicians: Proud gay Americans.
d. Republican politicians: Presumed guilty.
e. White House press corps: No gays, unless they hate Bush.
f. Active-duty U.S. military: As gay as possible.
g. Men who date Liza Minnelli: Do I have to draw you a picture, Miss Thing?"

I think letter d covers your charge.

I could care less if he was gay but he was gay.
And I support gay rights and gay marriage.
Gays do not bother me.

So it really is your fault gays bother other people!!!!!
It's the Liberal mindset!
Whew! I was scared there for a moment, until I remembered that - just like being a Communist - being a Nazi is not illegal!

No one ever claimed either of them was. Question is, would you think it a good idea to have given security clearances and government jobs to Nazis during WWII?

No, dope - Nazi's were our enemy in WWII. What was the USSR, again? Oh yeah - our allies!

And now it's YOUR turn to be told to keep the fuck up, dumbass.

Was McCarthy investigating security breaches during WWII? Why, no, he wasn't. He was investigating them during the Cold War. What was the USSR during the Cold War? :slap:

Since you clearly need pictures drawn in crayon to be able to follow the fucking conversation, let's see if I can produce something equivalent to that for you:

Allowing Communists and Soviet sympathizers to hold government jobs with security clearances DURING THE COLD WAR is like allowing Nazis to hold government jobs with security clearances DURING WORLD WAR 2. It is not illegal to be either, and it wasn't illegal to be either at those times in history. But it was foolish and dangerous AT THEIR RESPECTIVE TIMES to allow them to infiltrate our government.

Is that simple enough for you, or should I try to find a Dr. Seuss explanation?
How about you show us how they broke the law? Do you feel having a political opinion, and belonging to a political party is breaking the law? How about Annie Moss? The FBI released her file, the only thing she did was go to a few meeting and buy a magazine. She was never proven to be a spy, she didn't break any laws. Do you think the government should be able to fire you because of the political beliefs you hold?

If they were never proven to be a spy they were innocent, it is not a crime to be a communist.

Were you aware, Luissa, that spying on the US is illegal in the US? Every single one of the people investigated by Senator McCarthy and his committee were, in fact, Soviet operatives. This has been long since proven. Moreover, Senator McCarthy was not conducting criminal investigations. He was investigating people who should never have been given government security clearances, which was his JOB. I'd say people who were spies for the Russians qualify as security risks during the Cold War, don't you?

In addition, I don't know who told you that Annie Moss was cleared by the FBI, but they're lying to you. First of all, the question of Annie Lee Moss initially came up in relation to establishing the veracity and truthfulness of a witness, Mary Markward, who was an undercover FBI agent investigating the Community Party for seven years. The Communist Party tried to say that Markward was lying and misidentifying Moss, who had a security clearance for the Army and the GAO that her Communist Party membership should have disqualified her for at that time.

Second of all, it was the job of McCarthy's committee to investigate government security clearances that should never have been given, and that's what he was doing. And no matter how much you'd like to pretend that being a member of the Communist Party in the middle of the Cold War is no big deal, it was the equivalent of giving the same security clearance to an al Qaeda sympathizer now.

You are a damn fool. Most investigated were never prosecuted and many that were the convictions were overturned because the witnesses admitted they were forced to lie.
In 1950 McCarthy produced his "list" and stated there were 205 names on it.
How come he NEVER showed anyone the list?
McCarthy started investigations into The United States Army. He stated there was a spy ring amongst the Signal Corps. Not a damn thing you moron came from any of those allegations of Army personnel. Not one indictment or prosecution. Nothing, nada, just false allegations AND WITCH HUNTS ABOUT NOTHING.Then he tried to frame an Army dentist that REFUSED to answer questions on an Army loyalty questionaire. McCArthy claimed he was a communist and then had hearings with the Army where Army brass came in and blasted Tail Gunner Joe into next week and called him a God Damn liar and fraud. That lasted THIRTY SIX FRIGGIN DAYS.
And nothing came of it. His onw party censured him in the Senate as a result of this Army
witch hunt which was a fraudjustlike the rest of his work.
You are a disgrace to America. A fraud and ignorant because you refuse to research and investigate the facts.

Still waiting on JUST ONE NAME of an innocent person investigated by McCarthy. Whenever you want to stop lecturing me on your talking points and produce that name, feel free. Until then, you're just spouting bullshit and lies, and proving that they're lies with every word.
You have moved the goal posts again, CC, because you keep getting your ass spanked.

Girl, you lost this long time ago.

The U.S. employed plenty of Germans as agents in WWII, and we sure provided plenty of them with jobs and security clearances after the war and gave them citizenship to point.
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So if Frank was a Senator leading an investigative committee naming terrorists and making a list he would not try to do everything he could to "ruin" them.
That is your argument Frank. You have made that claimoverand over and over and over and over again. Why? Because chic said it and you are a parroter.
Frank would be running a kindler and gentler investigation just like McCarthy did.
Frank, chic and ceile would have you believe Tail Gunner Joe was running a polite witch hunt and went out of their way not to upset the lives in any way of those they were persecuting.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Frank, your argument makes no sense and you know it. If you do not know that the witch hunt McCarthy was on at the time had EVERY INTENT to hurt and ruin as badasthey could EVERY person they could then you are either too naive to know any better or just plain stupid.
Give it up. Your argument has lost and I believe you now know it.

Kinder, gentler? I would have demanded the death penalty for Alger Hiss and Dexter White

Again, you have no facts, you're parroting stuff back that the Progressive school marms drilling into your little head years ago and no amount of new information validating McCarthy's central thesis, i.e. State was overrun with Communist spies, will change it.

You're just not an intelligent person

So obviously you must agree with me that Cheney, Rove and Bush should have been convicted of treason and executed for outting Valerie Plame and the CIA brass plate front Brewster Jennings.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Richard Armitage "outed" Val "Shhh -- I'm a Spy!" Plame. You keep forgetting Progressives no longer control the facts or the message.
How about you show us how they broke the law? Do you feel having a political opinion, and belonging to a political party is breaking the law? How about Annie Moss? The FBI released her file, the only thing she did was go to a few meeting and buy a magazine. She was never proven to be a spy, she didn't break any laws. Do you think the government should be able to fire you because of the political beliefs you hold?

If they were never proven to be a spy they were innocent, it is not a crime to be a communist.

Were you aware, Luissa, that spying on the US is illegal in the US? Every single one of the people investigated by Senator McCarthy and his committee were, in fact, Soviet operatives. This has been long since proven. Moreover, Senator McCarthy was not conducting criminal investigations. He was investigating people who should never have been given government security clearances, which was his JOB. I'd say people who were spies for the Russians qualify as security risks during the Cold War, don't you?

In addition, I don't know who told you that Annie Moss was cleared by the FBI, but they're lying to you. First of all, the question of Annie Lee Moss initially came up in relation to establishing the veracity and truthfulness of a witness, Mary Markward, who was an undercover FBI agent investigating the Community Party for seven years. The Communist Party tried to say that Markward was lying and misidentifying Moss, who had a security clearance for the Army and the GAO that her Communist Party membership should have disqualified her for at that time.

Second of all, it was the job of McCarthy's committee to investigate government security clearances that should never have been given, and that's what he was doing. And no matter how much you'd like to pretend that being a member of the Communist Party in the middle of the Cold War is no big deal, it was the equivalent of giving the same security clearance to an al Qaeda sympathizer now.

You are a damn fool. Most investigated were never prosecuted and many that were the convictions were overturned because the witnesses admitted they were forced to lie.
In 1950 McCarthy produced his "list" and stated there were 205 names on it.
How come he NEVER showed anyone the list?
McCarthy started investigations into The United States Army. He stated there was a spy ring amongst the Signal Corps. Not a damn thing you moron came from any of those allegations of Army personnel. Not one indictment or prosecution. Nothing, nada, just false allegations AND WITCH HUNTS ABOUT NOTHING.Then he tried to frame an Army dentist that REFUSED to answer questions on an Army loyalty questionaire. McCArthy claimed he was a communist and then had hearings with the Army where Army brass came in and blasted Tail Gunner Joe into next week and called him a God Damn liar and fraud. That lasted THIRTY SIX FRIGGIN DAYS.
And nothing came of it. His onw party censured him in the Senate as a result of this Army
witch hunt which was a fraudjustlike the rest of his work.
You are a disgrace to America. A fraud and ignorant because you refuse to research and investigate the facts.

The List? You mean the list of names from the Klaus Memo that disappeared from the National Archives in March 1993?

Is that what you're talking about?

Have you googled Solomon Adler like I've asked you to no less than 6 times?
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Frank is a fool who sees life out of a prism of bias, gadawag. He has not paid the price, as have many of us here on the board, to understand just how incredibly complicated all this crap can be at times. Give him time, and maybe he will learn.

I agree as Frank is intelligent, does ask questions and sorts through each opinion. I see evidence that he does think for himself most of the time.
But not this time.
Frank is a fool who sees life out of a prism of bias, gadawag. He has not paid the price, as have many of us here on the board, to understand just how incredibly complicated all this crap can be at times. Give him time, and maybe he will learn.

Yes, Jake, that's my problem, I just don't understand things the same way you do, it's so darn complicated. You have to actually read stuff! Can you imagine that?
Frank is a fool who sees life out of a prism of bias, gadawag. He has not paid the price, as have many of us here on the board, to understand just how incredibly complicated all this crap can be at times. Give him time, and maybe he will learn.

I agree as Frank is intelligent, does ask questions and sorts through each opinion. I see evidence that he does think for himself most of the time.
But not this time.

Have you figured out yet that I began this thread by stating that the list you asked about was stolen from the National Archives in March 1993 by some person unknown?


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