Sen Joe McCarthy: American Patriot and Hero

Soviet occupation of Latvia in 1940 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(and) "After having withdrawn from Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina following the June 1940 Soviet Ultimatum, Romania allied with Nazi Germany and declared war on the Soviet Union. Romanian troops, placed under the German High Command, entered World War II in 1941, as part of Operation Barbarossa. After reoccupying the territory annexed by the Soviet Union in 1940, Romania also occupied Southern Ukraine all the way to the Southern Bug. However Romania's eastern campaign ended in disaster, notably at Stalingrad."

Soviet occupation of Romania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Personally and generally, the victims of McCarthy and his efforts have been pointed out in these pages over and over and over.

Is English not your first language, or is it just that you need a diagram and instructions from Houston Control to wipe your own ass in the bathroom?

I didn't ask you to give me links to prove the alleged remark was wrong, fool. I asked you to show me THE REMARK I ALLEGEDLY MADE. Just cut and fucking paste from the message board, asshole. It's not goddamned hard, and shouldn't require an entire page of fucking posts asking you to do it.

And no, dunce. The victims of McCarthy have never once - NOT ONCE - been "pointed out in these pages", let alone "over and over and over". They've been ASKED FOR over and over and over, and all we've gotten in return is "everyone knows it happened", and "you conservatives are so stupid". The handful of times an actual NAME has been thrown up, it's been someone who had NOT ONE FUCKING THING to do with McCarthy, because they were in Hollywood and investigated by the HOUSE Unamerican Activities Committee, rather than the SENATE committee of which McCarthy was the head.

This particular fail is so epic, there should be bards writing fucking sagas about it.
OK, you are a twit who won'tt think for herself. You have fail here and p'wned herself. What irks me is that you have a brain that functions and you refuse to use it. When you start letting ideology do your thinking, you will always get lost.
OK, you are a twit who won'tt think for herself. You have fail here and p'wned herself. What irks me is that you have a brain that functions and you refuse to use it. When you start letting ideology do your thinking, you will always get lost.

In other words, you went back and checked, realized that I didn't make the remark and that you were making an utter fool of yourself in public, and you're too big of a chickenshit puswad to simply admit it, apologize, and move on.

Let me just add this one last nail in your coffin:

Quote: Originally Posted by konradv

August 23, 1939 Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin became allies when them signed a pact. As a result of Hitler's victories and Stalin's land-grabs, most of Eurasia was under totalitarian control when the attack of June 22, 1941, came.

Not standing up for Stalin or anything, but what land grabs had he made in '39? That all occurred in '45. It's hilarious that you'd want me cite names about common knowledge that McCarthy went after people that were clearly not guilty, but expect us believe youy when your knowledge of history is so obviously flawed, PC. McCarthy was a THUG and you know it.

Oh, wow! I almost missed this!

"...but what land grabs had he made in '39?"
Did you ever hear of Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania 'land grab,' 1940?

Did you ever hear of the Finland 'land grab,' 1939?

Did you ever hear of the Poland 'land grab,' 1939?

"...but expect us believe youy when your knowledge of history is so obviously flawed, PC."

Your post is nothing if not comedy gold...

1. "...expect us believe..."
Could that be 'expect us TO believe' ?
Who would the 'us' be? You have a tapeworm?
You folks should shake off that inordinate fear of being alone.

2. "...expect us believe youy..."
Could that be 'expect us to believe YOU...'

3. Why do I have the feeling that you are sitting there wishing you hadn't said "...your knowledge of history is so obviously flawed..."

Another post and you'll have me arrested for felony laughter!

Come up with that list of names yet?

(Probably best if you quietly slink away, tail between your legs...)
People are most conservative on issues that they know most about. --Ann Coulter

Last edited by PoliticalChic; Yesterday at 03:15 PM.

As I said, fuckstain: wasn't my conversation.

Don't ever wonder why you're on my ignore list, flatliner.
Still waiting for proof that every single person Mccarthy named was a soviet operative.
Last edited:
Still waiting for proof that every single person Mccarthy named was a soviet operative.

Still waiting for proof that any of them were "innocents destroyed by McCarthy", which - unlike yours - is a position that's actually been stated in this thread.

Right here.

Were you aware, Luissa, that spying on the US is illegal in the US? Every single one of the people investigated by Senator McCarthy and his committee were, in fact, Soviet operatives. This has been long since proven.

Yeah I realize now it was investigated, not named but I'm still waiting for proof.
Last edited:
Still waiting for proof that every single person Mccarthy named was a soviet operative.

Still waiting for proof that any of them were "innocents destroyed by McCarthy", which - unlike yours - is a position that's actually been stated in this thread.

In America the burden is always on those that make the accusation, not the other way around.
Guilty until proven innocent was the McCarthy way and is not the American way.
Something about the LAW and The United Constitution, a document you have no respectfor and very little,if any, knowledge about.
Govern yourself accordingly or get the hell out of this country. Lady Liberty and the rest of us patriots and defenders of freedom do not want you.
Delta is ready when you are.
Cecilie1200 is simply moronic. The goal posts set in the OP have easily been refuted, over and over and over.
PC is like a dude I grew up with that went to school across town. He was a pretty good tailback but would never admit reality.
We beat them my sophomore, junior and senior year. He was a flashy TB with outside and downfield speed but had a hard time running inside the tackles, especially in the 2nd half. After about a 42-7 defeat his senior year we were shaking hands after the game and he stated "I think I am still leading the region in rushing." Not a word on the wood shed ass kicking he had taken.
Of course he wasn't right but he thought he was.


Talk, talk, talk...about all the women you had to fight your way through, the games you won...yet the level of posts you offer casts the lie to all of it.

The late liberal lawyer William Kunstler said, “It makes no difference anymore whether the attack on Tawana (Brawley) really happened. It doesn’t disguise the fact that a lot of young black women are treated the way she said she was treated.”

This argument can be dispensed with in two words: Name one.

And, using the same strategy, one can destroy another liberal myth: that Senator Joseph McCarthy "ruined thousands of innocent lives.”

The easily-led brigade fails to ascertain truth, and bathes in a warm bath of liberal mythology…

The litmus test is fairly simple…and you being equally so, it should appeal to you:
If Senator Joseph McCarthy had such a deleterious effect, and ‘ruined’ so many lives, it should be effortless for you to name a half dozen or so whose lives were so ‘ruined.’

1. If you cannot do so, it clearly casts the lie to your premise.
2. Ruin does not refer to being insulted. You must show actual damages, i.e. imprisoned and later found innocent of the charges or never working again…

In hundreds of posts (wow, over 500), you vapid villains use insult, cast aspersions, offer vituperation...but nothing where the rubber meets the road.
No facts, no rebuttal, names.

No names of innocent folks whose lives were ruined by the American hero who shone the spotlight on the cockroaches, paid as agents by the murderous Soviet Union:
Not a thousand
Not a hundred
not ten- five- not even one.

You've become my best witness, witless though you are, for the folks who read this thread, probablly starting off agreeing with the left, about McCarthy.

But now they wonder...why is it that there are no 'ruined lives'...?

Thanks so much, Dullard.

"vituperation"? damn girl, I am going to have to look that one up. You need to slow down with them big words for us country boys down here in Jawjah. They put my big dumb country red neck ass on the D line. I had a hard time remembering the plays on O much less big words like vituperation.
Was that you outside the locker room PC? Looks like someone I remember.
How fitting you quote Kuntsler.
Still waiting for proof that every single person Mccarthy named was a soviet operative.

Still waiting for proof that any of them were "innocents destroyed by McCarthy", which - unlike yours - is a position that's actually been stated in this thread.

In America the burden is always on those that make the accusation, not the other way around.
Guilty until proven innocent was the McCarthy way and is not the American way.
Something about the LAW and The United Constitution, a document you have no respectfor and very little,if any, knowledge about.
Govern yourself accordingly or get the hell out of this country. Lady Liberty and the rest of us patriots and defenders of freedom do not want you.
Delta is ready when you are.

You're beyond ignorant.

You either didn't trouble yourself to read ANYTHING that I've posted or you're so brainwashed you read it and just totally failed to understand it.

Joe McCarthy was a US Senator, not a judge, not a jury.

It came to his attention from State Department sources that there was a serious infiltration by Communist spies at US State. He started asking what anybody planned on doing about it and because he was correct and vastly understated the problem (FDR had he served out a 4th term actually intended to have Communist spies Hiss as SecState and Dexter as SecTres) he has been vilified by Progressives.

The truth came out, McCarthy was a true Patriot and hero and those who continue to rail against his are Marxist tools still against him

You remain ignorant and you have your buddy Jake the Fake to high five you in your ignorance.
PC is like a dude I grew up with that went to school across town. He was a pretty good tailback but would never admit reality.
We beat them my sophomore, junior and senior year. He was a flashy TB with outside and downfield speed but had a hard time running inside the tackles, especially in the 2nd half. After about a 42-7 defeat his senior year we were shaking hands after the game and he stated "I think I am still leading the region in rushing." Not a word on the wood shed ass kicking he had taken.
Of course he wasn't right but he thought he was.


Talk, talk, talk...about all the women you had to fight your way through, the games you won...yet the level of posts you offer casts the lie to all of it.

The late liberal lawyer William Kunstler said, “It makes no difference anymore whether the attack on Tawana (Brawley) really happened. It doesn’t disguise the fact that a lot of young black women are treated the way she said she was treated.”

This argument can be dispensed with in two words: Name one.

And, using the same strategy, one can destroy another liberal myth: that Senator Joseph McCarthy "ruined thousands of innocent lives.”

The easily-led brigade fails to ascertain truth, and bathes in a warm bath of liberal mythology…

The litmus test is fairly simple…and you being equally so, it should appeal to you:
If Senator Joseph McCarthy had such a deleterious effect, and ‘ruined’ so many lives, it should be effortless for you to name a half dozen or so whose lives were so ‘ruined.’

1. If you cannot do so, it clearly casts the lie to your premise.
2. Ruin does not refer to being insulted. You must show actual damages, i.e. imprisoned and later found innocent of the charges or never working again…

In hundreds of posts (wow, over 500), you vapid villains use insult, cast aspersions, offer vituperation...but nothing where the rubber meets the road.
No facts, no rebuttal, names.

No names of innocent folks whose lives were ruined by the American hero who shone the spotlight on the cockroaches, paid as agents by the murderous Soviet Union:
Not a thousand
Not a hundred
not ten- five- not even one.

You've become my best witness, witless though you are, for the folks who read this thread, probablly starting off agreeing with the left, about McCarthy.

But now they wonder...why is it that there are no 'ruined lives'...?

Thanks so much, Dullard.

"vituperation"? damn girl, I am going to have to look that one up. You need to slow down with them big words for us country boys down here in Jawjah. They put my big dumb country red neck ass on the D line. I had a hard time remembering the plays on O much less big words like vituperation.
Was that you outside the locker room PC? Looks like someone I remember.
How fitting you quote Kuntsler.

Yet you still haven't come up with a single name. So put up or shut the fuck up
Still waiting for proof that any of them were "innocents destroyed by McCarthy", which - unlike yours - is a position that's actually been stated in this thread.

In America the burden is always on those that make the accusation, not the other way around.
Guilty until proven innocent was the McCarthy way and is not the American way.
Something about the LAW and The United Constitution, a document you have no respectfor and very little,if any, knowledge about.
Govern yourself accordingly or get the hell out of this country. Lady Liberty and the rest of us patriots and defenders of freedom do not want you.
Delta is ready when you are.

You're beyond ignorant.

You either didn't trouble yourself to read ANYTHING that I've posted or you're so brainwashed you read it and just totally failed to understand it.

Joe McCarthy was a US Senator, not a judge, not a jury.

It came to his attention from State Department sources that there was a serious infiltration by Communist spies at US State. He started asking what anybody planned on doing about it and because he was correct and vastly understated the problem (FDR had he served out a 4th term actually intended to have Communist spies Hiss as SecState and Dexter as SecTres) he has been vilified by Progressives.

The truth came out, McCarthy was a true Patriot and hero and those who continue to rail against his are Marxist tools still against him

You remain ignorant and you have your buddy Jake the Fake to high five you in your ignorance.

So the State Dept. has an investigation into spying and they wanted it on national TV?
That is true and what happened Frank but I believe you know damn well that IS NOT how you conduct an espionage investigation.
What about the HUNDREDS of others that never worked in the State Dept. Frank?
You conveintly leave those others, 95% of all named, out.
Do you believe the US Army was infiltrated with communists at the time Frank?
McCarthy claimed they were.
But you ignore that and 95% of the evidence that he manufactured and doctored claims of communists.
You believe that just because he was right 5% of the time it was okay to accuse innocent folks the other 95% of the time.
And as a defender of liberty I oppose that.
Sticks and stones. I have been shot at, beat up and left for dead. Bring it.

Talk, talk, talk...about all the women you had to fight your way through, the games you won...yet the level of posts you offer casts the lie to all of it.

The late liberal lawyer William Kunstler said, “It makes no difference anymore whether the attack on Tawana (Brawley) really happened. It doesn’t disguise the fact that a lot of young black women are treated the way she said she was treated.”

This argument can be dispensed with in two words: Name one.

And, using the same strategy, one can destroy another liberal myth: that Senator Joseph McCarthy "ruined thousands of innocent lives.”

The easily-led brigade fails to ascertain truth, and bathes in a warm bath of liberal mythology…

The litmus test is fairly simple…and you being equally so, it should appeal to you:
If Senator Joseph McCarthy had such a deleterious effect, and ‘ruined’ so many lives, it should be effortless for you to name a half dozen or so whose lives were so ‘ruined.’

1. If you cannot do so, it clearly casts the lie to your premise.
2. Ruin does not refer to being insulted. You must show actual damages, i.e. imprisoned and later found innocent of the charges or never working again…

In hundreds of posts (wow, over 500), you vapid villains use insult, cast aspersions, offer vituperation...but nothing where the rubber meets the road.
No facts, no rebuttal, names.

No names of innocent folks whose lives were ruined by the American hero who shone the spotlight on the cockroaches, paid as agents by the murderous Soviet Union:
Not a thousand
Not a hundred
not ten- five- not even one.

You've become my best witness, witless though you are, for the folks who read this thread, probablly starting off agreeing with the left, about McCarthy.

But now they wonder...why is it that there are no 'ruined lives'...?

Thanks so much, Dullard.

"vituperation"? damn girl, I am going to have to look that one up. You need to slow down with them big words for us country boys down here in Jawjah. They put my big dumb country red neck ass on the D line. I had a hard time remembering the plays on O much less big words like vituperation.
Was that you outside the locker room PC? Looks like someone I remember.
How fitting you quote Kuntsler.

Yet you still haven't come up with a single name. So put up or shut the fuck up

At least you are not quoting a Kuntsler.
But you might be one.
In America the burden is always on those that make the accusation, not the other way around.
Guilty until proven innocent was the McCarthy way and is not the American way.
Something about the LAW and The United Constitution, a document you have no respectfor and very little,if any, knowledge about.
Govern yourself accordingly or get the hell out of this country. Lady Liberty and the rest of us patriots and defenders of freedom do not want you.
Delta is ready when you are.

You're beyond ignorant.

You either didn't trouble yourself to read ANYTHING that I've posted or you're so brainwashed you read it and just totally failed to understand it.

Joe McCarthy was a US Senator, not a judge, not a jury.

It came to his attention from State Department sources that there was a serious infiltration by Communist spies at US State. He started asking what anybody planned on doing about it and because he was correct and vastly understated the problem (FDR had he served out a 4th term actually intended to have Communist spies Hiss as SecState and Dexter as SecTres) he has been vilified by Progressives.

The truth came out, McCarthy was a true Patriot and hero and those who continue to rail against his are Marxist tools still against him

You remain ignorant and you have your buddy Jake the Fake to high five you in your ignorance.

So the State Dept. has an investigation into spying and they wanted it on national TV?
That is true and what happened Frank but I believe you know damn well that IS NOT how you conduct an espionage investigation.
What about the HUNDREDS of others that never worked in the State Dept. Frank?
You conveintly leave those others, 95% of all named, out.
Do you believe the US Army was infiltrated with communists at the time Frank?
McCarthy claimed they were.
But you ignore that and 95% of the evidence that he manufactured and doctored claims of communists.
You believe that just because he was right 5% of the time it was okay to accuse innocent folks the other 95% of the time.
And as a defender of liberty I oppose that.
Sticks and stones. I have been shot at, beat up and left for dead. Bring it.

Manufactured and doctored claims?

Why did key documents supporting McCarthy and likely validated by Venona disappear from the National Acrives in 1993? I know McCarthy didn't take them out of there.

I believe you're a tool and denser than lead 100% of the time
Still waiting for proof that every single person Mccarthy named was a soviet operative.

Still waiting for proof that any of them were "innocents destroyed by McCarthy", which - unlike yours - is a position that's actually been stated in this thread.

Right here.

Were you aware, Luissa, that spying on the US is illegal in the US? Every single one of the people investigated by Senator McCarthy and his committee were, in fact, Soviet operatives. This has been long since proven.

Yeah I realize now it was investigated, not named but I'm still waiting for proof.

Very well, I will restate and clarify: every person investigated by McCarthy was a genuine security risk, and most of them were genuine Soviet operatives or sympathizers (which amounted to the same thing, since sympathizers could still be and were useful idiots to the USSR). Not a single one of them had any business having government security clearance, and it was entirely appropriate for a Senate Committee on Government Operations and its subcommittee.

Now get on the whole "innocents destroyed by McCarthy" issue.

Talk, talk, talk...about all the women you had to fight your way through, the games you won...yet the level of posts you offer casts the lie to all of it.

The late liberal lawyer William Kunstler said, “It makes no difference anymore whether the attack on Tawana (Brawley) really happened. It doesn’t disguise the fact that a lot of young black women are treated the way she said she was treated.”

This argument can be dispensed with in two words: Name one.

And, using the same strategy, one can destroy another liberal myth: that Senator Joseph McCarthy "ruined thousands of innocent lives.”

The easily-led brigade fails to ascertain truth, and bathes in a warm bath of liberal mythology…

The litmus test is fairly simple…and you being equally so, it should appeal to you:
If Senator Joseph McCarthy had such a deleterious effect, and ‘ruined’ so many lives, it should be effortless for you to name a half dozen or so whose lives were so ‘ruined.’

1. If you cannot do so, it clearly casts the lie to your premise.
2. Ruin does not refer to being insulted. You must show actual damages, i.e. imprisoned and later found innocent of the charges or never working again…

In hundreds of posts (wow, over 500), you vapid villains use insult, cast aspersions, offer vituperation...but nothing where the rubber meets the road.
No facts, no rebuttal, names.

No names of innocent folks whose lives were ruined by the American hero who shone the spotlight on the cockroaches, paid as agents by the murderous Soviet Union:
Not a thousand
Not a hundred
not ten- five- not even one.

You've become my best witness, witless though you are, for the folks who read this thread, probablly starting off agreeing with the left, about McCarthy.

But now they wonder...why is it that there are no 'ruined lives'...?

Thanks so much, Dullard.

"vituperation"? damn girl, I am going to have to look that one up. You need to slow down with them big words for us country boys down here in Jawjah. They put my big dumb country red neck ass on the D line. I had a hard time remembering the plays on O much less big words like vituperation.
Was that you outside the locker room PC? Looks like someone I remember.
How fitting you quote Kuntsler.

Yet you still haven't come up with a single name. So put up or shut the fuck up

Well...that settles it doesn't it!!!! McCarthy was obviously an American hero!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
PC has still lost this OP.

It's not about the USSR's imperialist ways.

It's about how Joe McCarthy was not an American hero, but rather the only conclusion that can be made after her presentation, an American zero.

I love it, Stinky...

You're like the guy getting pummeled, and he's shouting "Well, have you had enough yet???" as he wipes the blood off his chin.

Funny,... juvenile, but funny.

I have this image in my head of the Black Knight from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail".

Honestly, I'm ready to prosecute these guys for assault, for making me laugh so hard I nearly have a hernia.

[ame=]YouTube - Monty Python Black Night[/ame]
Still waiting for proof that any of them were "innocents destroyed by McCarthy", which - unlike yours - is a position that's actually been stated in this thread.

Right here.

Were you aware, Luissa, that spying on the US is illegal in the US? Every single one of the people investigated by Senator McCarthy and his committee were, in fact, Soviet operatives. This has been long since proven.

Yeah I realize now it was investigated, not named but I'm still waiting for proof.

Very well, I will restate and clarify: every person investigated by McCarthy was a genuine security risk, and most of them were genuine Soviet operatives or sympathizers (which amounted to the same thing, since sympathizers could still be and were useful idiots to the USSR). Not a single one of them had any business having government security clearance, and it was entirely appropriate for a Senate Committee on Government Operations and its subcommittee.

Now get on the whole "innocents destroyed by McCarthy" issue.

I don't think I've ever claimed such, and this thread is getting boring to watch so I'm probably going to amskray. Thanks for clarifying though.
"vituperation"? damn girl, I am going to have to look that one up. You need to slow down with them big words for us country boys down here in Jawjah. They put my big dumb country red neck ass on the D line. I had a hard time remembering the plays on O much less big words like vituperation.
Was that you outside the locker room PC? Looks like someone I remember.
How fitting you quote Kuntsler.

Yet you still haven't come up with a single name. So put up or shut the fuck up

Well...that settles it doesn't it!!!! McCarthy was obviously an American hero!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

But don't you have to take a moment to reconsider when the central part of your argument is: McCarthy lied and ruined lives, and you can't come up with a single life ruined?
Yet you still haven't come up with a single name. So put up or shut the fuck up

Well...that settles it doesn't it!!!! McCarthy was obviously an American hero!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

But don't you have to take a moment to reconsider when the central part of your argument is: McCarthy lied and ruined lives, and you can't come up with a single life ruined?

Owen Lattimore. His life was ruined by McCarthy. Along with all of his staff, associates, friends and many of his family.
And hundreds of others.
You know it.
Called Red Scare witch hunt. Guilty until proven innocent.
Frank makes the case that Joe was a great American investigator rooting communists out of society.
If so, ole Joe was not very good at it. Most of those convicted were later found to be innocent and let go.

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