Sen Murphy Debunks GOP Myths About End of Title 42: GOP Was "Rooting" for chaos at the didn't happen: crossings cut in half since 42 ended


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
An expected spike in illegal crossings along the U.S.-Mexico border after the termination of Title 42...did not materialize in the immediate aftermath of the policy change, according to government data obtained by CBS News

An expected spike in illegal crossings along the U.S.-Mexico border after the termination of Title 42...did not materialize in the immediate aftermath of the policy change, according to government data obtained by CBS News

So a Democrat lying is “debunking” the fact that our border is completely overrun?
An expected spike in illegal crossings along the U.S.-Mexico border after the termination of Title 42...did not materialize in the immediate aftermath of the policy change, according to government data obtained by CBS News

have you been to El Paso? I have , not a pretty sight. Just like with other cities now in blue states that have 1/100th of the illegal aliens are bitching about being over run....You just cant fix stupid.
Do you really believe that lying bullshit? Do you not watch the news? There are hoards as far as the eye can see waltzing into our country with no end in site. Millions with millions more to come if we don't stop this.
Let Trump finish the wall and title 42 them back into Mexico.

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