Sen Murray (D) calls McConnell and his handler's (Grover) bluff

Democrats holding the economy hostage. Democrats willing to blow up the economy for political gain. Wasn't this the charge they made against Republicans?
Dems are the biggest fugging hypocrites to walk the planet.

wow thats not even the samething
All it is is a meager increase on those making $250k/yr +, and they won't miss it in their record breaking three-martini sipping world that is completely out of touch with the MAJORITY of us in this country. After all they have and are HOLDING most the money. If one wants to truly reduce the budget deficit the obvious place to start is rolling back the tax cuts on those with plenty. If this experiment had worked it would be a leg to stand on, but has not nor will it ever work, the proof is not all that far back in history - just the last decade.

After all, we as humans/American's should learn from past mistakes, not repeat them ad infinitum.

u see why all the left liberals are coming out of the woodwork, guys like this guy saying screw u for being successful. his previous post says something like if you make over 250 k u shoudl pay more. So hes saying screw u for being successful. Only democrats would say come to america, be successful so we can tax the crap out of u.

THANK U DEMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We the People define fair share, my friend. Your melting rant does not change the fact that the Far Right wants tax hikes for everybody. And family is off limits.
The crazee right are willing to have taxes for everyone rather than to let the upper class and wealthy pay their fair share and people are bitching?


Define 'fair share', you brainwashed dupe. If you took it ALL it wouldn't run the government 9 months, and THEN what do you do, start auctioning off your children??

Oh...Nevermind... You're doing that now, you dumb bastard.
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It's time to END WELFARE for the billionaires.

They failed to create jobs, ergo, they deserve no tax additional breaks.

Pretty simple really.
We the People define fair share, my friend. Your melting rant does not change the fact that the Far Right wants tax hikes for everybody. And family is off limits.
The crazee right are willing to have taxes for everyone rather than to let the upper class and wealthy pay their fair share and people are bitching?


Define 'fair share', you brainwashed dupe. If you took it ALL it wouldn't run the government 9 months, and THEN what do you do, start auctioning off your children??

Oh...Nevermind... You're doing that now, you dumb bastard.

But you idiot sumbitches WON'T define it, but the way you say it?... fair share = MORE, MORE, MORE.

And all that Robin Hood shit doesn't ACCOMPLISH a damned thing. It doesn't lower the deficit or debt by ANY measurable amount and punishes the very people that are already doing MORE than their 'fair share'.

Look, I understand everybody's anger at CEO's making 400:1, I think that's ridiculous, too. This ham-handed attack on 'the rich' won't even affect those bastards, but it will affect millions of everyday small business owners who, just like the rest of us, wake up to an alarm clock every day, worry about the mortgage, the bills, the kids in school and the fucked up fools in Washington, D.C.

Start using your brain, Jake. This little dog and pony show is nothing but class warfare and revenge politics.

And if you think I broke the rules with my statement about auctioning off children, click the little red flag in the top right corner of the screen and cry to a moderator, you panty-waisted little sissy.
It's time to END WELFARE for the billionaires.

They failed to create jobs, ergo, they deserve no tax additional breaks.

Pretty simple really.


Now find a way to do it without fucking over the small business owners that drive this nation's economy.

This shit ain't gonna cut it.
We the People's reps define, my friend, not you.

You make allegations you can't support then melt and rant.

That you dislike the social compact is tiresome.

You are tiresome.

The term was "your children", and, yes, it is against the rules.

We the People define fair share, my friend. Your melting rant does not change the fact that the Far Right wants tax hikes for everybody. And family is off limits.
Define 'fair share', you brainwashed dupe. If you took it ALL it wouldn't run the government 9 months, and THEN what do you do, start auctioning off your children??

Oh...Nevermind... You're doing that now, you dumb bastard.

But you idiot sumbitches WON'T define it, but the way you say it?... fair share = MORE, MORE, MORE.

And all that Robin Hood shit doesn't ACCOMPLISH a damned thing. It doesn't lower the deficit or debt by ANY measurable amount and punishes the very people that are already doing MORE than their 'fair share'.

Look, I understand everybody's anger at CEO's making 400:1, I think that's ridiculous, too. This ham-handed attack on 'the rich' won't even affect those bastards, but it will affect millions of everyday small business owners who, just like the rest of us, wake up to an alarm clock every day, worry about the mortgage, the bills, the kids in school and the fucked up fools in Washington, D.C.

Start using your brain, Jake. This little dog and pony show is nothing but class warfare and revenge politics.

And if you think I broke the rules with my statement about auctioning off children, click the little red flag in the top right corner of the screen and cry to a moderator, you panty-waisted little sissy.
We the People's reps define, my friend, not you.

You make allegations you can't support then melt and rant.

That you dislike the social compact is tiresome.

You are tiresome.

The term was "your children", and, yes, it is against the rules.

We the People define fair share, my friend. Your melting rant does not change the fact that the Far Right wants tax hikes for everybody. And family is off limits.

But you idiot sumbitches WON'T define it, but the way you say it?... fair share = MORE, MORE, MORE.

And all that Robin Hood shit doesn't ACCOMPLISH a damned thing. It doesn't lower the deficit or debt by ANY measurable amount and punishes the very people that are already doing MORE than their 'fair share'.

Look, I understand everybody's anger at CEO's making 400:1, I think that's ridiculous, too. This ham-handed attack on 'the rich' won't even affect those bastards, but it will affect millions of everyday small business owners who, just like the rest of us, wake up to an alarm clock every day, worry about the mortgage, the bills, the kids in school and the fucked up fools in Washington, D.C.

Start using your brain, Jake. This little dog and pony show is nothing but class warfare and revenge politics.

And if you think I broke the rules with my statement about auctioning off children, click the little red flag in the top right corner of the screen and cry to a moderator, you panty-waisted little sissy.

At the risk of repeating myself...
And if you think I broke the rules with my statement about auctioning off children, click the little red flag in the top right corner of the screen and cry to a moderator, you panty-waisted little sissy.

All you fucking idiots that want to screw over the business class with this 'Get the rich' mantra are, IN FACT, auctioning off your children as we speak. Selling them into generational slavery to the State. If you want to do that, please leave the fucking country, the REST of us have higher hopes for OUR kids.

Fucking morons, ALL of you!

ETA: Please point out the 'allegation' that I've not supported, or back the fuck up, Sparky.
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The silly nuts start swearing when they lost the argument. Watch the Babble Speak Gangsters on the run!

Nope, We the People are not giving into your tiny numbers and overwhelming silliness.

Our way will save America for all of the children of America.
But you idiot sumbitches WON'T define it, but the way you say it?... fair share = MORE, MORE, MORE.

And all that Robin Hood shit doesn't ACCOMPLISH a damned thing. It doesn't lower the deficit or debt by ANY measurable amount and punishes the very people that are already doing MORE than their 'fair share'.

Look, I understand everybody's anger at CEO's making 400:1, I think that's ridiculous, too. This ham-handed attack on 'the rich' won't even affect those bastards, but it will affect millions of everyday small business owners who, just like the rest of us, wake up to an alarm clock every day, worry about the mortgage, the bills, the kids in school and the fucked up fools in Washington, D.C.

I thought the only increase in taxes being considered was the increase from when the Bush cuts expire. Seems pretty defined to me.

And as to small business owners making 250k of personal income. Even if they were to pay 4% more Fed taxes, they would be ok. Most people can get by on 14 thousand dollars net income a month. Can't you Guy?

And if the business is running so well that the CEO is taking 250k of personal income out of it, I wonder how small a business it is. Gross sales of what?

THe small business owners I know are lucky if they do 100k in gross business and net 25k.

Somehow I think the vast bulk of truly small business are paying the owner(s) well below the 250K threshhold.

You do have the Wall Street traders and the investment bankers who are all makeing 250k or more and tax the shit out of them I say.

But hey, if I were making 250k a year, I could stand to be taxed a little more.

If I were making 25 million a year, I would expect to be taxed even more.

But it sure don't work that way.
Those poor rich have plenty to throw at this election on the con side of the aisle, yet they aren't hiring.

no shit! These bastards let the cash flow like a raging river during election season, but ask them for a job, ha!
She said her side will let the Bush II tax increases take place if McConnell & co try their hostage taking ploy (tax-cuts for the super-wealthy or tax cuts for no one) again. I thought the GObP was for fiscal responsibility? No wonder Waxman (D) called them terrorists.
Patty Murray: We’ll Let the Bush Tax Cuts Expire, If Republicans Won’t Deal | FDL News Desk

LOL The left what two face P's OS

I need my tax cut, but he makes more so I want his.

The typical wealth envious low life.
All it is is a meager increase on those making $250k/yr +, and they won't miss it in their record breaking three-martini sipping world that is completely out of touch with the MAJORITY of us in this country. After all they have and are HOLDING most the money. If one wants to truly reduce the budget deficit the obvious place to start is rolling back the tax cuts on those with plenty. If this experiment had worked it would be a leg to stand on, but has not nor will it ever work, the proof is not all that far back in history - just the last decade.

After all, we as humans/American's should learn from past mistakes, not repeat them ad infinitum.

u see why all the left liberals are coming out of the woodwork, guys like this guy saying screw u for being successful. his previous post says something like if you make over 250 k u shoudl pay more. So hes saying screw u for being successful. Only democrats would say come to america, be successful so we can tax the crap out of u.

THANK U DEMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not if your poor.
First, what makes you think any of this is a bluff?

Second, Are you absolutely sure you want the Democrats to race taxes in an election year? I mean, you can, but i wouldnt expect reelection.
Expect nothing less from Patty 'The Home Wrecker" Murray. (D-WA)
It was about a year ago that a Mrs John Harwood filed suit against Mr John Harwood and Patty Murray for depriving her of her well being, comfort and property and additionally filed divorce papers against Mr Harwood for his consorting and co habiting with with Ms Murray instead of returning to his legal home and rightful marriage bed. Mr Harwood, the WhiteHouse political reporter for CNBC, with the budget cutting deadline looming and Ms Murray a member of the select House/Senate committee charged with making the cuts, found it more expedient to his reporting career to get the latest word on the negotiations to report to his viewers from Ms Murray while exchanging sweet nothings at night rather than stabbing in the dark from his legal marriage bed.
But you idiot sumbitches WON'T define it, but the way you say it?... fair share = MORE, MORE, MORE.

And all that Robin Hood shit doesn't ACCOMPLISH a damned thing. It doesn't lower the deficit or debt by ANY measurable amount and punishes the very people that are already doing MORE than their 'fair share'.

Look, I understand everybody's anger at CEO's making 400:1, I think that's ridiculous, too. This ham-handed attack on 'the rich' won't even affect those bastards, but it will affect millions of everyday small business owners who, just like the rest of us, wake up to an alarm clock every day, worry about the mortgage, the bills, the kids in school and the fucked up fools in Washington, D.C.

I thought the only increase in taxes being considered was the increase from when the Bush cuts expire. Seems pretty defined to me.

And as to small business owners making 250k of personal income. Even if they were to pay 4% more Fed taxes, they would be ok. Most people can get by on 14 thousand dollars net income a month. Can't you Guy?
What you don't understand or just refuse to acknowledge is that you don't have the right to decide what people are allowed to 'get by' on. Where do you get off with this stuff?
And if the business is running so well that the CEO is taking 250k of personal income out of it, I wonder how small a business it is. Gross sales of what?
First, that $250K is BEFORE taxes, so the gov't is ALREADY getting paid. Second, what difference does their gross sales make?
THe small business owners I know are lucky if they do 100k in gross business and net 25k.

Somehow I think the vast bulk of truly small business are paying the owner(s) well below the 250K threshhold.
Go educate yourself and get back to me...
Statistics about Business Size (including Small Business) from the U.S. Census Bureau
You do have the Wall Street traders and the investment bankers who are all makeing 250k or more and tax the shit out of them I say.
So it's okay to injure millions of citizens in order to 'get' the 1%?? Senseless...
But hey, if I were making 250k a year, I could stand to be taxed a little more.
That's you....
If I were making 25 million a year, I would expect to be taxed even more.

But it sure don't work that way.

Thank God!
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Once can raise taxes on the rich as far as I am concerned.

You get $1 of tax on the rich for every $3 you cut out of the budget...and I mean real cuts.

Social Security and Medicare on the block too.
Sure thing, Clem.
Expect nothing less from Patty 'The Home Wrecker" Murray. (D-WA)
It was about a year ago that a Mrs John Harwood filed suit against Mr John Harwood and Patty Murray for depriving her of her well being, comfort and property and additionally filed divorce papers against Mr Harwood for his consorting and co habiting with with Ms Murray instead of returning to his legal home and rightful marriage bed. Mr Harwood, the WhiteHouse political reporter for CNBC, with the budget cutting deadline looming and Ms Murray a member of the select House/Senate committee charged with making the cuts, found it more expedient to his reporting career to get the latest word on the negotiations to report to his viewers from Ms Murray while exchanging sweet nothings at night rather than stabbing in the dark from his legal marriage bed.
Expect nothing less from Patty 'The Home Wrecker" Murray. (D-WA)
It was about a year ago that a Mrs John Harwood filed suit against Mr John Harwood and Patty Murray for depriving her of her well being, comfort and property and additionally filed divorce papers against Mr Harwood for his consorting and co habiting with with Ms Murray instead of returning to his legal home and rightful marriage bed. Mr Harwood, the WhiteHouse political reporter for CNBC, with the budget cutting deadline looming and Ms Murray a member of the select House/Senate committee charged with making the cuts, found it more expedient to his reporting career to get the latest word on the negotiations to report to his viewers from Ms Murray while exchanging sweet nothings at night rather than stabbing in the dark from his legal marriage bed.

Sure thing, Clem.
true. The "attack the messenger" debate tactic :clap2: :lol: :eusa_boohoo:

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