Sen. Schumer statement against iran agreement


Gold Member
May 31, 2009
Strafing Iranian RGs with my .50 Cal
I've gone from being ardently against schumer to being much more respectful of him after reading this statement, which in detail obliterates the pro-obama chorus found primarily on the left, with cheer-leading filth inhabiting such places as the despicable, wreetched NYT editorial:

Press Release Press Releases Newsroom U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer of New York

His arguments are rational and sound, so it is not surprising that the filth obama admin have spent days, if not weeks, trying to attack AIPAC, Israel, "jewish moneyed interests," Republicans, etc., and whoever else they can try and taint for expressing their disapproval of this failed agreement.

Personally, I actually am hoping the agreement passes congress so that when iran renegs on it within 1-2 years and is caught, it all can be placed at the feet of obama and kerry, who will be responsible for the inevitable massive war with iran which will result - a war that was delayed for years so that obama can create his (incredibly undeserved) "legacy".
I've gone from being ardently against schumer to being much more respectful of him after reading this statement, which in detail obliterates the pro-obama chorus found primarily on the left, with cheer-leading filth inhabiting such places as the despicable, wreetched NYT editorial:

Press Release Press Releases Newsroom U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer of New York

His arguments are rational and sound, so it is not surprising that the filth obama admin have spent days, if not weeks, trying to attack AIPAC, Israel, "jewish moneyed interests," Republicans, etc., and whoever else they can try and taint for expressing their disapproval of this failed agreement.

Personally, I actually am hoping the agreement passes congress so that when iran renegs on it within 1-2 years and is caught, it all can be placed at the feet of obama and kerry, who will be responsible for the inevitable massive war with iran which will result - a war that was delayed for years so that obama can create his (incredibly undeserved) "legacy".
The war should have been fought during Boosh, yet was not....
His arguments are rational and sound....

Indeed, Netanyahoo called and said "No more AIPAC $$$ for you if you don't vote against this deal"


Zzzzzz, an idiot just rolled into the thread. AIPAC doesn't give money to politicians, dimwit.

It doesn't give money itself, but it gets its high-rolling members and friendly political action committees to do so..
The slice of the Democratic caucus that is expected to miss Tuesday’s address is relatively small. What may be lost in the discussion surrounding the boycott is that Democrats have long been the favored party of pro-Israel interests. And just one of the Democrats named by Politico as planning to skip Netanyahu’s speech, Sen.Brian Schatz of Hawaii, was a top 20 recipient from those interests in 2014.

In that cycle, Democrats received $6.5 million from pro-Israel interests, while Republicans saw just over $5 million. That works out to 56 percent of the cash coming from pro-Israel groups going to Democrats and 44 percent to Republicans. The spread isn’t unusual: Democrats regularly receive over 60 percent of the cash from pro-Israel groups. The only cycle going back to 1990 that Democrats received less than 50 percent of these contributions was 2006, when they pulled in just 48 percent of the money — but Republicans got even less, just 40 percent.

The numbers are somewhat deceiving, since AIPAC doesn’t make campaign contributions. Donations by pro-Israel interests are led, in fact, by JStreetPAC, a much more moderate organization that tends to favor liberals. In the 2014 cycle the group’s PAC and individuals associated with JStreet contributed almost $1.8 million, with the vast majority going to Democrats.
AIPAC Posts Biggest Lobbying Year in 2014 as Netanyahu Goes to Congress OpenSecrets Blog
rs #1
The senior U.S. senator from New York, Sen. Schumer (D-NY) is beholden to the powerful Jewish segment of the electorate that keeps him in office.

If Schumer was sincere about this, and not merely pandering, he could have come out with his position on it when the issue first hit the newspapers.

Instead of that, Schumer waited until the vote-counting could be completed, verifying that Schumer's support would not be needed to implement the agreement.

That's shameful.
That's Schumer.
The war should have been fought during Boosh, yet was not....

That was the plan but Bu$h had to get the guy who tried to kill his daddy first. Unfortunately it took a bit too long to accomplish the mission and even the most delusional warmongers didn't think they could sell another liberation after that screwup by saying the evil Iranians had equally evil WMD that could destroy the homeland within 45 minutes.

I've gone from being ardently against schumer to being much more respectful of him after reading this statement, which in detail obliterates the pro-obama chorus found primarily on the left, with cheer-leading filth inhabiting such places as the despicable, wreetched NYT editorial:
Press Release Press Releases Newsroom U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer of New York
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

Schumer is still fundamentally opposed to the Constitution and the rights it protects. Nothing has changed.
rs #1
The senior U.S. senator from New York, Sen. Schumer (D-NY) is beholden to the powerful Jewish segment of the electorate that keeps him in office.

If Schumer was sincere about this, and not merely pandering, he could have come out with his position on it when the issue first hit the newspapers.

Instead of that, Schumer waited until the vote-counting could be completed, verifying that Schumer's support would not be needed to implement the agreement.

That's shameful.
That's Schumer.

Or maybe Schumer actually analyzed the deal in detail as he claims he did, instead of going with a knee jerk reaction based on sound bytes.
rs #1
The senior U.S. senator from New York, Sen. Schumer (D-NY) is beholden to the powerful Jewish segment of the electorate that keeps him in office.

If Schumer was sincere about this, and not merely pandering, he could have come out with his position on it when the issue first hit the newspapers.

Instead of that, Schumer waited until the vote-counting could be completed, verifying that Schumer's support would not be needed to implement the agreement.

That's shameful.
That's Schumer.

Or maybe Schumer actually analyzed the deal in detail as he claims he did, instead of going with a knee jerk reaction based on sound bytes.
He can't get elected without the Jewish vote. He had no choice. The good news is he is doing what his constituency wants him to do.
There are plenty of American Jews who support the Iran deal.

The whole Jewish thing is overblown.

He made what was his best decision based on the facts as a US Senator.
Don't get sucked in. There's plenty of time to pay him off. My prediction is, the Iran Deal is a done-deal. Schumer and Republican 'Leadership' will likely fold. It's the pattern. Boehner and McConnell will act as if they're opposing, and then eventually go along. It's all just a shell game folks. The fix is in.
Won't make a difference. The other countries are not going to back out of the deal.
How so a lemming. Schumer's call for a "better deal" is a fiction. There's no other deal and never will be.
A lemming because old-school is suggesting we "follow" just because everyone else is.
The lemming analogy doesn't work. Chuck said "we need a better deal." There is no other deal and there won't be one. And the reality is Iran is getting this deal. Facing reality is not being a lemming. If Chuck was actually being honest, which he isn't btw, he'd say "I can't in good conscience vote for this, so I abstain, but realize the gop's call for a "better deal" is fantasy."
Whatever, Kerry let the cat out of the bag with his statement that the U.S. could loose reserve currency status if the deal falls through. Many have speculated that China and Russia bullied the U.S. into this deal on those grounds. It's clear this admin is achieving its goals of relegating the U.S. to an irrelevant status.

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