Another Foreign Policy Catastrophe in the Works? Iran Deal Reportedly Close

Iran threatens to arrest all greek tankers
— The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps said that all tankers under the greek flag, which are now in the waters of the Persian Gulf, can be detained. Tehran calls on Athens to resolve as soon as possible the dispute over the fate of Iranian oil on board a tanker under the russian flag, which was arrested in Greece. This is reported by the Splash resource.
Prior to that, the United States confiscated 100,000 tons of iranian oil that was on a russian ship, the ship was detained near the Greek island of Evia in the Aegean Sea, and the oil was pumped into the containers of the port of Karystos. As specified, the cargo was seized due to violations of Iranian sanctions.
the Greeks, who have problems with Turkey because of disputed territories, organize a new fuck-up, quarreling with everyone except the United States. They needed so much to arrest iranian oil as part of anti-russian sanctions at the request of the United States!!!

That's how things change over time. In ancient times I was rooting for the greeks, now I'm rooting for the persians...
The nuclear deal is dead so your posturing is negated.
I haven't been following it. I assume they are not much interested. If that is so Iran will have nukes....and everyone will have Trump to thank for it.
Iran though apparently is more interested in ballistics than nukes having realised nukes are not usable says this Israeli paper.

and that I think is what the Ukraine war has hopefully taught us.

Another Foreign Policy Catastrophe in the Works? Iran Deal Reportedly Close

5 Mar 2022 ~~ By Rebecca Downs
In the midst of war in Ukraine, another foreign policy catastrophe under President Joe Biden's watch may be brewing. A Fox News report from Friday cited a European diplomat in sharing a deal to restore the Iran nuclear agreement from 2015 would be revived within days. This comes after Iran's chief negotiator told reporters on Thursday that a deal would be done within 24-48 hours. As if this weren't bad enough, Russia is still involved in the deal, after having just invaded Ukraine last week.
As Rich Edson and Adam Shaw noted in their Fox News report:
As for the question of Russian diplomats negotiating in Vienna during a European flight embargo on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine, the diplomat told Fox that there can always be exceptions for diplomats.​
With Russia’s involvement in the deal, it raises the possibility of financial benefit for Moscow in a new deal, like payments to take Iranian uranium. The diplomat told Fox that the West will find a way to enable the deal, and says the concerns are "nothing that can’t be overcome."​
The State Department did not comment when asked whether the Biden administration has concerns about needing Russia’s cooperation or having to carve out sanctions to enable to agreement.
The United States left the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in May 2018, under then President Donald Trump. Negotiations have seen been in place for the United States to reenter under the Biden administration.
Writing for The Wall Street Journal on Saturday, Lauren Norman explained that Russia is inserting itself into the deal to make "Fresh demands," which could "derail" the talks. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Saturday made demands for written guarantees that sanctions due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine won't prevent Russia from trading with Tehran under a revived pack.
The Biden administration is seemingly failing on taking more concrete action with Russia. In addition to being slow to sanctions, despite pleadings from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to impose them sooner, the United States under Biden is hesitant to stop importing oil from Russia.
This is despite a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Friday showing that 80 percent of Americans are in favor of such a ban on Russian oil, from all sides of the political aisle.
Even Democratic members have gotten involved in introducing bipartisan legislation as the Biden administration fails to act. On Thursday, Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) introduced the Ban Russian Energy Imports Act in the U.S. Senate. Companion legislation is forthcoming from Reps. Fitzpatrick and Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Once again, the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrats are playing, "look squirrel". While America and the world are watching what's going on in the Ukraine, Biden and his State Dept., are working on the JCPOA and preparing to sell out America once again with Iran.
Will Biden approve Iran's development of a nuke, in exchange for oil? Will he do anything but encourage American oil production. Biden has wrecked U.S. Oil production since his 1st day in office, as he promised.
Next, on to China's invasion of Taiwan and other strategic Pacific positions. Just imagine the disasters yet to come. This was a high price to pay for getting rid of "MEAN TWEETS".
Iranians with nukes and now the Taliban is the best armed terrorist group in history.
Did I understand it properly the other day, that part of the settlement requires another $9 billion dollar payment to Iran?
It seemed connected to some claim by Iran and was tied to the release of several American nationals.
Remember when Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies kept telling us
"If you vote for Trump, His friend Putin will start WW3"​
"If you vote for Trump, Iran will get a nuke"​
"If you vote for Trump, the US Economy will collapse followed by the World economy"​
"If you vote for Trump, he will withhold aid to Ukraine."​
Well, that is what our 46th President Joseph Robinette Biden is doing at this very moment. It certainly. PM/DSA Democrat Commies are doing the exact things they accused Trump of doing.

Exxon and Shell lost billions in infrastructure when they pulled out of Russia. Biden had nothing to do with that.
Iran though apparently is more interested in ballistics than nukes having realised nukes are not usable says this Israeli paper.

and that I think is what the Ukraine war has hopefully taught us.

Iran has needed nuclear power since the 1950s to expand their electrical grid. It was only after years of threats that they became convinced that they need nuclear weapons. Consider Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace.
Iran has needed nuclear power since the 1950s to expand their electrical grid. It was only after years of threats that they became convinced that they need nuclear weapons. Consider Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace.
I am aware that they have been building nuclear power for their electricity since the US/UK were ruling them. I am also aware that they were keen on Iran having Nukes at this time.

However that Israeli Newspaper in saying what it believed Iran's position re Nukes was, hit on what I think the US war with Russia has shown and that is that Nuclear weapons are useless. Only the most insane person can use them. Better to build really strong conventional arms.
I am aware that they have been building nuclear power for their electricity since the US/UK were ruling them. I am also aware that they were keen on Iran having Nukes at this time.

However that Israeli Newspaper in saying what it believed Iran's position re Nukes was, hit on what I think the US war with Russia has shown and that is that Nuclear weapons are useless. Only the most insane person can use them. Better to build really strong conventional arms.

Pakistan and India have nukes aimed at each other. Sounds like a stand off to me.

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