Sen. Sessions Blocked in Attempt to Cut Off Welfare Benefits for Illegal Aliens

Our gov't. is out of control when illegal aliens get benefits at the cost of our vets. low life turds all libtards who voted for that bill and who support them. Defend it low life turd libtards!!!!!!!!!!
Wow....if you don't have a SS # how can you even file taxes legit? You have to have an employer id number and w2's in case you get audited...the child tax credit is great it does wonders for poor folks but illegals shouldn't be getting it.
We spend billions each year on illegals. They take advantage of the child tax credit and, apparently, the policy of the IRS is to cut the check now and ask questions later, if ever. An accountant came forward not long ago because he was noticing the large number of illegals filing credits for lots of children. They all used the same address and when it was investigated, one guy lived there. No children. The illegals were receiving, on average, $10,000 each in refunds.

I find it despicable that military retirees will have their benefits cuts in favor of more handouts for people who have no business being in our country. It's just mind blowing to me that our own government values those who break our laws more than those who were willing to give their lives for this country. The creepy part is that it's about votes. Historically, the majority of military members leaned to the right. We know the illegals currently lean to the left because that's where the promises of amnesty and the land of welfare are coming from. Ruining our country for the sake of power.
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Sorry bout that,

1. It use to be {The Land Of The Free}, its now, {Land Of The Illegal}, and {Stupid}.

The 40 million illegals also collect somewhere around $150 Billion a year in free health care at ERs (thanks to congress) and $100 Billion a year in free k-12 (thanks to the supreme court) for their kids.

All congressmen and all federal judges are taking bribes from the illegal alien lobby.
For years, the left claimed that illegals did not get any welfare. Some here even said that. We all know better. Deportations are way down while the number of people coming in increased drastically with the new talk of amnesty. Obama all but rolled out the welcome mat. Ads were running in Mexico telling the people about the benefits they will be entitled to if they come here. It's sickening the way we are encouraging more to come for the welfare when we are overwhelmed as it is. I know people need to be helped, but when we entice people to take help instead of trying to help themselves, we are setting out on an unsustainable path. The money already ran out. We don't have enough to pay the debt now and Washington is still looking for new ways to spend.

Despite idiot Pelosi's claim that they don't have a spending problem, it's clear they have a huge spending problem. In the middle of our country's crisis, they are spending millions for stuff like researching romance novels all over the world. You'd think some shit could wait since there are more pressing problems, but no way will they cut off their pet projects. It's insanity.

I guess the Dems think welfare spending is too low, even after it doubled in the last few years. We should be telling the Mexican president to start helping his own people instead of making deals with Obama to send them here for us to deal with. As it is, Mexico gets rid of it's poor and the Dems get new voters. The illegals that do work send remittances back to Mexico and the government relies on this fortune when they figure their annual budget. Such a deal for them and for the liberals who want more voters. It sucks for the rest of us footing the bill for this nonsense.
It is not illegal adults that get benefits.Unless the bought a stolen Social Security card. It is the children of illegals who are born in the good ole USA and thereby are American citizens. Those children are then able to qualify for benefits.

And damn it to hell, if I were a rethug I would be mad to at Obama also. I wouldn't know why I was mad at Obama, but I would be.

Obama had nothing to do with kids of illegals born in the USA to be declared Americans.

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