Sen. Ted Cruz won’t accept corporate PACs’ money as ‘woke’ CEOs recoil at Georgia’s new voting law


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2020
“They like us until the left’s digital pitchforks come out. Then they run away,” Cruz said in the op-ed.

No Ted, very few actually like you.
He'll take any money he can get and trust his followers to have their usual amnesia.
Maybe this starts a trend?

We know Democrats never turn down a buck, but I doubt Ted's Party will turn down much either.

I'm not a Cruz fan but this will be interesting to watch play out.
Maybe this starts a trend?

We know Democrats never turn down a buck, but I doubt Ted's Party will turn down much either.
Yes he will... All this is doing is telling them that they can give him money, but they may not get anything back for it if they continue backing the other team in the media.

IE... It's getting more expensive to buy politicians.
Maybe this starts a trend?

We know Democrats never turn down a buck, but I doubt Ted's Party will turn down much either.

In other words, no corporation will donate to Ted Cruz, so he's trying to make lemonade out of lemons and pretend it was all his idea on account of his scruples. But everybody knows that Republicans in general, and Ted Cruz in particular, have no scruples.

Ted Cruz has spent the last four years, sucking Donald Trump's dick, and people are disgusted by him. Running off to Cancun, and then blaming his daughter for his craven dereliction of duty to his constituents is just the last straw for this asshole.

After the January 6th Insurrection, corporations very publicly pulled all funding from the Republican Senators who voted against certification of the election. Cruz is counting on his voters forgetting that the corporations dumped him long before he tried to falsely claim he left them.
Maybe this starts a trend?

We know Democrats never turn down a buck, but I doubt Ted's Party will turn down much either.

Yeah. Just as soon as I saw this post, knew it was steaming pile of shit immediately.

But this being usmb, there is no shortage of the ignorant and easily led, that will buy it.
Maybe this starts a trend?

We know Democrats never turn down a buck, but I doubt Ted's Party will turn down much either.

I'm not a Cruz fan but this will be interesting to watch play out.

Well, it will cost him if he waffles on it; he isn't in any real danger in his district currently, other than the looming possibility of AG Gestapo Garland's jihad against GOP Party members, faking charges and siccing the FBI on pols.
Maybe this starts a trend?

We know Democrats never turn down a buck, but I doubt Ted's Party will turn down much either.

In other words, no corporation will donate to Ted Cruz, so he's trying to make lemonade out of lemons and pretend it was all his idea on account of his scruples. But everybody knows that Republicans in general, and Ted Cruz in particular, have no scruples.

Ted Cruz has spent the last four years, sucking Donald Trump's dick, and people are disgusted by him. Running off to Cancun, and then blaming his daughter for his craven dereliction of duty to his constituents is just the last straw for this asshole.

After the January 6th Insurrection, corporations very publicly pulled all funding from the Republican Senators who voted against certification of the election. Cruz is counting on his voters forgetting that the corporations dumped him long before he tried to falsely claim he left them.

^^^Aw, another commie idiot analysis. lol
Cruz is right. Trump did exactly the same thing during his campaign. He said he didn't want to owe anything to anyone when he became President. Trump is a smart man who almost always turns out being right.

Yes, that's why the Gestapo style tactics Garland is using, to censor the media and fabricate fake reasons to imprison the opposition. They need to keep their base stupid until the coup is in the bag, which looks to be by Christmas at the rate it's moving, no genuine opposition has organized so far to get in their way, and they already own so many Federal judges now.
Money in politics has corrupted it. Everyones knows that this. along with unlimited terms, is a major potential issue for democracy.

It's like any industry or pursuit, if your career is guaranteed, you aren't going to do your best job for your stakeholders.

It's why I believe some try to shift focus to race issues rather than these far more important issues. China and Russia know very well how it works and like U.S "allies" have done for years, they are putting their hand on the scale...
Cruz is very smart and he makes very few mistakes and he is principled........which makes him a major threat to the Regressive Progressives

At least he knows constitutional law; most Democrats don't and could care less, they just make up bullshit as they go along.

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