Sen Warren (D) to Bernanke: stop coddling the banks

are you a Repub or a lolibertarian Frank?

I enjoy politics for the jokes

and Democrat voters elect the jokers one after another...Warren LIED so she could take advantage of programs that wouldn't of been accessible to her other wise..and they still elected her...this country is doomed when voters won't hold these politicians to any kind of standard and elect them anyway
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Steph is here to *cough* "help" you guys Frank & Oddball.
Steph is here to *cough* "help" you guys Frank & Oddball.
The only one here needing help is you, Gomer Pyle.

Apparently, you're far to thick-headed to get the delicious irony of someone who oversaw a $1BB bailout of the banks, now complaining that those banks are being coddled.

At the height of his comic genius, even Richard Pryor couldn't have written this one.
Steph is here to *cough* "help" you guys Frank & Oddball.
The only one here needing help is you, Gomer Pyle.

Apparently, you're far to thick-headed to get the delicious irony of someone who oversaw a $1BB bailout of the banks, now complaining that those banks are being coddled.

At the height of his comic genius, even Richard Pryor couldn't have written this one.

Administer =/= establish. Bush signed/enacted the TARP bill for $700 BILLION. He said that we weren't going to have a depression on his watch, or some such thing, you republican fluffer you.
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Steph is here to *cough* "help" you guys Frank & Oddball.
The only one here needing help is you, Gomer Pyle.

Apparently, you're far to thick-headed to get the delicious irony of someone who oversaw a $1BB bailout of the banks, now complaining that those banks are being coddled.

At the height of his comic genius, even Richard Pryor couldn't have written this one.

Administer =/= establish. Bush signed/enacted the TARP bill for $700 BILLION. He said that we weren't going to have a depression on his watch or some such thing.

Irrelevant....She was and is up to her her armpits, as a willing participant, in the bailouts.

To now come out and claim that the banks are being coddled, after being an active participant in that coddling at an earlier date, is the height of sanctimony.

Even so, it's par for the course for Marxist windbags like her and useful idjit enablers and apologists like you.

Did ANYONE commenting in the thread watch the video?

As to Oddballs deflection, Warren is the author/originator of the CFPB so there goes your *cough* theory. She was tasked w/ administering a program that a Republican President signed into law so she helped stave off a depression.

Now, back to topic. :) : Banks loading up on more risky debt/setting themselves up for another fall for short-term gain.
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Rather run my dick through a meat grinder than listen to that sanctimonious dried up commie skank.
ummm..... they don't make meat grinders that small

You not watching her & Bernanke's discussion would also explain your plethora of deflection posts in this thread. :thup: Carry on (in someone else's thread that is)
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How about stop coddling Wall Street, dimwit?

Oh, wait....The DOW's recent surge is supposed to be one of Boiking's great success stories....Never mind. :rolleyes:
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What is "Boiking"? Never mind. Go play in the lobby or, better yet :up: the rubber room. They need your off-topic, zany, infantile commentary down there :thup:
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I admire the Democrats for promoting the mentally ill, how else to explain Warren and Biden?
Warren is more or less right but it doesn't matter a whit

NO WAY either party or both working on conjunction is going to challenge the BANKSTERS.

Both parties are wholly own susidiaries of the INTERNATIONAL BANKSTERS party.
Krugman was right. We need to break the banks up before they destroy the economy AGAIN.

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