Senate Dem. Boxer Proposes to Scrap Border Security to Fund Immigrant Healthcare


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
What a shock. Instead of ensuring that terrorists, drug dealers, rapists and other criminals don't come in our country along with all the other future Dem voters, let's just stop funding for border security and use the money to ensure that anyone disrespecting our laws has even more incentive to sneak in.

Maybe a fence alone isn't sufficient, but I see increased border security as a job creating opportunity. Since we are taxed to death as it is, can we at least insist that government spend our money in a way that actually helps Americans? The way they are approaching the immigration problem, they are just making sure we'll be taxed even more. If this administration wanted to get the economy moving, they would be finding ways to lessen our hardships instead of adding on to them. Many Americans have given up looking for work. Some Dems bitched that it's because all our jobs were sent to Mexico. So, why aren't these illegal immigrants happy that we sent them our jobs instead of coming here to take the few that are left? Maybe it's because many don't really want to work and Obama and his ilk have offered up a much more attractive solution. Quick path to citizenship and all the freebies.

Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) has offered an amendment to the comprehensive immigration bill that would strip border security funding and redirect it to healthcare benefits for future Democrat voters “undocumented” immigrants. The Los Angeles Times reported:

Sen. Barbara Boxer plans to push for Washington to provide $250 million and perhaps more to help local and state governments pay the cost of healthcare to uninsured immigrants who seek legal status under legislation now before the Senate.

Officials from Los Angeles County–home to an estimated 1.1 million people in the country illegally, one-tenth of the nation’s total–have expressed concern that local taxpayers will be “left holding the bag” to pay for the healthcare costs.

How does Barbara Boxer plan on “solving” this funding problem? Why, taking the money from a different pot, of course. The funding that Senator Marco Rubio has been talking about repeatedly, whereby newly documented immigrants pay financial penalties that are used for border security, would actually be used to fund welfare benefits — which has been the Democrats’ plan all along.

Senate Dem. Boxer Proposes to Scrap Border Security to Fund Immigrant Healthcare | Independent Journal Review
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So, Boxer says to hell with border security, let's just reach deeper into our pockets. And the liberals still haven't come by to defend her.
So, Boxer says to hell with border security, let's just reach deeper into our pockets. And the liberals still haven't come by to defend her.

Well, it is not like she wants to eliminate border security totally, just $250 million. Next week, I suspect, she will be bragging that she is doing her part to cut spending.

Tell me again how the Democrats are not planning and trying to sabatoge this bill so that they can find a way to blame it on the Republcans.
Barbara "The Bitch" Boxer. Is she trying to kill the Gang of 8 bill all by herself? Oh well. I say let her. Then it won't be the GOP's fault and they won't get called racist for it. Thanks Dumbocrats!

CHARTS: Border/Enforcement Spending and Deportation Levels Continue to Skyrocket Under Obama ? Immigration Reform | America's Voice
Boxer wants to cut funding for something we need desperately and don't really have. If our borders were even moderately secure, we would not have 20 million illegal aliens to deal with. Illegal immigration has increased dramatically since amnesty is looking like it'll become reality.

We need to stop the flow before we can begin to figure out how to handle this.
Shhhhhhhh! Democrats need all the votes they can muster. Their modus operandi is to ignore what is right and promote what is good for their remain in control...whether right or wrong.

Liberalism is a mental disorder. They think they are sane.
Senate Dem. Boxer Proposes to Scrap Border Security to Fund Immigrant Healthcare

And let us guess: you’re ‘outraged.’

Did you ever consider that if you and other conservative nitwits put as much time and effort into solving this Nation’s problems as being ‘outraged,’ this country would be a lot better off.
Senate Dem. Boxer Proposes to Scrap Border Security to Fund Immigrant Healthcare

And let us guess: you’re ‘outraged.’

Did you ever consider that if you and other conservative nitwits put as much time and effort into solving this Nation’s problems as being ‘outraged,’ this country would be a lot better off.

Go slow for me, explain how defunding border security is helping solve problems? Or is this a knee jerk defense of a fellow liberal?
Senate Dem. Boxer Proposes to Scrap Border Security to Fund Immigrant Healthcare

And let us guess: you’re ‘outraged.’

Did you ever consider that if you and other conservative nitwits put as much time and effort into solving this Nation’s problems as being ‘outraged,’ this country would be a lot better off.

You're not smart enough to guess.

I have an idea, why don't the liberals in Washington actually try to address the problems sincce they are in charge?

Why do liberals have such an issue with securing the borders? I really don't get it.
Senate Dem. Boxer Proposes to Scrap Border Security to Fund Immigrant Healthcare

And let us guess: you’re ‘outraged.’

Did you ever consider that if you and other conservative nitwits put as much time and effort into solving this Nation’s problems as being ‘outraged,’ this country would be a lot better off.

Go slow for me, explain how defunding border security is helping solve problems? Or is this a knee jerk defense of a fellow liberal?

Obama can't do any wrong, ya know. If the liberals say we don't need to spend money on border security, then the blind followers will believe it.

When terrorists walk through the border and do damage, they'll find a way to blame Republicans.

I love how they keep saying that things would be better if the Republicans acted. I am thinking it's an admission that the left has failed miserably. When they get their way, it's a fucking disaster. Just look at Obamacare. Millions of illegals means either taking jobs away from us or adding to the welfare burden. Instead of insisting that Mexico get it's shit together, we keep picking up the slack for them.

For a while, the left bitched and bitched that we sent all the jobs to Mexico. Well, if that's true, why the fuck are they coming here looking for work instead of taking the jobs we sent there? Maybe they are more interested in living on the liberal plantation and not working. It's encouraged these days and they are flooding in to get their "fair share" of the handouts.
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Senate Dem. Boxer Proposes to Scrap Border Security to Fund Immigrant Healthcare

And let us guess: you’re ‘outraged.’

Did you ever consider that if you and other conservative nitwits put as much time and effort into solving this Nation’s problems as being ‘outraged,’ this country would be a lot better off.

Isn't that what the nitwits we all voted into office are supposed to be doing?
Senate Dem. Boxer Proposes to Scrap Border Security to Fund Immigrant Healthcare

And let us guess: you’re ‘outraged.’

Did you ever consider that if you and other conservative nitwits put as much time and effort into solving this Nation’s problems as being ‘outraged,’ this country would be a lot better off.

You're not smart enough to guess.

I have an idea, why don't the liberals in Washington actually try to address the problems sincce they are in charge?

Why do liberals have such an issue with securing the borders? I really don't get it.

It's far more important for liberals to stay in power than prevent future Democrats from crashing our welfare system. Party before country and all...

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