Senate Dem. Boxer Proposes to Scrap Border Security to Fund Immigrant Healthcare

If we're going to merge with mexico.---> I'd rather this money go toward education!

A-If we don't merge but give the amnesty to the 20 million we will have too.
-At least 20-30 billion directly toward educating these people to our level. America will go into a tail spin towards the third world if we don't do this.

B-If We merge with Mexico
-10 trillion dollars in infrastructure, science and tech. Some of this would of course would be spread evenly between the two former countries.
-We'd use our military to put down the drug cartels.

Anything else is pure idiocy. If we're going to be taking care of the population of Mexico...Well, we better damn well do it right.
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So instead of securing the border so we don't have to fund the healthcare of people entering our country illegally, she proposes we leave the border open and just paying for the healthcare of and ever growing population of people with absolutely no loyalty to our nation?

How the hell is this woman in the Senate? Where do the Democrats come up with these incredibly stupid and corrupt people? Let's just fund the health care of everyone in the world. Guam is going to capsize. I mean seriously how do these people get into office?

The Feds shouldn't be involved in our healthcare. Yet we are supposed to give them power to hand out our tax money anyone who crosses the border illegally? It's just mindblowing that anyone could possibly think this is an intelligent idea.

God is going to destroy this people and He will be completely justified because we let people like this govern us.
If this happens we should just merge with Mexico.

I'm dead serious. We would be better off with their tax base and resources.

Let's be honest.

Annexing Mexico wouldn't necessarily be a bad idea theoretically. It would shorten the southern border for security purposes.

But quite frankly, the language barrier is a problem. And our culture is so screwed up right now that if we had an influx of their culture to that magnitude, nothing that's unique about America would survive.

We need to restore our American culture. And we can only do that by going back to the source that created it to begin with. Judeo-Christian Principles + knowledge from the Enlightement + Divine Providence.
Senate Dem. Boxer Proposes to Scrap Border Security to Fund Immigrant Healthcare

And let us guess: you’re ‘outraged.’

Did you ever consider that if you and other conservative nitwits put as much time and effort into solving this Nation’s problems as being ‘outraged,’ this country would be a lot better off.

We've got solutions to this nations problems. In fact, they fairly simple solutions proved again and again over the course of human history. Unfortunately, people like yourself would rather support idiots like Boxer and make the problems worse rather than actually fix them.

CHARTS: Border/Enforcement Spending and Deportation Levels Continue to Skyrocket Under Obama ? Immigration Reform | America's Voice

Of course DHS spending is highest under Obama, someone has to pay for those billions of rounds of ammunition and armored vehicles they are buying like drunken sailors.

Nothing like selling out our country right before our eyes

but you elected them, your masters
Who in hell wants to provide HC for illegal aliens??

Get picked up as an illegal in Mexico and see how well you are treated.

HC for Illegals. Good Gawd what is this country coming to??
They need to give amnesty and sell out the citizens in this country to help pay for ObamaCare..
If this happens we should just merge with Mexico.

I'm dead serious. We would be better off with their tax base and resources.

Let's be honest.
There's already a plan for that, it's called The North American Union. Bush also signed the Security and Prosperity Partnership in 2006 (or 2007) which implements a lot of that.

Look it up if you don't believe me..
Senate Dem. Boxer Proposes to Scrap Border Security to Fund Immigrant Healthcare

And let us guess: you’re ‘outraged.’

Did you ever consider that if you and other conservative nitwits put as much time and effort into solving this Nation’s problems as being ‘outraged,’ this country would be a lot better off.

You're not smart enough to guess.

I have an idea, why don't the liberals in Washington actually try to address the problems sincce they are in charge?

Why do liberals have such an issue with securing the borders? I really don't get it.

That last question is easy to answer.

They do not want to stop illegals from entering the country because they are certain they will eventually pass amnesty rights followed shortly thereafter by voting rights for aliens and viola! Guaranteed wins for liberals for 100 years... To hell with the good ole US of A!

Now do you understand ;)

If we merged with mexico, we would be mexico. Mexico would not be more like United States.
Senate Dem. Boxer Proposes to Scrap Border Security to Fund Immigrant Healthcare

And let us guess: you’re ‘outraged.’

Did you ever consider that if you and other conservative nitwits put as much time and effort into solving this Nation’s problems as being ‘outraged,’ this country would be a lot better off.

you mean like you do Jones?.....Far Lefties like you are part of the problem.....just bitch about anyone to your Right....and never have a solution yourself....yea we would be a lot better off listening to people like you...
Senate Dem. Boxer Proposes to Scrap Border Security to Fund Immigrant Healthcare

And let us guess: you’re ‘outraged.’

Did you ever consider that if you and other conservative nitwits put as much time and effort into solving this Nation’s problems as being ‘outraged,’ this country would be a lot better off.

Isn't that what the nitwits we all voted into office are supposed to be doing?

Jones would never say that.....because that would include his side.....he is not allowed to blame them...or question them.....
Senate Dem. Boxer Proposes to Scrap Border Security to Fund Immigrant Healthcare

And let us guess: you’re ‘outraged.’

Did you ever consider that if you and other conservative nitwits put as much time and effort into solving this Nation’s problems as being ‘outraged,’ this country would be a lot better off.


How much extra in Taxes do you send in to the Gov to help "solve" these "issues"?
Barbara "The Bitch" Boxer. Is she trying to kill the Gang of 8 bill all by herself? Oh well. I say let her. Then it won't be the GOP's fault and they won't get called racist for it. Thanks Dumbocrats!

you are not allowed to insult democrats bud.
Senate Dem. Boxer Proposes to Scrap Border Security to Fund Immigrant Healthcare

And let us guess: you’re ‘outraged.’

Did you ever consider that if you and other conservative nitwits put as much time and effort into solving this Nation’s problems as being ‘outraged,’ this country would be a lot better off.

12 and a half years of listening to you libs bitch about Bush and inventing problems out of thin air, and now we have a real problem that you've had 4.5 years to work on and all you can do is expect us to fix it for you.

This is why I can't take any of you numb-nuts seriously anymore. You just don't live in the real world like the rest of us. These are real problems that Obama promised to deal with and now he's moved on. If congress fucks up and gives him a bill he'll sign it. But it's become clear that Democrats caused illegal immigration. It's really not our problem and frankly anyone who works with Democrats needs to have their heads examined.
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